54,554 research outputs found

    Pomeron pole plus grey disk model: real parts, inelastic cross sections and LHC data

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    I propose a two component analytic formula F(s,t)=F(1)(s,t)+F(2)(s,t)F(s,t)=F^{(1)}(s,t)+F^{(2)}(s,t) for (abab)+(abˉabˉ)(ab\rightarrow ab) +(a\bar{b}\rightarrow a\bar{b}) scattering at energies 100GeV\ge 100 GeV ,where s,ts,t denote squares of c.m. energy and momentum transfer.It saturates the Froissart-Martin bound and obeys Auberson-Kinoshita-Martin (AKM) \cite{AKM1971} scaling. I choose ImF(1)(s,0)+ImF(2)(s,0)Im F^{(1)}(s,0)+Im F^{(2)}(s,0) as given by Particle Data Group (PDG) fits to total cross sections. The PDG formula is extended to non-zero momentum transfers using partial waves of ImF(1)Im F^{(1)} and ImF(2)Im F^{(2)} motivated by Pomeron pole and 'grey disk' amplitudes . ReF(s,t)Re F(s,t) is deduced from real analyticity: I prove that ReF(s,t)/ImF(s,0)(π/lns)d/dτ(τImF(s,t)/ImF(s,0))Re F(s,t)/ImF(s,0) \rightarrow (\pi/\ln{s}) d/d\tau (\tau Im F(s,t)/ImF(s,0) ) for ss\rightarrow \infty with τ=t(lns)2\tau=t (ln s)^2 fixed, and apply it to F(2)F^{(2)}.Using also the forward slope fit by Schegelsky-Ryskin , the model gives real parts,differential cross sections for (t)<.3GeV2(-t)<.3 GeV^2, and inelastic cross sections in good agreement with data at 546GeV,1.8TeV,7TeV546 GeV, 1.8 TeV,7 TeV and 8TeV 8 TeV . It predicts for inelastic cross sections for pppp or pˉp\bar{p} p, σinel=72.7±1.0mb\sigma_{inel}=72.7\pm 1.0 mb at 7TeV7TeV and 74.2±1.0mb74.2 \pm 1.0mb at 8TeV8 TeV in agreement with pppp Totem experimental values 73.1±1.3mb73.1\pm 1.3 mb and 74.7±1.7mb74.7\pm 1.7 mb respectively, and with Atlas values 71.3±0.9mb71.3\pm 0.9 mb and 71.7±0.7mb71.7\pm 0.7mb respectively. The predictions at 546GeV546 GeV and 1800GeV1800 GeV also agree with pˉp\bar{p} p experimental results of Abe et al \cite{Abe} at 546GeV546 GeV and 1800GeV1800 GeV. The model yields for s>0.5TeV\sqrt{s}> 0.5 TeV, with PDG2013 total cross sections , and Schegelsky-Ryskin slopes as input, σinel(s)=22.6+.034lns+.158(lns)2mb,andσinel/σtot0.56,s,\sigma_{inel} (s) =22.6 + .034 ln s + .158 (ln s)^2 mb , and \sigma_{inel} / \sigma_{tot} \rightarrow 0.56, s\rightarrow \infty , where ss is in GeV2GeV^2Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Contextual Deterministic Quantum Mechanics

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    We present a simple proof of quantum contextuality for a spinless particle with a one dimensional configuration space. We then discuss how the maximally realistic deterministic quantum mechanics recently constructed by this author and V. Singh can be applied to different contexts.Comment: 7 pages,latex,no fig

    Marginal distributions in (2N)(\bf 2N)-dimensional phase space and the quantum (N+1)(\bf N+1) marginal theorem

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    We study the problem of constructing a probability density in 2N-dimensional phase space which reproduces a given collection of nn joint probability distributions as marginals. Only distributions authorized by quantum mechanics, i.e. depending on a (complete) commuting set of NN variables, are considered. A diagrammatic or graph theoretic formulation of the problem is developed. We then exactly determine the set of ``admissible'' data, i.e. those types of data for which the problem always admits solutions. This is done in the case where the joint distributions originate from quantum mechanics as well as in the case where this constraint is not imposed. In particular, it is shown that a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for the existence of solutions is nN+1n\leq N+1. When the data are admissible and the quantum constraint is not imposed, the general solution for the phase space density is determined explicitly. For admissible data of a quantum origin, the general solution is given in certain (but not all) cases. In the remaining cases, only a subset of solutions is obtained.Comment: 29 pages (Work supported by the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research, Project Nb 1501-02). v2 to add a report-n

