76 research outputs found

    Optimization of analitycal control over residues of active ingridients of modern pesticides in reservoirs water.

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    A highly sensitive and selective method of pyraclostrobin, boscalid, tebufenpyrad and prohexadione-calcium determination under their combined presence in water sample, using high-performance liquid chromatography was developed. On the base of mentioned active ingredients (combined fungicide Bellis, insecto-acaricide Masai and plant growth regulator Regalis) pesticides may be used in one vegetation season for fruit trees protection. Method of co-determination of these substances is based on the preparation of water samples for extraction, extraction of pyraclostrobin, boscalid, tebufenpyrad and prohexadione-calcium, concentrating of extract of substances mixtures and chromatographic deter­mination with ultraviolet detection. A distinctive feature of this method is changing of ratio of components of mobile phase (mixture of acetonitrile and 0,1 % aqueous solution of phosphoric acid) in the process of chromatographic analysis, which allowed to clearly visualize test substances in case of their joint presence in one sample. Imple­mentation of developed and patented method into practice optimizes control over application of pesticides in agri­cul­ture and their monitoring in reservoirs water by significant acceleration of analysis and reduction of expenses in its carying out

    State of infantile mortality in Chernigov area.

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    State and dynamics of perinatal and infant mortality rate in Chernigov region over the 2001-2010 period were studied. It is shown that the level of perinatal mortality and mortinatality should be analysed separately over 2 periods: 2001-2006 and 2007-2010, as in 2007 Ukraine turned to determination of perinatal period, live birth - and mortinatality according to WHO criteria. It is identified that over the 2001-2006 period there were no considerable changes of perinatal mortality level in Chernigov region. Over the 2007-2010 period this index dropped by 14 %, while in Ukraine – only by 6,3 %. During 2001-2006 mortinatality in this area was lower than in Ukraine, however it had a tendency to increase (by 10,6%); in subsequent years this resulted in exceeding of national values. Level of mortinatality rate in Chernigov region over the 2001-2010 period dropped by 28,6%, while in Ukraine – by 19,5%. It is identified that decrease in level of mortinatality occurred due to the decline of both neonatal and postneonatal mortality rate. Ranking of region areas by the levels of perinatal mortality, mortinatality, infant mortality, including neonatal and postneonatal mortality was conducted. It is found that perinatal states, inborn anomalies and accidents are the main causes of infant mortality both in Chernigov region and in Ukraine as a whole. Over the 2004-2010 period proportion of perinatal states in the structure of infant mortality rate increased by 14,8 %

    Comparative hygienic risk assessment of groundwater contamination by herbicides of different chemical classes and hazard prediction for human after consumption of contaminated water = Порівняльна гігієнічна оцінка ризику забруднення підземних вод гербіцидами різних класів та прогноз небезпеки для людини при споживанні забрудненої води.

