924 research outputs found

    IP Pegasi in outburst: Echelle spectroscopy & Modulation Doppler Tomography

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    We analyse a unique set of time-resolved echelle spectra of the dwarf nova IP Peg, obtained at ESO's NTT with EMMI. The dataset covers the wavelength range of 4000-7500A and shows Balmer, HeI, HeII and heavier elements in emission. IP Peg was observed one day after the peak of an outburst. The trailed spectra, spectrograms and Doppler maps show characteristics typical of IP Pegasi during the early stages of its outburst. The high-ionisation line of HeII 4686A is the most centrally located line and has the greatest radial extension compared to the HeI lines. The Balmer lines extend from close to the white dwarf up to approximately 0.45 times R_L, with the outer radius gradually increasing when moving from H delta to H alpha. The application, for the first time, of the modulation Doppler tomography technique, maps any harmonically varying components present in the system configuration. We find, as expected, that part of the strong secondary star emission in Balmer and HeI lines is modulated predominantly with the cosine term, consistent with the emission originating from the irradiated front side of the mass-donor star, facing the accreting white dwarf. For the Balmer lines the level of the modulation, compared to the average emission, decreases when moving to higher series. Emission from the extended accretion disk appears to be only weakly modulated, with amplitudes of at most a few percent of the non-varying disk emission. We find no evidence of modulated emission in the spiral arms, which if present, is relatively weak at that our signal-to-noise ratio was good enough to put a lower detection limit of any modulated emission at 5--6%. Only in one arm of the HeII 4686A line, is there a possibility of modulated emission, but again, we cannot be sure this is not caused by blending with the nearby Bowen complex of lines.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Journal of Astronomical Dat

    Extending emission line Doppler tomography ; mapping modulated line flux

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    Emission line Doppler tomography is a powerful tool that resolves the accretion flow in binaries on micro-arcsecond scales using time-resolved spectroscopy. I present an extension to Doppler tomography that relaxes one of its fundamental axioms and permits the mapping of time-dependent emission sources. Significant variability on the orbital period is a common characteristic of the emission sources that are observed in the accretion flows of cataclysmic variables and X-ray binaries. Modulation Doppler tomography maps sources varying harmonically as a function of the orbital period through the simultaneous reconstruction of three Doppler tomograms. One image describes the average flux distribution like in standard tomography, while the two additional images describe the variable component in terms of its sine and cosine amplitudes. I describe the implementation of such an extension in the form of the maximum entropy based fitting code MODMAP. Test reconstructions of synthetic data illustrate that the technique is robust and well constrained. Artifact free reconstructions of complex emission distributions can be achieved under a wide range of signal to noise levels. An application of the technique is illustrated by mapping the orbital modulations of the asymmetric accretion disc emission in the dwarf nova IP Pegasi.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Time-resolved spectroscopy of the pulsating CV GW Lib

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    We present time-resolved optical spectroscopy of the dwarf nova GW Librae during its rare 2007 April superoutburst and compare these with quiescent epochs. The data provide the first opportunity to track the evolution of the principal spectral features. In the early stages of the outburst, the optically thick disc dominates the optical and the line components show clear orbital radial velocity excursions. In the course of several weeks, optically thin regions become more prominent as strong emission lines replace the broad disc absorption. Post-outburst spectroscopy covering the I band illustrates the advantages of Ca II relative to the commonly used Balmer lines when attempting to constrain binary parameters. Due to the lower ionization energy combined with smaller thermal and shear broadening of these lines, a sharp emission component is seen to be moving in between the accretion disc peaks in the Ca II line. No such component is visible in the Balmer lines. We interpret this as an emission component originating on the hitherto unseen mass donor star. This emission component has a mean velocity of similar to -15 +/- 5 km s(-1) which is associated with the systemic velocity., and a velocity semi-amplitude of K-em = 82.2 +/- 4.9 km s(-1). Doppler tomography reveals an asymmetric accretion disc, with the S-wave mapping to a sharp spot in the tomogram with a velocity consistent to what is obtained with line profile fitting. A centre of symmetry analysis of the disc component suggests a very small value for the WD orbital velocity K-1 as is also inferred from double Gaussian fits to the spectral lines. While our conservative dynamical limits place a hard upper limit on the binary mass ratio of q < 0.23, we favour a significantly lower value near q similar to 0.06. Pulsation modelling suggests a white dwarf mass similar to 1 M-circle dot. This, paired with a low-mass donor, near the empirical sequence of an evolved cataclysmic variable close to the period bounce, appears to be consistent with all the observational constraints to date

