310 research outputs found

    Imbalance of the hemocoagulation and fibrinolysis systems under conditions of diabetes mellitus complicated by acute circulatory disturbance in the pool of carotid arteries of rats

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    Introduction. Both cerebral ischemia and diabetes mellitus (DM) are evidenced to be associated with hypercoagulation state, though today the facts concerning hemocoagulation condition with diabetes mellitus complicated by cerebral ischemia-reperfusion are lacking.    The aim of the study. To examine the dynamics of interrelations between the pro-, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic parameters in rats with diabetes mellitus complicated by acute cerebral circulatory disturbance.   Results. At the early ischemic-reperfusion period activation of the pro-coagulant potential (decrease of prothrombin and thrombin time and increase of fibrinogen content) is found to be balanced by a reduced activity of XIII factor and an increase activity of antithrombin III in rats without diabetes mellitus.  At the same period in rats with diabetes increase of the pro-coagulant potential is accompanied by the activation of XIII factor and a reduced activity of antithrombin III promoting clot formation. On the 12th day of the observation the parameters of the coagulation chain in the hemostasis system and antithrombin III return to the level of the control animals in rats without diabetes, but in rats with diabetes the factors of intensification of a thrombotic risk remain activated. At the early and late ischemic-reperfusion periods the parameters of blood fibrinolytic activity increase in rats without diabetes; in animals with diabetes mellitus the parameters of fibrinolytic activity remain without changes at the early period of observation (except decrease of a potential plasminogen activity), and they decrease on the 12th day of the post-ischemic period, which deteriorates conditions of thrombolysis.   Conclusions. Complication of diabetes mellitus by ischemic-reperfusion lesion of the brain results in imbalance in the hemocoagulation system at the expense of intensification of pro-coagulant mechanisms, and promotes inhibition of fibrinolytic processes with advanced changes in the dynamics of observation.   &nbsp

    Absence of Conventional Spin-Glass Transition in the Ising Dipolar System LiHo_xY_{1-x}F_4

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    The magnetic properties of single crystals of LiHo_xY_{1-x}F_4 with x=16.5% and x=4.5% were recorded down to 35 mK using a micro-SQUID magnetometer. While this system is considered as the archetypal quantum spin glass, the detailed analysis of our magnetization data indicates the absence of a phase transition, not only in a transverse applied magnetic field, but also without field. A zero-Kelvin phase transition is also unlikely, as the magnetization seems to follow a non-critical exponential dependence on the temperature. Our analysis thus unmasks the true, short-ranged nature of the magnetic properties of the LiHo_xY_{1-x}F_4 system, validating recent theoretical investigations suggesting the lack of phase transition in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Formulation of the Spinor Field in the Presence of a Minimal Length Based on the Quesne-Tkachuk Algebra

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    In 2006 Quesne and Tkachuk (J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {\bf 39}, 10909, 2006) introduced a (D+1)-dimensional (β,β)(\beta,\beta')-two-parameter Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra which leads to a nonzero minimal length. In this work, the Lagrangian formulation of the spinor field in a (3+1)-dimensional space-time described by Quesne-Tkachuk Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra is studied in the case where β=2β\beta'=2\beta up to first order over deformation parameter β\beta. It is shown that the modified Dirac equation which contains higher order derivative of the wave function describes two massive particles with different masses. We show that physically acceptable mass states can only exist for β<18m2c2\beta<\frac{1}{8m^{2}c^{2}}. Applying the condition β<18m2c2\beta<\frac{1}{8m^{2}c^{2}} to an electron, the upper bound for the isotropic minimal length becomes about 3×1013m3 \times 10^{-13}m. This value is near to the reduced Compton wavelength of the electron (λc=mec=3.86×1013m)(\lambda_c = \frac{\hbar}{m_{e}c} = 3.86\times 10^{-13} m) and is not incompatible with the results obtained for the minimal length in previous investigations.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    WKB approximation in deformed space with minimal length

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    The WKB approximation for deformed space with minimal length is considered. The Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule is obtained. A new interesting feature in presence of deformation is that the WKB approximation is valid for intermediate quantum numbers and can be invalid for small as well as very large quantum numbers. The correctness of the rule is verified by comparing obtained results with exact expressions for corresponding spectra.Comment: 13 pages Now it is avaible at http://stacks.iop.org/0305-4470/39/37

    A numerical analysis of non-linear contact tasks for the system of plates with a bolted connection and a clearance in the fixture

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    Робота присвячується аналізу геометрично нелінійних контактних задач для системи смуг. Особливості представленої задачі полягають у досліджен- ні напружено-деформованого стану двох смуг, сполучених болтовим кріпленням із зазором і навантажених рівномірно розподіленим по верхній кромці поперечним зусиллям. У цій постановці задачі присутні геометрична і структурна нелінійності. Отримано основні закономірності напружено-деформованого стану елементів силосі

    Features of finance the most influential international organizations

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    Finance of international organizations have been demarcated in the article; the features of the finance of international financial institutions and nonfinancial organizations have been considered

    A new class of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with real spectra

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    We construct a new class of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with real spectra. The Hamiltonians possess one explicitly known eigenfunction.Comment: 6 page

    Вміст сульфуру та цистину у вовні різних порід овець і їх зв’язок з рос-том вовни та її міцністю

