884 research outputs found

    Random magnetic fields inducing solar neutrino spin-flavor precession in a three generation context

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    We study the effect of random magnetic fields in the spin-flavor precession of solar neutrinos in a three generation context, when a non-vanishing transition magnetic moment is assumed. While this kind of precession is strongly constrained when the magnetic moment involves the first family, such constraints do not apply if we suppose a transition magnetic moment between the second and third families. In this scenario we can have a large non-electron anti-neutrino flux arriving on Earth, which can lead to some interesting phenomenological consequences, as, for instance, the suppression of day-night asymmetry. We have analyzed the high energy solar neutrino data and the KamLAND experiment to constrain the solar mixing angle, and solar mass difference, and we have found a larger shift of allowed values.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Bilarge neutrino mixing from supersymmetry with high-scale nonrenormalizable interactions

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    We suggest a supersymmetric (SUSY) explanation of neutrino masses and mixing, where nonrenormalizable interactions in the hidden sector generate lepton number violating Majorana mass terms for both right-chiral sneutrinos and neutrinos. It is found necessary to start with a superpotential including an array of gauge singlet chiral superfields. This leads to nondiagonal ΔL=2\Delta L = 2 mass terms and almost diagonal SUSY breaking AA-terms. As a result, the observed pattern of bilarge mixing can be naturally explained by the simultaneous existence of the seesaw mechanism and radiatively induced masses. Allowed ranges of parameters in the gauge singlet sector are delineated, corresponding to each of the cases of normal hierarchy, inverted hierarchy and degenerate neutrinos.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. Minor modifications are made in the title and the text, some new references are added. To appear in this form in Physical Review

    Masses and Mixings from Neutrino Beams pointing to Neutrino Telescopes

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    We discuss the potential to determine leading oscillation parameters, the value and the sign of \Delta m^2_{31}, as well as the magnitude of \sin^2 2\theta_{13} using a conventional wide band neutrino beam pointing to water or ice Cherenkov neutrino detectors known as ``Neutrino Telescopes''. We find that precision measurements of \Delta m^2_{31} and \theta_{23} are possible and that, even though it is not possible to discriminate between charges in the detector, there is a remarkably good sensitivity to the mixing angle \theta_{13} and the sign of \Delta m^2_{31}.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Flavor Evolution of the Neutronization Neutrino Burst from an O-Ne-Mg Core-Collapse Supernova

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    We present results of 3-neutrino flavor evolution simulations for the neutronization burst from an O-Ne-Mg core-collapse supernova. We find that nonlinear neutrino self-coupling engineers a single spectral feature of stepwise conversion in the inverted neutrino mass hierarchy case and in the normal mass hierarchy case, a superposition of two such features corresponding to the vacuum neutrino mass-squared differences associated with solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations. These neutrino spectral features offer a unique potential probe of the conditions in the supernova environment and may allow us to distinguish between O-Ne-Mg and Fe core-collapse supernovae.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Version accepted by PR

    Neutrino Mass Hierarchy and Stepwise Spectral Swapping of Supernova Neutrino Flavors

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    We examine a phenomenon recently predicted by numerical simulations of supernova neutrino flavor evolution: the swapping of supernova νe\nu_e and νμ,τ\nu_{\mu,\tau} energy spectra below (above) energy \EC for the normal (inverted) neutrino mass hierarchy. We present the results of large-scale numerical calculations which show that in the normal neutrino mass hierarchy case, \EC decreases as the assumed νe⇌νμ,τ\nu_e\rightleftharpoons\nu_{\mu,\tau} effective 2×22\times 2 vacuum mixing angle (≃θ13\simeq \theta_{1 3}) is decreased. However, these calculations also indicate that \EC is essentially independent of the vacuum mixing angle in the inverted neutrino mass hierarchy case. With a good neutrino signal from a future Galactic supernova, the above results could be used to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy even if θ13\theta_{13} is too small to be detected in terrestrial neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Version accepted by PR

