422 research outputs found

    New Record of Diversity and Distribution Pattern of Local Butterfly in Ternate Island

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    Ternate is one of the spots in the Walacea expedition. Ternate Island has unique characteristics in the diversity of flora and fauna. So far, information on local butterfly diversity has not been reported. The purpose of this study is to update the latest information on the diversity and distribution pattern of local butterfly species on the island of Ternate for conservation efforts. An exploratory descriptive research using survey method has been conducted at the research location on the island of Central Ternate. The results of the study found 88 individuals consisting of 15 types of local butterflies from 5 families, namely; 1) family Papilionidae as many as 2 species including Pachliopta polyphontes, Papilio sataspes; 2) the Nymphalidae family as many as 9 species including Euploea tulliolus, Danaus genutia, Mycalesis perseus caesonia, Paratica Aspasia-aspasia, Limenitis helena, Yoma sabina, Vindula dejone dorokusana, Ideopsis similis, Cyrestis acilia latifascia; 3) family Pieridae as many as 2 types Pieris brassicae, Eurema sari sodalis); 4) 1 species of Lycaenidae family (Arhopala major) and 5) 1 species of Callidulidae family (Callidula evander). The local butterfly diversity index value on the island of Central Ternate is H'= 2.33 categorized as low diversity. Furthermore, the analysis of the distribution pattern is 17.6 or S2 > x̄, categorized as group distribution

    An analogue of Hardy's theorem for very rapidly decreasing functions on semi-simple Lie groups

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    We generalise a result of Hardy, which asserts the impossibility of a function and its Fourier transform to be simultaneously “very rapidly decreasing” to: (i) all noncompact, semi-simple Lie groups with one conjugacy class of Cartan subgroups; (ii) SL(2, R); and (iii) all symmetric spaces of the noncompact type

    Hardy's uncertainty principle on semisimple groups

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    A theorem of Hardy states that, if f is a function on R such that |f(x)|≤ C e−α|x|2 for all x in R and |f(ξ)|≤ C e−β|ξ|2 for all ξ in R, where α > 0, β > 0, and αβ > 1∕4, then f = 0. Sitaram and Sundari generalised this theorem to semisimple groups with one conjugacy class of Cartan subgroups and to the K-invariant case for general semisimple groups. We extend the theorem to all semisimple groups

    Analysis of Word Formation Process in Register Used by English and Indonesian Football Commentary

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    This study examines the use of register and word-formation in football commentary, focusing on Indonesian and English commentators. With European countries being the center of the football industry, studying the commentary from these languages can provide insights for other countries, including Indonesia. The aim of this research is to identify the application of register and classify word-formation patterns in Indonesian and English football commentary. Linguistic theories from experts such as George Yule, Katamba, O’Grady and Guzman, and Stockwell and Minkova are utilized. A descriptive qualitative research method is employed, analyzing video documentation of matches using Simak Bebas Libat Cakap (SLBC) to collect data. The findings reveal 78 word formations in both Indonesian and English commentary, with compounding and coinage being the most frequent processes. The word-formation analysis found compounding, coinage, borrowing, derivation, reduplication, and abbreviation. Differences and similarities are observed in terms of word usage, word-formation patterns, and the background factors influencing them

    EFL students’ preferences on digital platforms during emergency remote teaching: Video Conference, LMS, or Messenger Application?

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    The use of technology in language learning has extensively expanded in line with the advancement of technology itself. However, the investigation into the implementation of video conferences, learning management systems, and mobile applications, particularly during the emergency remote teaching/the Covid-19 pandemic, is still lacking. This paper presents survey data from three groups of Indonesian EFL students using three different digital learning platforms: Cisco WebEx Meeting video conferencing, Google Classroom learning management system (LMS), and WhatsApp mobile messenger application. The purpose of the study was to determine the students’ preferences including their perception and point of views on using the platforms and application during the remote teaching situation. There were 140 EFL students from two universities/institutes in Jakarta and Aceh to take part as the participants. The instrument was a questionnaire based on criteria of CALL evaluation, and descriptive analysis using percentages and thematic analysis was applied. The findings show that the Cisco WebEx Meeting, Google Classroom, and WhatsApp gained highly positive agreement on all criteria. Specifically, the Cisco WebEx meeting got the highest scores on authenticity and meaning focus. Meanwhile, for GC and WhatsApp, the criteria on language learning potential, meaning focus and authenticity achieved the highest scores. Moreover, WhatsApp is the most preferred among others in meaning focus, learner fit, positive impact, and practicality.  However, the three digital platforms received the lowest score on a positive impact at each group-participant. It seemingly indicates that they thought the full online digital learning system they experienced during ERT is less preferable than face-to-face learning


