122 research outputs found

    Dictionary matching in a stream

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    We consider the problem of dictionary matching in a stream. Given a set of strings, known as a dictionary, and a stream of characters arriving one at a time, the task is to report each time some string in our dictionary occurs in the stream. We present a randomised algorithm which takes O(log log(k + m)) time per arriving character and uses O(k log m) words of space, where k is the number of strings in the dictionary and m is the length of the longest string in the dictionary

    Developing digital literacy in primary school

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    Osnovna karakteristika novog društveno-kulturnog konteksta jeste to što su digitalne tehnologije postale sastavni deo svih aspekata savremenog života – učenja, komunikacije, obavljanja poslova i slobodnog vremena. U takvim okolnostima ukazuje se na nužnost da se digitalne tehnologije pravilno upotrebljavaju, odnosno da se razvijaju kompetencije koje odgovaraju zahtevima digitalnih, umreženih i na znanjima zasnovanih društava; čime digitalna pismenost dobija status „životne veštine“, koja uz čitalačku i matematičku pismenost, postaje „uslov, ali i pravo“ za sve građane (OECD, 2001). Pomenute okolnosti, u kontekstu obrazovanja, otvaraju niz pitanja i dilema za obrazovnu politiku i nauku, istraživače i praktičare, i vode do novih uvida, saznanja, redefinisanja postojećih i kreiranja novih koncepata i fenomena. U skladu sa tim, u ovom radu, razmatrano je koje su to nove veštine i kompetencije neophodne za potpunu participaciju u digitalnom društvu; šta je uslovilo i na koji način su redefinisane koncepcije pismenosti; i gde i na koji način treba razvijati nove veštine i kompetencije, odnosno digitalnu pismenost. Iz odgovora na pomenuta pitanja proistekli su predmet i cilj ovog istraživanja, kojim se teži ka sagledavanju uloge škole i nastavnika u procesu razvijanja digitalne pismenosti kod učenika, odnosno ispitivanju karakteristika prakse razvijanja digitalne pismenosti u kontekstu postojećih školskih uslova, kao i mogućnosti njenog unapređenja. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 12 osnovnih škola iz gradskih i prigradskih opština na teritoriji Beograda, a uzorak čini 157 nastavnika predmetne nastave i 396 učenika osmog razreda. Korišćena je deskriptivno-analitička metoda sa kombinacijom kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih tehnika: anketiranje, skaliranje i fokus grupno intervjuisanje. Rezultati su pokazali da učenici i nastavnici na različite načine razumeju koncept digitalne pismenosti i da se na osnovu dobijenih podataka ne može izvesti zaključak da je među glavnim akterima obrazovnog procesa prisutan digitalni jaz. Prepoznat je značaj formalnog obrazovanja za razvijanje digitalne pismenosti koja se shvata kao međupredmetna kompetencija. Rezultati su pokazali da praksa razvijanja digitalne pismenosti kao međupredmetne kompetencije u osnovnoj školi nije u dovoljnoj meri uspostavljena, iako postoji praksa korišćenja digitalnih tehnologija u procesima nastave i za potrebe učenja. Utvrđeno je da se praksa razvijanja digitalne pismenosti može predvideti na osnovu nastavničkih veština za upotrebu digitalnih tehnologija u nastavi, broja pohađanih obuka iz domena digitalnih tehnologija, kao i na osnovu školske klime, odnosno kako se procenjuje podrška škole i nastavnika za upotrebu digitalnih tehnologija u nastaviThe main characteristic of the new socio-cultural context is that digital technologies have become an integral part of all aspects of modern life – learning, communication, work and leisure. In such circumstances, the necessity to properly use digital technologies becomes important, along with developing competences that meet the requirements of digital, network and knowledge-based societies. In this way, digital literacy is seen as a “life skill”, and together with reading and mathematical literacy, thus becoming both a “requirement” and a “right” for all citizens (OECD, 2001). These circumstances, in the context of education, raise a number of questions and dilemmas for educational policy and science, researchers and practitioners, and lead to new insights, redefining the existing ones and creating new concepts and phenomena. Accordingly, this paper discusses what new skills and competences are necessary for full participation in the digital society; what caused and how the conceptions of literacy were redefined; and where and how new skills and competences, i.e. digital literacy, should be developed. Starting from these questions, the subject and the purpose of this research were derived, with the aim to explore what is the role of school and teachers in the process of developing digital literacy in students, i.e. to examine the characteristics of the practice of developing digital literacy in the context of existing school conditions, as well as the possibilities of its improvement. The research included 12 primary schools in Belgrade, with a sample of 157 subject teachers and 396 eighth grade students. The descriptive-analytical method was used combining the quantitative and qualitative techniques: surveying, scaling and focus group interviewing. The results of the research show that there are differences in students’ and teachers’ understanding of the concept of digital literacy, and that it cannot be concluded that a digital divide exists among the main participants in educational process. The importance of formal education for the development of digital literacy has been recognized, and digital literacy is seen as a cross-curricular competence. The results have shown that the practice of developing digital literacy as this cross-curricular competence in primary school is not sufficiently established, although there is a practice of using digital technologies in teaching and learning processes. It has been determined that the practice of developing digital literacy can be predicted based on teachers’ skills for the use of digital technology in teaching, the number of digital technology training courses attended, as well as on the school climate, that is, how the support of schools and teachers in the use of digital technologies in teaching is assesse

