364 research outputs found

    How Spherical Is a Cube (Gravitationally)?

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    An important concept that is presented in the discussion of Newton\u27s law of universal gravitation is that the gravitational effect external to a spherically symmetric mass distribution is the same as if all of the mass of the distribution were concentrated at the center.1,2 By integrating over ring elements of a spherical shell, we show that the gravitational force on a point mass outside the shell is the same as that of a particle with the same mass as the shell at its center. This derivation works for objects with spherical symmetry while depending on the fact that the gravitational force between two point masses varies inversely as the square of their separation.3 If these conditions are not met, then the problem becomes more difficult. In this paper, we remove the condition of spherical symmetry and examine the gravitational force between two uniform cubes


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat simpanan, tingkat sisa hasil usaha, pengaruh simpanan terhadap sisa hasil usaha pada Koperasi Karyawan “Harapan Kita” PT. Ceres – PT. PCI Periode 2015-2018, serta permasalahan dan upaya yang dilakukan berkaitan dengan simpanan dan sisa hasil usaha pada Koperasi Karyawan “Harapan Kita” PT. Ceres – PT. PCI. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang meliputi studi lapangan, dokumentasi, dan kajian pustaka. Dari hasil penelitian, tingkat simpanan dan sisa hasil usaha setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa simpanan berpengaruh terhadap sisa hasil usaha sebesar 90% yang artinya sangat kuat sisanya 10% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Permasalahan yang terjadi diantaranya penurunan jumlah anggota , minimnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran anggota, kurangnya pengecekan barang dan minimnya luas lahan untuk display barang yang akan dijual ke anggota. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut koperasi melakukan melakukan kerjasama dengan perusahaan mengenai calon anggota potensial, pemberian rewards tambahan untuk karyawan yang memiliki simpanan diatas 10 juta, membuat jadwal pengontrolan barang yang diperjual belikan di toko secara rutin agar barang tertata rapi serta memaksimalkan area outdoor untuk display barang. Adapun saran yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah merekrut karyawan lama untuk menjadi anggota, mewajibkan keanggotan koperasi melalui serikat pekerja dan perusahaan, mengubah ketentuan minimal simpanan, exspansi perluasan waserda, merubah kebijakan penjulan barang ke selain anggota

    Implementation of Equal Educational Learning at the Community Learning Activities Center (PKBM) Bina Insani Bandung

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    This study aims to describe: 1) Preparation for learning equality education, 2) Supporting factors and inhibiting factors for the implementation of learning equality education. This research is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research results obtained in this study are the application of learning activities at PKBM Bina Insani Bandung based on the 2006 curriculum standards which include: 1) The preparatory stage for learning equality education has been carried out properly. Preparation for learning in the form of compiling a syllabus carried out by tutors is categorized as good, 2) Supporting factors and inhibiting factors for the implementation of equality education learning. The supporting factors are the existence of sufficient infrastructure for the learning process, while the inhibiting factors are the lack of motivation of learning residents to take part in learning at PKBM, the lack of funding sources, the motivation and fighting spirit of PKBM management which is still low, the place is still rented, the facilities and infrastructure are still limited , and the lack of public awareness of the importance of education

    Pembuatan Kapal Nelayan Fiberglass Kota Padang dengan Metode Hand Lay Up

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    Kapal nelayan dari bahan kayu lambat laun sudah mulai ditinggalkan oleh nelayan. Kini, nelayan sudah banyak beralih menggunakan kapal dari material fiberglass. Ini dikarenakan jumlah bahan kayu yang sudah semakin terbatas, dan harganya juga sangat mahal. Selain itu, kapal kayu membutuhkan banyak sekali perawatan dan masa pakainya juga terbatas. Sementara kelebihan kapal fiberglass antara lain, usia atau masa pakai kapal lebih tahan lama, perawatan jauh lebih mudah dan hemat biaya (cost). Kapal fiber juga jauh lebih ringan, dan lebih maksimal dalam produksi tangkap ikan. Proses pembuatan kapal fiberglass yang banyak dibuat, menggunakan teknik Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP). Dalam pembuatan kapal fiber, ada dua metode laminasi yang sering digunakan, yakni Hand Lay Up dan Chopper Gun. Metode ini adalah metode laminasi yang paling mudah dan sederhana. Hand Lay Up adalah metode cetakan terbuka (open mould). Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara mengaplikasikan resin pada bahan penguat dengan menggunakan kuas/rol. Penelitian dilakukan di daerah nelayan Pantai Muaro Padang. Ada lima unit kapal nelayan fiberglass yang menjadi sampel. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membantu nelayan, khususnya memproduksi kapal fiberglass yang jauh lebih baik untuk memaksimalkan hasil tangkapan ikan

