425 research outputs found

    Postabortion family planning operations research study in Perm, Russia

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    EngenderHealth, the Population Council’s FRONTIERS program, and the Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, with support from the Perm Health Departments, undertook an operations research study to test models for increasing contraceptive use and reducing the repeat abortion rate among abortion clients in Perm, Russia. The study also assessed the direct and indirect costs of abortion and contraceptive use incurred by women in the year following their index abortion (the abortion which took place the day of entry into the study). The findings of the study were significant for the training interventions and dissemination of educational materials and job aids. Results of the study indicate that institutionalizing family planning counseling for all abortion clients is a low-cost quality-enhancing intervention for the existing healthcare system that does not require increased personnel, purchase of expensive equipment, or remodeling of healthcare facilities. Because of this, the counseling interventions included in the study can be easily replicated in any Russian oblast or city healthcare facility

    Нові підходи щодо оцінки якості генетичного матеріалу бугаїв-плідників

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    On  the first stage  experiments  are conducted  by the aim of establishment  on  how  many higher the real indexes of fresh sperm and dilute protective environments after moving away of cellular debris, extraneous cages and dead cages. On the second stage, comparison of basic physiological indexes of the fertilization faction got from deconservation sperm and compared to the corresponding indexes of з sperm was conducted, that was not subject to the special cleansing procedure. Difference  between research and control groups, in relation to survivability of sperm and index of absolute survivability of sperm was statistically reliable (Р < 0,001), as for fresh sperm so for sperm, that carried freezing and  thawing in liquid nitrogen. Faction of sperm, that has impregnating ability potentially, as fresh sperm so that was subject to freezing and thawing substantially differ in the row of biological indexes of sperm,  that creates  the necessity  of introduction of new additional descriptions for the analysis of sperm. Index  of  survivability  of  sperm, that potentially has impregnating ability at  deconservation  sperm rose on three hours or on a 32,8 percent’s . Index of absolute survivability of sperm, that potentially has impregnating ability rose on 8,19 conditional units. The modernized method of estimation of quality of sperm of bulls is offered. It is  set that  treatment of sperm with the  use of gradients of closeness exceeds the indexes of activity, to  survivability and absolute survivability as at  fresh standards of sperm so at  deconservation standards of sperm, that gives an opportunity more objectively  to describe quality of sperm. Results over of researches of biological quality of  sperm of bulls of meat blackly-pied and red-pied suckling breed are brought depending on the method of treatment of tests. Additional  descriptions of analysis sperm are entered, they can become the major criteria of estimation of full value and impregnating ability.Запропоновано модернізований метод оцінки якості сперми бугаїв. Встановлено, що обробка сперми з використанням градієнтів щільності сприяє підвищенню показників рухливості, виживаності та абсолютної виживаності як у свіжих зразках, так і в заморожено-відталій спермі, що дає можливість більш об’єктивно охарактеризувати якість біоматеріалу. Запропоновані нові характеристики спермограм бугаїв: «виживаність потенційно-фертильної фракції сперми», «показник абсолютної виживаності потенційно-фертильної фракції сперми» можуть стати важливими критеріями оцінки еякулятів бугаїв. Наведено результати досліджень показників біологічної якості сперми бугаїв симентальської Української чорно-рябої молочної  та червоно-рябої голштинської породи залежно від методу обробки проб. Потенційно-фертильна фракція як свіжоотриманої, так і заморожено-відталої сперми, суттєво відрізняється за рядом біологічних від середніх показників сперми, що робить необхідним введення в показники спермограми додаткових характеристик. Показник виживаності потенційно-фертильної фракції заморожено-відталої сперми підвищився майже на 3 год, або на 32,8 %. Показник абсолютної виживаності потенційно-фертильної фракції підвищився на 8,19 умов.одн

    The subject of crime: the problem of establishing age limits of criminal responsibility