    Simentalska rasa goveda u različitim sistemima proizvodnje

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    The paper gives the analysis on the state in population of Simmental cattle reared in Europe with a special review on the state in Simmental cattle in our country which makes about 80 % total cattle fund in Serbia, and is characterized by a negative trend in the number of cattle, as well as by a low average milk production per cow. The most important results obtained by both domestic and foreign authors by means of various methods of improving Simmental breed and its raising in different systems have been shown. The directions for improving Simmental cattle according to the productive directions have been analyzed. Possible methods of improving the Simmental cattle in our country have been pointed out, which should be in accordance with already existing genetic potential of each actual population, its purpose (registered breeding stock, production breeding stock), as well as with the market needs for cow milk, milk products and meat (primarily beef meat, for export). A special emphasis has been given to the importance of organizing the production of meat in the cow-calf system in which Simmental breed, following the model of many European countries, should have good performance also in our country, if the same production should be organized in deserted hilly and mountainous regions. In this way we could contribute to more significant increase in overall beef production, and to reactivate unused natural resources as well.Analizirano je stanje u populaciji simentalskih goveda koja se gaje u Evropi, sa posebnim osvrtom na stanje simentalske rase kod nas, koja u poslednje dve decenije čini između 80 i 85 % ukupnog fonda goveda Srbije, a koju prati negativni trend brojnosti (veličini populacije), kao i niska prosečna proizvodnja mleka po kravi. Analizirani su pravci oplemenjivanja simentalskih goveda u skladu sa smerovima proizvodnje. Ukazano je na moguće metode oplemenjivanja simentalske rase kod nas, koje bi morale biti u skladu sa postojećim genetskim potencijalom svake konkretne populacije, njenom namenom (matični zapati, proizvodni zapati), kao i u skladu sa potrebama tržišta za kravljim mlekom i mlečnim proizvodima. Kao metod oplemenjivanja simentalske rase kombinovanog smera proizvodnje do sada je više primenjivan metod selekcije u čistoj rasi. Metod meliorativnog ukrštanja simentalske rase sa crvenim holštajnom je značajno manje u primeni i više ga sprovode odgajivači proizvodnih zapata goveda simentalske rase. Poseban akcenat je dat značaju organizovanja proizvodnje mesa u sistemu krava-tele, gde bi simentalska rasa po uzoru na mnoge evropske zemlje i kod nas dala dobre rezultate, ako bi se ista proizvodnja organizovala u napuštenim brdskim i planinskim područjima. Na ovaj način bi se moglo doprineti značajnijem povećanju ukupne proizvodnje junećeg mesa, kao i aktiviranju neiskorišćenih prirodnih resursa, što bi predstavljalo strateški interes države. U cilju povećanja ekonomičnosti u proizvodnji u sistemu krava-tele, neophodno je postizanje maksimalne plodnosti, iz kog razloga bi trebalo redovno primenjivati indukciju i sinhronizaciju estrusa. Sezonu telenja treba planirati u skladu sa konkretnim klimatskim prilikama na konkretnom području, a sve u cilju maksimalnog korišćenja perioda vegetacije (paše) od strane krava i teladi

