291 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Tikus Wistar yang Diinduksi Aloksan

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    Latar Belakang: Temulawak merupakan tanaman tropis Indonesia yangkandungan metabolit sekunder dalam rimpangnya diduga dapatmenurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui efek ekstrak temulawak terhadap kadar glukosa darah tikuswistar yang diinduksi aloksan dan dibandingkan dengan metformin.Metodologi: Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan metode pretestand posttest control group design. Temulawak diekstrak dengan pelarutetanol 96% menggunakan metode maserasi. Sebanyak tiga puluh ekortikus wistar diaklimasi dan diberi diet tinggi protein selama tujuh hari. Tikusdibagi secara acak ke dalam enam kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kontrolnormal dan negatif (CMC 0,5%), kontrol positif (metformin 63 mg/kgBB),dosis I (4,375 mg/kgBB), dosis II (8,75 mg/kgBB) dan dosis III (17,5mg/kgBB). Induksi aloksan dosis 155 mg/kgBB diberikan pada semuakelompok kecuali kontrol normal secara intraperitoneal. Kadar glukosadarah puasa diukur empat kali yaitu sebelum dan setelah induksi aloksan,serta setelah tujuh dan empat belas hari perlakuan menggunakan metodeGOD-PAP dengan spektrofotometer. Data dianalisis menggunakan ujiOne Way Anova, dilanjutkan dengan uji Post-Hoc LSD. Hasil: Skriningfitokimia menunjukkan ekstrak temulawak mengandung fenol, flavonoid,alkaloid, tanin, triterpenoid dan glikosida. Hasil analisa menunjukkanperbedaan bermakna nilai rerata kadar glukosa darah antara kelompokkontrol negatif dengan kelompok kontrol normal dan positif, serta ketigadosis ekstrak temulawak (p<0,05) setelah tujuh dan empat belas hariperlakuan. Kesimpulan: Ketiga dosis ekstrak temulawak dapatmenurunkan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih wistar yang diinduksialoksan. Ekstrak temulawak pada dosis III (17,5 mg/kgBB) samaefektifnya dengan metformin dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa darah

    Multiple scattering formalism for correlated systems: A KKR+DMFT approach

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    We present a charge and self-energy self-consistent computational scheme for correlated systems based on the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) multiple scattering theory with the many-body effects described by the means of dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). The corresponding local multi-orbital and energy dependent self-energy is included into the set of radial differential equations for the single-site wave functions. The KKR Green's function is written in terms of the multiple scattering path operator, the later one being evaluated using the single-site solution for the tt-matrix that in turn is determined by the wave functions. An appealing feature of this approach is that it allows to consider local quantum and disorder fluctuations on the same footing. Within the Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA) the correlated atoms are placed into a combined effective medium determined by the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) self-consistency condition. Results of corresponding calculations for pure Fe, Ni and Fex_{x}Ni1x_{1-x} alloys are presented.Comment: 25 pages, 5 fig. acepted PR

    Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Cengkeh (Syzigium Aromaticum) Sebagai Repellent Nabati Dalam Mengurangi Jumlah Lalat Yang Hinggap Selama Proses Penjemuran Ikan Asin

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    The Utilization of clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum) extract to reduce the flies' infestation during the salted fish-drying process. Insecticide residues contained in food chain can give negative effects on public health. Various studies have shown that insecticide residues were contained in salted fish products by the application of synthetic insecticides on the fish to avoid flies infestation during the drying process. The aim of this study was to determine the application of clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum) extract to reduce flies' infestation during the drying process. The design of this research was quasi-experimental with Completely Randomized Design (CRD), conducted with six different concentrations of the extract which were 0% (as control), 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5 % in three replications.The data were analyzed using One Way Anova or Kruskall Wallis, and continued with Tukey HSD test. The results of this study indicated that the flies' species which infested fish during the drying process were Musca domestica and Chrysomya megacephala. The protection power of clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum) extract to flies on concentration 2,5% was 32,59%, on concentration 5% was 44,07%, on concentration 7,5% was 50,74%, on concentration 10% was 94,44%, on concentration 12,5% was 98,14%. The conclusion was clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum) extract on concentration 10 % was the most effective to avoid flies' infestation during the drying process. Hopefully, clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum) extract can be use as one of the controller alternatives upon the vector especially for the flies and it is also use as natural insecticide which is safe for both environment and human

