1,711 research outputs found

    Enhancing thermoelectric properties of graphene quantum rings

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    We study the thermoelectric properties of rectangular graphene rings connected symmetrically or asymmetrically to the leads. A side-gate voltage applied across the ring allows for the precise control of the electric current flowing through the system. The transmission coefficient of the rings manifests Breit-Wigner line-shapes and/or Fano line-shapes, depending on the connection configuration, the width of nanoribbons forming the ring and the side-gate voltage. We find that the thermopower and the figure of merit are greatly enhanced when the chemical potential is tuned close to resonances. Such enhancement is even more pronounced in the vicinity of Fano like anti-resonances which can be induced by a side-gate voltage independently of the geometry. This opens a possibility to use the proposed device as a tunable thermoelectric generator.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Technological requirements for solutions in the conservation and protection of historic monuments and archaeological remains

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    Executive summary: This Study has discovered many achievements associated with European support for scientific and technological research for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage. The achievements to date are: 1. Creation of an active research community 2. A body of research of unparalleled and enviable international quality and character 3. Ongoing effectiveness of research beyond initial funding 4. Substantial rate of publication 5. Imaginative tools of dissemination and publication 6. Clear spin-offs and contribution to European competitiveness often going outside the European cultural heritage area 7. Contribution to emerging European legislation, for example, air quality management. The Study has also uncovered important research gaps associated with this field that have yet to begin to be investigated. It has also discovered the need for continuing fine scale advancement in areas where researchers have been active for a number of years. The overall picture is that European research in the field of cultural heritage protection must be put on a secure footing if it is to maintain its commanding lead over other regions of the world. This Study concludes that: 1. It would be invidious to attempt to separate basic and applied research in this area of research. Like any other scientific endeavour, this field needs to integrate basic and applied research if it is to continue to thrive. 2. Small, flexible, focused interdisciplinary teams responsive to European needs, must be sustained, promoted and celebrated as models of sustainability and that what is proposed under the European Research Area (ERA) for large and complex research projects, could inflict serious damage on this area of research. 3. Resources cannot be delegated to Member States because of the interdisciplinary nature of cultural heritage and the need for a co-ordinated pan-European perspective across this research that helps to define the essential character of European cultural heritage. National programmes only serve local needs, leading to loss of strategic output, lessening of competitiveness and risk of duplication. 4. A mechanism needs to be created to help researchers working in this field to communicate and exchange information with related sectors such as construction, urban regeneration, land reclamation and agriculture. 5. There is overwhelming agreement over the need for sustainable research funding for cultural heritage and for an iterative process of exchange among researchers, decision-makers and end-users in order to maximize benefits from project inception through to dissemination, audit and review. For all the reasons mentioned above, the most significant recommendation in this Report is the identification of the need for a European Panel on the Application of Science for Cultural Heritage (EPASCH)

    Conservation Laws in Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics: the DEVA Code

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    We describe DEVA, a multistep AP3M-like-SPH code particularly designed to study galaxy formation and evolution in connection with the global cosmological model. This code uses a formulation of SPH equations which ensures both energy and entropy conservation by including the so-called \bn h terms. Particular attention has also been paid to angular momentum conservation and to the accuracy of our code. We find that, in order to avoid unphysical solutions, our code requires that cooling processes must be implemented in a non-multistep way. We detail various cosmological simulations which have been performed to test our code and also to study the influence of the \bn h terms. Our results indicate that such correction terms have a non-negligible effect on some cosmological simulations, especially on high density regions associated either to shock fronts or central cores of collapsed objects. Moreover, they suggest that codes paying a particular attention to the implementation of conservation laws of physics at the scales of interest, can attain good accuracy levels in conservation laws with limited computational resources.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Utilización de arenas procedentes de residuos de construcción y demolición, rcd, en la fabricación de morteros de albañilería.

