1,084 research outputs found

    Etapas del ciclo de vida en el desarrollo del turismo religioso: una comparación de estudios de caso

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    The religious tourism is a strategic development option for many destinations. It requires a tourism orientation, significant private and public capital investment, and a willingness on the part of religious authorities to adapt to visitor needs. The aim of this article is to examine the development of Catholic tourism in different Mexican and European regions and assess related life-cycle implications. Recommendations are made for developing the potential of the Mexican religious regions, and for advancement of the religious tourism destination life-cycle concept.El turismo religioso es una opción estratégica de desarrollo para muchos destinos. Requiere orientación al turismo, importante inversión de capital privado y público, y predisposición de las autoridades eclesiásticas para adaptarse a las necesidades del visitante. Este artículo examina el turismo religioso de carácter católico en distintos lugares de México y Europa y valora implicaciones relacionadas con el ciclo de vida. Finalmente, se hacen recomendaciones para desarrollar el potencial de los lugares analizados, y para el avance del concepto de ciclo de vida de destinos turísticos religiosos

    How to support mobility students to gain soft-competences: Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

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    Students participating in mobility experiences have a great learning opportunity, but in many cases they hardly realise about the soft-competences they developed during mobility. In this context, the supporting role of universities is key for students to make the most of their mobility and be able to communicate their learning outcomes. This study analyses the support services that students receive for the development and acknolwledgement of mobility soft comptencies (related with the three dimensiones: knowledge, skills and attitudes or KSAs) in order to define the university strategy in this field. Results show two types of support for outgoing and incoming students: (i) passive initiatives based on delivering relevant information for the mobility period to students; and (ii) active initiatives based on training activities and activities for student integration in the host university/city/culture. No support initiatives on mobility related KSAs for returned students or academic staff have been identified.De La Torre, EM.; Casani, F.; Pérez Encinas, A.; Rodríguez Pomeda, J. (2020). How to support mobility students to gain soft-competences: Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):1279-1287. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11248OCS1279128730-05-202

    El turismo religioso en distintas zonas geográficas de España: características de los turistas

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    El turismo en destinos religiosos ha aumentado en los últimos años convirtiéndose en un motor de desarrollo para muchas poblaciones. No obstante, los estudios sobre la demanda aún son escasos. El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer el perfil del turista en distintos destinos religiosos de España e identificar sus particularidades. Se realizó un trabajo de campo en tres de las manifestaciones religiosas más importantes: Camino de Santiago, Romería del Rocío y Semana Santa de Sevilla. Un análisis comparativo entre los tres perfiles mostró algunas semejanzas entre ellos

    Atomic-Scale Variations of the Mechanical Response of 2D Materials Detected by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy

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    We show that noncontact atomic force microscopy (AFM) is sensitive to the local stiffness in the atomicscale limit on weakly coupled 2D materials, as graphene on metals. Our large amplitude AFM topography and dissipation images under ultrahigh vacuum and low temperature resolve the atomic and moiré patterns in graphene on Pt (111), despite its extremely low geometric corrugation. The imaging mechanisms are identified with a multiscale model based on density-functional theory calculations, where the energy cost of global and local deformations of graphene competes with short-range chemical and long-range van der Waals interactions. Atomic contrast is related with short-range tip-sample interactions, while the dissipation can be understood in terms of global deformations in the weakly coupled graphene layer. Remarkably, the observed moiré modulation is linked with the subtle variations of the local interplanar graphene-substrate interaction, opening a new route to explore the local mechanical properties of 2D materials at the atomic scaleWe thank the Marie Curie ITN Network “ACRITAS” (Grant No. FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN-317348) funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Marie Curie PEOPLE programme and the Spanish MINECO (Projects No. CSD2010-00024, No. MAT2011-23627, No. MAT2013-41636-P, and No. MAT2014-54484-P) for financial support. Computer time was provided by the Spanish Supercomputer Network (RES) at Marenostrum III (BSC, Barcelona) and Magerit (CesViMa, Madrid) computers. P. P. was supported by the Ramón y Cajal progra

    Synergy of light harvesting and energy transfer as well as short-range charge shift reactions in multicomponent conjugates

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    We report herein on the design, the synthesis, and the characterization of a panchromatic, charge stabilizing electron donor-acceptor conjugate: (BBPA)3-ZnPor-ZnPc-SubPc 1. Each component, that is, bis(biphenyl)phenylamine (BBPA), Zn(ii) porphyrin (ZnPor), Zn(ii) phthalocyanine ZnPc, and subphthalocyanine (SubPc), has been carefully chosen and modified to enable a cascade of energy and charge transfer processes. On one hand, ZnPor, has been functionalized with three electron-donating BBPA as primary and secondary electron donors and to stabilize the final charge-separated state, and, on the other hand, a perfluorinated SubPc has been selected as ultimate electron acceptor. In addition, the ZnPc unit contains several trifluoromethylphenyl moieties to match its energy levels to those of the other components. In fact, irradiation of the heteroarray 1 triggers a cascade of light harvesting across the entire visible range, unidirectional energy transfer, exergonic charge separating, and short-range charge shifting to afford in 14% quantum yield a (BBPA)3+-ZnPor-ZnPc-SubPc- charge-separated state. The lifetime of the latter reaches well into the range of tens of nanosecondsFinancial support from Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (S2013/MIT-2841, FOTOCARBON), and MINECO, Spain (CTQ2017-85393-P), and the “Solar Energy goes Hybrid” Initiative of the Bavarian Ministry for Science, Culture and Education (SolTech) is acknowledge