    Analisis Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Pembenihan Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias Gariepenus) di Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    This research are for: (1) To analysis the cost and income of Catfish hatchery farm in Wonogiri District. (2) To analysis the influence factors of Catfish hatchery production in Wonogiri District. (3) To analysis the efficiency level of feed production, natural food, and labour. The basic method of the research is description analysis method and the conduct of the research is using a census method. This research had conducted in the district of Wonogiri which consist of 45 respondents, analyzed data included hatchery income, R/C ratio, elasticity, efficiency, and multiple linier regression test. The result of the research showed that the relation between factors and hatchery of Dumbo Catfish production showed in multiple linier regression model, they are : LnP = 7.472 - 0.047LnX1 + 0.312LnX2 + 0.388LnX3 + 0.304LnX4 + 0.136LnX5 + 0.016LnX6 + 0.108LnD1 + 0.058LnD2. The result of the analysis showed the number of broodstock, feed, natural food, labour, hatchery technology and counseling which were significant influenced in Catfish hatchery production, meanwhile the land area and hatchery process were not really influences to the Catfish hatchery production. The result of the research had obtained the income of Catfish hatchery with the price of Rp. 2.369.533,-, value of R/C ratio was 2,67, feed production value, natural food, and labour were >1 which showed inefficient, the elasticity value of all independent variable was elastic

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) di Kabupaten Siak

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    This study to analize the factors that affect the quality of human resourcesin Siak District, which of life expectancy, literacy rates, average length of school and average real per capita output adjusted. Analysis of the data used is quantitative method with SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Science) version 21.00. The results os test performed using multiple linear regression analysis, it is known that adjusted 100%. This shows all four independent variables influence on the quality of human resources in Siak District. Simultaneous regression test showed that all independent variables in the examined had a significant effect on the quality of human resources in Siak District. The results of the testing partial regression (t-test) showing that variable of life expectancy, literacy rates, average length of school and average real per capita output adjusted significant effect the human development index. Variables that influence the quality of human resources in Siak District is an average of the real per capita output in adjusted.Keywords : human development index

    Estudios detallados de algunos lípidos en aceite de semilla de Silybum marianum L.

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    Eight lipid patterns of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn seed oil, not hitherto reported, (20%) have been elucidated in this laboratory using capillary GLC and HPLC as main tools of analysis. The oil is rich in linoleic acid (53.3%) and oleic acid (21.3%). Five major triacylglycerols containing linoleic acyls namely LLL, LLO, LLP, LOO and LOP were detected by HPLC using FID detector, these triacylglycerols are also predominating in both cottonseed and sunflower oils but in different proportions. The total tocopherols content (260 ppm) was determined directly in the oil by HPLC. It was found that the oil contains alpha -tocopherol as a major constituent (84.5%) resembling sunflower oil. The whole sterols pattern, as determined as their trimethylsilyl derivatives by GLC, includes campesterol, 5-stigmasterol, beta-sitosterol, 7-stigmasterol, avenasterol and spinasterol. The four sterols lipid clases of free and acylated sterols and sterylglycosides have been determined as their 9- and 1- anthroylnitrile derivatives by fluorescence and UV- HPLC respectively.La composición de ocho tipos de lípidos en aceite de semillas de Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn, hasta ahora no reportados, han sido identificados en este laboratorio, usando GLC capilar y HPLC como herramientas principales de análisis. El aceite es rico en ácidos linoleico (53,3%) y oleico (21,3%). El ácido linoleico está contenido principalmente en cinco formas de triacilgliceroles: LLL, LLO, LLP, LOO y LOP, detectadas por HPLC, usando un detector FID, estos triacilgliceroles son también predominantes en los aceites de semillas de algodón o girasol, pero con diferentes proporciones. El contenido total de tocoferoles (260 ppm) fue determinado directamente en el aceite por HPLC. Se encontró que el aceite contenía alfa-tocoferol como principal constituyente (84,5%), recordando al aceite de girasol. El patrón completo de esteroles determinado por GLC como derivados de trimetilsilil incluyó campesterol, 5-estigmasterol, beta-sitosterol, 7-estigmasterol, avenasterol y spinasterol. Las cuatro clases de esteroles lipídicos, de libres y acilados esteroles y esterilglicósidos han sido determinados como sus derivados de 9- y 1- antroilnitrilo respectivamente por fluorescencia y UV- HPLC

    Estudios de aceites no tradicionales: I. Estudios detallados sobre diferentes perfiles lipídicos de aceites de semillas de la familia Rosaceae