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    En esta investigación se estudió el comportamiento y las propiedades más relevantes de los morteros de albañilería, al sustituir parte de la arena convencional por arena reciclada en diferentes porcentajes. Para ello se caracterizaron las arenas recicladas procedentes de las centrales de reciclaje y se realizaron ensayos con el fin de comparar las propiedades de los morteros tradicionales con los morteros elaborados con arena reciclada. La dosificación del mortero utilizada ha sido 1:3:0,5, y los porcentajes de sustitución de arena normalizada por arena reciclada fueron de: 10%, 15%, 25%, 35% y 45% , para los tres tipos de arenas recicladas empleadas en este estudio, dos arenas procedentes de la línea de reciclaje de hormigón y una de la línea de reciclaje cerámica. Los resultados indican un aumento en la demanda de agua para obtener morteros trabajables, siendo necesario el empleo de aditivos a partir del 10% de sustitución. Las resistencias mecánicas obtenidas en los morteros reciclados son superiores en el caso de la flexión y ligeramente inferiores en compresión. Tanto en el ensayo de adherencia como en el de retracción, los morteros reciclados presentan un peor comportamiento que los morteros tradicionales, pero sin evidenciar pérdidas significativas en dichos valores, por lo que los morteros de cemento para albañilería con dosificación 1:3:0,5 pueden incorporar hasta un 45% de árido reciclado sin que sus principales características se vean afectada

    Caracterización e influencia del arido reciclado fino en las propiedades de los morteros de albañilería

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    This research aims to study mechanical behaviour and relevant properties of masonry mortars fabricated using fine recycled aggregate in different mixture proportions. Fine recycled aggregates samples originated from the ceramic and concrete recycling process and coming from two recycling plants of Madrid region have been used. Tests were performed using 1:3:0.5 volumetric cement-to-aggregate-to-water ratio. Standardized sand with fine recycled aggregate replacement percentages were: 10%, 15%, 25%, 35% and 45%. A continuous size distribution curve can be observed and the main crystalline phases determined have been quartz, calcite and gypsum. Compressive strength, shrinkage and bond strength tests revealed poorer performance of recycled mortars compared to the conventional mortars; however, specific values are within the limits established by the manufacturers and standards. This study shows that cement-based mortars prepared with volumetric ratio 1:3:0.5 may contain up to 45% of fine recycled aggregates, without their properties being affected and without presenting significant losses.Esta investigación estudia el comportamiento mecánico y las propiedades más relevantes de los morteros de albañilería fabricados usando arenas recicladas en diferentes proporciones. Muestras pertenecientes a la línea de reciclaje cerámica y de hormigón proceden de dos centrales de reciclaje de la Comunidad de Madrid. Los ensayos se realizaron con una dosificación 1:3:0,5. Los porcentajes de arena reciclada fueron: 10%, 15%, 25%, 35% y 45%. Se observa una línea granulométrica continua y las principales fases cristalinas encontradas son cuarzo, calcita y yeso. Los ensayos de resistencia a compresión, retracción y adherencia muestran un peor comportamiento en los morteros reciclados frente a los morteros elaborados con arena normalizada, aunque dentro de los límites establecidos por normativas y fabricantes. Se deduce que, los morteros de albañilería base cemento, pueden incorporar un 45% de arena reciclada con una dosificación 1:3:0,5 sin que las propiedades ensayadas se vean afectadas con pérdidas significativas de prestaciones

    Positive and negative feedbacks and free-scale pattern distribution in rural-population dynamics

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    Depopulation of rural areas is a widespread phenomenon that has occurred in most industrialized countries, and has contributed significantly to a reduction in the productivity of agro-ecological resources. In this study, we identified the main trends in the dynamics of rural populations in the Central Pyrenees in the 20th C and early 21st C, and used density independent and density dependent models and identified the main factors that have influenced the dynamics. In addition, we investigated the change in the power law distribution of population size in those periods. Populations exhibited density-dependent positive feedback between 1960 and 2010, and a long-term positive correlation between agricultural activity and population size, which has resulted in a free-scale population distribution that has been disrupted by the collapse of the traditional agricultural society and by emigration to the industrialized cities. We concluded that complex socio-ecological systems that have strong feedback mechanisms can contribute to disruptive population collapses, which can be identified by changes in the pattern of population distribution

    Explaining the imbalance in δ13C between soil and biomass in fire-prone tropical savannas

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    Currently, models of terrestrial 13C discrimination indicate that about one quarter of the gross primary productivity (GPP - total carbon fixed as biomass by plants) by the terrestrial biosphere is attributable to tropical savanna/grassland plants that use the C, photosynthetic pathway. However, the fraction of C,-derived biomass in soil organic carbon in savanna systems is much lower than these GPP estimates imply. Determining this imbalance has significant implications for correctly interpreting soil and palaeosol carbon isotope data, and for modelling studies that use variations in the atmospheric δ13CO, record to apportion sources and sinks of carbon. Here, we present preliminary results using hydrogen pyrolysis (HyPy) for quantifying the abundance and identifying the source of pyrogenic carbon (PC) in tropical savannas of North Queensland (Australia). We collected sediment from a series of micro-catchments covering the broadest possible range of C, and C, environments, and compared the abundances and stable isotope compositions of the total organic carbon (TOC) and pyrogenic carbon (PC) fractions. Hydrogen pyrolysis (HyPy) can be used to quantify the production, fate and stable isotope composition of PC produced by vegetation burning. HyPy is pyrolysis (up to ~600°C) under high hydrogen pressures (>10 MPa) in the presence of a catalyst, and when applied to sediments, soils, or organic samples results in the reductive removal of labile organic matter. Therefore, this technique offers great potential to effectively isolate and quantify pyrogenic carbon in a rapid and cost effective manner. Moreover, comparison of the stable carbon isotope composition of PC with bulk carbon has the potential to discern if there is a dominant vegetation source contributing to burning. The results indicate that the δ13C value of PC in the sediments is up 6‰ higher than the 613C value of TOC. There is a larger difference when TOC abundances in the sediments are lowest. This suggests a significant component of C,-derived PC is present in the sediments, even when the proportion of C, biomass in the catchment is relatively low. This in turn, provides evidence for the preferential combustion and transport of C4-derived PC in tropical savannas. Savanna fires preferentially burn the grass understorey rather than large trees, leading to a bias toward the finer C,-derived PC being exported from a fire and accumulated in the sedimentary record while large particles of Crderived PC are more likely to remain at the site of burning. Our preliminary data suggest that application of HyPy in environmental studies enables accurate quantification of an essential component of the terrestrial C cycle. Moreover, the use of HyPy also enables the reliable determination of the stable carbon isotope composition of PC, which will enable deeper understanding of the dynamic role of biomass burning in the global carbon cycle

    Determination of the Biomass Content of End-of-Life Tyres

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    Studies have been conducted in France and Spain for (1) the validation of sampling methods to achieve representative samples of end‐of‐life tyre (ELT) materials and (2) the comparison and validation of test methods to quantify their biomass content. Both studies conclude that the 14C techniques are the most reliable techniques for determining the biomass content of end‐of‐life tyres. Indeed, thermogravimetry and pyrolysis‐GC/MS do not lead to results consistent with the theoretical content of biogenic materials present in tyres, and results in both cases differ considerably from the known natural rubber content of the reference samples studied using thermogravimetric analysis. Furthermore, in the two last techniques, natural isoprene cannot be distinguished from synthetic isoprene. Results obtained with radiocarbon analysis based on 14C contents could be used as reference values of the biomass content of the ELTs: in the ranges of 18–22% for passenger car tyres and 29–34% for truck tyres, in line with actual natural rubber and other components content. Additionally, the presence of textile fibres and stearic acid, which are known sources of biomass in the tyre, cannot be evaluated by thermogravimetry and pyrolysis‐GC/MS techniques

    An intrinsic timer specifies distal structures of the vertebrate limb

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    How the positional values along the proximo-distal axis (stylopod-zeugopod-autopod) of the limb are specified is intensely debated. Early work suggested that cells intrinsically change their proximo-distal positional values by measuring time. Recently, however, it is suggested that instructive extrinsic signals from the trunk and apical ectodermal ridge specify the stylopod and zeugopod/autopod, respectively. Here, we show that the zeugopod and autopod are specified by an intrinsic timing mechanism. By grafting green fluorescent protein-expressing cells from early to late chick wing buds, we demonstrate that distal mesenchyme cells intrinsically time Hoxa13 expression, cell cycle parameters and the duration of the overlying apical ectodermal ridge. In addition, we reveal that cell affinities intrinsically change in the distal mesenchyme, which we suggest results in a gradient of positional values along the proximo-distal axis. We propose a complete model in which a switch from extrinsic signalling to intrinsic timing patterns the vertebrate limb