855 research outputs found

    Correlations between the proton temperature anisotropy and transverse high-frequency waves in the solar wind

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    Correlations are studied between the power density of transverse waves having frequencies between 0.010.01 and 11 normalized to the proton gyrofrequency in the plasma frame and the ratio of the perpendicular and parallel temperature of the protons. The wave power spectrum is evaluated from high-resolution 3D magnetic field vector components, and the ion temperatures are derived from the velocity distribution functions as measured in fast solar wind during the Helios-2 primary mission at radial distances from the Sun between 0.3~AU and 0.9~AU. From our statistical analysis, we obtain a striking correlation between the increases in the proton temperature ratio and enhancements in the wave power spectrum. Near the Sun the transverse part of the wave power is often found to be by more than an order of magnitude higher than its longitudinal counterpart. Also the measured ion temperature anisotropy appears to be limited by the theoretical threshold value for the ion-cyclotron instability. This suggests that high-frequency Alfv\'{e}n-cyclotron waves regulate the proton temperature anisotropy.Comment: Some references have been adde

    Petrologic and geophysical study of the source of long wavelength crustal magnetic anomalies

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    The magnetic mineralogy and magnetic signature of banded ion formations, diagenetic (unmetamorphosed) and low grade banded iron formations, high-grade mineralogy, and phase equilibria of magnetite inorogenic magmers are discussed

    Immunohistochemical characterization of the 'intimal proliferation' phenomenon in Sneddon's syndrome and essential thrombocythaemia

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    Cellular changes were immunocytochemically characterized in skin vessels of five patients with idiopathic generalized racemose livedo (Sneddon's syndrome), and one patient with localized racemose livedo associated with essential thrombocythaemia. Antibodies against alpha-smooth muscle-actin, tropomyosin, desmin, vimentin, factor VIII-related antigen, human endothelial cells (CD31), human macrophages (CD68), and HLA-DR positive cells (CR3/43) were used. Conventional light microscopy showed, in all cases, intimal thickening of ascending arteries and arterioles as a result of an accumulation of cells and extracellular hyalinized material. None of the specimens showed infiltration with polymorphonuclear leucocytes or macrophages. The cells in the region of the intimal hyperplasia showed intense positive immunostaining for alpha-smooth muscle actin and tropomyosin. Staining for the intermediate filament desmin was localized to the resident smooth muscle cells of the media, whereas staining for vimentin was found in all types of cells in both the intima and media. Positive immunostaining for factor VIII-related antigen and CD31 was strictly confined to the endothelial cells lining the narrowed lumina of the vessels. No positive staining with either antibody was observed in totally occluded vessels. Cells in the subintimal space did not show reactivity for CD68 in any of the specimens, but two cases showed solitary cells with positive staining for HLA-DR in this region. There were no differences in staining pattern between Sneddon's syndrome and essential thrombocythaemia with any of the antibodies. Our results support the assumption that the 'intimal proliferation' in both diseases is caused by colonization of the subendothelial space with contractile cells of possible smooth muscle origin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Formation Heights of Extreme Ultraviolet Lines in an Active Region Derived by Correlation of Doppler Velocity and Magnetic Field

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    We study the correlation heights, which indicate the formation height of Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lines in an active region using observations from the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) and Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on board \emph{Hinode}. The nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) optimization method is adopted to extrapolate the 3D magnetic fields to higher layers. Three subregions with different characteristics are selected in the active region for this study. The results show that the formation heights in different subregions vary with their different magnetic fields or velocity patterns. After solving the line blending problem between the He {\sc \romannumeral 2} 256.32 \AA and Si {\sc \romannumeral 10} 256.37 \AA lines by the double Gaussian curve fitting, we find that the transition region lies higher in a strong magnetic area. In a pre-flare heating area there possibly exist multithermal loops as implied by comparing the Doppler velocity and the magnetic field on the solar disk.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Model to Explore Responses of Spruce Stands to Air-Pollution Stress in Europe

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    Systems analysis has proven to be a suitable instrument for describing the processes taking place in pollution-damaged forest stands and for simulating the ecosystem behavior in various environmental situations. In a preliminary model showing the behavior of pollution-damaged spruce stands, site, air pollution, stand structure and management are taken into consideration. The target of this model consists of simulating system behavior under variable pollutant stressors and management strategies, and of serving as a basis for decision-making. The basic model is subdivided into the following submodels: "Forest stand" with management as well as external ecological factors and international modifications; "Leaf quantity/leaf fall"; "Net assimilation"; and "Dendromass distribution". A soil model from other authors is being incorporated. After a comparison with similar models, reference is made to further possibilities of application

    Computation of Kolmogorov's Constant in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence

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    In this paper we calculate Kolmogorov's constant for magnetohydrodynamic turbulence to one loop order in perturbation theory using the direct interaction approximation technique of Kraichnan. We have computed the constants for various Eu(k)/Eb(k)E^u(k)/E^b(k), i.e., fluid to magnetic energy ratios when the normalized cross helicity is zero. We find that KK increases from 1.47 to 4.12 as we go from fully fluid case (Eb=0)(E^b=0) to a situation when Eu/Eb=0.5% E^u/E^b=0.5, then it decreases to 3.55 in a fully magnetic limit (Eu=0)(E^u=0). When Eu/Eb=1E^u/E^b=1, we find that K=3.43K=3.43.Comment: Latex, 10 pages, no figures, To appear in Euro. Phys. Lett., 199

    Temperature anisotropy and differential streaming of solar wind ions -- Correlations with transverse fluctuations

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    We study correlations of the temperature ratio (which is an indicator for perpendicular ion heating) and the differential flow of the alpha particles with the power of transverse fluctuations that have wave numbers between 0.01 and 0.1 (normalized to kp=1/lpk_p=1/l_p, where lpl_p is the proton inertial length). We found that both the normalized differential ion speed, Vαp/VAV_{\alpha p}/V_\mathrm{A} (where VAV_\mathrm{A} is the Alfv\'en speed) and the proton temperature anisotropy, T⊥p/T∥pT_{\perp p}/T_{\parallel p}, increase when the relative wave power is growing. Furthermore, if the normalized differential ion speed stays below 0.5, the alpha-particle temperature anisotropy, T⊥α/T∥αT_{\perp \alpha}/T_{\parallel \alpha}, correlates positively with the relative power of the transverse fluctuations. However, if Vαp/VAV_{\alpha p}/V_\mathrm{A} is higher than 0.6, then the alpha-particle temperature anisotropy tends to become lower and attain even values below unity despite the presence of transverse fluctuations of relatively high amplitudes. Our findings appear to be consistent with the expectations from kinetic theory for the resonant interaction of the ions with Alfv\'en/ion-cyclotron waves and the resulting wave dissipation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics journa

    Gyrokinetic Simulations of Solar Wind Turbulence from Ion to Electron Scales

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    The first three-dimensional, nonlinear gyrokinetic simulation of plasma turbulence resolving scales from the ion to electron gyroradius with a realistic mass ratio is presented, where all damping is provided by resolved physical mechanisms. The resulting energy spectra are quantitatively consistent with a magnetic power spectrum scaling of k−2.8k^{-2.8} as observed in \emph{in situ} spacecraft measurements of the "dissipation range" of solar wind turbulence. Despite the strongly nonlinear nature of the turbulence, the linear kinetic \Alfven wave mode quantitatively describes the polarization of the turbulent fluctuations. The collisional ion heating is measured at sub-ion-Larmor radius scales, which provides the first evidence of the ion entropy cascade in an electromagnetic turbulence simulation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
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