495 research outputs found

    High-temperature excess current and quantum suppression of electronic backscattering in a 1-D system

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    We consider the electronic current through a one-dimensional conductor in the ballistic transport regime and show that the quantum oscillations of a weakly pinned single scattering target results in a temperature- and bias-voltage independent excess current at large bias voltages. This is a genuine effect on transport that derives from an exponential reduction of electronic backscattering in the elastic channel due to quantum delocalization of the scatterer and from suppression of low-energy electron backscattering in the inelastic channels caused by the Pauli exclusion principle. We show that both the mass of the target and the frequency of its quantum vibrations can be measured by studying the differential conductance and the excess current. We apply our analysis to the particular case of a weakly pinned C60 molecule encapsulated by a single-wall carbon nanotube and find that the discussed phenomena are experimentally observable.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Volume-energy correlations in the slow degrees of freedom of computer-simulated phospholipid membranes

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    Constant-pressure molecular-dynamics simulations of phospholipid membranes in the fluid phase reveal strong correlations between equilibrium fluctuations of volume and energy on the nanosecond time-scale. The existence of strong volume-energy correlations was previously deduced indirectly by Heimburg from experiments focusing on the phase transition between the fluid and the ordered gel phases. The correlations, which are reported here for three different membranes (DMPC, DMPS-Na, and DMPSH), have volume-energy correlation coefficients ranging from 0.81 to 0.89. The DMPC membrane was studied at two temperatures showing that the correlation coefficient increases as the phase transition is approached

    Sampling and contaminant monitoring protocol for raptors

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    In May 2013 representatives from six countries gathered in Murcia, Spain, to attend the Workshop on &ldquo;Setting best practices on raptor contaminant monitoring activities in Europe&rdquo; funded by EURAPMON. The workshop developed a rough draft of the current protocol. The protocol was subsequently completed with the involvement of investigators from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. All contributors are experts in monitoring contaminants in raptors. The aim of this sampling protocol is to provide guidance on types of best practice that will facilitate harmonisation of procedures between existing and emerging schemes and so maximise the reliability, comparability and interoperability of data.The methods here do not require use of anaesthesia on birds. This protocol covers the sampling of blood and feathers from live birds, addled and deserted eggs, internal organs and tissues from dead specimens, and other samples such as faeces, preen oil and pellets.</p

    Systemic infection by Yersinia enterocolitica in chinchillas (Chinchilla laniger)

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    Yersinia enterocolitica é uma bactéria Gram-negativa que causa infecções em diversas espécies de mamíferos. O agente, geralmente, provoca infecções restritas ao intestino e linfonodos mesentéricos, porém a infecção pode se tornar sistêmica ocasionando lesões em outros órgãos como fígado e baço. Neste trabalho descrevem-se dois surtos de infecções sistêmicas causadas pela Yersinia enterocolitica em criatórios comerciais de chinchilas no Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil). Os proprietários relatavam que os animais acometidos apresentavam apatia, anorexia e morte. Foram encaminhados 13 animais para a realização de necropsia. No exame post mortem dos animais observou-se esplenomegalia, hepatomegalia e áreas multifocais esbranquiçadas no fígado, baço, pulmões, rins e intestino. No exame microscópico visualizou-se infiltrado inflamatório de neutrófilos e macrófagos, necrose, deposição de fibrina e ocasionalmente pode ser observado coco-bacilos no centro das áreas de necrose. No cultivo bacteriológico obteve-se o crescimento de Yersinia enterocolitica nos animais provenientes dos dois criatórios. O agente foi isolado de amostras no fígado, baço, intestino e pulmões dos animais necropsiados, além do cultivo de fezes de animais de uma das propriedades acometidas. A yersiniose, portanto, é uma patologia que deve ser investigada em casos de mortalidade de chinchilas.Yersinia enterocolitica is a Gram-negative bacterium, which causes infections in several mammalian species. It is often recognized as an agent causing intestinal and mesenteric lymph nodes lesions. However, Yersinia enterocolitica infection may also become systemic, with lesions in others organs such as liver and spleen. This paper describes outbreaks of systemic infection due to Yersinia enterocolitica in two commercial chinchilla breeders in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Owners reported that affected animals showed apathy, anorexia prior to death. Macroscopic examination performed in 13 animals revealed splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and multifocal whitish pinpoint foci in liver, spleen, lung, kidney and intestine. Microscopically, the affected tissues had infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages, as well as fibrin and necrosis with central areas containing cocobacilli bacteria. Yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from liver, spleen, lung and intestine samples from animals of both breeders, and from feces of chinchillas of one of the breeders. Therefore, yersiniosis is a disease to be investigated in cases of mortality of chinchillas

    Optimizing Staining Protocols for Laser Microdissection of Specific Cell Types from the Testis Including Carcinoma In Situ

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    Microarray and RT-PCR based methods are important tools for analysis of gene expression; however, in tissues containing many different cells types, such as the testis, characterization of gene expression in specific cell types can be severely hampered by noise from other cells. The laser microdissection technology allows for enrichment of specific cell types. However, when the cells are not morphologically distinguishable, it is necessary to use a specific staining method for the target cells. In this study we have tested different fixatives, storage conditions for frozen sections and staining protocols, and present two staining protocols for frozen sections, one for fast and specific staining of fetal germ cells, testicular carcinoma in situ cells, and other cells with embryonic stem cell-like properties that express the alkaline phosphatase, and one for specific staining of lipid droplet-containing cells, which is useful for isolation of the androgen-producing Leydig cells. Both protocols retain a morphology that is compatible with laser microdissection and yield RNA of a quality suitable for PCR and microarray analysis