2,576 research outputs found

    First record of the Mediterranean asteroid Sclerasterias richardi (Perrier in Milne-Edwards 1882) in the Azores Archipelago (NE Atlantic Ocean)

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    The first occurrence of the Mediterranean fissiparous asteroid Sclerasterias richardi (Perrier in Milne-Edwards 1882) is reported from the Azores based upon dredged material off the south coast of São Miguel Island at 135 m depth. This record represents a considerable expansion of the species’ geographic range, otherwise reported with certainty only from the Mediterranean Sea. S. richardi is capable of producing long-lived planktotrophic larvae with high dispersal potential to reach remote areas such as the Azores. Alternatively, this species is also capable of reproducing asexually through fission, which could insure the maintenance of viable numbers in a stranded population. The presence of S. richardi in Azorean waters and its rarity in an otherwise thoroughly investigated area does not necessarily imply a recent arrival nor a human-mediated introduction, as the depths in consideration (80-700 m) are also the least studied in the archipelago.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of harvest residues, fertilisers and N-fixing plants on growth and nutritional status of young Eucalyptus globulus plantations under Mediterranean conditions

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    Growth and nutritional status of young plants of Eucalyptus were assessed in a field trial, under different scenarios of harvest residue management and nutrient availability. Treatments were as follows: incorporation of harvest residues into the soil by harrowing (I); I with N fertiliser application (IF); I with leguminous, Lupinus luteus L., seeding (IL); removal of harvest residues (R); R with N fertiliser application (RF); R with leguminous seeding (RL); distribution of harvest residues on the soil surface (S); S with N fertiliser application (SF). Treatments were replicated four times in four blocks with a fully randomised design. Tree growth (height and diameter at breast height) was measured and understory biomass destructively recorded. Tree nutritional status was assessed by foliar analysis (N, Ca, Mg, P, K and leaf area). Significant differences in growth between I, R and S treatments were only detected at early stage. Intercropping with Lupinus decreased tree growth during the early phase, but after 5 years growth was similar to that measured in the I and R treatments. Application of fertiliser enhanced tree growth especially when harvest residues were retained on the soil surface. Combining incorporation of harvest residues with fertiliser application (IF) was the best option to increase tree growth, which was significantly greater than in the R and S. Initially, leaf N was positively affected by the leguminous (RL and IL), but, after the first fertiliser application (1 year after planting), greater N was observed in the IF, RF and SF, the difference decreasing gradually over the following year

    Les conceptions au sujet du processus d’inclusion : le discours de ses acteurs

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    Em Brasília, DF, os últimos anos põem em evidência o desenvolvimento de experiências educacionais para a inclusão de crianças com desenvolvimento atípico no sistema de ensino regular. A inclusão deve ser compreendida como um complexo e continuado processo em que novas necessidades surgem e mudanças são exigidas tanto das pessoas participantes quanto das instituições nas quais ele ocorre, mas sobretudo na relação entre ambos. A hipótese básica deste trabalho considera que a maneira como as pessoas concebem o desenvolvimento (a)típico está diretamente relacionada ao modo como vão conceber e vivenciar o processo de inclusão. Em uma perspectiva sócio-cultural, foram realizados dois estudos com o objetivo de investigar sobre o processo de inclusão através da voz de seus atores. Por extensão, delineiam-se implicações que essas concepções trazem para o processo de inclusão em andamento. O primeiro estudo verifica as concepções dos professores sobre os termos normalidade/deficiência. O segundo busca compreender como esses profissionais da educação concebem inclusão. A análise comparativa entre os estudos verifica similaridades e singularidades, coerência e ambigüidades nas concepções e procura relacioná-las ao desenvolvimento de estratégias educativas viáveis e potencialmente efetivas no âmbito da educação inclusiva. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIn Brasilia, DF, Brazil, the last few years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of experiences of including children with atypical development in regular classrooms. Inclusion is a complex and continuous process, which requires changes not only in the people involved, but also in the institutions in which they occur, and particularly in the individual-institution relationship. The basic hypothesis of this study is that the way people perceive (a)typical development relates to the way they will perceive and experience the process of inclusion. In a social-cultural perspective, two studies were conduct aimed at discussing the concepts of the process of inclusion, at demonstrating the ambiguities related to experiencing an inclusion program and at delineating the implications of these concepts to the ongoing process of inclusion. The first study verified the teachers’ concepts about the normality/abnormality dichotomy. The second one attempted to understand how these education professionals perceive inclusion. Comparative analyses between the studies indicated similarities and singularities, coherence and ambiguous concepts about inclusion. Implications for the ongoing process of inclusion were also delineated. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RÉSUMÉÀ Brasilia, DF, Brésil, les dernières années ont mis en évidence le développement d’expériences éducationnelles pour l'inclusion d’enfants dont le développement est atypique dans le système régulier d’enseignement. L’inclusion doit être comprise comme un processus complexe et continu dans lequel de nouveaux besoins et changements sont exigés tant par les personnes participantes comme par les institutions dans lesquelles elles se passent, mais surtout dans la relation entre les deux. L’hypothèse de base de ce travail considère que la manière par laquelle les personnes conçoivent le développement (a)typique est directement reliée au mode par lequel elles vont concevoir et vivre le processus d’inclusion. Dans une perspective socio-culturelle, deux études ont été réalisées dans l'objectif de rechercher sur le processus d’inclusion à travers la voix de ses acteurs. En plus, les implications que ces conceptions ont sur le processus d’inclusion en cours sont délinéées. La première étude vérifie les conceptions des maîtres sur les termes normalité/déficience. La deuxième étude cherche à comprendre comment ces professionnels de l’éducation conçoivent l’inclusion. L’analyse comparative entre ces études vérifie les similarités et singularités, cohérence et ambiguités dans les conceptions et cherche à les mettre en relation au développement de stratégies viables et potentiellement effectives dans le domaine de l’éducation inclusive

    Ability of Cistus L. shrubs to promote soil rehabilitation in extensive oak woodlands of Mediterranean areas

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    To assess the ecological function of Cistus salviifolius (CS) and C. ladanifer (CL) shrubs in evergreen oak woodlands, a study was conducted over a 4-year period in southern Portugal. Annual potential return of bio-elements to the soil through litterfall and throughfall, and necromass on soil surface under shrub canopies were assessed along with the dynamics of leaf litter decomposition. Soil bulk density and soil-water retention at different soil matric potential were measured at 0–5 and 5–10 cm depth, and soil chemical properties were determined at 0–5, 5–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm depth beneath canopies and at barren spaces. Litterfall was higher for CL (4.4–4.6 Mg DM ha−1 year−1) than for CS (3.3–3.8 Mg DM ha−1 year−1). Annual amount of N returned to the soil through litterfall of CS (22.9 kg N ha−1 year−1) was higher than by that of CL (17.2 kg N ha−1 year−1), whereas the return of P in CL (4.1 kg P ha−1 year−1) was higher than in CS (2.1 kg P ha−1 year−1). Leaf decomposition was faster for CS (k= −0.87) than for CL (k=−0.44). N release was also faster for CS than for CL, while that of P was much faster for CL than for CS. Throughfall proportions were 61% of bulk rainfall for CS and 79% for CL. Annual return of Cl−, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ by throughfall was more pronounced for CL than for CS. Shrubs improved soil quality, especially in the 0–5 cm top soil layer, by enhancement of organic matter and nutrient content beneath shrub canopies. Therefore, shrubs may promote the invasion of more demanding species, since local areas of high fertility are likely to be favoured sites for vegetation regeneration

    The identifying reference of literary authorship in José Régio's fictional narrative

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    Na narrativa ficcional de José Régio assinala-se a existência de três personagens com o mister de autores literários. Estas são contempladas com designadores nominais que, no âmbito da referencialização identificativa, se reportam exclusivamente às categorias dos nomes próprios, na forma de prenome simples associado a um apelido. Por sua vez, tais designadores nominais enquadram-se em três categorias no âmbito da autoria literária: a da ortonímia, a do nome literário e a da pseudonímia. Neste enquadramento, focar-se-á uma personagem que, embora incluída na ficção, representa um Ser real referencializado com o nome próprio civil, na verdade, um célebre ortónimo no âmbito da literatura portuguesa: Fernando Pessoa. No que respeita às outras duas personagens, puramente ficcionais, patenteamos dois percursos distintos no âmbito da referencialização da sua autoria literária. De facto, uma cunha a sua obra com um nome literário que nada mais é do que o respetivo nome próprio civil intencional e esteticamente reduzido; outra, no seu ofício de autor, adota um nome próprio falso: um pseudónimo

    Extractability of P in major soils of Angola as affected by P fertilizers and lime application

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    Phosphorus (P) deficiency is the major constraint to crop production in most tropical soils (Sahrawat et al., 2001). In Angola, such constraint (i.e, low concentration and low P solubility) has also been reported to limit crop production in many agricultural soils (Ucuassapi, 2006). These soils may require application of inorganic P through soluble and relatively reactive phosphate rock sources, and lime (Dobermann et al., 2002; Murphy, 2007). However, appropriate P management strategies may require information on the fate of applied P and its interaction with the colloidal constituents. Therefore, information on the different P fractions (inorganic and organic) after the application of different rates of P fertilizers and lime, as fractionated sequentially by the Hedley modified procedure (Tiessen and Moir, 1993) is crucial for making appropriate fertilizer and lime rate recommendations for crops (Islam et al., 2010)

    Comportamento do fósforo em solos argiluviados da Região do Alentejo: sorção de fosfato

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    O Encontro decorreu na Universidade do Algarve.O poster apresenta os resultaos de um estudo sobre o comportamento do fósforo em solos argiluviados da Região do Alentejo

    Phosphate desorption in luvisols and solonetz from a Mediterranean region

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    Poster apresentado no 6th International Phosphorus Workshop, que decorreu em Sevilha de 27 de Setembro a 1 de Outubro de 2010.Transfer of P from soil to water is controlled by the P retention capacity in the solid phase, namely by the equilibrium between adsorbed and precipitated forms. Desorption of P and/or phosphate dissolution govern the amount of P released into drainage water, runoff or freshwater. Soil P evaluated by Olsen method showed a strong correlation with the capacity of soil to desorb P and, within certain limits, to the transfer of P to water. This transfer of P relates to losses that occur either in surface horizons, or in subsurface horizons (to drainage water, to runoff or by soil erosion to freshwater)