109 research outputs found

    Istrian coastal countercurrent in the year 1997

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    During the 1966-1997 period the Istrian Coastal Countercurrent (ICCC), i.e. the strong southward surface current confined to the coastal belt off Istria, up to 20 Nm wide, appeared and was particularly pronounced in August of those years when mucilage or anoxia events occurred in the northern Adriatic (1977, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1997). In this paper we analyse geostrophic currents and hydrographic characteristics of the northern Adriatic in 1997. We show that the ICCC can appear in months other than August, as well as that its occurrence implies the presence of an anticyclonic gyre in the northeastern Adriatic, in which lower salinity waters, originating in the Po Delta area, are confined. Longer residence times of this nutrient-rich waters can favour eutrophication process and mucilaginous aggregate accumulation. On the basis of the prediction formula derived for the 1966-1992 period we were able to predict the intense episode of the ICCC in August 1997 from air-sea heat flux calculations with āˆ’7 months time lag and Po River discharge rate with āˆ’1 month time lag

    Zagrebački prirodoslovci, a napose Josip Goldberg, i istraživanje Jadrana

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    U članku se prikazuje djelatnost S. Brusine i njegovih suvremenika, kojom su krajem 19. stoljeća utemeljena novija oceanografska istraživanja u Hrvatskoj. Detaljno se analiziraju okolnosti pod kojima je doÅ”lo do organiziranja prvih hrvatskih oceanografskih ekspedicija u Kvarnerskom zaljevu 1913. i 1914. godine. Naposljetku, pozornost se posvećuje J. Goldbergu, istraživanjima seÅ”a Bakarskog zaljeva Å”to ih je zajedno sa suradnicima proveo 1936. godine, te utjecaju koji je ostvario na oceanografsku djelatnost nakon drugog svjetskog rata