    Growth potential determination in feedlots of retinta breed calves

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    The Retinta breed has approximately 200000 to 250000 reproducers of which more than 10 percent are registered in the genealogic book of the breed. This represents 5.3 percent of Spanish bovines and 14.5 percent of the autochthonous breed. The fattening of 373 pure Retinto male calves from the Centro Experimental Agrícola y Ganadero from Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) was controlled. This control lasted from the time of weaning to the slaughter. The animals were monthly weighted. From the 1984 weightings done, 373 correspond to the moment of entering the centre, 1238 weightings were taken during the fattening process and 373 were made at slaughter. The average length of fattening time was 158.5±2.8 days (cv 34.2 percent). The average period for acclimatisation to the fattening process was 32.6±0.9 days, with the process beginning at an average age of 226.5±1.5 days when the weight was 271±2.6 kg. The average weight at slaughter during the period analysed (10 years) was 518.0±3.9 kg (c.v. 14.6 percent). 70 percent of the animals were slaughtered at 450 to 600 kg of live weight, resulting in an average daily gain (GMD) of 1.58±0.012 kg/day (c.v. 14.1) with a minimum value of 0.76 kg/day and a maximum of 2.27. It should be pointed out that 14 percent of the calves had a GMD of more than 2 kg/day. An overall transformation index (IT) on 5.29 was obtained with an average daily consumption per animal (CMD) of 8.77 kg. The average values for the fattened groups during the last two years showed a weight at time of sacrifice of 575.2 kg for a duration of fattening of 179.9 days and an average daily gain of 1.6 kg/day. The overall IT was 5.18 and the CMD was 8.98 kg with a c.v. of 5.9 percent and 5.2 respectively.Más del 10 p.100 del censo aproximado de la raza Retinta (200000 a 250000 reproductoras) están inscritas en el libro genealógico de la raza. Representa el 5,3 p.100 del bovino español y el 14,5 p.100 del autóctono. Se ha controlado el cebo de 373 terneros machos retintos puros procedentes de la ganadería del Centro Experimental Agrícola Ganadero de Jerez de la Frontera de la Excma. Diputación de Cádiz. Los animales se controlaron desde el destete hasta que fueron sacrificados, pesándolos con periodicidad mensual, con un total de 1984 pesadas, de las cuales 373 corresponden a entrada en cebadero, 1238 han sido realizadas durante el periodo de cebo y 373 al sacrificio. La duración media del cebo fue 158,5±2,8 días (cv 34,2 p.100). El periodo medio de aclimatación al cebo tuvo una duración media de 32,6±0,9 días, iniciándose el cebo los terneros con una edad media de 226,5±1,5 días y un peso de 271,3±2,6 kg. El peso promedio al sacrificio en todo el periodo analizado (10 años) fue de 518,0±3,9 kg (con un cv de 14,6 p.100). El 70 p.100 de los animales se sacrificaron con un peso comprendido entre los 450 y 600 kg resultando una ganancia media diaria (GMD) global de 1,58±0,012 kg/día (cv del 14,1 p.100) con un valor mínimo de 0,76 kg/día y un máximo de 2,27. Se puede resaltar que el 14 p.100 de los terneros presentaron una GMD superior a los 2 kg/día. Se obtuvo un índice de transformación global (IT) de 5,29 y un consumo medio diario por animal (CMD) de 8,77 kg. Los valores medios de los lotes cebados en los dos últimos años presentaron un peso al sacrificio de 575,2 kg para una duración del cebo de 175,9±4,2 días y una GMD de 1,6 kg/día. La media del IT fue de 5,18 y del CMD de 8,98 kg, con unos c.v. de 5,93 p.100 y de 5,23 p.100 respectivamente

    Experimental assessment of anomalous low-frequency noise increase at the onset of Gunn oscillations in InGaAs planar diodes

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    In this work, the presence of anomalous low-frequency fluctuations during the initiation of higher frequency oscillations in InGaAs-based Gunn planar diodes has been evidenced and investigated. Accurate measurements showing the evolution of the power spectral density of the device with respect to the applied voltage have been carried out. Such spectra have been obtained in the wide frequency range between 10MHz and 43.5 GHz, simultaneously covering both the low-frequency noise and the fundamental oscillation peak at some tens of GHz. This provides valuable information to better understand how these fluctuations appear and how these are distributed in frequency. For much higher frequency operation, such understanding can be utilized as a simple tool to predict the presence of Gunn oscillations without requiring a direct detection