78 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic Shocks: Short-Run versus Long-Run Perspectives

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    Shocks that stem from goods and money markets are supposed to be influential as it takes some time for economic agents to realize their true impacts. Therefore, these shocks can induce uncertainty about key macroeconomic variables such as CPI inflation and real GDP growth. Impacts of nominal and real shocks are computed, evaluated and compared under short-run as well as under long-run restrictions for CPI inflation and real GDP. Furthermore, different countries with varying resource structures are incorporated to achieve a comprehensive and generalized analysis. Structural VAR models are employed in order to functionalize short-run and long-run restrictions. Impulse response analysis is done to analyze effects of nominal and real shocks on CPI inflation and real GDP in short-run as well as in long-run. Variance decompositions are done to locate main sources of uncertainties in CPI inflation and real GDP. Shocks from product market appeared to be more pervasive in comparison to shocks from money market

    Macroeconomic Shocks: Short-Run versus Long-Run Perspectives

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    Shocks that stem from goods and money markets are supposed to be influential as it takes some time for economic agents to realize their true impacts. Therefore, these shocks can induce uncertainty about key macroeconomic variables such as CPI inflation and real GDP growth. Impacts of nominal and real shocks are computed, evaluated and compared under short-run as well as under long-run restrictions for CPI inflation and real GDP. Furthermore, different countries with varying resource structures are incorporated to achieve a comprehensive and generalized analysis. Structural VAR models are employed in order to functionalize short-run and long-run restrictions. Impulse response analysis is done to analyze effects of nominal and real shocks on CPI inflation and real GDP in short-run as well as in long-run. Variance decompositions are done to locate main sources of uncertainties in CPI inflation and real GDP. Shocks from product market appeared to be more pervasive in comparison to shocks from money market

    Establishment of an efficient callus induction and plant regeneration system in Pakistani wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars

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    Four commercially grown wheat varieties of Pakistan, namely Inqilab-91, Chakwal-97, Tatara and Manthar were used for this investigation. For callus induction different concentrations of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,4-D) along with 0.1 mg/L of Kinetin were evaluated. For regeneration initially different concentrations of Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) and 6-BenzylAminoPurine (BAP) were tested. Best hormone combinations were further subjected to Kinetin and 6-γ-γ-dimethylallylaminopurine (2iP). For Inqilab-91, Chakwal-97 and Manthar, 3 mg/L of 2,4-D was found optimum, which induced 83.25%, 77.75% and 95.20% of embryogenic calli, respectively. Maximum callus induction (97.18%) was observed in Tatara when 2 mg/L of 2,4-D was used. As regard to regeneration, Inqilab-91, Chakwal-97 and Manthar showed maximum regeneration on media containing 0.1 mg/L IAA, 0.4 mg/L Kinetin and 0.5 mg/L 2iP, regenerating 87.25%, 81.75% and 68.75% respectively. For Tatara maximum regeneration of 12.25% was obtained on 0.1 mg/L IAA and 2 mg/L of BAP. Presently optimized regeneration method holds promise for facilitating the deployment of agronomical important trait through genetic transformation for the improvement of this important food crop

    パキスタン国における麦類遺伝資源の共同調査と収集, 1996

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    A joint mission for collecting wheat and barley in Pakistan was undertaken from July 1 to July 24, 1996. The exploration was divided into two stages, and covered high altitudal areas in NWFP (first stage) and Gilgit Agency (second stage). The itinerary and exploration route are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1. The mission covered about 4,715km and collections were made at altitudes ranging from 1,170 to 3,280m (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). In all 217 samples in 18 genera, 23 species were collected (Table 2). Almost all samples of wheat and barley were collected from farmers\u27 stores and were mainly landraces. A great diversity was observed among these crops


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    The coal sites of our country Pakistan especially Baluchistan and their micro flora have not been defined properly. However, it is thought to harbour a number of microbes including harmful, non-harmful gram positive, gram negative, acidophilic, alkaliphilic, halophiles, and thermophiles within itself. The proposed study aims to seek a cultural and diversified cataloguing of the entire micro flora present in the coal sites of Mach, Baluchistan. The study spreads to a timeline of 3 months and samples will be collected from Mach coal mine. Moreover, workers, who are suffering from lung diseases in particular were, will also be subjected to analysis to assess probable correlation with microbes. Total of 150 samples were collected in which 50 of coal dust samples were collected with sterilized swabs. 50 samples of airborne debris from mines sewerage water where collected in pre-sterilized Duran bottles. Moreover 50 sputum mine worker samples were collected in sterilized stomacher bag for isolation and correlation studies. Out of 150 samples we isolate different genera of kingdom monera which are related to coal mines and environment. Isolated microbes includes harmful, non-harmful gram positive, gram negative,acidophile, alkaliphilic, halophiles sulphur oxidising and thermophiles bacteria’s which perform different activities according to the atmosphere and offered nutrient’s .obligate acidophilic, heterotropic ,aerobic motile ,gram negative bacteria are generally found. Acidiothiobacillus species is major among them. Beside it, Pseudomonas, flavobacteriu species, shigella specie, vibrio parahaemolyticuc, Staphylococcal aureus and Escherichia coli colonies are also obtained. Microscopy performs for colony morphology. During microscopy we found different shapes of bacteria’s like rod, cocci, spring shape etc. Further more we perfume APi 20 kit test for some bacterial species and compile the results. The study concluded that coal mines are riche in microbial flora which is effective for coal miners and also for the GDP growth of the country. Somehow there are also harmful bacteria’s but they do not produce great impact on miner. Keywords: coal mine microbial flora , microscopy, biochemical test

