273 research outputs found

    Influence of religiosity on the quality of life and on pain intensity in chronic pancreatitis patients after neurolytic celiac plexus block:Case-controlled study

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    The quality of life in patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP) is reduced due to their suffering of high levels of pain. It has been presented that quality of life can also be linked to religiosity and/or spirituality. The aim of this study is to assess the influence of religious practices on the quality of life and on the subjective level of pain in CP patients. Ninety-two patients (37 women and 55 men) with chronic pancreatitis were treated invasively for pain with neurolytic celiac plexus block (NCPB). The religiosity of the patients was recorded and served as a dichotomizer. Group 1 was for patients who claimed to have no contact with the church or to have very sporadic contact (N = 35 patients). Group 2 was for patients who claimed to have deep faith and were regular participants at church activities (N = 57 patients). Visual analogue scale was used to assess pain, while the quality of life was measured by using QLQ C-30 questionnaire adapted for chronic pancreatitis patients in Polish population. The patients were assessed prior to the pain-relieving intervention and subsequently 2 and 8 weeks after it. The intensity of pain was reduced in both groups significantly after performing the NCPB. Patients who declared a deep faith reported higher level of pain on the VAS scale prior to intervention than non-religious patients. Quality of life in both groups of patients significantly improved after NCPB. Following NCPB, global quality of life in patients who declared higher religiosity/church attendance was significantly higher (79.88) than for those patients who have no contact or sporadic contact with the church (44.21, P < 0.05). NCPB resulted in significant reduction of pain and increase in quality of life in both groups of patients with CP. Nevertheless, in the group declaring higher religiosity/church attendance, reported pain was higher, but, despite that, quality of life better. It may be concluded that religious practices might serve as an additional factor improving quality of life and coping in patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis. Keywords Chronic pancreatitis Pain Coping Religiosity Neurolytic coeliac plexus block NCPB Spiritualit


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    Summary of publications allowed the researchers to determine that the crisis in the banking sector at the micro level there (at the level of individual elements of the banking system) and macro level (at the level of the banking system). This stipulates that the causal relationship between them is difficult to establish clear. It was established that this necessitates the formation of specific mechanisms and choice of instruments of crisis regulation. Diagnosis in the public crisis management – is a set of actions aimed at identifying the sources and symptoms of the crisis, as well as the identification of the factors activating the banking crisis. The main purpose of this process is to neutralize the negative impact of factors and prevent the crisis unfolding banking crisis. To achieve diagnostic purposes must be the formation of analytical tools, taking into account the features of the objects of crisis management.В статье определена сущность диагностики как составляющей механизма государственного антикризисного регулирования банковской системы. Установлено, что объектами диагностики является микроуровень (уровень отдельных элементов банковской системы) и макроуровень (уровень банковской системы). Целью применения диагностического инструментария является выявление источников, факторов и симптомов кризисных явлений для формирования комплекса превентивных антикризисных мер. Автором охарактеризованы инструментарий, который целесообразно использовать для диагностики банковского кризиса на микро- и макроуровне. В статті визначено сутність діагностики як складової механізму державного антикризового регулювання банківської системи. Визначено, що об’єктами діагностики є мікрорівень (рівень окремих елементів банківської системи) та макрорівень (рівень банківської системи). Метою діагностичних заходів є виявлення джерел, факторів та симптомів кризових явищ задля формування комплексу превентивних антикризових заходів. Автором надано характеристику інструментарію, що можу бути використаний для діагностики банківської кризи на мікро- та макрорівнях

    Resources for Supporting Mathematics and Data Science Instructors During COVID-19

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    In late May of 2020, a few months after the raging COVID-19 pandemic forced university faculty to quickly switch to online teaching, the Associated Colleges of the South (ACS) released a call for grant applications to support working groups to help faculty within our consortium who will be teaching during the pandemic (e.g., from hybrid courses with some remote/online components to fully remote/online courses; socially distanced face-to-face courses). We replied to this call and the ACS awarded the six of us (from four ACS schools) a Summer Rapid Response Grant in early June. The grant funded our efforts to create and provide to other faculty Mathematics and Data Science Resources to Support Socially Relevant Teaching in the Time of COVID-19. This paper summarizes our efforts and includes the resources that we developed