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    This article presents the authors’ analysis of the problem of determining the subject of a crime as a legal concept, and defining the legal characteristics of a person who has committed a crime by features that are necessary for criminal responsibility (individual, age, and responsibility

    Effect of mechanical activation on the composition if mineral components in humic acids isolated from carbons

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    It is shown that the mechanical activation of oxidized and brown coals is accompanied by an increase in the yield of humic acids and in their content of functional groups. It was demonstrated by atomic-emission spectroscopy that, under a high-intensity mechanical treatment, mineral elements are redistributed in the coal substance and incorporated into the structure of humic acids

    Determination of effect of Ballóta nígra extract on the state of lipid peroxidation and rats' antioxidant system under chronic immobilization stress

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    Ability to correct free-radical peroxidation of membrane lipids in rats' organism by oral administration of Ballóta nígra extract containing complex of natural antioxidants has been investigated in experimental conditions. In experiment animals were divided on 6 groups of six animals each. Rats of group 1, which is intact (conventional condition), and rats of group 2 (exposed to the stress by immobilization for 5 hours) were intraperitoneally injected through the probe with 1.5 ml of distilled water. Animals of groups 3, 4, 5 and 6 were intraperitoneally injected through the probe with 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml, 1.5 ml and 2.0 ml of Ballóta nígra extract, correspondingly, once daily prior to the stress exposition. Immobilization stress was modeled by the keeping rats for 5 hours in restraining cage. Animals of all groups were decapitated under ether anesthesia for 5 hours after modelling of immobilization stress, in other words – against the background of maximal stress exposition. Blood serum was used for investigation. Lipid peroxidation was determined, namely: level of primary oxidation products – diene conjugates (DC) and secondary products – malondialdehyde (MDA) and state of antioxidant system such as determination of catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity with a spectrophotometric method. To detect changes of parameters to be examined these levels were estimated in control and test animals after 5, 15 and 30 days, correspondingly. Taking into account the results of investigation of catalase and SOD under chronic immobilization stress we can come to conclusion that these parameters correlate better than parameters of LPO (DC and TBA-AP), this indicates on significant antioxidant and stress-modelling action of Ballóta nígra liquid extract. It has been found that Ballóta nígra extract in the dose of 1.5 and 2 ml influences on the state of LPO and antioxidant system better

    Effect of small and radical surgical injury on the level of different populations of circulating tumor cells in the blood of breast cancer patients

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    Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) constitute a heterogeneous population. Some tumor cells are cancer stem cells (CSCs), while others are in the process of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT); however, most CTCs are neither stem cells nor in the EMT. This prospective study of 22 patients with nonspecific-type invasive carcinoma of the breast identified different populations of CTCs by flow cytometry in the blood of patients before biopsy, after biopsy and after surgical tumor removal without neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The results showed that minor surgical injury (biopsy) was accompanied by a significant increase in the blood levels of CTCs without signs of the EMT or stemness (Epcam+CD45-CD44-CD24-Ncadh-) and CTCs with signs of stemness and without signs of the EMT (Epcam+CD45-CD44+CD24-Ncadh-). Our results suggest that minor surgical injury to a tumor contributes to the release of CTCs into the bloodstream, including a population of stem cells