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    Antonenko A. M., Vavrinevych O. P., Omelchuk S. T., Korshun M. M. Comparative hygienic risk assessment of groundwater contamination by herbicides of different chemical classes and hazard prediction for human after consumption of contaminated water  = Порівняльна гігієнічна оцінка ризику забруднення підземних вод гербіцидами різних класів та прогноз небезпеки для людини при споживанні забрудненої води. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(9):873-882. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.161844http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3942   The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7                                                                                                                                     © The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 02.09.2016. Revised 24.09.2016. Accepted: 30.09.2016.   УДК 613:632.954:633.15 COMPARATIVE HYGIENIC RISK ASSESSMENT OF GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION BY HERBICIDES OF DIFFERENT CHEMICAL CLASSES AND HAZARD PREDICTION FOR HUMAN AFTER CONSUMPTION OF CONTAMINATED WATER  A. M. Antonenko,  O. P. Vavrinevych, S. T. Omelchuk, M. M. Korshun O.O. Bogomolets National medical universityDepartment of hygiene and ecology Abstract In the structure of main groundwater pollutants leading position is occupied by chemical pesticides. Herbicides are among the most widely used classes of pesticides, according to application technology introduced directly into the soil. Migrating on the soil profile, they create a danger of groundwater contamination that requires their constant control and monitoring. Objective – comparative evaluation of risk of adverse effects on human health by drinking of water contaminated with the most common herbicides. We have studied representatives of herbicides extensively used in agriculture: chloroacetamides; sulfonil-carbonyl-triazolinone, oxazoles, triketones, sulfonylurea, phosphonoglycine. Prediction of migration opportunities in groundwater of studied herbicides was carried out by GUS – Groundwater Ubiquity Score. For determination of potential risk to human health by drinking of water containing pesticides screening model of maximum concentration of pesticide in groundwater determination (SCI-GROW) was used. For the evaluation of the parameters of SCI-GROW a method of comprehensive assessment developed by us has been used. It is based on establishing of maximum possible daily intake of pesticide with water and subsequently comparing with acceptable daily intake of pesticide with water. It was established that in soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine for most of the test substances probability of leaching into groundwater is negligible; in conditions of other European countries – risk of leaching is low. Maximum possible concentration of the test herbicides in groundwater are insignificant and are much lower of acceptable, which is associated primarily with low application rates and indicates relative safety for human health intakes such water.Key words: groundwater, herbicides, risk, maximal concentration, allowable intake.  ПОРІВНЯЛЬНА ГІГІЄНІЧНА ОЦІНКА РИЗИКУ ЗАБРУДНЕННЯ ПІДЗЕМНИХ ВОД ГЕРБІЦИДАМИ РІЗНИХ КЛАСІВ ТА ПРОГНОЗ НЕБЕЗПЕКИ ДЛЯ ЛЮДИНИ ПРИ СПОЖИВАННІ ЗАБРУДНЕНОЇ ВОДИ А. М. Антонечко,  О. П. Вавріневич, C. Т. Омельчук, М. М. Коршун Національний медичний університет імені О.О. БогомольцяКафедра гігієни та екології У статті представлені порівняльні результати гігієнічної оцінки ризику забруднення підземних вод гербіцидами різних хімічних класів і прогнозування небезпеки для людини при вживанні забрудненої води; надані рекомендації щодо застосування таких гербіцидівКлючові слова: ґрунтові води, гербіциди, ризик, максимальна концентрація, допустиме надходження

    Hygienic assessment of professional combined risk in case of modern multicomponent pesticides usage on maize and sunflower crops.

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    The results of the risk assessment of combined hazard effects of diflufenzopyr, dicamba, nicosulfuron (herbicide Kelvin Plus) and azoxystrobin, difenoconazole (fungicide Amistar Gold 250 SC) on workers involved in working with them are presented. The field study on maize and sunflower crops, in which Kelvin Plus and Amistar Gold were used at maximum flow rates of 0,4 kg/ha and 1,0 l/ha, respectively was performed. During ground handling, the working solution consumption was 300 l/ha, while during aviation – 50 l/ha. Air samples of the working area, washings from the skin, stripes on the overalls of workers were selected, followed by the determination of the residual quantities of the active substances under study in the selected samples. Hazard coefficients and indices, based on exposure and permissible inhalation and percutaneous doses (a. s.) were calculated. It has been established that the working conditions of agricultural workers are permissible, since the hazard indices of the harmful combined effect of the pesticides under study are lower than 1. Before carrying out full-scale studies, the coefficients of possible inhalation poisoning were calculated, and it was established that all pesticides under study are of low risk as for this coefficient – 4 class. An assessment of the possible occurrence of acute toxic effects when working with pesticides was made as well, that is, the selectivity coefficients of the action were determined for inhalation and percutaneous effects on humans. It was established that all investigated a. s. at inhalation influence on the person have sufficient selectivity of action, except for azoxystrobin, which has a low selectivity of action; when applied to the skin all the a. s. have sufficient selectivity of action. The use of the tested combined preparations on maize and sunflower crops does not endanger the workers, while observing the established hygienic regulations

    Hygienic assessment of professional combined risk in case of modern multicomponent pesticides usage on maize and sunflower crops.