    Froissart Bound on Total Cross-section without Unknown Constants

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    We determine the scale of the logarithm in the Froissart bound on total cross-sections using absolute bounds on the D-wave below threshold for ππ\pi\pi scattering. E.g. for π0π0\pi^0 \pi^0 scattering we show that for c.m. energy s\sqrt{s}\rightarrow \infty , σˉtot(s,)ssdsσtot(s)/s2π(mπ)2[ln(s/s0)+(1/2)lnln(s/s0)+1]2\bar{\sigma}_{tot}(s,\infty)\equiv s\int_{s} ^{\infty} ds'\sigma_{tot}(s')/s'^2 \leq \pi (m_{\pi})^{-2} [\ln (s/s_0)+(1/2)\ln \ln (s/s_0) +1]^2 where mπ2/s0=17ππ/2m_\pi^2/s_0= 17\pi \sqrt{\pi/2} .Comment: 6 page

    Froissart Bound on Inelastic Cross Section Without Unknown Constants

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    Assuming that axiomatic local field theory results hold for hadron scattering, Andr\'e Martin and S. M. Roy recently obtained absolute bounds on the D-wave below threshold for pion-pion scattering and thereby determined the scale of the logarithm in the Froissart bound on total cross sections in terms of pion mass only. Previously, Martin proved a rigorous upper bound on the inelastic cross-section σinel\sigma_{inel} which is one-fourth of the corresponding upper bound on σtot\sigma_{tot}, and Wu, Martin,Roy and Singh improved the bound by adding the constraint of a given σtot\sigma_{tot}. Here we use unitarity and analyticity to determine, without any high energy approximation, upper bounds on energy averaged inelastic cross sections in terms of low energy data in the crossed channel. These are Froissart-type bounds without any unknown coefficient or unknown scale factors and can be tested experimentally. Alternatively, their asymptotic forms,together with the Martin-Roy absolute bounds on pion-pion D-waves below threshold, yield absolute bounds on energy-averaged inelastic cross sections. E.g. for π0π0\pi^0 \pi^0 scattering, defining σinel=σtot(σπ0π0π0π0+σπ0π0π+π)\sigma_{inel}=\sigma_{tot} -\big (\sigma^{\pi^0 \pi^0 \rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0} + \sigma^{\pi^0 \pi^0 \rightarrow \pi^+ \pi^-} \big ),we show that for c.m. energy s\sqrt{s}\rightarrow \infty , σˉinel(s,)ssdsσinel(s)/s2(π/4)(mπ)2[ln(s/s1)+(1/2)lnln(s/s1)+1]2\bar{\sigma}_{inel }(s,\infty)\equiv s\int_{s} ^{\infty } ds'\sigma_{inel }(s')/s'^2 \leq (\pi /4) (m_{\pi })^{-2} [\ln (s/s_1)+(1/2)\ln \ln (s/s_1) +1]^2 where 1/s1=34π2πmπ21/s_1= 34\pi \sqrt{2\pi }\>m_{\pi }^{-2} . This bound is asymptotically one-fourth of the corresponding Martin-Roy bound on the total cross section, and the scale factor s1s_1 is one-fourth of the scale factor in the total cross section bound. The average over the interval (s,2s) of the inelastic π0π0\pi^0 \pi^0 cross section has a bound of the same form with 1/s11/s_1 replaced by 1/s2=2/s11/s_2=2/s_1 .Comment: 9 pages. Submitted to Physical Review

    Exact Solutions of the Caldeira-Leggett Master Equation: A Factorization Theorem For Decoherence

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    Exact solutions of the Caldeira-Leggett Master equation for the reduced density matrix for a free particle and for a harmonic oscillator system coupled to a heat bath of oscillators are obtained for arbitrary initial conditions. The solutions prove that the Fourier transform of the density matrix at time t with respect to (x + x')/2, where x and x' are the initial and final coordinates, factorizes exactly into a part depending linearly on the initial density matrix and a part independent of it. The theorem yields the exact initial state dependence of the density operator at time t and its eventual diagonalization in the energy basis.Comment: 8 pages, late

    Carbonic anhydrase iii s-glutathionylation is necessary for anti-oxidant activity

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    Hadronic components of EAS by rigorous saddle point method in the energy range between 10(5) and 10(8) GeV

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    The study of hadronic components in the high energy range between 10 to the 5 and 10 to the 8 Gev exhibits by far the strongest mass sensitivity since the primary energy spectrum as discussed by Linsley and measured by many air shower experimental groups indicates a change of slope from -1.7 to 2.0 in this energy range. This change of slope may be due to several reasons such as a genuine spectral feature of astrophysical origin, a confinement effect of galactic component or a rather rapid change of mass, a problem which we have attempted to study here in detail