403 research outputs found
Some aspects of periodontitis pathogenesis in children.
Inflammatory processes in the tissues surrounding tooth root are frequent enough and develop as the direct complication of caries. As acute periodontitis is manifested with grinding toothache and violation of physiological act of chewing, symptoms of general intoxication, the continuous sluggish chronic periodontitis is harmful and dangerous to the organism as well. It forms the state of chronic оdontogenetic intoxication and chroneosepsis with wrong functioning of some internal organs and body systems. The like complications can cause significant disturbance to the function of kidneys, liver, heart, joints and their treatment without ablating focus of inflammation is often in- effective; this must be taken into account by doctors-interns. However, scanning of the oral cavity by conservative means has its difficulties mostly because of ignoring pathogenesis of such inflammation. That is why activity of ferments of blood dehydrogenases from the periapical tissues of the teeth affected with the chronic periodontitis was studied. The level of succinate dehydrogenase and alpha-glycerophosphate degydrogenase of lymphocytes of 110 schoolchildren aged 13-17 years old was studied. The main group of examined individuals included those of infected with tuberculousis – 50 individuals, and the control group (60 individuals) – clinically healthy ones without tuberculousis desease. All schoolchildren had 1 or 2 teeth affected with chronic periodontitis of the apical localization. The researchers found that a significant inhibition of activity of succinate dehydrogenase and alpha-glycerophosphate degydrogenase ferments occurs in the inflammatory periodontal tissues, which indicates to local immunity decline, and as a consequence, pathogenic bacteria activation. In people infected with tuberculousis these violations were more developed. Such features of periodontitis pathogenesis must be taken into account when providing a combined treatment
Синдром Пейтцa-Егерса (эпидермальные гипермеланозы или Лентигиноз периорифициальный)
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a Hamartomatous Polyposis syndrome that is characterized by concomitant presence of gastrointestinal polyposis and melanocytic maculele at the level of the lips, mouth and fingers. It is an autosomal dominant syndrome which appears with a ratio of 1:200000 births. PJS clinical diagnosis can be suspected if two or more polyps of Peutz-Jeghers type are detected in the gastrointestinal tract or if one Peutz-Jeghers polyp is associated with the characteristic pigmentation or with case history of heredocolaterale of PJS. We present a clinical case which creates difficulties in diagnosis, being a rarely encountered nosology. The following disease requires surveillance and monitoring in dynamics due to the increased risk of malignant: gastric, colo-rectal, lung, pancreatic, ovarian and breast cancer.Синдром Пейтцa-Егерса включает гамартоматозный полипоз, который характеризуется наличием желудочно-кишечного полипоза и скоплением макул меланоцитов в области губ, слизистых оболочек полости рта и пальцев. Заболевание передается по аутосомно- доминантному типу, распространенность которого составляет 1:200000 родов. Клинический диагноз предполагается, если находят два или более полипов типа Пейтцa-Егерса в желудочно-кишечном тракте, или если данный полип ассоциируется с характерной пигментацией, или наличием наследственности с данным синдромом. Описываем клинический случай, который представляет сложности в диагностике, так как данная нозология редко встречается. Болезнь нуждается в наблюдении и мониторинге в динамике, представляя повышенный риск для малигнизации: рак желудка, колоректальных новообразований, легких, поджелудочной железы, яичника и молочной железы
Evaluation of the effect of plant growth retardants on vegetative growth, yield components, seed quality and crop maturity of kabuli chickpea
Non-Peer Reviewe
Effect of aluminium on redox-homeostasis of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