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    The results of the risk assessment of combined hazard effects of diflufenzopyr, dicamba, nicosulfuron (herbicide Kelvin Plus) and azoxystrobin, difenoconazole (fungicide Amistar Gold 250 SC) on workers involved in working with them are presented. The field study on maize and sunflower crops, in which Kelvin Plus and Amistar Gold were used at maximum flow rates of 0,4 kg/ha and 1,0 l/ha, respectively was performed. During ground handling, the working solution consumption was 300 l/ha, while during aviation – 50 l/ha. Air samples of the working area, washings from the skin, stripes on the overalls of workers were selected, followed by the determination of the residual quantities of the active substances under study in the selected samples. Hazard coefficients and indices, based on exposure and permissible inhalation and percutaneous doses (a. s.) were calculated. It has been established that the working conditions of agricultural workers are permissible, since the hazard indices of the harmful combined effect of the pesticides under study are lower than 1. Before carrying out full-scale studies, the coefficients of possible inhalation poisoning were calculated, and it was established that all pesticides under study are of low risk as for this coefficient – 4 class. An assessment of the possible occurrence of acute toxic effects when working with pesticides was made as well, that is, the selectivity coefficients of the action were determined for inhalation and percutaneous effects on humans. It was established that all investigated a. s. at inhalation influence on the person have sufficient selectivity of action, except for azoxystrobin, which has a low selectivity of action; when applied to the skin all the a. s. have sufficient selectivity of action. The use of the tested combined preparations on maize and sunflower crops does not endanger the workers, while observing the established hygienic regulations


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    Background. The diseases of thyroid gland have been attracting considerable attention in recent decades. This is partly due to the fact that thyroid gland reacts actively to geochemical state and pollution of the environment with industrial and agricultural waste products with the subsequent incidence of certain pathological processes. The objective of the research was to analyze the morbidity of adult population of Ukraine for thyroid gland diseases in the period from 2000 to 2013. Methods. The methods of empirical and theoretical research of scientific information: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and systematization, as well as epidemiological and statistical methods were used. Using the Microsoft Office Excel (2007) and IBM SPSS StatisticsBase v.22 program the correlation and regression analyzes were conducted. Results. From 2000 to 2013, high levels of adult population endocrinopathies, thyroid in general and diffuse goiter of varying degrees, general and primary morbidity were registered in the western and northern regions of Ukraine, low – in the central, eastern and southern regions. Statistically significant (p<0.001) positive correlation between the level of prevalence and the level of incidence of endocrine pathology, diseases of thyroid gland as a whole, as well as individual nosology was detected. Conclusions. Regional peculiarities of the levels and dynamics of changes in the incidence rates of thyroid morbidity among adult population of Ukraine can be related to the urgent environmental factors for each region. This factor requires further study to develop effective methods of prophylaxis and defense

    Application of a Convolutional Neural Network with a Module of Elementary Graphic Primitive Classifiers in the Problems of Recognition of Drawing Documentation and Transformation of 2d to 3d Models

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    his paper presents the results of the research related to the design of a convolutional neural network with a module of graphic primitives elementary classifiers (EC) in the tasks of drawing documentation recognition and transformation of the 2D into 3D models. An architecture of a convolutional neural network with an elementary classifiers module of graphic primitives was proposed for solving the drawing recognition and 2 → 3 transformation problem. A graphic image classifier model based on covered classes and elementary primitive classifiers has been developed to increase the effectiveness of CNN training

    Reactive trityl derivatives: stabilised carbocation mass-tags for life sciences applications

