78 research outputs found


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    The author deals with a very difficult substance of aesthetic connections of one of the most Victorian writers, who is supposed to express the quintessence of the High Victorianism as the system of views, and at the same time the most furious of all Victorian writers polemicists with this system, and one of those writers, who intended his creative work and the ideology on the whole to overthrow old-fashioned views with their deep roots in the Victorian Age. The essays shows some very subtle and sometimes not too obvious “lessons” in character-making, psychological deepening in characters, representations of integral conception of a human being and masterfully depicted main characters’ search for the inner identity, which Lawrence gets while reading and thinking of George Eliot’s great novels. The author does it when appealing to some pieces of prose of both writers, and to their letters, literary essays and witnesses of the contemporaries


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    In the essay the author shows that the World Literature of the XIX – XX centuries in many ways predicts some Freud’s discoveries in the fields of psychoanalysis, unconsciousness, dreams, and was passionately looking for adequate literary forms and means to depict these things. The author appeals to the artistic works of the Western and Russian writers while advancing his thesis


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    The article deals with the “otherness” in A.Trollope’s “Nina Balakka”. The representations of European culture of 19th century Prague is under analysis. Trollope mixes the British and European culture to arrange a “distance game” between the reader and the characters. Discovering Prague with its cultural, historical and linguistic peculiarities reader allows himself to feel the collision of the novel more acutely and to sympathize with the characters more.Статья посвящена анализу романа Э.Троллопа «Нина Балатка» как произведения, в котором автор пытается воспроизвести иной, славянский, мир, рисуя драму любви чешки и еврея. При этом Троллоп не ставит задачу подробного воспроизведения «другой» культуры. Обращаясь к культурным приметам жизни Праги XIX в., Троллоп, прибегая к средствам психологического анализа, акцентирует общечеловеческое содержание национального и расового антагонизма, по его мнению, пронизывающего социальную жизнь знаменитого славянского города. Постоянно «работая» с главным адресатом – читателем-англичанином, писатель подчеркивает, насколько далеко вперед ушел Лондон и Британия в решении подобных проблем

    Роман Вальтера Скотта "Антикварий": культурные, исторические, художественные и повествовательные альянсы

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    One of the least known to Russian readers novels of Sir Walter Scott is under analysis. Russian critical thought of Scott does not speak of the novel as it should since The Antiquary (1816) is the novel which demonstrates the movement of the writer's artistic method towards more complex and realistic depiction of characters and circumstances. The authors of the essay analytically concentrate on the talk of the artistic structure of the novel as a wholeness that is characterized by quite harmonious alliances which eliminate various antinomies and dichotomies. The authors argue that the central role in the artistic wholeness of the novel are played by such antinomies as 'historical fact - imaginative (fictitious) fact', 'man as a private individual - man as a social being', 'past - present', 'historical novel - social novel', 'historical novel - novel of manners', 'socio - psychological novel - romance', 'realism - romanticism', 'realistic - gothic', 'dramatic - comic', 'Scottish - English', 'grassroots culture - high culture', etc.; the movement of the narration towards bright resolution of them is revealed in the essay. The authors of the essay also show the role and specificity of ethnographical peculiarities of the Scottish life in the late 1790s as they were seen and narrated by the writer.В статье анализируется мало известный роман В. Скотта "Антикварий", без обращения к которому, по мнению большинства историков литературы, трудно представить динамику как жанра исторического романа, так и эстетической мысли В. Скотта на пути от романтизированного мировоспроизведения к реалистическому типу письма

    Optoacoustic spectroscopy for real-time monitoring of strongly light-absorbing solutions in applications to analytical chemistry

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    AbstractAn optoacoustic technique for solutions of strongly light-absorbing analytes at 0.1–0.01moll−1 is proposed. The technique is based on the wide-band forward mode detection of temporal profiles of laser-generated ultrasonic pulses (optoacoustic signals). The leading edge of the signal repeats the distribution of the laser fluence in the medium, which makes it possible to determine its optical absorption and investigate its dynamics during a reaction. The range of light-absorption coefficients starts from 1 to 5 and reaches 104 to 105cm−1. The determination of iron(II) as ferroin shows the possibility of probing 0.1moll−1 of iron(II), which was not previously achieved for this reaction by optical spectroscopy. To further prove the concept, kinetic measurements for ferroin decomposition at the level of 0.1moll−1 and at high pHs are performed. The results are compared with spectrophotometry at lower concentrations and show good reproducibility and accuracy of kinetic constants


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    Статья посвящена анализу романа Э.Троллопа «Нина Балатка» как произведения, в котором автор пытается воспроизвести иной, славянский, мир, рисуя драму любви чешки и еврея. При этом Троллоп не ставит задачу подробного воспроизведения «другой» культуры. Обращаясь к культурным приметам жизни Праги XIX в., Троллоп, прибегая к средствам психологического анализа, акцентирует общечеловеческое содержание национального и расового антагонизма, по его мнению, пронизывающего социальную жизнь знаменитого славянского города. Постоянно «работая» с главным адресатом – читателем-ан- гличанином, писатель подчеркивает, насколько далеко вперед ушел Лондон и Британия в решении подобных проблем


