9,458 research outputs found

    Patterns of Late Cenozoic exhumation deduced from apatite and zircon U-He ages from Fiordland, New Zealand

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    New apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He ages from the Fiordland region of New Zealand's South Island expand on earlier results and provide new constraints on patterns of Late Cenozoic exhumation and cooling across this region. Zircon (U-Th)/He cooling ages, in combination with increased density of apatite ages, show that in addition to a gradual northward decrease in cooling ages that was seen during an earlier phase of this study, there is also a trend toward younger cooling ages to the east. Distinct breaks in cooling age patterns on southwestern Fiordland appear to be correlated to the location of previously mapped faults. The northward decrease in ages may reflect asynchronous cooling related to migration in the locus of exhumation driven by subduction initiation, or it may reflect synchronous regional exhumation that exposed different structural levels across Fiordland, or some combination of these effects. In either case, differential exhumation accommodated by major and minor faults that dissect Fiordland basement rocks apparently played an important role in producing the resulting age patterns

    The devonian goniatites of Devon and Cornwall

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    A description of the devonian goniatites and their localities in Devon and Cornwall is given based upon museum material and new collecting. This enables correlation with the established continental successions and the following German ammonoid faunas have been recognized. The fauna of the Anarcestes Stufe has been recognized in South Devon and probably in Cornwall. Two faunal subdivisions of the Maenioceras Stufe have been recognized, the lowest only at Wolborough, South Devon, the uppermost at Lummaton and Barton, Devon and Trevone and Portquin, North Cornwall (the last two localities have previously been identified with the Cheiloceras Stufe). The three German zones of the Frasnian have been identified in South Devon but only the middle one with certainty in North Cornwall. The Famennian ammonoids have not been exhaustively examined. Only Maenioceras Stufe goniatites occur in the massive lime stones of South Devon which appear to be wholly Givetian in age ; no Frasnian goniatites occur within them but they are found in the thin-bedded or rubbly limestones immediately above. The absence of evidence for the Cheiloceras Stufe emphasises the widespread development of ostracod-slate facies at that time. The recognition of the Gattendorfia and Wocklumeria Stufen (largely the work of others) tells against the large unconformity usually supposed to mark the base of the Carboniferous in South-West England. Ontogenetical details are given for several species: the evidence from Maenioceras shows that it probably evolved direct from Anarcestes or early Wemeroceras. Peculiar internal growths on specimens of Sobolewia shed light on the relation of the soft parts to the shell in goniatites

    Social encounter networks : collective properties and disease transmission

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    A fundamental challenge of modern infectious disease epidemiology is to quantify the networks of social and physical contacts through which transmission can occur. Understanding the collective properties of these interactions is critical for both accurate prediction of the spread of infection and determining optimal control measures. However, even the basic properties of such networks are poorly quantified, forcing predictions to be made based on strong assumptions concerning network structure. Here, we report on the results of a large-scale survey of social encounters mainly conducted in Great Britain. First, we characterize the distribution of contacts, which possesses a lognormal body and a power-law tail with an exponent of −2.45; we provide a plausible mechanistic model that captures this form. Analysis of the high level of local clustering of contacts reveals additional structure within the network, implying that social contacts are degree assortative. Finally, we describe the epidemiological implications of this local network structure: these contradict the usual predictions from networks with heavy-tailed degree distributions and contain public-health messages about control. Our findings help us to determine the types of realistic network structure that should be assumed in future population level studies of infection transmission, leading to better interpretations of epidemiological data and more appropriate policy decisions

    Insights from unifying modern approximations to infections on networks

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    Networks are increasingly central to modern science owing to their ability to conceptualize multiple interacting components of a complex system. As a specific example of this, understanding the implications of contact network structure for the transmission of infectious diseases remains a key issue in epidemiology. Three broad approaches to this problem exist: explicit simulation; derivation of exact results for special networks; and dynamical approximations. This paper focuses on the last of these approaches, and makes two main contributions. Firstly, formal mathematical links are demonstrated between several prima facie unrelated dynamical approximations. And secondly, these links are used to derive two novel dynamical models for network epidemiology, which are compared against explicit stochastic simulation. The success of these new models provides improved understanding about the interaction of network structure and transmission dynamics

    Trust in the US-EU fruit and vegetable chain: Do US exporters understand EU importers?

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    Research on organizational and inter organizational trust has become an important field in management and marketing literature, as it is perceived as a pivotal aspect of business transactions. However, clarifications are still needed on the issue of whom we trust; is the person whom we are trading with trusted, or the organization, or just the product‐quality? Not only has this question not been answered within this field of research, neither have cultural differences have been described to any great extent. Additionally, if the perceived factors important to establish trusting relationships may or may not be the same on the buyers and the sellers side in international business transaction in food chains. The primary objective of this research study therefore is to identify how well US exporters understand the elements of trust that establish strong relationships with EU importers. The Analytical Hierarchy Process was used to evaluate the importance of different trust elements in interviews conducted with US exporters and EU importers of fruits and vegetables. Results are compared, providing both a picture of the important facets of trust, as well as whether the partners understand the perspectives of the other partner

    Single-shot single-gate RF spin readout in silicon

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    For solid-state spin qubits, single-gate RF readout can help minimise the number of gates required for scale-up to many qubits since the readout sensor can integrate into the existing gates required to manipulate the qubits (Veldhorst 2017, Pakkiam 2018). However, a key requirement for a scalable quantum computer is that we must be capable of resolving the qubit state within single-shot, that is, a single measurement (DiVincenzo 2000). Here we demonstrate single-gate, single-shot readout of a singlet-triplet spin state in silicon, with an average readout fidelity of 82.9%82.9\% at a 3.3 kHz3.3~\text{kHz} measurement bandwidth. We use this technique to measure a triplet TT_- to singlet S0S_0 relaxation time of 0.62 ms0.62~\text{ms} in precision donor quantum dots in silicon. We also show that the use of RF readout does not impact the maximum readout time at zero detuning limited by the S0S_0 to TT_- decay, which remained at approximately 2 ms2~\text{ms}. This establishes single-gate sensing as a viable readout method for spin qubits

    To research (or not) that is the question: ethical issues in research when medical care is disrupted by political action: a case study from Eldoret, Kenya

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    While considerable attention has been focused on understanding the myriad of ethical analysis in international research in low and middle income countries, new issues always arise that have not been anticipated in guidelines or studied extensively. The disruption of medical care arising as a direct result of political actions, including strikes, postelection violence and related activities, is one such issue that leaves physician-researchers struggling to manage often conflicting professional responsibilities. This paper discusses the ethical conflicts that arise for physician-researchers, particularly when disruption threatens the completion of a study or completion is possible but at the expense of not addressing unmet medical needs of patients. We review three pragmatic strategies and the ethical issues arising from each: not starting research, stopping research that has already started, and continuing research already initiated. We argue that during episodes of medical care disruption, research that has been started can be continued only if the ethical standards imposed at the beginning of the study can continue to be met; however, studies that have been approved but not yet started should not begin until the disruption has ended and ethical standards can again be assured

    Wind-tunnel Investigation of Effect of Yaw on Lateral-stability Characteristics I : Four N.A.C.A. 23012 Wings of Various Plan Forms with and Without Dihedral

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    Four N.A.C.A. 23012 wings were tested at several angles of yaw in the N.A.C.A. 7- by 10-foot wind tunnel. All the wings have rounded tips and, in plan form, one is rectangular and the others are tapered 3:1 with various amounts of sweep. Each wing was tested with two amounts of dihedral and with partial-span split flaps. The coefficients of lift, drag, and pitching moment are given for all the models at zero yaw. The coefficients of rolling moment, yawing moment, and side force are given for the rectangular wing at all values of yaw tested. The rate of change in the coefficients with angle of yaw is given in convenient form for stability calculations