128 research outputs found

    Conceptual Model for Transfer of Technology in a Shipyard

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    Transfer of technology is an important program to be done by a shipyard if the respective shipyard is to maintain and increase its competitiveness. But sometimes, some aspects that need to be considered in a transfer of technology program are ignored. Before any transfer of technology program is to be conducted in any shipyard, identification of the required technology to be transferred and why the changes in shipyard technology are needed must be done. These identifications will lead to the identification of the current shipyard competitiveness and the identification of the shipyard hardware and software technology components performances. Decision will be made which is based on these identifications. If the software technology components show good performances, then maximum advantages will be obtained from the current facilities and any investment in hardware technology components will tend to reduce the cost per unit of output. On the contrary, if the software technology components show bad performances, then any investment in hardware technology components will tend to increase the cost per unit of output. In this paper, a conceptual model of transfer of technology in a shipyard is developed. The proposed model is expected to be a reference model for a shipyard practitioners when a transfer of technology program is about to be conducted and hence prevent losses of investment mistake and obtain maximum advantages from the transfer of technology process

    Indonesian Shipbuilding Industry in the perspective of Collaborative Manufacturing Network (CMN)

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    The Indonesian shipbuilding industry must get involved in a collaboration network in order to be survived in the global competitiveness. The competitiveness level of Indonesian shipbuilding industry is low with only about 1.6 percent of International market share. Most of the proportion is contributed by PT PAL Indonesia with its maximum 50.000 DWT of shipbuilding capacities. The reason can be identified as the Indonesian domestic shipyards are still working as a single company respectively. This fact is contradicted with the tendency of international shipbuilding industry in the current global competitiveness to do collaboration among them to increase their production capacities. Successful example of the shipyard collaboration in order to get the most of the shipbuilding international market is collaboration among shipyards in South Korea and China. Both of these countries have integrated their shipyards and hence have increased significantly their shipbuilding production capacities. Currently, they have been recognized as a shipbuilder country. This paper discuss the condition of Indonesian shipbuilding industry and the potency to get involved in a collaborative manufacturing network in order to increase its global competitiveness

    Rekomendasi Hasil Analisis Waktu Pelaksanaan Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung Pemerintah Di Lingkungan Kota Serang Provinsi Banten

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    Faktor waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan sebuah proyek sangat penting diperhatikan dalam proses konstruksi. Untuk itu perlu kiranya dilakukan penelitian yang mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan proyek serta cara-cara yang harus dilakukan pada faktor-faktor tersebut agar dapat mengoptimalkan waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan proyek agar tidak terjadi keterlambatan. Selanjutnya permasalahan penelitian ini akan membahas: apa saja faktor-faktor waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan proyek konstruksi bangunan gedung, dan bagaimana hasil analisis waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan proyek konstruksi bangunan gedung di Kota Serang? Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) sebagai metode yang digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan serta pengurutan prioritas diterapkan pada penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan proyek. Sebanyak 30 orang pemberi tugas dijadikan responden dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa faktor penting waktu pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi bangunan gedung pemerintah di Kota Serang adalah faktor sumber daya manusia dengan bobot 0.352, disusul kemudian faktor biaya dengan bobot 0.309, metode pelaksanaan dengan bobot 0.160, material dengan bobot 0.113 dan peralatan dengan bobot 0.065. Sementara pada perhitungan pembobotan antar alternatif yang melibatkan seluruh responden memberikan hasil bahwa alternatif menambah sumber daya manusia yaitu dengan menambah jumlah tenaga kerja yang lebih berkompeten dan berpengalaman pada proyek konstruksi tersebut menjadi pilihan yang paling dominan dengan bobot 0.406. Rekomendasi penelitian ini selanjutnya perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut guna mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh sumber daya manusia terhadap waktu pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi

    Perbandingan Desain Ipal Anaerobic Biofilter Dengan Rotating Biological Contactor Untuk Limbah Cair Tekstil Di Surabaya

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    Effluen Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) di Pabrik Tekstil X belum memenuhi kriteria yang ada, terutama untuk masalah warna. Sistem pengolahan IPAL menggunakan Anaerobic Biofilter memiliki kelebihan menyisihkan bahan organik yang tinggi, kebutuhan lahan yang relatif tidak besar, dan biaya operasi yang murah dibandingkan dengan sistem lumpur aktif yang menggunakan proses aerasi. Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) juga memiliki kelebihan yang sama dengan anaerobic biofilter. Perbandingan antara kedua sistem tersebut diperlukan untuk mengetahui sistem yang paling efektif untuk mengolah air limbah di Pabrik Textil X. Pengolahan adsorbsi batok arang kelapa dipilih untuk menghilangkan warna. Perencanaan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yang sistematis dimulai pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder yang berupa data karakteristik dan debit air limbah, lalu dilakukan perhitungan dan penggambaran Detail Engineering Desan (DED), volume pekerjaan dan Rancangan Anggaran Biaya (RAB), setelah itu dilakukan pembahasan untuk membandingkan kelebihan dan kekurangan dari unit anaerobic Biofilter yang dilengkapi adsorbsi arang batok kelapa dan Rotating Biological Contactor yang dilengkapi adsorbsi arang batok kelapa, lalu diambil kesimpulan dan saran yang relevan dengan tujuan dari perancanaan ini. Dari perhitungan DED didapat dimensi untuk masing masing unit IPAL sebagai berikut Bak ekualisasi (2,6 m x 2,6 m x 2 m), Septic tank (1,75 m x 1,5m x 2,5m), Anaerobic Filter 4 kompartemen (4,5m x 2,5m x 2,5m), , RBC 2 shaft (2,75m x 2,75 m x 1m), Adsorbsi (3,5 mx 6,75m x 0,55m). Biaya investasi alternative 1 sebesar Rp 700.193.694,29, biaya operasi sebesar Rp 50.222.462,40, biaya perawatan sebesar Rp 3.495.000,00. Alternatif 2 biaya investasi sebesar Rp 777.526.655,53, biaya operasi sebesar Rp Rp 53.012.599,20 , biaya perawatan sebesar Rp 3.495.000,00. Kelebihan anaerobic filter adalah biaya investasi yang lebih kecil, kebutuhan lahan yang lebih sedikit yaitu 45 m2 , biaya operasional dan perawatan yang lebih kecil, jumlah lumpur yang dihasilkan lebih sedikit., sedangkan kekurangannya adalah waktu tinggal yang lebih lama dan start up yang lama. Kelebihan RBC adalah waktu tinggal yang lebih singkat yaitu 1,5 jam, waktu start-up yang lebih singkat, , sedangkan kekurangannya memerlukan energi listrik dan biaya investasi dan operasional yang lebih tinggi

    Perancangan Lengan Robot 5 Derajat Kebebasan Dengan Pendekatan Kinematika

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    This study discusses the design of arm robot model with 5 degree of freedom that is designed to be a small-scale model of the articulated robot industry to simulate the movement of the robots industry. The objective of this research is to build a real arm robot based on kinematic aspects with the movement of waist, shoulder, elbow, wrist pitch, wrist roll and gripper, and to analyze the robot movement. The design includes building the real arm robot based on Arduino Uno board controller and the movement of the robot using servo motor DC. The robot can be controlled automatically from the computer with the RS-232 or USB port interface and it learns about the kinematic of the robot\u27s arm when an experiment on the forward kinematic is accomplished. The robot was running well, with the maximum distance that can be reached by the robot on the coordinate axis x = 425 mm, y = 425 mm and z = 480 mm

    Initial Model Development of an Integrated Shipbuilding Industry in Indonesia: a Case Study of Indonesian State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Shipyards

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    Capacities of the world shipbuilding industry have been dominated by three major countries which are South Korea, China and Japan. The ship tonnage proportion they have been built is approximately 90% of the total ship tonnage in the world. Indonesia with the rest of the shipbuilding countries only share the rest of the proportion which are far less than the total capacities of those three countries. Indonesia has its potency to increase its shipbuilding industry capacity significantly with the support of 250 shipyards in this country. The increasing capacities can be fulfilled if those shipyards are getting involved in collaboration. The increasing capacity of Indonesian shipyard is need to be actualized to prevent order of shipbuilding rejection from overseas as a consequence of shipyard insufficient capacity. In this paper, an initial model for shipyard collaboration in Indonesia is developed. The number of shipyards to get involved in this initial model is limited to 4 BUMN shipyards. The selection of those shipyards is based on the consideration that those shipyards are under central coordination of Indonesian BUMN Ministry. Some aspects related to the model development are discussed and in the end, an initial model of an integrated shipbuilding industry in Indonesia is proposed

    Photochemical Property of Ethyl Acetate of Salam Stem Cortex (Syzygium polyanthum)

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    The purpose of this experiment is to understand the photochemical property of ethyl acetate extracted from Salam Stem Cortex (Syzygium polyanthum). The electrochemical test of the sample indicated the existence of secondary metabolic compound, i.e flavonoid, alkaloid, steroid, tannin, fenolat and terpenoid. The secondary metabolic compound was mostly beneficial for pharmacology as a herbal medicine

    Photochemical Property of Ethyl Acetate of Salam Stem Cortex (Syzygium polyanthum)

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    The purpose of this experiment is to understand the photochemical property of ethyl acetate extracted from Salam Stem Cortex (Syzygium polyanthum). The electrochemical test of the sample indicated the existence of secondary metabolic compound, i.e flavonoid, alkaloid, steroid, tannin, fenolat and terpenoid. The secondary metabolic compound was mostly beneficial for pharmacology as a herbal medicine