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    The rational design of novel triarylmethyl (trityl)-based mass tags (MT) for mass-spectrometric (MS) applications is described. We propose a "pKR+ rule" to correlate the stability of trityl carbocations with their MS performance: trityls with higher pKR+ values ionise and desorb better. Trityl blocks were synthesised that have high pKR+ values and are stable in conditions of MS analysis; these MTs can be ionised by matrix as well as irradiation with a 337 nm nitrogen laser. 13C-Labelled tags were prepared for MS quantitation applications. Moreover, the tags were equipped with a variety of functional groups allowing conjugation with different functionalities within (bio)molecules to enhance the MS characteristics of the latter. The MS behaviour of model polycationic trityl compounds with and without the matrix was studied to reveal that poly-trityl clusters are always singly charged under the (MA)LDI-TOF conditions. Several peptide-trityl conjugates were prepared and comparisons revealed a beneficial effect of trityl tags on the conjugate detection in MS. Trityl compounds containing para-methoxy- and dimethylamine groups, as well as a xanthene fragment, showed considerable enhancement in MS detection of model peptides; thus they are promising tools for proteomic applications. Dimethoxytrityl derivatives allow one to distinguish between Arg- and Lys-containing peptides. Maleimido trityl derivatives are suitable for the efficient derivatisation of thiol-containing peptides in pyridine

    Оптимізація аналітичного контролю залишкових кількостей фунгіцидів з класу піразолкарбоксамідів у воді

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    Introduction. Over the past few years, fungicidal formulations based on fluxapyroxad, penthiopyrad, isopyrazam and sedaxan have been proposed in the world market. Such pesticides meet modern requirements and are recommended in the world to protect more than 30 major crops. Given the wide range of crops for which these preparations are offered, as well as the anti-drug strategy for the pesticides application, which involves the use of substances with a new mechanism of action and the introduction of combined formulations based on two or more active substances, it is possible to actively use pyrazolecarboxamides in one region, that is why there is a possibility of their simultaneous arrival in environmental objects.The aim ofthe study– to develop a methodology for the analytical determination of fluxapyroxad, penthiopyrad, isopyrazam and sedaxanin their joint presence in water.Materials and Methods. Chromatographic analysis was performed on liquid chromatographs LC-10ADvp and LC-20AD from Shimadzu (Japan) with ultraviolet detection.Results and Discussion. It was found that the C18 column is more promising for solving the problem of pyrazolecarboxamidesseparation under study. The gradient regime in the eluent system was recognized as optimal: A (acetonitrile), B (methanol) and C (bidistilled water). The retention time (min) is: for fluxapyroxad– 6.8±0.1; trans-sedaxan– 7.4±0.1; cis-sedaxane– 8.2±0.1; penthiopyrad– 9.3±0.1 and isopyrazam– 11.0 ± 0.1.Conclusions. The conditions for the simultaneous determination of fluxapyroxad, penthiopyrad, isopyrazam and sedaxanby the high-performance liquid chromatography method with their simultaneous presence in water sample wasdeveloped.It makes it possible to significantly accelerate the analysis and reduce the costs of conducting it.