Common buckwheat is a significant culture in Ukraine, whose importance for food security has increased in recent decades. An important biological feature of buckwheat is the ability of the crop to grow on poor and especially acidic soils. Common buckwheat was sown in Ukraine on the area of 125,000 ha in 2020, mainly in the central part of the country and in the soil-climatic zone Polesie in the north of the country. At the same time, the area under buckwheat cultivation has been steadily decreasing in the last decade, which is due to the low profitability of cultivation on mainly acidic soils. The research was conducted in the field conditions during 2012–2018 in Kiev region, as well as in laboratory conditions. ICP analysis and biochemical methods were used. Yield of buckwheat on light soils of low fertility depends largely on the level of acidity of the soil. On acidic sod-podzolic soils with loam substrate, the aluminum content of the layer is 20–40 cm higher, compared to a layer of 0–20 cm. This is probably one of the reasons why, when the concentration of aluminum in the soil profile is increased, the root system is located mainly in the upper layer of soil with a lower content of aluminum. In this case, the study of the mechanisms of resistance to the action of aluminum on acidic soils is an important component of the cost-effectiveness of crop production in the region. In acidic soils with pH < 5.0, phytotoxic aluminum (Al3+) rapidly inhibits root growth and afterwards negatively affects water and nutrient uptake in plants. Acquiring phytotoxic capacities, in this connection Al ions affect a wide range of cellular and molecular processes, with a consequent reduction in plant growth. In most plant species, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production can also be induced by Al toxicity leading to oxidative damage of biomolecules and biological membranes. We have detected an accumulation of Al ions in leaf tissues of treatment plants after 10 days of exposure. Tissues of F. esculentum roots contained 155.4% of control level of Al and tissues of F. esculentum leaves – 186.2% of control level of Al ions. Significant intensification of O2•– generation in roots and leaf tissues as a reaction to Al addition to nutrient solution was detected. Increase in antioxidant enzymes activities and non fixed products of lipids peroxidation was characterized as a biochemical defense reaction of F. esculentum over the 10 days of exposure to Al (50 μM). Thus, the results show that the action of 50 μM of Al ions activated antioxidant enzymes – SOD and CAT and decreased oxidative processes, thus promotes pro/antioxidant balance of common buckwheat. These mechanisms of redox homeostasis can be triggers of morphological changes in buckwheat plants, which lead to increased crop resistance when growing on acidic soils with high aluminum content. Thus, the resistance of culture to acid soils may be associated with the possibility of increased accumulation of aluminum in the plant’s tissues, as well as in changes in redox homeostasis with subsequent morphological changes, and primarily the formation of the root system in the top layer of soil with a reduced content of aluminum
Genes Involved in Feed Efficiency Identified in a Meta-Analysis of Rumen Tissue from Two Populations of Beef Steers
In cattle, the rumen is an important site for the absorption of feed by-products released by bacterial fermentation, and variation in ruminal function plays a role in cattle feed efficiency. Studies evaluating gene expression in the rumen tissue have been performed prior to this. However, validating the expression of genes identified in additional cattle populations has been challenging. The purpose of this study was to perform a meta-analysis of the ruminal transcriptome of two unrelated populations of animals to identify genes that are involved in feed efficiency across populations. RNAseq data from animals with high and low residual feed intake (RFI) from a United States population of cattle (eight high and eight low RFI) and a Canadian population of cattle (nine high and nine low RFI) were analyzed for differences in gene expression. A total of 83 differentially expressed genes were identified. Some of these genes have been previously identified in other feed efficiency studies. These genes included ATP6AP1, BAG6, RHOG, and YPEL3. Differentially expressed genes involved in the Notch signaling pathway and in protein turnover were also identified. This study, combining two unrelated populations of cattle in a meta-analysis, produced several candidate genes for feed efficiency that may be more robust indicators of feed efficiency than those identified from single populations of animals
Оценка противовирусной терапии у больных с циррозом печени вирусной этиологии C и D
Study group: 49 patients, 17 (34.69%) women and 32
(65.31%) men with hepatic viral cirrhosis, Child-Pugh stage
