160 research outputs found

    The O star hinterland of the Galactic starburst, NGC 3603

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    The very bright and compact massive young cluster, NGC 3603, has been cited as an example of a starburst in the Milky Way and compared with the much-studied R136/30 Doradus region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Here we build on the discovery by Mohr-Smith et al. (2017) of a large number of reddened O stars around this cluster. We construct a list of 288 candidate O stars with proper motions, in a region of sky spanning 1.5 × 1.5 square degrees centered on NGC 3603, by cross-matching the Mohr-Smith et al. (2017) catalogue with Gaia DR2 (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018). This provides the basis for a first comprehensive examination of the proper motions of these massive stars in the halo of NGC 3603, relative to the much better studied central region. We identify up to 11 likely O star ejections – 8 of which would have been ejected between 0.60 and 0.95 Myr ago (supporting the age of ∼1 Myr that has been attributed to the bright cluster centre). Seven candidate ejections are arranged in a partial ring to the south of the cluster core spanning radii of 9–18 arcmin (18–36 pc if the cluster is 7 kpc away). We also show that the cluster has a halo of a further ∼100 O stars extending to a radius of at least 5 arcmin, adding to the picture of NGC 3603 as a scaled down version of the R136/30 Dor region

    XGAPS: a sub-arcsec cross-match of galactic plane surveys

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    We present a sub-arcsec cross-match of Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3) against the INT Galactic Plane Surveys (IGAPS) and the United Kingdom Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). The resulting cross-match of Galactic Plane Surveys (XGAPS) provides additional precise photometry (URGO, g, r, i, Hα, J, H, and K) to the Gaia photometry. In building the catalogue, proper motions given in Gaia DR3 are wound back to match the epochs of the IGAPS constituent surveys (INT Photometric HαSurvey of the Northern Galactic Plane, IPHAS, and the UV-Excess Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane, UVEX) and UKIDSS, ensuring high-proper motion objects are appropriately cross-matched. The catalogue contains 33 987 180 sources. The requirement of >3σ parallax detection for every included source means that distances out to 1–1.5 kpc are well covered. In producing XGAPS, we have also trained a Random Forest classifier to discern targets with problematic astrometric solutions. Selection cuts based on the classifier results can be used to clean colour-magnitude and colour–colour diagrams in a controlled and justified manner, as well as producing subsets of astrometrically reliable targets. We provide XGAPS as a 111 column table. Uses of the catalogue include the selection of Galactic targets for multi-object spectroscopic surveys as well as identification of specific Galactic populations

    Berkeley 51, a young open cluster with four yellow supergiants

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    The heavily obscured open cluster Berkeley 51 shows characteristics typical of young massive clusters, even though the few previous studies have suggested older ages.We combine optical (UBV) and 2MASS photometry of the cluster field with multi-object and long-slit optical spectroscopy for a large sample of stars. We apply classical photometric analysis techniques to determine the reddening to the cluster, and then derive cluster parameters via isochrone fitting. We find a large population of B-type stars, with a main-sequence turn-off at B3V, as well as a large number of supergiants with spectral types ranging from F to M. We use intermediate-resolution spectra of the evolved cool stars to derive their stellar parameters and find an essentially solar iron abundance. Under the plausible assumption that our photometry reaches stars still close to the zero-age main sequence, the cluster is located at d ≈ 5.5 kpc and has an age of ~60 Ma, though a slightly younger and more distant cluster cannot be ruled out. Despite the apparent good fit of isochrones, evolved stars seem to reside in positions of the colour-magnitude diagram far away from the locations where stellar tracks predict helium burning to occur. Of particular interest is the presence of four yellow supergiants, two on the ascending branch and two others close to or inside the instability strip

    Spectroscopic follow-up of a subset of the Gaia/IPHAS catalogue of Hα-excess sources