Вступление. В последние несколько лет на мировом рынке предложены фунгицидные препараты на основе флуксапироксада, пентиопирада, изопиразама и седаксана. Такие препараты соответствуют современным требованим и рекомендованы в мире для защиты более чем 30 основных культур. Учитывая широкий спектр культур, для обработки которых предложены эти препараты, а также антирезистентную стратегию применения пестицидов, которая предусматривает использование веществ с новым механизмом действия и внедрение комбинированных препаратов на основе двух и более действующих веществ, возможно активное применение пиразолкарбоксамидов в одном регионе, а поэтому существует вероятность их одновременного поступления в объекты окружающей среды.Цель исследования – разработать методику аналитического определения флуксапироксада, пентиопирада, изопиразама и седаксана при их совместном присутствии в воде.Методы исследования. Хроматографический анализ проводили на жидкостных хроматографах LC-10ADvp и LC-20AD фирмы “Шимадзу” (Япония) с ультрафиолетовым детектированием.Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что более перспективной для решения задачи разделения исследуемых пиразолкарбоксамидов является колонка С18. Оптимальным был признан градиентный режим в системе элюентов: А (ацетонитрил), B (метанол) и C (вода бидистиллированная). Время удерживания (мин) составлял: для флуксапироксада – 6,8±0,1; транс-седаксана – 7,4±0,1; цис-седаксана – 8,2±0,1; пентиопирада – 9,3±0,1; изопиразама – 11,0±0,1.Выводы. Разработано условия одновременного определения флуксапироксада, пентиопирада, изопиразама и седаксана методом высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии при совместном присутствии в пробе воды, что позволяет значительно ускорить анализ и уменьшить траты на его проведение.Вступ. В останні декілька років на світовому ринку запропоновано фунгіцидні препарати на основі флуксапіроксаду, пентіопіраду, ізопіразаму та седаксану. Такі препарати відповідають сучасним вимогам та рекомендовані у світі для захисту більше ніж 30 основних культур. Враховуючи широкий спектр культур, для обробки яких запропоновано ці препарати, а також антирезистентну стратегію застосування пестицидів, яка передбачає використання сполук з новим механізмом дії та впровадження комбінованих препаратів на основі двох і більше діючих речовин, можливе активне застосування піразолкарбоксамідів в одному регіоні, а тому існує ймовірність їх одночасного надходження в об’єкти довкілля.Мета дослідження – розробити методику аналітичного визначення флуксапіроксаду, пентіопіраду, ізопіразаму та седаксану при їх сумісній присутності у воді.Методи дослідження. Хроматографічний аналіз проводили на рідинних хроматографах LC-10ADvp та LC-20AD фірми “Шимадзу” (Японія) з ультрафіолетовим детектуванням.Результати й обговорення. Встановлено, що більш перспективною для виконання завдання розділення досліджуваних піразолкарбоксамідів є колонка С18. Оптимальним було визнано градієнтний режим у системі елюентів: А (ацетонітрил), B (метанол) та C (вода бідистильована). Час утримування (хв) становив: флуксапіроксаду – 6,8±0,1; транс-седаксану – 7,4±0,1; цис-седаксану – 8,2±0,1; пентіопіраду – 9,3±0,1; ізопіразаму – 11,0±0,1.Висновок. Розроблено умови одночасного визначення флуксапіроксаду, , пентіопіраду, ізопіразаму та седаксану методом високоефективної рідинної хроматографії при сумісній присутності в пробі води, що дозволяє значно прискорити аналіз і зменшити витрати на його проведення

    Оптимізація аналітичного контролю у воді залишкових кількостей пестицидів системи захисту картоплі

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    Introduction. One of the main agricultural crops of Ukraine is the potato – the most favorite and indispensable food product for millions of our compatriots. One of the most important conditions for the integrated protection of crops is the control of the correct pesticide formulations application, the element of which is to determine the content of their active substances in the objects of the environment.The aim of the study – to develop a method for the analytical determination of thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, metrubuzine, dimetomorph, azoxystrobin, oxathiapiproline and famoxadone in water in their co-presence.Research Methods. The method of reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection was used. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the package of statistical programs IBM SPSS Statistics Base v.22 and MS Excel.Results and Discussion. As a result of the conducted laboratory researches, the most optimal chromatographic conditions were selected, including mobile phase (acetonitrile + water in the ratio (50+50) and (70+30)) using gradient elution. The optimal wavelength for the research was 245 nm. The retention time (min) for: thiamethoxamis 3.5±0.1; imidacloprid – 4.1±0.1; metrubuzin – 6.3±0.1; E isomer of dimethomorph – 8.5±0.1; Z isomer of dimethomorph – 8.9±0.1; azoxystrobin – 9.5±0.1; oxathiapiroline – 10.2±0.1 and famoxadone – 12.1±0.1. We developed the optimal conditions for the chromatographic determination of thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, metribuzin, dimethomorph, azoxystrobin, oxathiapiproline and famoxadone in a joint presence in the water sample: wavelength – 245 nm, gradient elution conditions selected for different gradient profiles of the two components of the mobile phase, acetonitrile and water 50+50; 70+30; 50+50).Conclusion. The optimal conditions of extraction and chromatography of the studied substances at a copresence in the water sample provide control of their content with a limit of quantitative determination of each compound of 0.0002 mg/dm3.Вступление. Одной из основных сельскохозяйственных культур Украины является картофель – самый любимый и незаменимый пищевой продукт для миллионов наших соотечественников. Одна из важнейших условий интегрированной защиты сельскохозяйственных культур – контроль за правильным применением пестицидных препаратов в системе химической защиты, элементом которой является определение содержания их действующих веществ в объектах окружающей среды.Цель исследования – разработать методику аналитического определения тиаметоксама, имидаклоприда, метрибузина, диметоморфа, азоксистробина, оксатиапипролина и фамоксадона в воде при их совместном присутствии.Методы исследования. Применен метод обратно-фазовой  высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с ультрафиолетовым детектированием. Статистическую обработку результатов проводили с использованием пакета статистических программ IBM SPSS Statistics Base v.22 и MS Exсel.Результаты и обсуждение. В результате проведенных лабораторных исследований подобраны наиболее оптимальные условия  хроматографирования, в том числе подвижная фаза (ацетонитрил+вода в соотношении (50+50) и (70+30)) с использованием градиентного элюирования. Оптимальная длина волны при выполнении исследований составляла 245 нм. Время удерживания (мин) составляло: тиаметоксама – 3,5±0,1; имидаклоприда – 4,1±0,1; метрибузина – 6,3±0,1; Z изомера диметоморфа – 8,5±0,1; Z изомера диметоморфа – 8,9±0,1; азоксистробина – 9,5±0,1; оксатиапипролина – 10,2±0,1; фамоксадона – 12,1±0,1. Разработаны оптимальные условия хроматографического определения тиаметоксама, имидаклоприда, метрибузина, диметоморфа, азоксистробина, оксатиапипролина и фамоксадона при совместном присутствии в пробе воды (длина волны – 245 нм), подобраны условия градиентного элюирования при различных профилях градиента концентраций двух компонентов подвижной фазы – ацетонитрила и воды (50+50; 70+30; 50+50).Вывод. Разработанные оптимальные условия экстракции и хроматографирования исследуемых веществ при совместном присутствии в пробе воды обеспечивают контроль их содержания с пределом количественного определения каждого соединения 0,0002 мг/дм3.Вступ. Однією з основних сільськогосподарських культур України є картопля – найулюбленіший та незамінний харчовий продукт для мільйонів наших співвітчизників. Одна з найважливіших умов інтегрованого захисту сільськогосподарських культур – контроль за правильним застосуванням пестицидних препаратів у системі хімічного захисту, елементом якої є визначення вмісту їх діючих речовин в об’єктах довкілля.Мета дослідження – розробити методику аналітичного визначення тіаметоксаму, імідаклоприду, метрибузину, диметоморфу, азоксистробіну, оксатіапіпроліну та фамоксадону у воді при їх сумісній присутності.Методи дослідження. Застосовано метод обернено-фазової  високоефективної рідинної хроматографії з ультрафіолетовим детектуванням. Статистичну обробку результатів проводили з використанням пакета статистичних програм IBM SPSS Statistics Base v.22 та MS Exсel.Результати й обговорення. В результаті проведених лабораторних досліджень підібрано найбільш оптимальні умови хроматографування, в тому числі рухому фазу (ацетонітрил+вода у співвідношенні (50+50) та (70+30)) з використанням градієнтного елюювання. Оптимальна довжина хвилі при виконанні досліджень складала 245 нм. Час утримування (хв) становив: тіаметоксаму – 3,5±0,1; імідаклоприду – 4,1±0,1; метрибузину – 6,3±0,1; Е ізомеру диметоморфу – 8,5±0,1; Z ізомеру диметоморфу – 8,9±0,1; азоксистробіну – 9,5±0,1; оксатіапіпроліну – 10,2±0,1; фамоксадону – 12,1±0,1. Розроблено оптимальні умови хроматографічного визначення тіаметоксаму, імідаклоприду, метрибузину, диметоморфу, азоксистробіну, оксатіапіпроліну та фамоксадону при сумісній присутності в пробі води (довжина хвилі – 245 нм), підібрано умови градієнтного елюювання при різних профілях градієнта концентрацій двох компонентів рухомої фази – ацетонітрилу і води (50+50; 70+30; 50+50).Висновок. Розроблені оптимальні умови екстракції та хроматографування досліджуваних речовин при сумісній присутності в пробі води забезпечують контроль їх вмісту з межею кількісного визначення кожної сполуки 0,0002 мг/дм3