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    Kernel oils obtained from apricot, peach and plum, produced as by-products from food canning industry, were analyzed by capillary GC and HPLC. The fatty acid composition of the fractionated mono-, di- and triacylglycerol was elucidated. Oleic acid ranged from 64 to 72% in triacylglycerol (TAG), whereas linoleic acid ranged from 17% to 27%. The TAG profile showed the presence of 0 0 0 (35-42%), LOO (22-28%), LLO (7-16%), LOP and LLS (6-7%), OOP (6-10.4%). Campesterol-, 5-stigmasterol-, β-sitosterol-. isofucosterol, 7-stigmasterol and avenasterol were detected in the three analyzed oils. Sterylglycosides were also determined and showed some characteristic profiles. The three kernel oils contained appreciable amounts of tocopherols in which gamma-tocopherol was the predominating one. Alpha-and delta-tocopherols were also present in smaller quantities. Results obtained can be used to characterize these kernel oils and facilitate their differentiation from the other oils.Aceites obtenidos de las semillas de albaricoque, melocotón y ciruela, producidos como subproductos de la industria alimenticia conservera, se analizaron mediante cromatografía gaseosa capilar y cromatografía líquida de alta resolución. Se estableció la composición en ácidos grasos de los mono-, di- y triacilgliceroles fraccionados. El ácido oleico osciló desde el 64% al 72% en triacilgliceroles (TAG), mientras que el ácido linoleico lo hizo entre el 17% y el 27%. El perfil de TAG mostró la presencia de OOO (35-42%), LOO (22-28%), LLO (7-16%), LOP y LLS (6-7%), OOP (6-10.4%). En los tres aceites analizados se detectaron campesterol-, 5-estigmasterol, β-sitosterol-, isofucosterol, 7-estigmasterol y avenasterol. También se determinaron glicósidos de esteroles, mostrando perfiles característicos. El contenido en tocoferoles fue apreciable en todos ellos, siendo el gamma-tocoferol el predominante. Los alfa- y delta-tocoferoles se detectaron en pequeñas cantidades. Los resultados obtenidos pueden usarse para caracterizar estos aceites de semilla y facilitar su diferenciación de otros aceites

    Analysis of Export Demand for Indonesian Agricultural Commodities by the Chinese Market

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    China is one of the main export destination of Indonesian agricultural commodities. Nevertheless, the export trend of Indonesian agricultural commodities to China during 2012-2016 tend to declined, therefore it is necessary to analyze it. This research aimed to analyze the determinant of Indonesian agricultural commodities export demand by China. Indonesian agricultural commodities export demand was estimated using a regression model on panel data. Panel data in this research consisted of ten data of Indonesian agricultural commodities export to China during 1999-2016 period. The results showed that Indonesian agricultural commodities export demand by China was significantly influenced by real GDP per capita of China, real exchange rate, export price of agricultural commodities and import tariff of agricultural commodities in China.An increasing in real GDP per capita lead an increase in Indonesian agricultural commodities export demand. The depreciation of Rupiah which was expected to increase export demand, but in this research it decreased Indonesian agricultural commodities export demand from China.In addition, Indonesian agricultural commodities export demand tend to increased despite the export prices of agricultural commodities and import tariffs of agricultural commodities in China increased

    Reduction in Renal Function After Renal Arteriography and After Renal Artery Angioplasty

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    AbstractObjective: to investigate the incidence and risk factors for renal function deterioration after renal angiography and angioplasty or stenting.Methods: a retrospective study of 85 consecutive patients undergoing selective renal artery arteriography (n=53) or renal artery angioplasty % (PTRA) stenting (n=32) for renal artery stenosis. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine independent predictors of deterioration of renal function, defined as an increase of serum creatinine by at least one third within 24h.Results: deterioration of renal function occurred in 13 patients (15%), [8/53 (15%) after angiography and 5/32 (16%) after PTRA/stenting]. Only pre-existing renal impairment (se-creatinine≥177μmol/l) (Odds ratio: 40; 95% confidence interval 1.2–72, p=0.02) and administered dosage of contrast agent (more than 225ml) (OR 67; 95% CI1 1.8–100, p=0.02) were independently associated with renal function deterioration.Conclusion: transient renal dysfunction after renal artery angiography or PTRA/stenting occurs in about 15% of patients, but persistent renal failure is uncommon. Pre-existing renal impairment and amount of contrast agent are independent risk factors. Endovascular treatment of renal artery stenosis is not associated with a higher risk of renal deterioration compared to selective renal angiography