224 research outputs found

    Torts - Charitable Immunity

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    The long-settled doctrine of charitable immunity for hospitals was abolished by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Flagiello v. The Pennsylvania Hospital, ___Pa. ___ A.2d ___(1965)

    Role of interleukin-6 on RANKL-RANK/osteoprotegerin system in hypothyroid ovariectomized mice.

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    Postmenopausal women frequently develop hypothyroidism. Estrogen depletion is accompanied by an increase of IL-6, accelerating bone turnover. The influence of hypothyroidism on bone metabolism in postmenopausal women is poorly understood. The aim of the study was an attempt to clarify the role of interleukin-6 on RANKL-RANK/osteoprotegerin system in hypothyroid ovariectomized mice. The study was performed on 56, 12-13 weeks old, female mice: C57BL/6J (wild-type; WT) and C57BL/6JIL6-/-Kopf (IL-6 knock-out; IL6KO). The mice were randomly divided into 8 groups with 7 mice in each one: 1/ WT controls, 2/ IL6KO controls, 3/ WT hypothyroid mice, 4/ IL6KO hypothyroid mice, 5/ WT ovariectomized, 6/ IL6KO ovariectomized, 7/ WT ovariectomized hypothyroid mice and 8/ IL6KO ovariectomized hypothyroid mice. Experimental model of menopause was produced by bilateral ovariectomy carried out in 8-9 weeks old mice. Experimental model of hypothyroidism was induced by propylthiouracyl administration in driking water. The serum levels of TRACP 5b, osteocalcin, OPG and RANKL were determined by ELISA. Serum RANKL concentrations were elevated significantly in all groups of ovariectomized mice as compared to respective controls, but in a minor degree in IL6KO hypothyroid mice as compared to wild-type animals. Moreover sRANKL values were significantly lower in IL6KO as compared to WT controls and IL6KO PTU injected mice. Osteoprotegerin serum levels were decreased in all IL-6 deficient mice and in a highest degree in sham-operated hypothyroid mice. To sum up, the results of the present study suggest that estrogens deficit is a strong stimulus for RANKL-RANK/OPG pathway that breaks an inhibitory influence of hypothyroidism even in IL-6 deficient mice

    Influence of temperature on dynamics of birefringence switching in photochromic nematic phase

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    We present results of dynamic and fast switching of birefringence in a photochromic liquid-crystalline system as a function of the sample temperature. The system consists of photochromic molecules of 4-heptyl-4-methoxyazobenzene showing a liquid-crystalline nematic state close to room temperature. An experiment of dynamic birefringence switching was done in optical Kerr-effect set-up, where for the sample excitation, a picosecond-pulsed laser was used. Measurements were done for different temperatures of the sample in the liquid-crystalline nematic phase. We have proposed a mathematical model of dynamic, fast, and fully reversible birefringence changes. Theoretical estimations and experimental results have shown very good agreement. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3665123

    Pulsed laser induced switching of birefringence in nematic phase of photochromic molecules

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    Fast and dynamic switching of liquid-crystalline photochromic system birefringence induced by pulsed laser has been observed. The system consisted of photochromic molecules of 4-heptyl-4-methoxyazobenzene showing liquid-crystalline nematic state close to the room temperature. Experiment of dynamic birefringence switching was done in optical Kerr effect (OKE) set-up, where for the sample excitation picosecond pulsed laser was used. Simultaneously, He-Ne laser was served as a probe beam source. Measurements were done for different voltages applied to the sample. Rise time constant was in the range of microseconds. Full reversibility of the OKE signal was observed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3559613

    Fitness, Food, and Biomarkers: Characterizing Body Composition in 19,634 Early Adolescents

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    Adolescent obesity persists as a major concern, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, yet evidence gaps exist regarding the pivotal early adolescent years. Our objective was to provide a comprehensive picture using a holistic approach of measured anthropometry in early adolescence, including body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), and reported lifestyle characteristics. We aimed to elucidate potential sex/gender differences throughout and associations to biomarkers of disease risk for obese adolescents. Methods: Trained nurses measured 19,634 early adolescents (12–14-year-olds), we collected parental reports, and, for obese adolescents, fasting blood samples in four major Polish cities using a cross-sectional developmental design. Results: 24.7% boys and 18.6% girls were overweight/obese, and 2886 had BMI ≥ 90th percentile. With increasing age, there was greater risk of obesity among boys (p for trend = 0.001) and a decreasing risk of thinness for girls (p for trend = 0.01). Contrary to debate, we found BMI (continuous) was a useful indicator of measured fat mass (FM). There were 38.6% with CRF in the range of poor/very poor and was accounted for primarily by FM in boys, rather than BMI, and systolic blood pressure in girls. Boys, in comparison to girls, engaged more in sports (t = 127.26, p < 0.0001) and consumed more fast food (t = 188.57, p < 0.0001) and sugar-sweetened beverages (167.46, p < 0.0001). Uric acid, a potential marker for prediabetes, was strongly related to BMI in the obese subsample for both boys and girls. Obese girls showed signs of undernutrition. Conclusion: these findings show that overweight/obesity is by far a larger public health problem than thinness in early adolescence and is characterized differentially by sex/gender. Moreover, poor CRF in this age, which may contribute to life course obesity and disease, highlights the need for integrated and personalized intervention strategies taking sex/gender into account

