796 research outputs found

    The Determinants of Intrafirm Trade: Evidence from French Firms

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    How well does the theory of the firm explain the choice between intrafirm and arms' length trade? This paper uses firm-level import data from France to look into this question. We find support for three key predictions of property-rights theories of the multinational firm. Intrafirm imports are more likely: (i) in capital- and skill-intensive firms; (ii) in highly productive firms; (iii) from countries with well-functioning judicial institutions. We further bridge previous aggregate findings with our investigation by decomposing intrafirm imports into an extensive and intensive margin. Doing so we uncover interesting patterns in the data that require further theoretical investigation.intrafirm trade, outsourcing, firm heterogeneity, incomplete contracts, internationalization strategies, quality of institutions, extensive margin, intensive margin

    The Determinants of Intra-Firm Trade

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    This paper analyzes the determinants of the intra-firm vs arms’length sourcing mode of imported inputs. We build a unique French dataset of 1,141,393 import transactions at the firm, country and product levels in the year 1999 that allow us to distinguish the different sourcing modes. We study the firms-, country- and product- determinants of intra-firm trade. We confirm a number of theory-based predictions building on the residuals property rights approach and provide some empirical facts that can be used to further refine this as well as alternative theories. In particular, we highlight the fact that firms’ heterogeneity needs to be evaluated across different dimensions. Furthermore, we point out that complex goods are more likely to be produced within the firm boundaries suggesting that those material and immaterial attributes that characterized a product play a key role in globalized sourcing strategies.Internationalization strategies; intra-firm trade; outsourcing; firm heterogeneity

    Linguistic Devices, Emotionality, and Memorability of Computer Mediated Communication

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    I examined whether college students use shortcuts, pragmatics, and errors in text messages differently depending on their gender and the emotionality of the message. Results indicate that the prevalence of particular shortcuts differed across happy, sad, and angry messages, but gender did not influence use of linguistic devices. In a second study, I examined the emotionality and memorability of text messages versus voicemails. Results indicate that texts may be remembered better than voicemails, and happy, sad, and angry messages may be remembered differently by men and women

    A search for periodic gravitational waves from three recycled pulsars using the AURIGA detector

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    Aims.We report on a search for continuous gravitational wave emission from three recycled radio pulsars, performed by using the data of the resonant detector AURIGA. Given the spin rate of the selected targets - the isolated pulsar PSR J1939+2134 and the binary pulsars PSR J0024-7204J and PSR J0218+4232 - the expected frequency of the emitted gravitational waves falls in the high sensitivity range of the detector. Methods.The main topic is the method, meaning that the statistical analysis is performed by implementing a slightly modified version of the Feldman and Cousins Unified Approach. Results.By using ephemerides provided by suitable radio observations of the targets, we were able to demodulate the Doppler shifts within a coherence time of 1 day, and then incoherently sum 10 daily spectra collected from December 8th to December 17th, 2006. We have found upper limits on the gravitational wave amplitudes in the order of a few units of 10-23 at 90% Confidence Level (C.L.), which translate to limits in the ellipticity of the targeted pulsars of ε \u3c 10 -4 at 90% C.L. Conclusions. The same framework can then be applied to data coming from most sensitive experiments as VIRGO or LIGO; moreover, an application to recently discovered transients in X-ray pulsars is discussed. © 2009 ESO

    An Approach to the Simulation of a Batch-respirometer

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    Dynamic models in activated sludge processes have demonstrated to be a reliable and useful instrument in design and management of wastewater treatment plants. The biochemical nature of the processes involved the models which need a specific calibration to local conditions. A common method to determine kinetic and stoichiometric parameters of the biomass or wastewater/sludge fractionations is respirometry. Theoretically, nearly all biomass parameters and fractions can be estimated by respirometry, but a lot of difficulties rise when some parameters, such as saturation and hydrolysis rate constants, have to be drawn from experimental data. The aim of our work is the setting up of a simple method to calibrate Activated Sludge Model No. 1 applying traditional batch respirometric tests together with dynamic simulations of the respirometer itself

    A Search For Periodic Gravitational Waves From Three Recycled Pulsars Using The Auriga Detector - An Implementation Of A Modified Version Of The Unified Approach Method

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    We report on a search for continuous gravitational wave emission from three recycled radio pulsars, performed by using the data of the resonant detector AURIGA. Given the spin rate of the selected targets – the isolated pulsar PSR J1939+2134 and the binary pulsars PSR J0024-7204J and PSR J0218+4232 – the expected frequency of the emitted gravitational waves falls in the high sensitivity range of the detector

    Use of ethyleneglycol monomethyl ether as cryoprotectant in vitrification of IVP bovine embryos.

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    Publicado: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE); Gramado, RS, Brazil, August 20th to 23rd, 2015, and 31st Meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Association (AETE); Ghent, Belgium, September 11th and 12th, 2015. Abstracts

    Blood Pressure Measurements Taken by Patients are Similar to Home and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurements

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare blood pressure measurements taken at home by physicians, nurses, and patients with office blood pressure measurement , ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and home blood pressure measurement. METHODS: A total of 44 patients seen by a home care program were studied. Protocol 1 a) blood pressure was measured by the patient, a physician and a nurse during a regular home visit (Home1); b) home blood pressure measurement was measured for 4 days (HBPM1); c) office blood pressure measurement was measured by a physician, a nurse, and the patient; and by 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Protocol 2 blood pressure was measured by the patient, a physician, and a nurse during a special home visit in the presence of a physician and a nurse only (Home2); and b) home blood pressure measurement was taken for the second time (HBPM2). Echocardiography, guided by a two-dimensional echocardiograph, was performed. RESULTS: Protocol 1: a) office blood pressure measurement and Home1 were significantly higher than ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, except for systolic and diastolic office blood pressure measurement taken by the patient or a family member, systolic blood pressure taken by a nurse, and diastolic blood pressure taken by a physician. b) ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and HBPM1 were similar. Protocol 2: a) HBPM2 and Home2 were similar. b) Home2 was significantly lower than Home1, except for diastolic blood pressure taken by a nurse or the patient. There were significant relationships between: a) diastolic blood pressure measured by the patient and the thickness of the interventricular septum, posterior wall, and left ventricular mass; and b) ambulatory and HBPM2 diastolic and systolic blood pressure taken by a physician (home2) and left ventricular mass. Therefore, the data indicate that home blood pressure measurement and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring had good prognostic values relative to "office measurement." CONCLUSION: This study showed that the measurement most similar to home blood pressure measurement and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was blood pressure measured by the patient, and that home blood pressure measurement and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring had good prognostic value relative to "office measurements"