A: 24 – D viral etiology and 25 – viral C genesis. Average
age: 44.41 ± 0.4 years in women and 47.59 ± 0.6 years in
men. Purpose: evaluation of the antiviral treatment response
at 12 weeks and 24 weeks after initiation and assessment of
laboratory results during antiviral therapy in patients with
liver cirrhosis C and D. In patients with liver cirrhosis HDV,
treated with Peg-INF undetectable viral load was achieved
at 12 weeks in 28% cases and after 24 weeks of treatment
it is observed in 25% of cases. In the group of patients with
liver cirrhosis HCV, treated with Peg-INF + Ribabirină – 12
weeks of treatment – 75% of patients responded positively:
48% achieved complete EVR and 24% – EVR part. Evaluation of patients at 24 weeks of treatment show a positive
virologic response in 56% cases. In patients with liver cirrhosis HCV and HDV, where the virological response was
absent, more severe, and early complications of antiviral
therapy are observed: the blood count shows anemia, major
leukopenia and thrombocytopenia.Pезюме:
Группа исследования: 49 пациентов, 17 (34,69%) женщин и 32 (65,31%) мужчин с циррозом печени вирусной
этиологии, стадия Child-Pugh А: 24 – вирусной этиологии D и 25 – вирусной этиологии C. Средний возраст:
44,41 ± 0,4 лет у женщин и 47,59 ± 0,6 лет у мужчин.
Цель: оценка ответа на противовирусное лечение на
12-ой неделе и на 24-ой неделе после начала лечения и
оценка лабораторных показателей во время противовирусной терапии у больных с циррозом печени С или D.
У пациентов с циррозом печени HDV, леченных Peg-INF,
была достигнута авиремия на 12-ой неделе в 28% случаев и на 24-ой неделе лечения – в 25% случаев. В группе
пациентов с циррозом печени вирусной этиологии С,
леченных Peg-INF + рибавирин, наблюдается на 12-ой
неделе лечения положительный ответ у 75% пациентов: у 48% достигнут полный ранний вирусологический
ответ, у 24% – частичный. Оценка противовирусного
лечения через 24 недели после начала показала положительный вирусологический ответ в 56% случаев. У
пациентов с циррозом печени вирусной этиологии С или
D с отсутствием вирусологического ответа на противирусную терапию обнаруживаются осложнения
более тяжелые и раньше: в анализе крови – анемия,
лейкопения и тромбоцитопения
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extract of hot chili pepper fruits and its antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Green synthesis of different nanoparticles using the plants aqueous extracts has several advantages over other methods due to the environmentally favorable nature of plants. Moreover, such approach is also cost effective. This work describes the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) with the use of the aqueous extract of dry pericarps of hot chili peppers (Capsicum sp. cv. Teja (S-17) and cv. Carolina Reaper) with different levels of pungency and their antibacterial effect on the antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Phytochemical screening of pericarp tissues showed great distinction in contents of phenolic compounds and capsaicinoids as potential reducing agents wich correlated with total antiradical activity as analyzed by reduction of DPPH radicals. The biosynthesized Ag-NPs were characterized by UV-vis spectrophotometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The average size of the nanoparticles in both samples was less than 25 nm. Іnitial concentration of both samples of Ag-NPs inhibited P. aeruginosa growth with equal efficiency
Flux-splitting schemes for parabolic problems
To solve numerically boundary value problems for parabolic equations with
mixed derivatives, the construction of difference schemes with prescribed
quality faces essential difficulties. In parabolic problems, some possibilities
are associated with the transition to a new formulation of the problem, where
the fluxes (derivatives with respect to a spatial direction) are treated as
unknown quantities. In this case, the original problem is rewritten in the form
of a boundary value problem for the system of equations in the fluxes. This
work deals with studying schemes with weights for parabolic equations written
in the flux coordinates. Unconditionally stable flux locally one-dimensional
schemes of the first and second order of approximation in time are constructed
for parabolic equations without mixed derivatives. A peculiarity of the system
of equations written in flux variables for equations with mixed derivatives is
that there do exist coupled terms with time derivatives
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