    "Siihen se tarina loppuu" Osallisuuden tukeminen saduttamalla

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    Opinnäytetyö oli toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö, jonka tavoitteena oli osallisuuden tukeminen sadutusmenetelmää hyödyntäen ja työn tarkoituksena oli myös tuottaa satukirja lasten kertomista saduista. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyössä päiväkoti Touhula Kangasalan kanssa kevään 2018 aikana. Työn tietoperusta koostui sadutuksesta, osallisuudesta, lasten kuulluksi tulemisesta, sekä varhaiskasvatuksesta. Opinnäytetyön toiminnallisessa osuudessa yksilösadutettiin lapsia ja näistä saduista koottiin työn liitteissä oleva satukirja. Lapset saivat kuvittaa omat satunsa ja kuvat liitettiin osaksi satukirjaa. Toiminnallinen osuus toteutettiin huhtikuussa 2018 ja sen aikana sadutettiin seitsemää 4-5-vuotiasta lasta. Työn tilaaja sai opinnäytetyön aikana syntyneen satukirjan jaettavaksi toiminnalliseen osuuteen osallistuneille lapsille. Lapset saivat antaa palautetta valmiista satukirjasta ja palaute heiltä oli positiivista. Lisäksi työ auttoi tukemaan lasten osallisuutta saduttamisen yhteydessä sekä opinnäytetyö toivottavasti innosti päiväkodin henkilökuntaa käyttämään sadutusmenetelmää myös tulevaisuudessa.This Bachelor’s thesis was practice-based and the aim was to support inclusion in the daycare centre Touhula in Kangasala by using the storycrafting method. Another goal was to make a storybook from the stories the children told. The thesis was implemented in spring 2018. The theoretical background consists of the storycrafting method, inclusion, what being heard is and early childhood education. In the practice part of the thesis, seven children aged four to five attended individual storycrafting sessiona. The children drew pictures to their stories and the stories were collected into a storybook. This practice part was carried out in April 2018. The Touhula Kangasala daycare centre received the finished storybook in May 2018. The children who took part into the storycrafting, also received copies of the storybook. The children also gave feedback about the book. The feedback was positive and the main aim of the thesis, to support the inclusion in the group, was achieved. The thesis also hopefully inspired the personnel to use the storycrafting method in the future

    Dye Stabilization and Wavelength Tunability in Lasing Fibers Based on DNA

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    Lasers based on biological materials are attracting an increasing interest in view of their use in integrated and transient photonics. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as optical biopolymer in combination with highly emissive dyes has been reported to have excellent potential in this respect. However, achieving miniaturized lasing systems based on solid-state DNA shaped in different geometries to confine and enhance emission is still a challenge, and the physicochemical mechanisms originating fluorescence enhancement are not fully understood. Herein, a class of wavelength-tunable lasers based on DNA nanofibers is demonstrated, for which optical properties are highly controlled through the system morphology. A synergistic effect is highlighted at the basis of lasing action. Through a quantum chemical investigation, it is shown that the interaction of DNA with the encapsulated dye leads to hindered twisting and suppressed channels for the nonradiative decay. This is combined with effective waveguiding, optical gain, and tailored mode confinement to promote morphologically controlled lasing in DNA-based nanofibers. The results establish design rules for the development of bright and tunable nanolasers and optical networks based on DNA nanostructures

    Military personnel with chronic symptoms following blast traumatic brain injury have differential expression of neuronal recovery and epidermal growth factor receptor genes

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    Objective: Approximately one-quarter of military personnel who deployed to combat stations sustained one or more blast-related, closed-head injuries. Blast injuries result from the detonation of an explosive device. The mechanisms associated with blast exposure that give rise to traumatic brain injury (TBI), and place military personnel at high risk for chronic symptoms of post-concussive disorder (PCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression are not elucidated. Methods: To investigate the mechanisms of persistent blast-related symptoms, we examined expression profiles of transcripts across the genome to determine the role of gene activity in chronic symptoms following blast-TBI. Active duty military personnel with (1) a medical record of a blast-TBI that occurred during deployment (n = 19) were compared to control participants without TBI (n = 17). Controls were matched to cases on demographic factors including age, gender, and race, and also in diagnoses of sleep disturbance, and symptoms of PTSD and depression. Due to the high number of PCD symptoms in the TBI+ group, we did not match on this variable. Using expression profiles of transcripts in microarray platform in peripheral samples of whole blood, significantly differentially expressed gene lists were generated. Statistical threshold is based on criteria of 1.5 magnitude fold-change (up or down) and p-values with multiple test correction (false discovery rate \u3c0.05). Results: There were 34 transcripts in 29 genes that were differentially regulated in blast-TBI participants compared to controls. Up-regulated genes included epithelial cell transforming sequence and zinc finger proteins, which are necessary for astrocyte differentiation following injury. Tensin-1, which has been implicated in neuronal recovery in pre-clinical TBI models, was down-regulated in blast-TBI participants. Protein ubiquitination genes, such as epidermal growth factor receptor, were also down-regulated and identified as the central regulators in the gene network determined by interaction pathway analysis. Conclusion: In this study, we identified a gene-expression pathway of delayed neuronal recovery in military personnel a blast-TBI and chronic symptoms. Future work is needed to determine if therapeutic agents that regulate these pathways may provide novel treatments for chronic blast-TBI-related symptoms