    Individual differences in processing affective material

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    Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost obrade emocionalno obojenog materijala i bazične strukture ličnosti. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruisana su tri eksperimenta u kojima je ispitivano afektivno primovanje u zadatku evaluativne odluke. Pod afektivnim primovanjem se podrazumeva facilitacija odgovora na neki stimulus ako mu prethodi stimulus iste afektivne valence i/ili inhibicija ukoliko mu prethodi stimulus suprotne afektivne valence. Ispitanicima su na ekranu računara jedan za drugim prikazivana po dva stimulusa iste ili različite afektivne valence (stimulusprim i stimulus-meta), a njihov zadatak je bio da prtiskom na jedan od tastera odgovore da li je drugi stimulus u paru afektivno pozitivan ili negativan. U prvom eksperimentu je koriŔćen isključivo vizuelni materijal (složene fotografije), u drugom su kao stimulusiprimovi koriŔćene fotografije, a kao stimulusi-mete reči i u trećem je koriŔćen samo verbalni materijal (imenice). Vizuelni stimulusi izabrani su iz baze International Affective Picture System (Lang et al, 2008), a verbalni iz baze Konotativni rečnik (Janković, 2000). Bazična struktura ličnosti definisana je modelom Velikih pet (Costa & McCrae, 1985), Dezintegracije (Knežević et al, 2005), Amorala (Knežević, 2003) i Kibernetičkog modela intelektualnog funkcionisanja (Wolf et al, 1992), a operacionalizovana inventarima NEO PI-R, DELTA 10, AMRL 15 i KOG 9. Rezultati analize varijanse su pokazali da se struktura efekta afektivnog primovanja razlikuje u zavisnosti od modaliteta prikazanih stimulusa. U eksperimentu u kome je koriŔćen isključivo vizuelni materijal dobijen je samo efekat facilitacije negativnih stimulusa. U eksperimentu u kome su kombinovani vizuelni i verbalni stimulusi dobijen je efekat facilitacije za pozitivne stimuluse, kao i efekti inhibicije i za pozitivne i za negativne stimuluse. U eksperimentu u kome je koriŔćen isključivo verbalni materijal efekti primovanja nisu bili značajni. Rezultati regresione analize su pokazali da postoji povezanost efekata afektivnog primovanja i pojedinih dimenzija bazične strukture ličnosti. Efekat facilitacije negativnih stimulusa u eksperimentu u kome je koriŔćen vizuelni materijal je povezan sa crtom dezintegracije, a efekat facilitacije pozitivnih stimulusa sa opÅ”tim intelektualnim sposobnostima. U eksperimentu u kome je kombinovan verbalni i vizuelni materijal facilitacija negativnih stimulusa je povezana sa dimenzijama amorala i otvorenosti (Velikih pet). I, na kraju, dimenzija otvorenosti je povezana sa kraćim vremenom reakcije na afektivno obojene stimuluse u sva tri eksperimenta. Rezultati su diskutovani u svetlu teorija o procesiranju afektivno obojenog materijala i mehanizama njegove povezanosti sa prostorom bazične strukture ličnosti.The main goal of this research was to examine the relationship between processing of affective material and basic personality structure. We constructed three experiments in which we investigated affective priming in an evaluative decision task. Affective priming is consisted of response facilitation to a certain stimulus if it was subsequent to a stimulus of the same affective valence and/or response inhibition if it was subsequent to a stimulus of the opposite affective valence. Subjects were presented on a computer screen with pairs of stimuli which appeared one after another (stimulusprime and stimulus-target) with either the same or the opposite affective valence. Their task was to determine whether the second stimulus is affectively positive or negative by clicking the appropriate key. In the first experiment, only visual material was used (complex images), in the second experiment photographs were used as stimuli-primes and words as stimuli-targets, whilst in the third experiment only verbal material was used (nouns). Visual stimuli were selected from International Affective Picture System (Lang et al, 2008), and verbal stimuli from Connotative Dictionary (Janković, 2000). Basic structure of personality was defined by the Five-Factor model (Costa & McCrae, 1985), Disintegration, (Knežević et al, 2005), Amorality (Knežević, 2003) and the Cybernetic model of intellectual functioning (Wolf et al, 1992), and operationalized by using inventories NEO PI-R, DELTA 10, AMRL 15 and KOG 9. Results of analysis of variance showed that the structure of affective priming effect differs depending on the sensory modality of presented stimuli. In the experiment in which only visual stimuli were used, only the facilitation effect for negative stimuli proved significant. In the experiment in which visual and verbal stimuli were combined, facilitation effect for positive stimuli and inhibition effects for both positive and negative stimuli were all statistically significant. In the experiment in which only verbal stimuli were used, no priming effects reached statistical significance. Results of regression analysis showed that there is a correlation between affective priming effects and certain dimensions of basic personality structure. In the first experiment in which only visual material was used, facilitation effect for negative stimuli correlates to Disintegration trait and facilitation effect for positive stimuli with intellectual abilities. In the second experiment in which both verbal and visual material was used, facilitation effect for negative stimuli correlates with Amorality and Openness to Experience (Five-Factor model). And, finally, dimension Openness to Experience correlates with shorter reaction time to affective stimuli in all three experiments. Results are discussed in light of theories of affective material processing and mechanisms of its relation to basic personality structure

    Comparative investigations of immune response of calves at different intervals between primary and secondary immunization using inactivated bovine herpes virus 1 vaccine