    Pattern Matching in Multiple Streams

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    We investigate the problem of deterministic pattern matching in multiple streams. In this model, one symbol arrives at a time and is associated with one of s streaming texts. The task at each time step is to report if there is a new match between a fixed pattern of length m and a newly updated stream. As is usual in the streaming context, the goal is to use as little space as possible while still reporting matches quickly. We give almost matching upper and lower space bounds for three distinct pattern matching problems. For exact matching we show that the problem can be solved in constant time per arriving symbol and O(m+s) words of space. For the k-mismatch and k-difference problems we give O(k) time solutions that require O(m+ks) words of space. In all three cases we also give space lower bounds which show our methods are optimal up to a single logarithmic factor. Finally we set out a number of open problems related to this new model for pattern matching.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Mogućnosti stočarstva Srbije - perspektiva i budućnost

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    The paper describes the state of the livestock production in the Republic of Serbia including preliminary results from the 2012 census: according to preliminary data, 908.990 heads of cattle, 3.403.288 pigs, 1.729.278 sheep and 235.576 goats are reared in Serbia. Structural and institutional measures, and measures of credit support should be the main instruments for achieving the goals of progress in animal husbandry. Activities in the breeding-selection work should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of international organizations (ICAR, INTERBULL, EAAP). One of the most important outcome of these activities should result in a level of over 80% of the total population of cattle, pigs, sheep and other species of domestic farm animals in Serbia included in the control of production performance (presently between 25 and 30%). Genetic improvement of cattle, sheep and pigs (milk, meat) is very complex. More efficient use of reproductive technologies (AI - artificial insemination and embryo transfer ET, etc.), also of methods for evaluation of breeding value of farm animals through new methods of evaluation of breeding value of cows and breeding bulls will contribute to faster genetic improvement of production traits of these species of domestic animals. New knowledge in mapping and gene transfer, marker assisted selection, in vitro embryo development, embryo cloning, sexing, etc., are improving rapidly, with new technologies being developed permanently. Breeding/improvement of cattle, sheep and pigs in through breeding - selection work should facilitate further improvement of fertility traits, growth rate, feed efficiency, carcass quality (higher percentage of muscle tissue in the body), the quality of milk and meat, resistance to disease and stress, etc.Početkom 2013. godine dobijeni su preliminarni rezultati popisa poljoprivrede u Republici Srbiji, obavljenog 2012. godine. Ukupan broj goveda je 908.990, svinja 3.403.288, ovaca 1.729.278 i koza 235.576 grla.. Povećanje konkurentnosti stočarstva Srbije se može ostvariti kreiranjem uslova za tržišno okruženje i putem investicija, kako u znanje, tako i u opremu. Zbog toga strukturne i institucionalne mere, kao i mere kreditne podrške treba da budu glavni instrumenti za ostvarenje ovog cilja. Aktivnosti u odgajivačko-selekcijskom radu treba da se sprovode u