682 research outputs found

    Tuning of the spin-orbit interaction in a quantum dot by an in-plane magnetic field

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    Using an exact diagonalization approach we show that one- and two-electron InAs quantum dots exhibit avoided crossing in the energy spectra that are induced by the spin-orbit coupling in the presence of an in-plane external magnetic field. The width of the avoided crossings depends strongly on the orientation of the magnetic field which reveals the intrinsic anisotropy of the spin-orbit coupling interactions. We find that for specific orientations of the magnetic field avoided crossings vanish. Value of this orientation can be used to extract the ratio of the strength of Rashba and Dresselhaus interactions. The spin-orbit anisotropy effects for various geometries and orientations of the confinement potential are discussed. Our analysis explains the physics behind the recent measurements performed on a gated self-assembled quantum dot [S. Takahashi et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 246801 (2010)].Comment: Corrected according to referees comment

    Concurrent Manufacturing System Optimization for Two-Product Operation

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    Product/process design and optimization are typically aimed at a single product for a single customer. Such approach, however, often leads to underutilization of available production capacity. It is therefore reasonable for the manufacturer to make an effort to minimize available excess capacity to improve overall facility performance. Excess capacity can be allocated to the production of another product/process design, which can be also independently optimized. However, exploring possible synergies between the two products/processes may bring higher benefits. This paper presents a case where a manufacturing process (plastic blow moulding) was shared among two different products for two different customers, each with a different set of needs. These customer needs were mapped into core value-creating processes, recognizing both the differences in their requirements as well as the similarities in their expectations. Conflicting differences in complexity, production volumes and quality requirements were reconciled using QFD_based approach, and led to improved customer satisfaction and cost performance

    Regular Oscillation Sub-spectrum of Rapidly Rotating Stars

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    We present an asymptotic theory that describes regular frequency spacings of pressure modes in rapidly rotating stars. We use an asymptotic method based on an approximate solution of the pressure wave equation constructed from a stable periodic solution of the ray limit. The approximate solution has a Gaussian envelope around the stable ray, and its quantization yields the frequency spectrum. We construct semi-analytical formulas for regular frequency spacings and mode spatial distributions of a subclass of pressure modes in rapidly rotating stars. The results of these formulas are in good agreement with numerical data for oscillations in polytropic stellar models. The regular frequency spacings depend explicitly on internal properties of the star, and their computation for different rotation rates gives new insights on the evolution of mode frequencies with rotation.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Simulation-based Verification of Lean Improvement for Emergency Room Process

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    One of the key challenges to health care access in Canadian hospitals is growing overcrowding of the Emergency Departments (EDs), leading to the medical personnel overload, and the excessive waiting times to receive proper care. These adverse effects directly impact the patient satisfaction levels, the ability of the medical professionals to attend promptly to patients\u27 health issues, and generate unnecessary costs. Addressing the sources of waste and improving the process provides better care and higher patient satisfaction, as well as increases operational efficiency and the ability of the medical professionals to intervene on time. This paper describes an effort aimed at improvement of patients\u27 experience over their ED stay. A combination of Lean tools were used to analyze, assess and improve the current situation. Simulation models based on current and future (desired) states were developed. Comparative analysis of both enabled verification of feasibility of proposed solutions, and provided quantifiable results

    Sistem Pemeliharaan Anjing sebagai Salah Satu Hewan Penular Rabies pada Penderita Rabies di Provinsi Bali Tahun 2011

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    The number of cases of dog bites in the province of Bali has been a rise high enough. 2009, thenumber of dog bites 21 806 bite, the amount of gain VAR as many as 18 825 people, as many as27 people died. October 16, 2010 the number of bites as much as 44 629 bites, which get the VARas many as 38 982 people, as many as 62 people died. According Disnak (2010) maintance systemof dog conducted by the Balinese tend to be untied so the dogs are freely to enter and out of thehouse. An objective to be achieved in this study was to determine the system of dog maintancewhich is one of the animals transmi! ing rabies (HPR) in patients with rabies in Bali.The study design used was descriptive cross-sectional. The population in this study were all patients who die from the bite of HPR in Bali in 2010-2011, the sample was part of the patientpopulation rabies recorded in Bali Provincial Health O? ce in 2010-2011 with a porpusivesampling techniquePeople with rabies who had HPR were 35.4%, HPR which were not given VAR about 63.6%, andmostly were detachable cages. The reason of had dogs were to guard the house and hobbyists.Dogs that bite the sample were not known who were the owner / wild, so a$ er the bite were notknown its existence, it is di? cult to observe, there were also death but were killed only a smallpart due to illnessIt showed that the mantaince system of dog were not good. The results of this study can be usedas a reference to the stakeholders in order to prevent disease, especially rabies in dogs and themaintenance system. Future studies on rabies vaccination coverage in dogs and the preventionmodel in order to reduce the incidence of rabies in the Bali