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    Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) is one of the most siginificant causes of infections of the respiratory tract of cattle and immunoprophylaxis has a key role in curbing this infection. The intensity of the immune response against BHV-1 following immunization using inactivated commercial vaccines varies depending on the type of vaccine, but it is generally believed that they provide good protection from the development of the clinical form of the infection, and that they are safe. The paper present the development of the humoral immune response in fattening calves that were immunized against bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) at different time intervals between the primary and the secondary immunization. Calves were administered a commercial vaccine, and then they were divided into two groups which were revaccinated on days 14 or 21. Over a course of the 120 days of the duration of the experiment, blood and nasal mucus were sampled 11 times. The blood serum samples were examined for antibodies to BHV-1 using the virus neutralization (VN) test, and the nasal mucus samples were analyzed using the VN test and the ELISA method. Following revaccination, it was established that there was an increase in the antibody titer in blood of all experimental animals, and it was maintained at a high level up until the very end of the experiment (day 120). In the blood serums, maximum mean values for the antibody titer were determined on day 30 in the group that was revaccinated on day 14, and on day 45 in the group of calves revaccinated on day 21. In nasal mucus, antibodies were established at the earliest, using the virus neutralization test, on day 14 following vaccination, and using the ELISA method only after revaccination. The highest antibody titer in nasal mucus was established on day 45 in the group revaccinated on day 21, and on day 120 in the group revaccinated on day 14. Based on the established antibody titer values, calves can be revaccinated using the inactivated BHV-1 vaccine already on day 14. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 31084

    Environmental innovation across SMEs in Europe

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    This paper focuses on the relation between business innovation modes and environmental innovation. Over time firms have recognized the importance of prioritizing innovation to gain competitive advantages in open markets. Yet, in more recent times with the more recent international agreements on environmental sustainability (rounds in Doha in 2004; Copenhagen in 2009; Paris in 2016; and Glasgow in 2021), innovation needs to be guided through new boundaries and requirements that individual businesses and the business system as a whole face. One of these boundaries is nature and its resources which require significant protection as part of the international priority agenda on climate change agreed by most countries with the 2016 Paris Agreement on the Environment and recently confirmed with COP26. As firms are found to adopt alternative archetypical strategies of innovation, some science-driven (STI innovation mode) and others practice-driven (DUI innovation mode), we investigate whether any of these strategic modes is beneficial in relation to the capacity of the firms to produce eco-innovations, and which one is more beneficial in relation to which type of eco-innovation (e.g. technological and non-technological innovation). This analysis is seen in relation to the size of the firms as SMEs typically rely on practice and interactive-based innovation activities (DUI mode). This may help design environment protection-orientated policies that focus on specific drivers, thus making policy action efficient and effective. The analysis is based on the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) database for European countries. Our findings support the view that both STI and DUI drivers support eco-innovation through technological nuances that work also in the specific case of SME environmental innovation

    Comparison of non-destructive techniques and conventionally used spectrometric techniques for determination of elements in plant samples (coniferous leaves)

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    Conventionally used spectrometric techniques of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-MS) usually involve time-consuming sample preparation procedure of a sample dissolution which requires the usage of aggressive and toxic chemicals. The need for suitable and sustainable analytical methods for direct multi-elemental analysis of plant samples has been increased in recent years. Spectrometric techniques for direct sample analysis, instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) have been applied in environmental studies and various fields of screening tests. Nevertheless, these techniques are not commonly used for plant sample analysis and their performances need to be evaluated. This research aimed to assess how reliable non-destructive techniques are in the determination of elements in plants compared to conventionally used spectrometric techniques. A total of 49 plant samples of four conifer species (Pinus nigra, Abies alba, Taxus baccata and Larix decidua) were measured using two conventionally applied (ICP-MS, ICP-OES) and two non-destructive techniques (wavelength dispersive XRF (WD-XRF), INAA). The comparison was performed by investigation of relative ratios of concentrations and by correlation analysis. Moreover, precision of the techniques was examined and compared. The quality control included analysis of NIST pine needles certified reference material (1575a) using all examined techniques. Our results suggest that additional analytical and quality control steps are necessary for reaching the highest accuracy of multi-elemental analysis

    Diurnal internal tides detected in the Adriatic

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    Safe trapping of Cs radionuclides in sintered matrix of zeolites

