866 research outputs found

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    Properties of PEDOT:PEG/ZnO/p-Si heterojunction diode

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    The zinc oxide (ZnO) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) bis-poly(ethyleneglycol) (PEDOT:PEG) films were deposited on p-Si substrate by sputter and spin coating methods, respectively. An organic/inorganic heterojunction diode having PEDOT:PEG/ZnO on p-Si substrate was fabricated. The barrier height (BH) and the ideality factor values for the device were found to be 0.82 ± 0.01 eV and 1.9 ± 0.01, respectively. It has been seen that the value of BH is significantly larger than those of conventional Au/p-Si metal–semiconductor contacts. The PEDOT:PEG/ZnO/p-Si heterostructure exhibits a non-ideal I–V behavior with the ideality factor greater than unity that could be ascribed to the interfacial layer, interface states and series resistance. The modified Norde\u27s function combined with conventional forward I–V method was used to extract the parameters including the barrier height and series resistance. At the same time, the physical properties of ZnO and PEDOT:PEG films deposited by sputter and spin coating technique, respectively, were investigated at room temperature. The obtained results indicate that the electrical parameters of the diode are affected by structural properties of ZnO film and PEDOT:PEG organic film

    The Energy Eigenvalues of the Two Dimensional Hydrogen Atom in a Magnetic Field

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    In this paper, the energy eigenvalues of the two dimensional hydrogen atom are presented for the arbitrary Larmor frequencies by using the asymptotic iteration method. We first show the energy eigenvalues for the no magnetic field case analytically, and then we obtain the energy eigenvalues for the strong and weak magnetic field cases within an iterative approach for n=2−10n=2-10 and m=0−1m=0-1 states for several different arbitrary Larmor frequencies. The effect of the magnetic field on the energy eigenvalues is determined precisely. The results are in excellent agreement with the findings of the other methods and our method works for the cases where the others fail.Comment: 13 pages and 5 table

    Identification of New Resistance Sources From Diploid Wild Strawberry Against Powdery Mildew Pathogen

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    Powdery mildew pathogen causes diseases in berries and resistance breeding is hampered by the lack of sufficient sources. While control of fungal pathogens relies on chemical fungicides. In either case, a reliable source of resistance for breeding purposes is imperative for efficient protection of the crop plants. A powdery mildew isolate designated GOU1 has been identified as Podosphaera aphanis var. aphanis using light microscopy and sequencing the ITS region. Pathogenicity tests on 3 diploid wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) ecotypes with GOU1 revealed 3 distinctive interaction phenotypes; enhanced susceptible (ecotype 1), intermediate susceptible (ecotype 2) and resistant (ecotype 3). In vitro staining methods with diaminobenzidine and trypan blue showed massive mycelial web and conidiophore production on the susceptible ecotype, but there was no mycelia and conidiophore production on the resistant ecotype 3. In the ecotype 3 conidiospore penetration was associated with accumulation of hydrogen peroxide production on the host cells. These findings suggest that these ecotypes could be explored as resistant gene sources to powdery mildew fungus

    Modeling the impact of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico with an eco-hydrological landslide model

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    This study proposes an advanced hydrologic/landslide modeling application to assess the spatial distribution of rainfall-induced landslides for a sub-basin in central Puerto Rico. The framework implements a stability component into a spatially distributed physically-based hydrological model coupled to a model of plant physiology. Puerto Rico is an ideal study site to assess the performance of landslide modeling efforts due to the availability of thousands of catalogued landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria (HMA) during September 19-22, 2017. The main objective of the study is to simulate the observed landslide events forcing a coupled eco-hydrological-stability model, the tRIBS-VEGGIE-Landslide, with weather data of HMA. The tRIBS-VEGGIE-Landslide model has the advantage of accounting for the vegetation dynamics that affect the soil moisture patterns at an hourly scale and for the soil-water characteristic curve and the saturated shear strength parameters (cohesion and friction angle) to assess the factor of safety (FS) in space and time, using an infinite slope model. The modeling application focuses on two small sub-basins of the Rio Saliente watershed, each smaller than 1 km2. The small study area allows for the use of a 5m DEM resolution topography, which has been derived from a 1m resolution LiDAR measurements. Since many radar and ground stations were destroyed during the hurricane, the hourly time series of the HMA event has been reconstructed by using the NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) – Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) gridded Stage IV data, produced by NOAA National Weather Service. The precipitation data resulted in a maximum hourly intensity of 64.52 mm/hr, maximum daily intensity of 294.56 mm/day, and rainfall total of 332.15 mm, consistent with other daily reconstructions. Preliminary results demonstrate the importance of the spatial computational mesh and accurate characterization of soil parameters, which play an essential role in simulating landslides with mechanistic models

    Two Electrons in a Quantum Dot: A Unified Approach

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    Low-lying energy levels of two interacting electrons confined in a two-dimensional parabolic quantum dot in the presence of an external magnetic field have been revised within the frame of a novel model. The present formalism, which gives closed algebraic solutions for the specific values of magnetic field and spatial confinement length, enables us to see explicitly individual effects of the electron correlation.Comment: 14 page

    Querying industrial stream-temporal data: An ontology-based visual approach

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    An increasing number of sensors are being deployed in business-critical environments, systems, and equipment; and stream a vast amount of data. The operational efficiency and effectiveness of business processes rely on domain experts’ agility in interpreting data into actionable business information. A domain expert has extensive domain knowledge but not necessarily skills and knowledge on databases and formal query languages. Therefore, centralised approaches are often preferred. These require IT experts to translate the information needs of domain experts into extract-transform-load (ETL) processes in order to extract and integrate data and then let domain experts apply predefined analytics. Since such a workflow is too time intensive, heavy-weight and inflexible given the high volume and velocity of data, domain experts need to extract and analyse the data of interest directly. Ontologies, i.e., semantically rich conceptual domain models, present an intelligible solution by describing the domain of interest on a higher level of abstraction closer to the reality. Moreover, recent ontology-based data access (OBDA) technologies enable end users to formulate their information needs into queries using a set of terms defined in an ontology. Ontological queries could then be translated into SQL or some other database query languages, and executed over the data in its original place and format automatically. To this end, this article reports an ontology-based visual query system (VQS), namely OptiqueVQS, how it is extended for a stream-temporal query language called STARQL, a user experiment with the domain experts at Siemens AG, and STARQL’s query answering performance over a proof of concept implementation for PostgreSQL
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