99 research outputs found

    A bibliometric analysis of service climate as a sustainable competitive advantage in hospitality

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    The purpose of this study is to carry out a systematic literature review and map the service climate in hospitality to discuss the future of the construct as a sustainable competitive advantage. A bibliometric (Bibliometrix) and network (VOSviewer) analysis were conducted in order to review the literature of 63 hospitality service climate articles published between 2005 and 2021, covering 167 authors, 30 journals, 17 countries, and indexed with 241 authors keywords. The “International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management” presents the most considerable accumulated growth of the hospitality service climate articles. The content analysis showed a total sample with 3519 customers and 23,068 employees, and all include women and men. The studies were carried out mainly in Asia. The research trend topics revealed that performance is one of the most crucial link factors, and keywords such as service climate, performance, antecedents, and perceptions are closely related. Finally, it is essential to highlight that the new trends are related to technology, industrial revolution 4.0, big data, and HR analytics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interrelationship of the kinin system, nitric oxide and eicosanoids in the antigen-induced arthritis in rabbits.

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the interrelationship of the kinin system, nitric oxide and eicosanoids in the acute phase of antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) in rabbits. The arthritis was induced in immunized rabbits and the following parameters were evaluated 24 hours later: leukocyte influx (total and differential white cell count), vascular permeability (Evans's blue method), and synovial PMN cell infiltrate. PGE2 and LTB4 (radioimmunoassay) levels were quantified in the synovial fluid. The animals were pre-treated with 20mg/kg/day during 14 days with L-NAME or D-NAME and/or Enalapril (0.12 mg/kg/day-14 days), and/or the B2 antagonist of Bradykinin HOE 140 (0.9 mg/kg). Our results showed that L-NAME was effective in the prevention of AIA with reduction of all Inflammatory parameters analyzed. Enalapril partially reverted the L-NAME anti-inflammatory effects. The simultaneous treatment with HOE 140 abolished this reversion and returned the inflammatory parameters to the levels observed in L-NAME treated animals. Our results suggest that pressoric alterations induced by L-NAME could not account for all its anti-inflammatory action in this model of experimental arthritis. Additionally the contribution of the kinin system in AIA was characterized as well as its interaction with eicosanoids and nitric oxide

    Relationship between land use and spatial variability of atmospheric brown carbon and black carbon aerosols in Amazonia

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    The aerosol radiative effect is an important source of uncertainty in estimating the anthropogenic impact of global climate change. One of the main open questions is the role of radiation absorption by aerosols and its relation to land use worldwide, particularly in the Amazon Rainforest. Using AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) long-term measurements of aerosol optical depth (AOD) at a wavelength of 500 nm and absorption AOD (AAOD) at wavelengths of 440, 675, and 870 nm, we estimated the fraction and seasonality of the black carbon (BC) and brown carbon (BrC) contributions to absorption at 440 nm. This was conducted at six Amazonian sites, from central Amazon (Manaus and the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory—ATTO) to the deforestation arc (Rio Branco, Cuiabá, Ji-Paraná, and Alta Floresta). In addition, land use and cover data from the MapBiomas collection 6.0 was used to access the land transformation from forest to agricultural areas on each site. The results showed, for the first time, important geographical and seasonal variability in the aerosol optical properties, particularly the BC and BrC contributions. We observed a clear separation between dry and wet seasons, with BrC consistently accounting for an average of approximately 12% of the aerosol AAOD at 440 nm in the deforestation arc. In central Amazon, the contribution of BrC was approximately 25%. A direct relationship between the reduction in forests and the increase in the area dedicated to agriculture was detected. Moreover, places with lower fractions of forest had a smaller fraction of BrC, and regions with higher fractions of agricultural areas presented higher fractions of BC. Therefore, significant changes in AOD and AAOD are likely related to land-use transformations and biomass burning emissions, mainly during the dry season. The effects of land use change could introduce differences in the radiative balance in the different Amazonian regions. The analyses presented in this study allow a better understanding of the role of aerosol emissions from the Amazon Rainforest that could have global impacts

    Força gravitacional exercida por uma casca esférica sobre um corpo acelerado dentro dela

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    Em 1687, Newton demonstrou que é nula a força gravitacional exercida por uma casca esférica com distribuição uniforme de massa sobre um corpúsculo localizado em qualquer ponto do seu interior. Como a lei universal de gravitação proposta por Newton considera que a interação gravitacional só depende da distância entre os corpos que se atraem, então a força exercida pela casca deve permanecer nula mesmo que o corpúsculo esteja em movimento em relação à casca. Esse mesmo resultado nulo também é previsto pela teoria da Relatividade Geral, de Einstein. Nesta nota, mostramos que a Mecânica Relacional fornece um resultado não-nulo quando o corpo, inicialmente parado, é acelerado em relação à casca

    The medicine selection process in four large university hospitals in Brazil: Does the DTC have a role?