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    State-of-the-art techniques to identify Hα emission-line sources in narrow-band photometric surveys consist of searching for  Hα excess with reference to nearby objects in the sky (position-based selection). However, while this approach usually yields very few spurious detections, it may fail to select intrinsically faint and/or rare Hα-excess sources. In order to obtain a more complete representation of the heterogeneous emission-line populations, we recently developed a technique to find outliers relative to nearby objects in the colour–magnitude diagram (CMD-based selection). By combining position-based and CMD-based selections, we built an updated catalogue of Hα-excess candidates in the Northern Galactic Plane. Here, we present spectroscopic follow-up observations and classification of 114 objects from this catalogue that enables us to test our novel selection method. Out of the 70 spectroscopically confirmed Hα-emitters in our sample, 15 were identified only by the CMD-based selection, and would have been thus missed by the classic position-based technique. In addition, we explore the distribution of our spectroscopically confirmed emitters in the Gaia CMD. This information can support the classification of emission-line sources in large surveys such as the upcoming WEAVE and 4-m Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope, especially if augmented with the introduction of other colours

    Proper motions of OB stars in the far Carina Arm

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    ABSTRACT In large-scale maps of the Galactic disc, the Carina Arm stands out as a clear spiral feature, hosting prominent star clusters and associations rich in massive stars. We study the proper motions of 4199 O and early B most likely in the far Carina Arm, at distances mainly in excess of 4 kpc from the Sun, within the sky region, 282° &amp;lt; ℓ &amp;lt; 294° and −3° &amp;lt; b &amp;lt; +1° (Galactic coordinates). The sample is constructed by extending an existing blue-selected catalogue, and cross-matching with Gaia EDR3 astrometry. The observed pattern of proper motions is modulated into a saw-tooth pattern, with full amplitude approaching 1 mas yr−1, recurring roughly every 2–3 degrees of longitude (200–300 pc at the median OB-star distance of 5.8 kpc). Kinematic perturbation of underlying circular rotation is most likely present. The data also reveal a moving group containing &amp;gt;50 OB stars at ℓ ∼ 286°, b ∼ −1.4° behind the main run of the far arm. An analysis of relative proper motions is performed that yields an incidence of runaway O stars of at least 10 per cent (potentially &amp;gt;20 per cent when full space motions become available). To map where runaways have run away from, we set up simulations for the region that assume linear trajectories and test for trajectory impact parameter in order to identify likely ejection hot spots. We find the method currently gives good results for times of flight of up to ∼4 Myr. It shows convincingly that only NGC 3603 and Westerlund 2 have ejected OB stars in significant numbers. Indeed, both clusters have experienced intense spells of ejection between 0.6–0.9 and 0.5–0.8 Myr ago, respectively.</jats:p

    First detection of the field star overdensity in the Perseus arm

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    M. Monguió, P. Grosbøl, and F. Figueras, “First detection of the field star overdensity in the Perseus arm”, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 577, May 2015. This version of record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201424896 Reproduced with Permission from Astronomy and Astrophysics, © ESO 2016.Aims. The main goal of this study is to detect the stellar overdensity associated with the Perseus arm in the anticenter direction. Methods. We used the physical parameters derived from Str\"omgren photometric data to compute the surface density distribution as a function of galactocentric distance for different samples of intermediate young stars. The radial distribution of the interstellar absorption has also been derived. Results. We detected the Perseus arm stellar overdensity at 1.6+-0.2 kpc from the Sun with a significance of 4-5{\sigma} and a surface density amplitude of around 10%, slightly depending on the sample used. Values for the radial scale length of the Galactic disk have been simultaneously fitted obtaining values in the range [2.9,3.5] kpc for the population of the B4-A1 stars. Moreover, the interstellar visual absorption distribution is congruent with a dust layer in front of the Perseus arm. Conclusions. This is the first time that the presence of the Perseus arm stellar overdensity has been detected through individual star counts, and its location matches a variation in the dust distribution. The offset between the dust lane and the overdensity indicates that the Perseus arm is placed inside the co-rotation radius of the Milky Way spiral pattern.Peer reviewe