    Pengaruh Framing dan Kemampuan Numerik terhadap Keputusan Investasi

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    This study aims to determine the difference between the investment decisions of low and high numerical ability and given treatment that is not given framing with framing treatment. The study population was Student Master in management. The study design is a 2 X 2 factorial design to data collection used questionnaires in the form of a case. Once the experiment ends the data were analyzed with ANOVA two ways. The results showed (1) there is a difference between the given decision is not given framing with framing, (2) there are differences in decision making between the subjects with a high numerical ability and a low numerical abilities. From the results concluded that the framing and numerical ability to give effect to the investment decisio

    Regular modes in rotating stars

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    Despite more and more observational data, stellar acoustic oscillation modes are not well understood as soon as rotation cannot be treated perturbatively. In a way similar to semiclassical theory in quantum physics, we use acoustic ray dynamics to build an asymptotic theory for the subset of regular modes which are the easiest to observe and identify. Comparisons with 2D numerical simulations of oscillations in polytropic stars show that both the frequency and amplitude distributions of these modes can accurately be described by an asymptotic theory for almost all rotation rates. The spectra are mainly characterized by two quantum numbers; their extraction from observed spectra should enable one to obtain information about stellar interiors.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, discussion adde

    Kedudukan Hukum Grosse Akta Pengakuan Hutang Notariil dalam Pemberian Kredit Perbankan

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    Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ekonominya, masyarakat kini dapat dengan mudah memanfaatkan fasilitas kredit dari berbagai lembaga keuangan baik itu lembaga keuangan bank ataupun lembaga keuangan non bank. Pemberian fasilitas kredit dari lembaga keuangan bank selalu didasari oleh perjanjian kredit dan seringkali dilanjutkan dengan pengikatan agunan dan penandatanganan Akta Pengakuan Hutang oleh debitur. Hal ini memunculkan kesan di kalangan masyarakat bahwa terdapat tiga dokumen yang berbeda menyangkut satu obyek hutang yang sama. Grosse akta pengakuan hutang yang dibuat secara notariil tunduk kepada ketentuan Undang- Undang Jabatan Notaris. Berdasarkan paparan tersebut penulis ingin mengkaji mengenai kedudukan hukum dari grosse akta pengakuan hutang disamping adanya akta perjanjian kredi notariil dan akta pengikatan jaminan. Penelitian dalam penulisan ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan jenis pendekatan berupa pendekatan Perundang- undangan (Statute Approach) dan pendekatan analisis konsep (Analytical Concept Approach) serta menggunakan bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Kesimpulan dari penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah bahwa kedudukan hukum dari grosse akta pengakuan hutang notariil hanyalah sebatas perjanjian accesoir (tambahan) yang berfungsi untuk memperkuat posisi kreditur, namun perlu dipahami bahwa grosse akta pengakuan hutang notariil haruslah berdiri sendiri dan tidak boleh dicampur adukkan dengan grosse akta hipotek atau grosse akta hak tanggungan.   Kata Kunci : grosse akta, pengakuan hutang, eksekutorial

    Shovels and Swords: How realistic and fantastical themes affect children's word learning

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Research has shown that storybooks and play sessions help preschool children learn vocabulary, thereby benefiting their language and school readiness skills. But the kind of content that leads to optimal vocabulary learning – realistic or fantastical – remains largely unexplored. We investigate this issue as part of a large-scale study of vocabulary learning in low-income classrooms. Preschoolers (N = 154) learned 20 new words over the course of a two-week intervention. These words were taught using either realistic (e.g., farms) or fantastical (e.g., dragons) storybooks and toys. Children learned the new words in both conditions, and their comprehension knowledge did not differ across conditions. However, children who engaged in stories and play with a fantastical theme showed significantly greater gains in their production knowledge. Reasons for and implications of this result are discussed
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