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    Cesium aluminosilicate phases are of the great interest as possible host for Cs immobilization in radioactive waste management. The possibility to use zeolite as a host material for radioactive Cs immobilization was investigated. Cs-exchanged forms of clinoptilolite and 13X which were prepared by ion-exchange treatment were compacted. The powders compacts of exchanged zeolites were thermally treated at 1200 Ā°C. The XRD analysis showed that Cs was successfully immobilized after heat treatment by formation of stable cesium-aluminosilicate ceramic forms. Thermal and mechanical properties of the sintered samples were investigated. From the perspective of these characteristics, Cs-exchanged zeolite (clinoptilolite and 13 X) can be considered as a potential material for safe waste disposal

    Optimization of the plant sample preparation procedure for metal analysis using Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (WDXRF)

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    Plants are known as good biomonitors in contaminated areas due to their tendency to accumulate toxic metals. Methods based on direct solid sample analysis are more favourable because they avoid utilization of aggressive and toxic agents, which is in line with green chemistry principles [1]. Besides nondestructiveness, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) is suitable for plant analysis because it offers wide linearity range (from ppm level to 100 %) and possibility of analysis of almost whole PSE (from Be to Am) [2]. Plant sample preparation procedure for WDXRF analysis includes grinding and drying at 60 C. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, the plant sample is mixed with a certain amount of binder (Hoechst wax C micropowder) and pressed in a hydraulic press (Retsch PP 25) in order to obtain stable pellet (32 mm diameter). The plants are mostly made of light elements (O, N and C) which are transparent for X-rays. During analysis of elements with a higher atomic number, Xrays penetrate quite deep into the sample. It is important to establish the minimum thickness of the pellet that will provide reliable results during determination of the heavier elements in the plant matrix. Samples are measured under conditions of high vacuum and slightly elevated temperature, and for that reason herbal matrix is prone to physical changes after analysis. It is important to determine ideal ratio between mass of the sample and the binder that will provide a stable pellet without affecting determination of elements which are present in low concentrations. During this study, two types of plant samples were analysed: fir and pine needles. Samples were collected in 2017 during autumn. The influence of pellet mass (thickness) on elements concentration was examined by measuring pellets prepared from 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 g of plans material. By preparing pellets with: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 % of wax, the influence of binder ratio was examined. Analysis was performed on ARLā„¢ PERFORMā€™X Sequential Wavelength Dispersive XRay Fluorescence Spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Switzerland) combined with ARL software program UniQuant [3]. In both types of plant samples the following elements were determined: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn, Sr and Zr. Both fir and pine needles show similar trends. As quantity of binder increases, the concentration of Ca and K increases, because wax as binder can contain small quantities of those elements. Repeatability of elements that were found in higher concentrations (Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K and Ca) is high, while repeatability for low concentration elements (Ti, Fe, Ni, Zn, Sr) decreases as percent of binder increases. Reason for that phenomenon is that dilution with wax is affecting elements in low concentration more than high concentration elements. For light elements results show small impact of pellet mass on the measurements because observed X-rays have low penetration depth. Elements with higher Z number are usually present in smaller concentrations in plants and such measurements are less precise, especially when the smaller pellet mass is analyzed. We can say that UniQuant, as standardless method of analysis, which uses the advanced Fundamental parameters Algorithms for data processing, is well adjusted and able to deal with analysis of different sample masses. When physical properties of pellets are investigated, addition of 20% of wax provides the most stabile pellets with flattest surface. For adequate pellet stability, recommend mass of pellets should be 4 g, but it has been shown that 3 g is acceptable in the case of a small sample quantity. In case when we have less than 3 g, it is recommended to carefully place sample as thin layer on the top of 3 g of boric acid inert carrier.The conference was organized by the Institute of Chemistry of Clermont-Ferrand (ICCF) from the Clermont Auvergne University / CNRS / Sigma-Clermont, on behalf of the Association of Chemistry and the Environment (ACE).Book of Abstract
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