    The Gaia/IPHAS and Gaia/KIS value-added catalogues

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    We present a sub-arcsecond crossmatch of Gaia DR2 against the INT Photometric H α Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane Data Release 2 (IPHAS DR2) and the Kepler-INT Survey (KIS). The resulting value-added catalogues (VACs) provide additional precise photometry to the Gaia photometry (r, i, and H α for IPHAS, with additional U and g for KIS). In building the catalogue, proper motions given in Gaia DR2 are wound back to match the epochs of IPHAS DR2, thus ensuring high proper motion objects are appropriately crossmatched. The catalogues contain 7927 224 and 791 071 sources for IPHAS and KIS, respectively. The requirement of >5σ parallax detection for every included source means that distances out to 1–1.5 kpc are well covered. We define two additional parameters for each catalogued object: (i) fc, a magnitude-dependent tracer of the quality of the Gaia astrometric fit; (ii) fFP, the false-positive rate for parallax measurements determined from astrometric fits of a given quality at a given magnitude. Selection cuts based on these parameters can be used to clean colour–magnitude and colour–colour diagrams in a controlled and justified manner. We provide both full and light versions of the VAC, with VAC-light containing only objects that represent our recommended trade-off between purity and completeness. Uses of the catalogues include the identification of new variable stars in the matched data sets, and more complete identification of H α-excess emission objects due to separation of high-luminosity stars from the main sequence

    Stellar physical parameters from Str ömgren photometry. Application to the young stars in the Galactic anticenter survey

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    M. Monguió, F. Figueras, and P. Grosbøl, “Stellar physical parameters from Strömgren photometry. Application to the young stars in the Galactic anticenter survey”, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 568, September 2014. Thhis version of record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201423703 Reproduced with Permission from Astronomy and Astrophysics, © ESO 2016.Aims. The aim is to derive accurate stellar distances and extinctions for young stars of our survey in the Galactic anticenter direction using the Str\"omgren photometric system. This will allow a detailed mapping of the stellar density and absorption toward the Perseus arm. Methods. We developed a new method for deriving physical parameters from Str\"omgren photometry and also implemented and tested it. This is a model-based method that uses the most recent available stellar atmospheric models and evolutionary tracks to interpolate in a 3D grid of the unreddened indexes [m1], [c1] and Hbeta. Distances derived from both this method and the classical pre-Hipparcos calibrations were tested against Hipparcos parallaxes and found to be accurate. Results. Systematic trends in stellar photometric distances derived from empirical calibrations were detected and quantified. Furthermore, a shift in the atmospheric grids in the range Teff=[7000,9000]K was detected and a correction is proposed. The two methods were used to compute distances and reddening for about 12000 OBA-type stars in our Str\"omgren anticenter survey. Data from the IPHAS and 2MASS catalogs were used to complement the detection of emission line stars and to break the degeneracy between early and late photometric regions. We note that photometric distances can differ by more than 20%, those derived from the empirical calibrations being smaller than those derived with the new method, which agree better with the Hipparcos data.Peer reviewe

    Population-based identification of H α-excess sources in the Gaia DR2 and IPHAS catalogues

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    We present a catalogue of point-like H α-excess sources in the Northern Galactic Plane. Our catalogue is created using a new technique that leverages astrometric and photomeric information from Gaia to select H α-bright outliers in the INT Photometric H α Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS), across the colour-absolute magnitude diagram. To mitigate the selection biases due to stellar population mixing and to extinction, the investigated objects are first partitioned with respect to their positions in the Gaia colour-absolute magnitude space, and Galactic coordinates space, respectively. The selection is then performed on both partition types independently. Two significance parameters are assigned to each target, one for each partition type. These represent a quantitative degree of confidence that the given source is a reliable H α-excess candidate, with reference to the other objects in the corresponding partition. Our catalogue provides two flags for each source, both indicating the significance level of the H α-excess. By analysing their intensity in the H α narrow band, 28 496 objects out of 7474 835 are identified as H α-excess candidates with a significance higher than 3. The completeness fraction of the H α outliers selection is between 3 and 5 per cent. The suggested 5σ conservative cut yields a purity fraction of 81.9 per cent.MM acknowledges the support by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University (MICIU/FEDER, UE) through grant RTI2018-095076-B-C21, and the Institute of Cosmos Sciences University of Barcelona (ICCUB, Unidad de Excelencia ‘María de Maeztu’) through grant CEX2019-000918-M