    Construction and analysis of a simplified many-body neutrino model

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    In dense neutrino systems, such as found in the early Universe, or near a supernova core, neutrino flavor evolution is affected by coherent neutrino-neutrino scattering. It has been recently suggested that many-particle quantum entanglement effects may play an essential role in these systems, potentially invalidating the traditional description in terms of a set of single-particle evolution equations. We model the neutrino system by a system of interacting spins, following an earlier work which showed that such a spin system can in some cases be solved exactly. We extend this work by constructing an exact analytical solution to a more general spin system, including initial states with asymmetric spin distribution and, moreover, not necessarily aligned along the same axis. Our solution exhibits a rich set of behaviors, including coherent oscillations and dephasing and a transition from the classical to quantum regimes. We argue that the classical evolution of the spin system captures the entire coherent behavior of the neutrino system, while the quantum effects in the spin system capture some, but not all, of the neutrino incoherent evolution. By comparing the spin and neutrino systems, we find no evidence for the violation of the accepted one-body description, though the argument involves some subtleties not appreciated before. The analysis in this paper may apply to other two-state systems beyond the neutrino field.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Approximative two-flavor framework for neutrino oscillations with nonstandard interactions

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    In this paper, we develop approximative two-flavor neutrino oscillation formulas including subleading nonstandard interaction effects. Especially, the limit when the small mass-squared difference approaches zero is investigated. The approximate formulas are also tested against numerical simulations in order to determine their accuracy and they will probably be most useful in the GeV energy region, which is the energy region where most upcoming neutrino oscillation experiments will be operating. Naturally, it is important to have analytical formulas in order to interpret the physics behind the degeneracies between standard and nonstandard parameters.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, REVTeX4. Final version published in Phys. Rev.

    Earth Matter Effects in Detection of Supernova Neutrinos

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    We calculated the matter effect, including both the Earth and supernova, on the detection of neutrinos from type II supernovae at the proposed Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment. It is found that apart from the dependence on the flip probability P_H inside the supernova and the mass hierarchy of neutrinos, the amount of the Earth matter effect depends on the direction of the incoming supernova neutrinos, and reaches the biggest value when the incident angle of neutrinos is around 93^\circ. In the reaction channel \bar{\nu}_e + p --> e^+ + n the Earth matter effect can be as big as about 12%. For other detection processes the amount of the Earth matter effect is a few per cent.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Neutrino Oscillations in the Early Universe: A Real Time Formulation

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    Neutrino oscillations in the early Universe prior to the epoch of primordial nucleosynthesis is studied by implementing real time non-equilibrium field theory methods. We focus on two flavors of Dirac neutrinos, however, the formulation is general. We obtain the equations of motion for neutrino wavepackets of either chirality and helicity in the plasma allowing for CP asymmetry. Contributions non-local in space-time to the self-energy dominate over the asymmetry for T≳3−5MeVT \gtrsim 3-5 \mathrm{MeV} if the lepton and neutrino asymmetries are of the same order as the baryon asymmetry. We find a new contribution which cannot be interpreted as the usual effective potential. The mixing angles and dispersion relations in the medium depend on \emph{helicity}. We find that resonant transitions are possible in the temperature range 10≲T≪100MeV 10 \lesssim T \ll 100 \mathrm{MeV} . Near a resonance in the mixing angle, the oscillation time scale in the medium as compared to the vacuum is \emph{slowed-down} substantially for small vacuum mixing angle. The time scale of oscillations \emph{speeds-up} for off resonance high energy neutrinos for which the mixing angle becomes vanishingly small. The equations of motion reduce to the familiar oscillation formulae for negative helicity ultrarelativistic neutrinos, but include consistently both the \emph{mixing angle and the oscillation frequencies in the medium}. These equations of motion also allow to study the dynamics of right handed as well as positive helicity neutrinos.Comment: 31 pages 2 figures. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Density Fluctuation Effects on Collective Neutrino Oscillations in O-Ne-Mg Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    We investigate the effect of matter density fluctuations on supernova collective neutrino flavor oscillations. In particular, we use full multi-angle, 3-flavor, self-consistent simulations of the evolution of the neutrino flavor field in the envelope of an O-Ne-Mg core collapse supernova at shock break-out (neutrino neutronization burst) to study the effect of the matter density "bump" left by the He-burning shell. We find a seemingly counterintuitive increase in the overall electron neutrino survival probability created by this matter density feature. We discuss this behavior in terms of the interplay between the matter density profile and neutrino collective effects. While our results give new insights into this interplay, they also suggest an immediate consequence for supernova neutrino burst detection: it will be difficult to use a burst signal to extract information on fossil burning shells or other fluctuations of this scale in the matter density profile. Consistent with previous studies, our results also show that the interplay of neutrino self-coupling and matter fluctuation could cause a significant increase in the electron neutrino survival probability at very low energyComment: 12 pages, 11 figures. This is a pre-submission version of the pape
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