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    Knowledge about evidence-based medicine selection and the role of the Drug and Therapeutics Committee (DTC) is an important topic in the literature but is scarcely discussed in Brazil. Our objective, using a qualitative design, was to analyze the medicine selection process performed in four large university hospitals in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Information was collected from documents, interviews with key informants and direct observations. Two dimensions were analyzed: the structural and organizational aspects of the selection process and the criteria and methods used in medicine selection. The findings showed that the DTC was active in two hospitals. The structure for decision-making was weak. DTC members had little experience in evidence-based selection, and their everyday functions did not influence their participation in DTC activities. The methods used to evaluate evidence were inadequate. The uncritical adoption of new medicines in these complex hospital facilities may be hampering pharmaceutical services, with consequences for the entire health system. Although the qualitative approach considerably limits the extent to which the results can be extrapolated, we believe that our findings may be relevant to other university hospitals in the country

    Variables involved in the perception of psychological harassment in the nursing work environment

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    This is a descriptive-exploratory study with a quantitative approach, with the objective of identifying how nurses perceive psychological harassment at work, the behaviors experienced and the variables involved. In collecting data, two questionnaires were used: one socio-professional and another for identifying the behaviors involving psychological harassment experienced by the subjects in the previous twelve months, along with the duration and frequency of the behaviors. At the end of the questionnaire, a dichotomous question was added, which addressed nurses' perceptions in relation to feeling victimized by psychological harassment at work. Both the questionnaires were applied in electronic and print format between May and September 2010. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics. The results showed that some of the subjects felt that they were victims of psychological harassment. Only the variables related to characterization of the psychological harassment presented significant association. The following were highlighted among the most-referred-to behaviors: "They question your decisions" and "You receive verbal attacks criticizing work you have done". It's important to open spaces for discussing violence at work, so that managers may establish strategic measures for preventing and containing this type of violence, so as to ensure health, dignity and well-being at work. It is also important to discuss this issue in the academic space, so as to give the theme greater visibility, such that future nurses will be able to identify and appropriately confront this type of violence.Estudio descriptivo-exploratorio de abordaje cuantitativo, con el objetivo de identificar la percepción de enfermeros sobre el asedio moral en el trabajo, las conductas vividas y las variables relacionadas. En la recogida de datos se utilizó un cuestionario socio-profesiográfico y otro para identificar las conductas de asedio moral vividas por los sujetos en los últimos doce meses, el periodo y la frecuencia de las conductas. Al final del cuestionario fue adicionada una cuestión dicotómica relacionada a la percepción del enfermero cuanto a sentirse víctima de asedio moral en el trabajo. Los dos cuestionarios fueran aplicados electrónicamente e impresos entre mayo y septiembre de 2010. Los datos fueran tratados por estadística descriptiva. Los resultados mostraron que los sujetos se sintieron víctimas de asedio moral. Solamente las variables relacionadas a la caracterización del asedio moral presentaron asociación significativa. Entre las conductas más referidas, se destacaron: "Cuestionan las decisiones que usted toma" y "Usted recibe ataques verbales criticando trabajos realizados". Es importante la apertura de espacios de discusión sobre la violencia en el trabajo para que gestores puedan establecer medidas estratégicas de prevención y contención de este tipo de violencia a fin de garantizar la salud, la dignidad y el bienestar del profesional en el trabajo. También es importante discutir el tema en el ámbito académico, con el fin de dar mayor visibilidad a la cuestión, para que los futuras enfermeros puedan identificar y abordar adecuadamente este tipo de violencia.Trata-se de estudo descritivo-exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa, com o objetivo de identificar a percepção de enfermeiros sobre o assédio moral no trabalho, condutas vivenciadas e variáveis envolvidas. Na coleta de dados, utilizaram-se dois questionários: um socioprofissiográfico e outro para identificar as condutas de assédio moral, vivenciadas pelos sujeitos nos últimos 12 meses, o período e a frequência das condutas. Ao final do questionário, foi adicionada uma questão dicotômica que abordava a percepção do enfermeiro em relação a se sentir vítima de assédio moral no trabalho. Ambos os questionários foram aplicados no formato eletrônico e impresso, entre maio e setembro de 2010. Os dados foram tratados por estatística descritiva. Os resultados mostraram que parte dos sujeitos sentiu-se vítima de assédio moral. Somente as variáveis relacionadas à caracterização do assédio moral apresentaram associação significativa. Entre as condutas mais referidas, destacaram-se: "questionam as decisões que você toma" e "você recebe ataques verbais criticando trabalhos realizados". É importante a abertura de espaços para discussão sobre a violência no trabalho, para que gestores possam estabelecer medidas estratégicas de prevenção e contenção desse tipo de violência, a fim de garantir a saúde, a dignidade e o bem-estar no trabalho. Torna-se importante, também, discutir o assunto no espaço acadêmico, a fim de dar maior visibilidade ao tema, para que futuros enfermeiros possam identificar e enfrentar adequadamente esse tipo de violência