2,150 research outputs found

    Dual characterization of critical fluctuations: Density functional theory & nonlinear dynamics close to a tangent bifurcation

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    We improve on the description of the relationship that exists between critical clusters in thermal systems and intermittency near the onset of chaos in low-dimensional systems. We make use of the statistical-mechanical language of inhomogeneous systems and of the renormalization group (RG) method in nonlinear dynamics to provide a more accurate, formal, approach to the subject. The description of this remarkable correspondence encompasses, on the one hand, the density functional formalism, where classical and quantum mechanical analogues match the procedure for one-dimensional clusters, and, on the other, the RG fixed-point map of functional compositions that captures the essential dynamical behavior. We provide details of how the above-referred theoretical approaches interrelate and discuss the implications of the correspondence between the high-dimensional (degrees of freedom) phenomenon and low-dimensional dynamics.Comment: 8 figure

    Carne, demonio y mundo. Predicación y díscíplínamíento en Chile a fines del siglo XVIII

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    Indexación: Revista UNA

    High Spectral and Spatial Resolution Observations of the PDR Emission in the NGC2023 Reflection Nebula with SOFIA and APEX

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    We have mapped the NGC 2023 reflection nebula in [CII] and CO(11--10) with the heterodyne receiver GREAT on SOFIA and obtained slightly smaller maps in 13CO(3--2), CO(3--2), CO(4--3), CO(6--5), and CO(7--6) with APEX in Chile. We use these data to probe the morphology, kinematics, and physical conditions of the C II region, which is ionized by FUV radiation from the B2 star HD37903. The [CII] emission traces an ellipsoidal shell-like region at a position angle of ~ -50 deg, and is surrounded by a hot molecular shell. In the southeast, where the C II region expands into a dense, clumpy molecular cloud ridge, we see narrow and strong line emission from high-J CO lines, which comes from a thin, hot molecular shell surrounding the [CII] emission. The [CII] lines are broader and show photo evaporating gas flowing into the C II region. Based on the strength of the [13CII] F=2--1 line, the [CII] line appears to be somewhat optically thick over most of the nebula with an optical depth of a few. We model the physical conditions of the surrounding molecular cloud and the PDR emission using both RADEX and simple PDR models. The temperature of the CO emitting PDR shell is ~ 90 -- 120 K, with densities of 10^5 -- 10^6 cm^-3, as deduced from RADEX modeling. Our PDR modeling indicates that the PDR layer where [CII] emission dominates has somewhat lower densities, 10^4 to a few times 10^5 cm^-3Comment: Accepted by A&

    Combination of Technologies for Architectural Planning. Parish Church of Portell

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    La sucesiva aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías a la expresión gráfica arquitectónica ha supuesto una revolución en cada uno de los pasos que dan como resultado el levantamiento de planos. En general se puede decir que en gran medida facilitan la consecución del trabajo a realizar. Sin embargo, su aplicación de manera generalizada e indiscriminada, puede ocasionar un trabajo excesivo e innecesario. Por tanto, el reto de la aplicación de nuevas tecnologías supone no sólo su conocimiento y adecuado manejo, sino además, la capacidad de descartar unos métodos frente a otros en función de las necesidades planteadas por el modelo a representar, la finalidad del trabajo a realizar, la disponibilidad de medios y de tiempo. El presente artículo es una muestra de la conveniencia en la utilización de métodos tradicionales y nuevas tecnologías, basada su combinación en la optimización de tiempo y recursos. El estudio realizado se fundamenta en el levantamiento de planos, y análisis gráfico y metrológico, de la Iglesia Parroquial de Portell, la primera de las iglesias de planta salón valencianas construidas en el siglo XVIII

    Tunable entanglement distillation of spatially correlated down-converted photons

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    We report on a new technique for entanglement distillation of the bipartite continuous variable state of spatially correlated photons generated in the spontaneous parametric down-conversion process (SPDC), where tunable non-Gaussian operations are implemented and the post-processed entanglement is certified in real-time using a single-photon sensitive electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD) camera. The local operations are performed using non-Gaussian filters modulated into a programmable spatial light modulator and, by using the EMCCD camera for actively recording the probability distributions of the twin-photons, one has fine control of the Schmidt number of the distilled state. We show that even simple non-Gaussian filters can be finely tuned to a ~67% net gain of the initial entanglement generated in the SPDC process.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    The Revised Mental Health Inventory-5 (MHI-5) as an ultra-brief screening measure of bidimensional mental health in children and adolescents

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    The Mental Health Inventory-5 (MHI-5) is a brief, valid, and reliable international instrument for assessing mental health in adults. The aim of the present study is to examine the psychometric properties of the MHI-5 in children and adolescents. A sample of 595 students (10-15 years old) completed the MHI-5 Spanish version adapted for this study, as well as another measure of anxiety and depression symptoms, and a clinical interview as a gold standard. The overall coefficient obtained indicate good internal consistency. A unique factor solution explaining a 53.70% and a two-factor structure explaining 69.20% of the total variance were obtained. The correlations with total and subscale scores of anxiety and depression were significant. A ROC analysis showed good properties as a screening test to predict anxiety and depressive diagnoses in children and adolescents. The Revised MHI-5 presents two essential changes: a simplified 4-point response format and a new factor solution including distress and well-being. These outcomes show that the Revised MHI-5 is a brief, valid, and reliable measure to bidimensionally assess mental health and screening emotional disorders in children and adolescents. Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. KEYWORDS: Anxiety; Assessment; Depression; Detection; Distress; Factorial structure; MHI-5; Psychometrics; Spanish; Validation; Well-bein

    Tree-level unitarity, causality and higher-order Lorentz and CPT violation

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    Higher-order effects of CPT and Lorentz violation within the SME effective framework including Myers-Pospelov dimension-five operator terms are studied. The model is canonically quantized by giving special attention to the arising of indefinite-metric states or ghosts in an indefinite Fock space. As is well-known, without a perturbative treatment that avoids the propagation of ghost modes or any other approximation, one has to face the question of whether unitarity and microcausality are preserved. In this work, we study both possible issues. We found that microcausality is preserved due to the cancellation of residues occurring in pairs or conjugate pairs when they become complex. Also, by using the Lee-Wick prescription, we prove that the SS matrix can be defined as perturbatively unitary for tree-level 222\to 2 processes with an internal fermion line.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure