295 research outputs found

    Improved Techniques for the Conditional Generative Augmentation of Clinical Audio Data

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    Data augmentation is a valuable tool for the design of deep learning systems to overcome data limitations and stabilize the training process. Especially in the medical domain, where the collection of large-scale data sets is challenging and expensive due to limited access to patient data, relevant environments, as well as strict regulations, community-curated large-scale public datasets, pretrained models, and advanced data augmentation methods are the main factors for developing reliable systems to improve patient care. However, for the development of medical acoustic sensing systems, an emerging field of research, the community lacks large-scale publicly available data sets and pretrained models. To address the problem of limited data, we propose a conditional generative adversarial neural network-based augmentation method which is able to synthesize mel spectrograms from a learned data distribution of a source data set. In contrast to previously proposed fully convolutional models, the proposed model implements residual Squeeze and Excitation modules in the generator architecture. We show that our method outperforms all classical audio augmentation techniques and previously published generative methods in terms of generated sample quality and a performance improvement of 2.84% of Macro F1-Score for a classifier trained on the augmented data set, an enhancement of 1.14% in relation to previous work. By analyzing the correlation of intermediate feature spaces, we show that the residual Squeeze and Excitation modules help the model to reduce redundancy in the latent features. Therefore, the proposed model advances the state-of-the-art in the augmentation of clinical audio data and improves the data bottleneck for the design of clinical acoustic sensing systems

    Non-exciting wakefield structured bunches in a one-dimensional plasma model

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    A model of one-dimensional (1D) cold plasma with an external train of rigidly structured bunches with diverse charges has been introduced. In this model, a solution that cancels the wakefield after the train is found. The density of such bunches can be much greater than the density of the plasma, and a high amplitude electrical field arising inside the train can be used for charged-particle acceleration. In addition, analytical and numerical simulations have been performed

    Towards dialogue: audio feedback on politics essays

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    This paper evaluates the use of audio feedback on assignments through the case study of a politics course, highlighting a number of pedagogical benefits. In particular, and using student testimonies, it argues that audio feedback provides a more personal feel to feedback; criticism, it appears, is easier to accept in the spoken word – as one student suggests, you know the marker is ‘not being harsh’ and is ‘just trying to help you really’. In addition, the paper notes the chief practical benefit of audio feedback: it reduces the overall time spent by lecturers in providing comments. While this paper is positive in favour of audio feedback throughout, it also discusses some potential challenges including anonymous marking – which affects the relationship between marker and student – and the fact that one size does not fit all, with different students preferring different types of feedback. The paper also attempts to provide practical tips to professionals wishing to use this method of feedback

    In Process Citation

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    Objectifs Il semble exister une augmentation de la fréquence et de la sévérité des hypospadias dans les pays développés. La cause principalement évoquée est l’influence de l’environnement par l’utilisation croissante de produits phytosanitaire agissant comme des perturbateurs endocriniens. Nous avons donc réalisé une étude comparant deux séries d’hypospadias pris en charge dans notre centre à 20 ans d’intervalle, au sein d’une région viticole utilisant ces produits. Méthodes Nous avons revu les comptes rendus opératoires des enfants opérés pour hypospadias sur 2 périodes de 10 ans, une première de 1980 à 1990 comparée à une seconde de 2004 à 2014. Les hypospadias ont été classés dans les 3 grades habituels de sévérité croissante : antérieur (balanique ou balano-préputial), moyen (formes péniennes) ou postérieur (scrotal ou périnéal). Résultats Le nombre total d’interventions est passé de 285 pour la période 1980–1990 à 389 pour 2004–2014, parmi lesquelles respectivement 262 et 356 pour une chirurgie première, soit une augmentation de 37 %. Parmi ces premières interventions, les formes postérieures restaient stables, respectivement de 11 (4,2 %) en 1980–1990 à 13 (3,7 %) en 2004–2014 (NS). En revanche, la proportion de formes moyennes augmentait de 25,2 % à 40,6 % (p < 0,001) et celle des formes antérieures diminuait de 70,6 % à 56,1 % (p < 0,001). Notons que la natalité de notre région a légèrement diminuée entre les 2 périodes, passant de 10 617 en 1985 à 10 165 en 2009. Conclusion Le nombre d’enfants opérés pour hypospadias a significativement augmenté, même si la possible variation des recrutements entre ces périodes rend toute conclusion difficile. L’évaluation de la sévérité montre que les formes postérieures, très malformatives, ne changent pas au cours du temps ; néanmoins, la proportion des formes moyennes augmentent par rapport aux formes antérieures, par possible influence des perturbateurs endocriniens

    Superluminal synchrotron radiation

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    To avoid complex computations based on wide Fourier expansions, the electromagnetic field of synchrotron radiation (SR) was analyzed using Lienard-Wiechert potentials in this work. The retardation equation was solved for ultrarelativistic movement of rotating charge at distances up to the trajectory radius. The radiation field was determined to be constricted into a narrow extended region with transverse sizes approximately the radius of trajectory divided by the particle Lorentz factor (characteristic SR length) cubed in the plane of trajectory and the distance between the observation and radiation emission point divided by the Lorentz factor in the vertical direction. The Lienard-Wiechert field of rotating charge was visualized using a parametric form to derive electric force lines rather than solving a retardation equation. The electromagnetic field of a charging point rotating at superluminal speeds was also investigated. This field, dubbed a superluminal synchrotron radiation (SSR) field by analogy with the case of a circulating relativistic charge, was also presented using a system of electric force lines. It is shown that SSR can arise in accelerators from “spot” of SR runs faster than light by outer wall of circular accelerator vacuum chamber. Furthermore, the mentioned characteristic lengths of SR in orbit plane and in vertical direction are less than the interparticle distances in real bunches in ultrarelativistic accelerators. It is indicating that this phenomenon should be taken into account when calculating bunch fields and involved at least into the beam dynamic consideration

    Observation of Lambda H-4 hyperhydrogen by decay-pion spectroscopy in electron scattering

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    At the Mainz Microtron MAMI, the first high-resolution pion spectroscopy from decays of strange systems was performed by electron scattering off a Be-9 target in order to study the ground-state masses of Lambda-hypernuclei. Positively charged kaons were detected by a short-orbit spectrometer with a broad momentum acceptance at zero degree forward angles with respect to the beam, efficiently tagging the production of strangeness in the target nucleus. In coincidence, negatively charged decay-pions were detected by two independent high-resolution spectrometers. About 10^3 pionic weak decays of hyperfragments and hyperons were observed. The pion momentum distribution shows a monochromatic peak at p_pi ~ 133 MeV/c, corresponding to the unique signature for the two-body decay of hyperhydrogen Lambda H-4 -> He-4 + pi-, stopped inside the target. Its binding energy was determined to be B_Lambda = 2.12 +- 0.01 (stat.) +- 0.09 (syst.) MeV with respect to the H-3 + Lambda mass

    Mass dependence of spectral and angular distributions of Cherenkov radiation from relativistic isotopes in solid radiators and its possible application as mass selector

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    The first proof of principle experiment with a prototype of a Time-of-Flight (TOF) - Cherenkov detector of relativistic heavy ions (RHI) exploiting a liquid Iodine Naphthalene radiator has been performed at Cave C at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany). A conceptual design for a liquid Cherenkov detector was proposed as a prototype for the future TOF measurements at the SuperFRS by detection of total number of Cherenkov photons. The ionization energy loss of RHI in a liquid radiator decreases only slightly this number, while in a solid radiator changes sufficiently not the total number of ChR photons, but ChR angular and spectral distributions. By means of computer simulations, we showed that these distributions are very sensitive to the isotope mass, due to different stopping powers of isotopes with initial equal relativistic factors. The results of simulations for light (Li, Be) and heavy (Xe) isotopes at 500-1000 MeV/u are presented indicating the possibility to use the isotopic effect in ChR of RHI as the mass selector

    Genomic ancestry, diet and microbiomes of Upper Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers from San Teodoro cave

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    A combined ancient genomic, metagenomic, and paleoproteomic analysis reveals lifestyle and dietary information of Upper Palaeolithic huntergatherers from San Teodoro cave in Sicily, Italy.Recent improvements in the analysis of ancient biomolecules from human remains and associated dental calculus have provided new insights into the prehistoric diet and genetic diversity of our species. Here we present a multi-omics study, integrating metagenomic and proteomic analyses of dental calculus, and human ancient DNA analysis of the petrous bones of two post-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) individuals from San Teodoro cave (Italy), to reconstruct their lifestyle and the post-LGM resettlement of Europe. Our analyses show genetic homogeneity in Sicily during the Palaeolithic, representing a hitherto unknown Italian genetic lineage within the previously identified Villabruna cluster. We argue that this lineage took refuge in Italy during the LGM, followed by a subsequent spread to central-western Europe. Analysis of dental calculus showed a diet rich in animal proteins which is also reflected on the oral microbiome composition. Our results demonstrate the power of this approach in the study of prehistoric humans and will enable future research to reach a more holistic understanding of the population dynamics and ecology

    Molecular mechanisms of wound healing: the role of zinc as an essential microelement

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    Wound healing is a complex multi-phase process consisting of several phases. Each stage involves metal ions, primarily zinc, which stimulates re-epithelialization, decreases inflammation and bacterial growth. The use of known zinc-based drugs is accompanied by side effects and low efficacy due to low skin absorption. These factors significantly limit use of such drugs and highlight the urgency of finding new, more effective and safe treatmen