skladu sa preporukama međunarodnih organizacija (ICAR, INTERBULL, EAAP i druga). Jedan od najvažnijih rezultata ovog rada treba da prouzrokuje nivo od preko 80% ukupne populacije goveda, svinja, ovaca i ostalih vrsta domaćih životinja u Srbiji bude obuhvaćeno kontrolom proizvodnih svojstava (sada između 25 i 30%). Status i ciljevi oplemenjivanja goveda u Srbiji. Genetsko unapređenje goveda (mleko,meso) je vrlo kompleksno. Efikasnije korišćenje reproduktivnih tehnologija (VO-veštačko osemenjavanje i ET-embriotransfer i dr.) i korišćenje metoda za procenu odgajivačke vrednosti domaćih životinja preko novih metoda ocene priplodnih vrednosti bikova i krava će doprineti bržem genetskom unapređenju mlečnosti krava. Nova saznanja u mapiranju i transferu gena, selekciji preko markera, in vitro razvoju embriona, seksiranju i kloniranju embriona i dr. Odgajivački ciljevi-simentalska rasa, prosečna proizvodnja mleka u standardnoj laktaciji preko 6 000 kg; Holštajn frizijska rasa u standardnoj laktaciji preko 8 000 kg. Melezi iz ukrštanja domaćih krava nižih proizvodnih sposobnosti i bikova tovnih rasa, francuskih, italijanskih, engleskih. Odgajivački ciljevi ovakvog oplemenjivačkog rada i korišćenje heterozis efekta je stvaranje takvih genotipova koji će omogućiti završnu telesnu masu meleza F1, junadi od preko 550 kg, prosečni dnevni prirast u tovu preko 1500 g, randman toplih polutki preko 60%, sadržaj mišića u trupu od preko 65%. Status i ciljevi oplemenjivanja ovaca u Srbiji. Oplemenjivanje u cilju povećanja proizvodnje mesa treba da omogući dobijanje jagnjadi sa većim dnevnim prirastom (preko 300 g), veće završne mase tela sa 90 dana uzrasta (preko 28 kg), kao i većeg randmana trupa, više od 58%). Problem prelaska na policikličnost i oplodnju ovaca u toku cele godine obavio bi se na dva načina: genetički, korišćenjem ukrštanja rasa koje manifestuju estrus izvan normalne sezone (dorzet horn, il de france i romanovska) primenom metoda stimulacije, tj. indukcijom i sinhronizacijom estrusa.Tako bi se stvorili uslovi za primenu intenzivnog sistema jagnjenja dva jagnjenja u jednoj godini odnosno tri jagnjenja u dve godine. Sistem jagnjenja, sistem ukrštanja, selekcija i linijsko odgajivanje, zatim skraćenje post partum intervala i povećanje indeksa jagnjenja, kao i broja jagnjadi pri rođenju, rano zalučenje jagnjadi, korišćenje metode veštačkog osemenjavanja, automatskih mašina za dojenje, odgajivanje jagnjadi uspešnom zamenom za mleko i tov jagnjedi od 30 - 45 kg sa 90 do 120 dana. Status i ciljevi oplemenjivanja svinja u Srbiji. Oplemenjivanje svinja u cilju unapređenja mesnatosti preko odgajivačko-selekciojskog rada treba da omogući dalje poboljšanje osobina plodnosti, brzine porasta, iskorišćavanja hrane, kvaliteta trupa (veći procenat mišićnog tkiva u trupu), kvaliteta mesa i otpornosti svinja na bolesti i stres. Odgajivačko-selekcijskim radom neophodno je: povećati genetski potencijal postojećih mesnatih rasa i meleza svinja, raditi na stvaranju linija unutar čistih rasa primenom divergentne selekcije, kako bi se kasnije njihovim ukrštanjem ispoljivo veći heterozis efekat. Cilj selekcije treba da bude povećanje mišićnog tkiva u najvrednijim delovima trupa: but, plećka i kare. Odgajivački program u našoj zemlji predviđa ukrštanje landrasa (švedski, holandski,) i velikog jorkšira radi proizvodnje nazimica F1 generacije. One se posle toga ukrštaju sa nerastovima treće rase (terminalna rasa nerastova: hempšir, durok, pietren, nemački i belgijski landras) ili nerastovima F1 generacije. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31053

    Body Composition and Functional Abilities in Terms of the Quality of Professional Ballerinas

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    The objective of this research was to determine the variability of the sample of professional ballerinas in the space of characteristics of their body composition and some functional characteristics according to the requirements of their roles in ballet. The sample of examinees was comprised of 30 professional ballerinas, members of the Croatian National Theatre Ballet (15 soloists and 15 members of the corps de ballet). The data showed that the soloists were characterized by a significantly larger knee diameter, significantly lower thickness of skin folds on the trunk and the lower fat body mass percentage, as well as by greater grip strength. Aerobic capacity was only moderately more developed than in fit people who participated in physical exercising because of recreational reasons, and there were no differences between soloists and the members of the corps

    Effects of different protein sources of diet on yield and quality of lamb meat

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    The results obtained in the study of the effects of different protein sources in diet on fattening parameters, yield and quality of meat from weaned lambs are presented in this study. Experiment was conducted on 60 lambs of MIS population, weaned at the age of 60 days and divided into three groups. The effect of use of three concentrate mixtures which differed in regard to protein source: sunflower meal (I), soybean meal (II) and fish meal (III), was studied. Average daily gain of lambs on treatments I, II and III was: 0.169, 0.205 and 0.227 kg. Conversion of dry matter (kg/kg gain) on analogue treatments was: 4.54, 3.71 and 3.30; of energy (MJ NEM/kg): 33.77, 29.37 and 26.25; of total proteins (g/kg): 732, 596 and 549; of PDIN (g/kg): 502, 414 and 381; of PDIE (g/kg): 480, 425 and 396. Values of the yield of warm carcass with offal according to treatments I, II and III were: 58.70, 58.02 and 57.42%. Share of I category meat on analogue treatments was: 37.27, 37.35 and 37.51%, meat of II category: 33.9, 32.67 and 32.83%, whereas meat of III category was present in the following percentages 27.78, 29.59 and 29.10%. Surface of MLD in lambs on treatments I, II and III was: 11.47, 13.09 and 13.86 cm(2). With regards to chemical and technological parameters of MLD, as well as morphological composition of carcass side, no significant difference between investigated treatments were established (P>0.05)

    Uticaj genetskih i negenetskih faktora na proizvodne osobine krava simentalske rase

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    This study covered 737 controlled first calving Simmental cows with, lactations concluded within one year. All first calving animals were on the farms of individual farmers in the municipalities of Kragujevac and Mladenovac. The research included the influence of bull sires, year and season of calving on milk yield and fertility. Least squares method was used to determine the average duration of lactation of 323.74 days. For a period of 305 days, heifers produced 3701.67 kg of milk, or 3644.58 kg of 4% FCM. The average production of milk fat was 144.26 kg and milk fat content was 3.88%. The interval from calving to first insemination lasted in average 124.19 days, and the animals were first calved at the age of 789.95 days. The bull sires had a highly significant effect (P (lt) 0.01) on the duration of lactation, milk yield and 4% FCM, milk fat yield and content and age of cows at first calving. The duration of service period was not under significant effect (P>0.05) of bull sires. Year of calving had a significant effect (P (lt) 0.01) on the duration of lactation, production of milk, milk fat and 4% FCM. Milk fat content, service period and age at first calving did not show significant variation due to the impact of different years of calving (P>0.05). Season of calving of cows demonstrated highly significant effect (P (lt) 0.01) on the production of milk and 4% FCM, and significant (P>0.05) on the production of milk fat, however it had no effect (P>0.05) on the milk fat content, duration of lactation and service period and age at calving.Ovim istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 737 kontrolisanih prvotelki simentalske rase, sa laktacijama zaključenim u toku jedne godine. Sve prvotelke su se nalazile na imanjima individualnih poljoprivrednih proizvođača. Istraživanja su obuhvatila uticaj bikova očeva, godine i sezone telenja na osobine mlečnosti i plodnosti. Metodom najmanjih kvadrata ustanovljeno je prosečno trajanje laktacije od 323,74 dana. Za vremenski period od 305 dana prvotelke su proizvele 3.701,67 kg mleka, odnosno, korigovano na 4%MKM 3.644,58 kg. Prosečna proizvodnja mlečne masti iznosila je 144,26 kg a sadržaj mlečne masti 3,88%. Interval od telenja do prve inseminacije trajao je u proseku 124,19 dana, a grla su se prvi put telila u uzrastu od 789,95 dana. Bikovi-očevi su imali visoko signifikantan uticaj (P (lt) 0,01) na trajanje laktacije, prinos mleka i 4%MKM, proizvodnju i sadržaj mlečne masti i uzrast krava pri prvom telenju. Na dužinu servis perioda bikovi-očevi nisu ispoljili značajnije dejstvo (P>0,05). Godina telenja imala je visoko značajan uticaj (P (lt) 0,01) na trajanje laktacije, proizvodnju mleka, mlečne masti i 4%MKM. Sadržaj mlečne masti, trajanje servis perioda i uzrast pri prvom telenju nisu pokazali značajnija variranja usled uticaja različitih godina telenja (P>0,05). Sezona telenja krava je visoko značajno uticala (P (lt) 0,01) na proizvodnju mleka i 4%MKM, značajno (P>0,05) na proizvodnju mlečne masti, a na sadržaj mlečne masti, trajanje laktacije i servis perioda, uzrast pri telenju nije imala značajnijeg uticaja (P>0,05)