    Blockchain adoption for sustainable supply chain management : economic, environmental, and social perspectives

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    Due to the rapid increase in environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources, the focus of researchers is shifted from economic to socio-environmental problems. Blockchain is a disruptive technology that has the potential to restructure the entire supply chain for sustainable practices. Blockchain is a distributed ledger that provides a digital database for recording all the transactions of the supply chain. The main purpose of this research is to explore the literature relevant to blockchain for sustainable supply chain management. The focus of this review is on the sustainability of the blockchain-based supply chain concerning environmental conservation, social equality, and governance effectiveness. Using a systematic literature review, a total of 136 articles were evaluated and categorized according to the triple bottom-line aspects of sustainability. Challenges and barriers during blockchain adoption in different industrial sectors such as aviation, shipping, agriculture and food, manufacturing, automotive, pharmaceutical, and textile industries were critically examined. This study has not only explored the economic, environmental, and social impacts of blockchain but also highlighted the emerging trends in a circular supply chain with current developments of advanced technologies along with their critical success factors. Furthermore, research areas and gaps in the existing research are discussed, and future research directions are suggested. The findings of this study show that blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the entire supply chain from a sustainability perspective. Blockchain will not only improve the economic sustainability of the supply chain through effective traceability, enhanced visibility through information sharing, transparency in processes, and decentralization of the entire structure but also will help in achieving environmental and social sustainability through resource efficiency, accountability, smart contracts, trust development, and fraud prevention. The study will be helpful for managers and practitioners to understand the procedure of blockchain adoption and to increase the probability of its successful implementation to develop a sustainable supply chain network

    High-Throughput Sequencing of Six Bamboo Chloroplast Genomes: Phylogenetic Implications for Temperate Woody Bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)

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    BACKGROUND: Bambusoideae is the only subfamily that contains woody members in the grass family, Poaceae. In phylogenetic analyses, Bambusoideae, Pooideae and Ehrhartoideae formed the BEP clade, yet the internal relationships of this clade are controversial. The distinctive life history (infrequent flowering and predominance of asexual reproduction) of woody bamboos makes them an interesting but taxonomically difficult group. Phylogenetic analyses based on large DNA fragments could only provide a moderate resolution of woody bamboo relationships, although a robust phylogenetic tree is needed to elucidate their evolutionary history. Phylogenomics is an alternative choice for resolving difficult phylogenies. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we present the complete nucleotide sequences of six woody bamboo chloroplast (cp) genomes using Illumina sequencing. These genomes are similar to those of other grasses and rather conservative in evolution. We constructed a phylogeny of Poaceae from 24 complete cp genomes including 21 grass species. Within the BEP clade, we found strong support for a sister relationship between Bambusoideae and Pooideae. In a substantial improvement over prior studies, all six nodes within Bambusoideae were supported with ≥0.95 posterior probability from Bayesian inference and 5/6 nodes resolved with 100% bootstrap support in maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses. We found that repeats in the cp genome could provide phylogenetic information, while caution is needed when using indels in phylogenetic analyses based on few selected genes. We also identified relatively rapidly evolving cp genome regions that have the potential to be used for further phylogenetic study in Bambusoideae. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The cp genome of Bambusoideae evolved slowly, and phylogenomics based on whole cp genome could be used to resolve major relationships within the subfamily. The difficulty in resolving the diversification among three clades of temperate woody bamboos, even with complete cp genome sequences, suggests that these lineages may have diverged very rapidly

    Mapping development and health effects of cooking with solid fuels in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000-18 : a geospatial modelling study

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    Background More than 3 billion people do not have access to clean energy and primarily use solid fuels to cook. Use of solid fuels generates household air pollution, which was associated with more than 2 million deaths in 2019. Although local patterns in cooking vary systematically, subnational trends in use of solid fuels have yet to be comprehensively analysed. We estimated the prevalence of solid-fuel use with high spatial resolution to explore subnational inequalities, assess local progress, and assess the effects on health in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) without universal access to clean fuels.Methods We did a geospatial modelling study to map the prevalence of solid-fuel use for cooking at a 5 km x 5 km resolution in 98 LMICs based on 2.1 million household observations of the primary cooking fuel used from 663 population-based household surveys over the years 2000 to 2018. We use observed temporal patterns to forecast household air pollution in 2030 and to assess the probability of attaining the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target indicator for clean cooking. We aligned our estimates of household air pollution to geospatial estimates of ambient air pollution to establish the risk transition occurring in LMICs. Finally, we quantified the effect of residual primary solid-fuel use for cooking on child health by doing a counterfactual risk assessment to estimate the proportion of deaths from lower respiratory tract infections in children younger than 5 years that could be associated with household air pollution.Findings Although primary reliance on solid-fuel use for cooking has declined globally, it remains widespread. 593 million people live in districts where the prevalence of solid-fuel use for cooking exceeds 95%. 66% of people in LMICs live in districts that are not on track to meet the SDG target for universal access to clean energy by 2030. Household air pollution continues to be a major contributor to particulate exposure in LMICs, and rising ambient air pollution is undermining potential gains from reductions in the prevalence of solid-fuel use for cooking in many countries. We estimated that, in 2018, 205000 (95% uncertainty interval 147000-257000) children younger than 5 years died from lower respiratory tract infections that could be attributed to household air pollution.Interpretation Efforts to accelerate the adoption of clean cooking fuels need to be substantially increased and recalibrated to account for subnational inequalities, because there are substantial opportunities to improve air quality and avert child mortality associated with household air pollution. Copyright (C) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe