280 research outputs found

    Constitutive modeling of the anisotropic behavior of Mullins softened filled rubbers

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    Original constitutive modeling is proposed for filled rubber materials in order to capture the anisotropic softened behavior induced by general non-proportional pre-loading histo-ries. The hyperelastic framework is grounded on a thorough analysis of cyclic experimental data. The strain energy density is based on a directional approach. The model leans on the strain amplification factor concept applied over material directions according to the Mul-lins softening evolution. In order to provide a model versatile that applies for a wide range of materials, the proposed framework does not require to postulate the mathematical forms of the elementary directional strain energy density and of the Mullins softening evo-lution rule. A computational procedure is defined to build both functions incrementally from experimental data obtained during cyclic uniaxial tensile tests. Successful compari-sons between the model and the experiments demonstrate the model abilities. Moreover, the model is shown to accurately predict the non-proportional uniaxial stress-stretch responses for uniaxially and biaxially pre-stretched samples. Finally, the model is effi-ciently tested on several materials and proves to provide a quantitative estimate of the anisotropy induced by the Mullins softening for a wide range of filled rubbers

    Fuzzy Logic Based Robust DVC Design of PWM Rectifier Connected to a PMSG WECS under wind/load Disturbance Conditions

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    Permanent Magnet Generator has been widely used in Variable-Speed Wind Energy Conversion System (VSWECS). Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) of the generator side converter has the ability to have good regulation of the DC-link voltage to meet the requirements necessary to achieve optimal system operation, regardless of the disturbances caused by the characteristics of the drive train or some changes into the DC-load. The main focus of this paper is to present a model for a three-phase voltage source space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) rectifier which is connected to a PMSG in a wind turbine system, where a direct voltage control (DVC) using FLC based on voltage orientation strategy is used to control the mentioned rectifier. The control algorithm employs a fuzzy logic controller to effectively achieve a smooth control of DC-link voltage under wind/load perturbation conditions. Some simulation results, using Matlab/Simulink, are presented to show the effectiveness of the SVPWM rectifier Connected to a PMSG WECS with the proposed control strategy

    Enclosing a moving target with an optimally rotated and scaled multiagent pattern

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    We propose a novel control method to enclose a moving target in a two-dimensional setting with a team of agents forming a prescribed geometric pattern. The approach optimises a measure of the overall agent motion costs, via the minimisation of a suitably defined cost function encapsulating the pattern rotation and scaling. We propose two control laws which use global information and make the agents exponentially converge to the prescribed formation with an optimal scale that remains constant, while the team's centroid tracks the target. One control law results in a multiagent pattern that keeps a constant orientation in the workspace; for the other, the pattern rotates with constant speed. These behaviours, whose optimality and steadiness are very relevant for the task addressed, occur independently from the target's velocity. Moreover, the methodology does not require distance measurements, common coordinate references, or communications. We also present formal guarantees of collision avoidance for the proposed approach. Illustrative simulation examples are provided

    Absence of a structural transition up to 40 Gpa in MgB2 and the relevance of magnesium non-stoichiometry

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    We report measurements on MgB2 up to ~40GPa. Increasing pressure yields a monotonous decrease of the lattice parameters and of the c/a ratio, but no structural transition down to parameters smaller than those of AlB2. The transition superconducting temperature also decreases with temperature in a sample dependent way. The results are explained by an increase of the filling of the 2D pxy bands with pressure, the Mg stoichiometry determining the starting position of the Fermi level. Our measurements indicate that these hole bands are the relevant ones for superconductivity.Comment: submitted March 9th 2001, PRB accepte

    Direct observation of the influence of the As-Fe-As angle on the Tc of superconducting SmFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fx_{x}

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    The electrical resistivity, crystalline structure and electronic properties calculated from the experimentally measured atomic positions of the compound SmFeAsO0.81_{0.81}F0.19_{0.19} have been studied up to pressures ~20GPa. The correlation between the pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) and crystallographic parameters on the same sample shows clearly that a regular FeAs4_{4} tetrahedron maximizes Tc, through optimization of carrier transfer to the FeAs planes as indicated by the evolution of the electronic band structures.Comment: 15pages, 4 figure

    Effect of nanostructuration on compressibility of cubic BN

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    Compressibility of high-purity nanostructured cBN has been studied under quasi-hydrostatic conditions at 300 K up to 35 GPa using diamond anvil cell and angle-dispersive synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction. It has been found that the data fit to the Vinet equation of state yields the values of the bulk modulus B₀ of 375(4) GPa with its first pressure derivative B₀´ of 2.3(3), thus, the nanometer grain size (≈ 20 nm) results in a decrease of the bulk modulus by ≈ 9‰.Сжимаемость высокочистого наноструктурированного cBN была изучена в квазигидростатических условиях при 300 K до 35 GPa в алмазных наковальнях с помощью угловой дисперсионной рентгеновской дифракции синхротронного излучения. Описание полученных данных уравнением состояния Винэ дает значение модуля сжимаемости B₀ = 375(4) ГПа и его первой производной по давлению B₀' = 2.3(3). Наноразмер зерна (~ 20 нм) приводит к уменьшению модуля сжимаемости на ~ 9 %.Стисливість високочистого наноструктурованого cBN була вивчена в квазігідростатичних умовах при 300 K до 35 ГПa в алмазних наковальнях за допомогою кутової дисперсійної рентгенівської дифракції синхротронного випромінювання. Опис одержаних даних рівнянням стану Віне дає значення модуля стисливості B₀ = 375(4) ГПа і його першої похідної по тиску B₀' = 2.3(3). Нанорозмір зерна (~ 20 нм) приводить до зменшення модуля стисливості на ~ 9 %