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    A rapid, unified, highly sensitive and selective procedure for bis(2-chloroethyl)sulfide (sulfur mustard, SM) determination in matrices with high sorption activity using gas chromatography-tandem mass-spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) was developed. Ceramic tile, concrete, various types of bricks and polymers were studied as objects of the analysis. The parameters for the GC-MS/MS determination of SM were optimized. The efficiency of five solvents (diethyl ether, 2-chloropropane, acetonitrile, hexane, and acetone) for the extraction of SM from the various matrices was studied. 2-chloropropane was the extraction solvent of choice. The developed procedure is based on the extraction of SM from the matrix and the concentration of the extract under the stream of nitrogen to 0.2 mL followed by GC-MS/MS analysis. The LODs for SM in all investigated matrices were 0.7-0.9 ng/g (0.007-0.009 MPC). The long-term stability of SM in various materials was studied. It was shown that in brick, concrete and ceramic samples the residual amount of SM after five months of storage at 4°C was below the LOD of the method, while in polymer samples under the same storage condition the amount of SM has not changed significantly. The developed procedure has been applied to the analysis of samples from the former chemical weapons destruction facility.Key words: bis(2-chloroethyl)sulfide, sulfur mustard, construction materials, gas chromatography, tandem mass-spectrometryDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.2.004 M.D. Shachneva, N.L. Koryagina, E.I. Savelieva Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human EcologyFederal State Unitary Enterprise, Federal Medical Biological Agency,g/p Kuz’molovsky, Vsevolozhsky District, Leningrad Region, 188663, Russian FederationРазработана унифицированная высокочувствительная высокоселективная и экспрессная процедура определения бис(2-хлорэтил)сульфида (сернистого иприта) в образцах с высокой сорбционной активностью методом газовой хроматографии с тандемным масс-селективным детектированием (ГХ-МС/МС). Процедура основана на экстракции бис(2-хлорэтил)сульфида из матрицы и концентрировании экстракта в токе азота до 0.2 мл с последующим анализом методом ГХ-МС/МС. В качестве объектов анализа исследованы керамическая плитка, бетон, различные виды кирпича и полимеров. Предел определения иприта в разных матрицах составил 0.7-0.9 нг/г (0.007-0.009 ПДК). Изучена эффективность пяти экстрагентов (диэтилового эфира, 2-хлорпропана, ацетонитрила, гексана и ацетона) для извлечения аналита из матриц различной природы. Показано, что для извлечения бис(2-хлорэтил)сульфида из впитывающих материалов оптимальным экстрагентом является 2-хлорпропан. Исследована стабильность бис(2-хлорэтил)сульфида в составе впитывающих материалов в процессе длительного хранения. Показано, что в образцах на основе бетона после пяти месяцев хранения при температуре 4 °С остаточное содержание бис(2-хлорэтил)сульфида ниже предела обнаружения методики, в то время как в полимерных материалах в этих же условиях хранения содержание бис(2-хлорэтил)сульфида практически не менялось. Проведена апробация методики на образцах строительных материалов, отобранных при мониторинге бывшего объекта по уничтожению химического оружия на этапе конверсии.Ключевые слова: бис(2-хлорэтил)сульфид, сернистый иприт, строительные материалы, газовая хроматография, тандемное масс-селективное детектированиеDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.2.00

    Atrial fibrillation and stroke prevention: 25 years of research at EP Europace journal

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    Stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) is one pillar of the management of this common arrhythmia. Substantial advances in the epidemiology and associated pathophysiology underlying AF-related stroke and thrombo-embolism are evident. Furthermore, the introduction of the non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (also called direct oral anticoagulants) has clearly changed our approach to stroke prevention in AF, such that the default should be to offer oral anticoagulation for stroke prevention, unless the patient is at low risk. A strategy of early rhythm control is also beneficial in reducing strokes in selected patients with recent onset AF, when compared to rate control. Cardiovascular risk factor management, with optimization of comorbidities and attention to lifestyle factors, and the patient's psychological morbidity are also essential. Finally, in selected patients with absolute contraindications to long-term oral anticoagulation, left atrial appendage occlusion or exclusion may be considered. The aim of this state-of-the-art review article is to provide an overview of the current status of AF-related stroke and prevention strategies. A holistic or integrated care approach to AF management is recommended to minimize the risk of stroke in patients with AF, based on the evidence-based Atrial fibrillation Better Care (ABC) pathway, as follows: A: Avoid stroke with Anticoagulation; B: Better patient-centred, symptom-directed decisions on rate or rhythm control; C: Cardiovascular risk factor and comorbidity optimization, including lifestyle changes