    Acrylamide formation in vegetable oils and animal fats during heat treatment

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    The method of liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometry was utilized and modified to confirm and quantify acrylamide in heating cooking oil and animal fat. Heating asparagine with various cooking oils and animal fat at 180 °C produced varying amounts of acrylamide. The acrylamide in the different cooking oils and animal fat using a constant amount of asparagine was measured. Cooking oils were also examined for peroxide, anisidine and iodine values (or oxidation values). A direct correlation was observed between oxidation values and acrylamide formation in different cooking oils. Significantly less acrylamide was produced in saturated animal fat than in unsaturated cooking oil, with 366 ng/g in lard and 211 ng/g in ghee versus 2447 ng/g in soy oil, followed by palm olein with 1442 ng/g

    Quiet time variability of the geosynchronous magnetic field and its response to the solar wind

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    We present a survey of the variability of the geosynchronous magnetic field strength on the dayside using observations by the GOES satellites over a period exceeding 4 years. Only intervals of reduced geomagnetic activity, as defined by Dst \u3e −20 nT, were considered in this study. The magnetic field strength data were filtered with a passband of 1.7 mHz to 17 mHz (1–10 minutes), a process that eliminates the diurnal variation of the field strength and the effects of most of the higher frequency (\u3e17 mHz) ultralow-frequency (ULF) waves. The geosynchronous field strength appears to exhibit the greatest variability in the prenoon sector for spiral interplanetary magnetic fields (IMF) and in the postnoon sector for orthospiral IMF, suggesting that pressure pulses generated in the foreshock/bow shock region may have a significant influence on the geosynchronous field. The seasonal dependence of the variability was determined to be positively correlated to the seasonal dependence of ground-based observations of magnetic impulse events. The response of the variability of the geosynchronous magnetic field strength around local noon to solar wind parameters was also studied. Here, we observed that the variability was strongly affected by changes in the solar wind dynamic pressure but was seemingly independent of the northward/southward direction of the interplanetary magnetic field. However, for high solar wind dynamic pressures, the variability was found to be greater for northward IMF than for southward IMF


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefktifan penerimaan pendapatan Negara dari cukai rokok. Obyek dalam penelitian ini tentang pendapatan Negara yang berasal dari cukai rokok. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini  menunjukan bahwa tingkat efektifitas penerimaan cukai rokok yang diketahui setiap tahunnya mengalami kenaikan

    Global profiles of compressional ultralow frequency wave power at geosynchronous orbit and their response to the solar wind

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    We investigate the global local-time profiles of compressional wave power in three ultralow frequency (ULF) bands corresponding to Pc3, Pc4, and Pc5 pulsations using magnetic field data from the geosynchronous GOES satellites. The global power profiles of the three frequency bands are studied for low, moderate, and high levels of geomagnetic activity based on the Dst index. We also consider the seasonal variation of the ULF power profiles, as well as the effects of solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) parameters. For high geomagnetic activity, we find that the greatest power is associated with compressional Pc5 pulsations in the afternoon sector; for low geomagnetic activity, ULF power levels are consistently highest in the tail region. A summer power minimum in all three frequency bands is observed in our study of seasonal variation, while higher power levels occur around local midnight throughout the year. The enhancement of ULF power by high solar wind velocity and pressure is greater for the lower-frequency waves. Furthermore, solar wind plasma parameters have a significantly greater influence on ULF wave power than IMF parameters like cone angle and northward/southward orientation

    Effect of organic acid ingredients in marinades containing different types of sugar on the formation of heterocyclic amines in grilled chicken

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    The aim of the study was to determine the use of alternative organic acids in formulating marinade ingredients to reduce heterocyclic amines (HCA) in grilled chicken (satay). Samples were marinated with table sugar, brown sugar, and honey with the addition of tamarind, lemon, lime, and calamansi for 24 h at 4 °C. The pH readings before and after marinating were measured. HCA concentrations before and after grilling were quantified. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) in the combined HCAs among the control and marinated grilled chickens. Using lemon in marinades containing table sugar, concentrations of DiMeIQx were significantly reduced (p < 0.006) from 16.5 ng/g (low) to 8.30 ng/g for (high) concentrations of organic acid ingredients. The mean pH of the treated samples was significantly lower (p<0.05) than in the control samples. Calamansi was found to reduce HCAs in marinades containing table sugar and brown sugar, whereas tamarind in marinades containing honey