    Quiescent NIR and optical counterparts to candidate black hole X-ray binaries

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    We present near-infrared and optical imaging of fifteen candidate black hole X-ray binaries. In addition to quiescent observations for all sources, we also observed two of these sources (IGR J17451-3022 and XTE J1818-245) in outburst. We detect the quiescent counterpart for twelve out of fifteen sources, and for the remaining three we report limiting magnitudes. The magnitudes of the detected counterparts range between KsK_s = 17.59 and KsK_s = 22.29 mag. We provide (limits on) the absolute magnitudes and finding charts of all sources. Of these twelve detections in quiescence, seven represent the first quiescent reported values (for MAXI J1543-564, XTE J1726-476, IGR J17451-3022, XTE J1818-245, MAXI J1828-249, MAXI J1836-194, Swift J1910.2-0546) and two detections show fainter counterparts to XTE J1752-223 and XTE J2012+381 than previously reported. We used theoretical arguments and observed trends, for instance between the outburst and quiescent X-ray luminosity and orbital period PorbP_{orb} to derive an expected trend between ΔKs\Delta K_s and PorbP_{orb} of ΔKslogPorb0.565\Delta K_s \propto \log P_{orb}^{0.565}. Comparing this to observations we find a different behaviour. We discuss possible explanations for this result.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The not-so-massive black hole in the microquasar GRS1915+105

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    We present a new dynamical study of the black hole X-ray transient GRS1915+105 making use of near-infrared spectroscopy obtained with X-shooter at the VLT. We detect a large number of donor star absorption features across a wide range of wavelengths spanning the H and K bands. Our 24 epochs covering a baseline of over 1 year permit us to determine a new binary ephemeris including a refined orbital period of P=33.85 +/- 0.16 d. The donor star radial velocity curves deliver a significantly improved determination of the donor semi-amplitude which is both accurate (K_2=126 +/- 1 km/s) and robust against choice of donor star template and spectral features used. We furthermore constrain the donor star's rotational broadening to vsini=21 +/-4 km/s, delivering a binary mass ratio of q=0.042 +/- 0.024. If we combine these new constraints with distance and inclination estimates derived from modelling the radio emission, a black hole mass of M_BH=10.1 +/- 0.6 M_sun is inferred, paired with an evolved mass donor of M_2=0.47 +/- 0.27 M_sun. Our analysis suggests a more typical black hole mass for GRS1915+105 rather than the unusually high values derived in the pioneering dynamical study by Greiner et al. (2001). Our data demonstrate that high-resolution infrared spectroscopy of obscured accreting binaries can deliver dynamical mass determinations with a precision on par with optical studies

    The two INTEGRAL X-ray transients IGR J17091--3624 and IGR J17098--3628: a multi-wavelength long term campaign

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    IGR J17091-3624 and IGR J17098-3628 are two X-ray transients discovered by INTEGRAL and classified as possible black hole candidates (BHCs). We present here the results obtained from the analysis of multi-wavelength data sets collected by different instruments from 2005 until the end of 2007 on both sources. IGR J17098-3628 has been regularly detected by INTEGRAL and RXTE over the entire period of the observational campaign; it was also observed with pointed observations by XMM and Swift/XRT in 2005 and 2006 and exhibited flux variations not linked with the change of any particular spectral features. IGR J17091-3624 was initially in quiescence (after a period of activity between 2003 April and 2004 April) and it was then detected again in outburst in the XRT field of view during a Swift observation of IGR J17098--3628 on 2007 July 9. The observations during quiescence provide an upper limit to the 0.2-10 keV luminosity, while the observations in outburst cover the transition from the hard to the soft state. Moreover, we obtain a refined X-ray position for IGR J17091-3624 from the Swift/XRT observations during the outburst in 2007. The new position is inconsistent with the previously proposed radio counterpart. We identify in VLA archive data a compact radio source consistent with the new X-ray position and propose it as the radio counterpart of the X-ray transient.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    V2051 Ophiuchi after superoutburst : out-of-plane material and the superhump light source

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    Aims. We performed a detailed spectroscopic analysis of the dwarf nova V2051 Oph at the end of its 1999 superoutburst. We studied and interpreted the simultaneous behaviour of various emission lines. Methods. We obtained high-resolution echelle spectroscopic data at ESO’s NTT with EMMI, covering the spectral range of 4000–7500 Å. The analysis was performed using standard IRAF tools. The indirect imaging technique of Doppler tomography was applied, in order to map the accretion disc and distinguish between the different emission sources. Results. The spectra are characterised by strong Balmer emission, together with lines of He i and the iron triplet Fe ii 42. All lines are double-peaked, but the blue-to-red peak strength and central absorption depth vary. The primary’s velocity was found to be 84.9 kms−1. The spectrograms of the emission lines reveal the prograde rotation of a disc-like emitting region and, for the Balmer and He i lines, an enhancement of the red-wing during eclipse indicates a bright spot origin. The modulation of the double-peak separation shows a highly asymmetric disc with non-uniform emissivity. This is confirmed by the Doppler maps, which apart from the disc and bright spot emission also indicate an additional region of enhanced emission in the 4th quadrant (+Vx, −Vy), which we associate with the superhump light source. Given the behaviour of the iron triplet and its distinct differences from the rest of the lines, we attribute its existence to an extended gas region above the disc. Its origin can be explained through the fluorescence mechanism