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    The essay deals with ideological and aesthetical typological convergences and congruencies in the works of the two great European writers of the second half of the 19th century. It is shown that democratic thinking, synthesis of liberalism and humanism, which is a peculiar feature of both Turgenev and Eliot, are very much reflected in the system of concepts of the two works under analysis; both Eliot’s and Turgenev’s works are famous in the literary histories of their countries due to the masterful and original introduction into literature of a new type of a literary hero – the one from peasantry. It is stressed in the essay that the grounds for typological generalizations of these two works are the writers’ realistic and analytical approach to the artistic ways of depicting a human being’s fate under swiftly changing social, cultural and moral circumstances. The essay shows that Turgenev and Eliot depict province as socio-cultural wholeness. One of the main ideas of the essay is to show that both writers appeal to a human being who is an autonomous creature in terms of social, moral and spiritual existence, who thinks of himself as a unique and independent being and thus draws a border between himself and the world around and tries to establish his social independence and self-sufficiency. It is the reason why George Eliot and Ivan Turgenev set so many hopes on a human being’s high level of morality, his conscientious behavior in the situation of free choice, the concentration of which is higher, the more democratic and less patriarchal and paternalistic the contemporary world becomes. The author of the essay analyses what is called moral and ethical spaces of the writers’ works, where liberal and humanistic inclinations of Turgenev and Eliot are a sort of keystones; this fact determines ideological and artistic convergences of the writers even if we take into account their national, social, cultural and gender differences. It is shown in the essay that the parameters of these spaces are checked first of all by the images of the heroes taken from the humble people, who are, by both writers’ confidences, morally and ethically pure and solid because of their closeness to Nature. The author of the article shows how much important for Eliot and Turgenev as moral realists are pictures of the countryside landscapes, very much anthropological in the ways of their existence in the plots of the works, and, what is more, these pictures are philosophically and ethically sharpened by the authors, which once again makes them so close to one another. It is proved in the essay that romantic features in the images of the authors’ protagonists is a serious ground to think of these writers in terms of poetical convergences. It is also demonstrated that the comparative method of studying Adam Bede and Notes of a Hunter gives a good chance to reveal some points more vividly should we look at these works separately

    Photothermal deflection determination of iron(II) with ferrozine with sorption preconcentration on silufol plates

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    Photothermal deflection spectroscopy was applied to the selective detection of iron(II) chelate with ferrozine by its sorption preconcentration on Silufol plates. The linearity range was 1 × 10-11-6 × 10 -8 mol cm-2 of chelate at the plate surface, which corresponded to 1 × 10-9 × 10-6 M of chelate in solution. The limits of detection and quantification are 8 × 10 -12 and 2.5 × 10-11 mol cm-2 at the plate from 15 μL of test solution (0.5 nM and 1.5 nM in solution, respectively), and the absolute detection limit is 8 fmol in the whole spot applied to a plate. Characteristics and features of photothermal deflection detection are discussed. © 2008 Society for Applied Spectroscopy


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    A sensitive solid-phase spectrophotometric method for the quantitative determination of iodate in iodized salt samples using a polymethacrylate matrix is proposed.  The procedure is based on the reaction of iodate with excess iodide in the acidic medium (pH 1-2) with the release of free iodine in the amounts equivalent to the iodate to be determined, the extraction of the iodine formed with a polymethacrylate matrix, and the absorbance measurement of the matrix at 365 nm. The developed procedure ensures the determination of 0.2–3.6 mg/L of iodate with limits of detection of 0.03. The effect of interfering ions, that might be present in the table salt samples, on the determination of iodate is also investigated. It is shown that Ca(II), Mg(II), К+, Na+, Cl-, SO42- do not interfere with the determination of iodate. However, Fe(III) causes serious interference, and the addition of fluorides is required to mask iron up to 20-fold. The proposed method has been successfully applied for the determination of iodate in salt samples. The iodate contents thus determined in the iodized salt samples by the solid-phase spectrophotometric method were compared with the total iodine determined in the salt samples by iodometric titration according to GOST 51575. The solid-phase spectrophotometric method for iodate determination in salt samples has advantages over the iodometric titration, for example the increased sensitivity, simplicity and speed of the analysis. Тhe applicability of the polymethacrylate matrix as the final analytical form for the rapid visual iodate test is shown.Keywords: iodate, iodometry, polymethacrylate matrix, solid-phase spectrophotometry, visual test determination(Russian) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.1.009 D.A. Fedan1, N.V. Saranchina2 , N.A. Gavrilenko1, M.A. Proskurnin3 1National Research Tomsk State University, pr. Lenina, 36, 634050, Tomsk, Russian Federation2National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, pr. Lenina, 30, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation3M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,  Leninskie Gory, GSP-1 Moscow, 119991, Russian FederationПредложена иодометрическая твердофазно-спектрофотометрическая методика количественного определения иодата с использованием полиметакрилатной матрицы. Методика основана на реакции иодата с избытком иодида в кислой среде (рН = 1-2) с выделением свободного иода в эквивалентных определяемому веществу количествах, экстракции образовавшегося иода полиметакрилатной матрицей и измерении светопоглощения матрицы при 365 нм. Разработанная методика позволяет проводить определение иодата в диапазоне концентраций 0.10-3.60 мг/л с пределом обнаружения, рассчитанным по 3s-критерию, 0.03 мг/л, при этом время контакта полиметакрилатной матрицы с анализируемым раствором составляет 5 минут. Описано влияние мешающих ионов на определение иодата. Методика использована для определения иодата в образцах поваренной соли. Проведено сравнение результатов, полученных предлагаемой методикой, с результатами определения иода методом титриметрии в соответствии с ГОСТ 51575. Преимуществом разработанной твердофазно-спектрофотометрической методики иодата по сравнению с титриметрическим методом является повышение чувствительности, простота, экспрессность определения  и отсутствие потерь иода  при анализе образцов поваренной соли. Показана возможность использования полиметакрилатной матрицы в качестве готовой аналитической формы для экспрессного визуально-тестового определения иодата в поваренной соли.Ключевые слова: иодат, иодометрия, полиметакрилатная матрица, твердофазная спектрофотометрия, визуально-тестовое определениеDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.1.00