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    This scholarly article presents a comprehensive analysis of sulfur and cystine content in the wool of various sheep breeds, with a particular focus on their relationship with wool growth and strength. The breeds under scrutiny include the Askanian fine-wool, Prekos, Latvian dark-headed, Ukrainian Carpathian mountain, and Karakul breeds. Our research revolves around wool samples extracted from the scapula area before the spring shearing process. Our findings reveal that the highest sulfur content is observed in the wool of Karakul sheep (3.05 %) and Prekos sheep (2.90 %), whereas the lowest sulfur content is noted in Latvian dark-headed sheep (2.65 %). Conversely, the highest cystine content is exhibited in the wool of Askanian fine-wool sheep (11.87 %) and Prekos sheep (11.46 %), while the lowest cystine content characterizes the wool of Karakul sheep (8.99 %) and the Latvian dark-headed breed (10.10 %). The genetic factors, specifically breed-specific characteristics, impact on the rate of wool growth. The most rapid growth rates are observed in Karakul sheep (873 mg/cm/day) and Askanian fine-wool sheep (857 mg/cm/day). Slightly lower growth rates are noted in Prekos breed sheep (844 mg/cm/day) and Ukrainian Carpathian mountain breed sheep (766 mg/cm/day). The lowest growth rates are recorded in Latvian dark-headed sheep (742 mg/cm/day). Furthermore, we establish that the highest tensile strength values are associated with the coarse wool of Karakul sheep (9.6 cN/tex) and the semi-coarse wool of Ukrainian Carpathian mountain sheep (9.3 cN/tex), as these fibers possess the thickest cuticular layer. Conversely, the lowest tensile strength values are observed in the wool of Latvian dark-headed sheep (7.0 cN/tex) and Prekos breed (7.1 cN/tex). An examination of the data reveals that there is no statistically significant correlation between the content of sulfur and cystine and the rate of wool growth. However, a robust direct correlational relationship is identified between the sulfur content and fiber strength (with correlation coefficients of r = 0.831 for Karakul breed sheep wool, 0.713 for Latvian dark-headed, 0.698 for Ukrainian Carpathian mountain, 0.544 for Askanian fine-wool, and 0.460 for Prekos breed wool).У статті наведено дані про особливості вмісту Сульфуру та цистину у вовні різних порід овець та їх зв’язок з ростом вовни і її міцністю. До уваги взяли такі породи: асканійську тонкорунну, прекос, латвійську темноголову, українську гірськокарпатську та каракульську. Об’єктом досліджень служила вовна, зразки якої відбирали з ділянки шкіри за лопаткою перед весняною стрижкою. Показано, що найвищий вміст Сульфуру є у вовні каракульської породи (3,05&nbsp;%) та породи прекос (2,90&nbsp;%), а найнижчий — у латвійських темноголових овець (2,65&nbsp;%). Натомість, найвищий вміст цистину зафіксовано у овець асканійської тонкорунної породи (11,87&nbsp;%) та породи прекос (11,46&nbsp;%), а найнижчим його вмістом характеризується вовна каракульських овець (8,99&nbsp;%) та латвійської темноголової породи (10,10&nbsp;%). Генетичні чинники, тобто породні особливості, впливають на темпи росту вовни. Найвищими вони є у каракульських овець (873&nbsp;мг/см/добу) та овець асканійської тонкорунної породи (857 &nbsp;мг/см/добу). Дещо нижчими в овець породи прекос (844 &nbsp;мг/см/добу) та української гірськокарпатської породи (766 &nbsp;мг/см/добу), а найнижчими — латвійських темноголових овець (742&nbsp;мг/см/добу). Встановлено, що найвищі показники міцності на розрив характерні для грубої вовна каракульських (9,6&nbsp;сН/текс) та напівгрубої українських гірськокарпатських овець (9,3&nbsp;сН/текс), оскільки саме ці волокна характеризуються найтовстішим кутикулярним шаром. Натомість найнижчі показники міцності характерні для вовни овець латвійської темноголової породи (7,0&nbsp;сН/текс) та прекос (7,1&nbsp;сН/текс). У результаті аналізу отриманих даних між вмістом Сульфуру і цистину та інтенсивністю росту вовни не виявлено кореляційних зв’язків. Натомість між вмістом Сульфуру та міцністю волокон існує пряма корелятивна залежність (r = 0,831 для вовни каракульської породи овець, 0,713 для латвійської темноголової, 0,698 для української гірськокарпатської, 0,544 для асканійської тонкорунної та 0,460 для вовни овець породи прекос)

    General approach to potentials with two known levels

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    We present the general form of potentials with two given energy levels E1E_{1}, E2E_{2} and find corresponding wave functions. These entities are expressed in terms of one function ξ(x)\xi (x) and one parameter ΔE=E2\Delta E=E_{2}-E1E_{1}. We show how the quantum numbers of both levels depend on properties of the function ξ(x)\xi (x). Our approach does not need resorting to the technique of supersymmetric (SUSY) quantum mechanics but automatically generates both the potential and superpotential.Comment: 14 pages, REVTeX 3.0. In v.2 misprints and inaccuracies in presentation corrected, discussion of 3-dim. case added. In v.3 misprint in eq. 41, several typos and inaccuracies in English corrected. To be published in J. of Phys. A: Math. Ge

    One dimensional Coulomb-like problem in deformed space with minimal length

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    Spectrum and eigenfunctions in the momentum representation for 1D Coulomb potential with deformed Heisenberg algebra leading to minimal length are found exactly. It is shown that correction due to the deformation is proportional to square root of the deformation parameter. We obtain the same spectrum using Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition.Comment: 11 pages, typos corrected, references adde