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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of health services at the Jailolo Hospital and to determine the factors that influence the effectiveness of the Jailolo Hospital services. This research method uses a qualitative method with a descriptive research type. The data were collected by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. To determine the effectiveness of health services at the Jailolo Hospital, researchers analyzed data using six indicators according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number 4 of 2019 concerning Technical Standards for Fulfilling Basic Service Quality in Minimum Service Standards in the Health Sector. The results showed that the effectiveness of health services at the Jailolo Hospital had been carried out but not yet fully effective because there were still services that were complained about because they were not good in terms of discipline and comfort. Polyclinic directions were not provided, the lack of medical support equipment, and complaints were aspirated through the form of complaints that have been provided by the complaint installation. The Jailolo Hospital always improves and updates suggestions/aspirations from the community and factors that affect the effectiveness of services, namely the awareness factor of officers to serve service users with their capabilities. Regulatory factors greatly affect services as well as good timeliness procedures that have been set but have not been implemented by service personnel; the human resource factor affects the effectiveness of services because attitude training and education related to health services have not been provided. The service facility factor is also important for the achievement of service effectiveness because by providing medical services and medical support to the maximum, it will lead to a positive response from service users which can increase the effectiveness of Jailolo Hospital services


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    This study aims to analyze the development of the frozen kebab industry in Pekanbaru City. In this study, the number of research population is all frozen kebab industry business actors in Pekanbaru City, namely 7 businesses, the sampling in this study uses the census method because the population is less than 100 so that the entire population is sampled. The analytical method used is descriptive quantitative. Measurements carried out in this study are by using a questionnaire, the existing data is processed and analyzed using data tabulation, while to analyze it is by using a SWOT analysis tool. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the results of the IE matrix analysis are compiled by plotting the total score of the IFAS and EFAS matrices. On the average weight and rating, these internal factors have the highest average weight and rating. Weakness is frozen resistance outside of refrigeration. This means that respondents consider this factor to be the most important weakness compared to other weaknesses. The main opportunity for the frozen kebab industry in Pekanbaru City is the increasing use of social media which is increasingly becoming an easier and more economical promotion target. While the threat is the existence of policies that require social distancing so as to limit direct meetings with consumers. This means that respondents consider this factor to be the most important threat compared to other threat indicators. Based on the IE Matrix, it is in the S-O strategy column, this is because the meeting between IFAS and EFAS is on opportunities and strengths

    Uji Toksisitas Sub Kronik Ekstrak Daun Kembang Sungsang (Gloriosa Superba L.) terhadap Fungsi Ginjal Tikus Putih

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    . Kembang sungsang (Gloriosa superba L.) including families Colchicaceae, empirically this plant can be used to treat gout, diuretic, rheumatic and cultivated because of its use. All parts of this plant contain alkaloids called colchichin and gloriosin and most found on the tuber. From the results of previous research, the ethanol extract of leaves and flowers antihiperurisemia Breech is included in the class materials "Practically Non-Toxic." However, repeated administration may cause toxic effects on body organs. Test the effect of 70% ethanol extract of kembang sungsang leaves of kidney function in male and female white rats. There are 3 (three) doses of test materials which are: 32.25 mg, 21.5 mg and 14.35 mg/100 g bw., And as a control was distilled water. Test and control material was administered orally in accordance with a predetermined time is 45 days, 90 days and 104 days (recovery period for the largest dose) administration. Observation is done by sacrificing mice according to given deadlines. Results of blood biochemistry analysis showed that drug therapy for 45 days, to increase blood urea and creatinine, but the award of 90 and 104 days (recovery) decreased creatinine levels