109 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan yang sangat pesat di iringi dengan pertumbuhan penduduk, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya yang sangat pesat pula tentu akan menyebabkan berbagai masalah dalam bidang transportasi yang harus segera di atasi dan juga dapat menimbulkan tuntutan untuk menambah kualitas dan kuantitas sistem transportasi yang meliputi berbagai fasilitas, yang salah satunya adalah fasilitas moda angkutan darat, yaitu terminal angkutan umum pasar baru. Terminal yang resmikan pada tahun 2005 ini melayani trayek arah barat yaitu pusat kota (Labuha), arah Timur yaitu jalur trayek yang melayani masyarakat Bacan tengah sampai dengan Bacan timur yaitu pelabuhan Babang, dan untuk pada bagian selatan melayani pelabuhan Kupal dan serta masyarakat bagian selatan. Namun proses sistem transportasi yang berlangsung tidak efektif sehingga pergerakan transportasi banyak berlangsung di luar terminal, sehingga mengakibatkan kemacetan dan lain-lain. Penelitian ini diawali dengan penyebaran kuesioner ke pihak penyedia dan pengguna jasa yang beraktifitas di terminal Pasar Baru. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan evaluasi tingkat ketersediaan kinerja insfrastruktur transportasi khususnya di Terminal angkutan umum Pasar Baru. Untuk menentukan tingkat kesediaan infrastruktur transportasi pada lokasi itu, maka di tetapkan suatu indikator dengan memberi pembobotan terhadap masing-masing kategori dengan menggunakan skala Likert dari masing-masing atribut pelayanan menurut penilaian/persepsi responden. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu kinerja fungsi dari Infrastruktur di Terminal Pasar Baru Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan secara keseluruhan berdasarkan persepsi responden masuk kategori Kinerja Kurang baik, dengan nilai persentase 48,98 %. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja Terminal Pasar Baru Kabupaten Halmahera selatan yang fungsi operasional menjadi prioritas utama untuk di tingkatkan oleh pihak penyedia jasa terdiri dari variabel wujud nyata, keandalan, keresposifan, daya tangkap, dan Jaminan

    Electrically conductive nanomaterials for cardiac tissue engineering

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    Β© 2019 Elsevier B.V. Patient deaths resulting from cardiovascular diseases are increasing across the globe, posing the greatest risk to patients in developed countries. Myocardial infarction, as a result of inadequate blood flow to the myocardium, results in irreversible loss of cardiomyocytes which can lead to heart failure. A sequela of myocardial infarction is scar formation that can alter the normal myocardial architecture and result in arrhythmias. Over the past decade, a myriad of tissue engineering approaches has been developed to fabricate engineered scaffolds for repairing cardiac tissue. This paper highlights the recent application of electrically conductive nanomaterials (carbon and gold-based nanomaterials, and electroactive polymers) to the development of scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering. Moreover, this work summarizes the effects of these nanomaterials on cardiac cell behavior such as proliferation and migration, as well as cardiomyogenic differentiation in stem cells

    Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Compound Semiconductors

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    Contains an introduction and reports on six research projects.Advanced Research Projects Agency Subcontract 284-25041Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-92-C-0001National Center for Integrated Photonic Technology Contract 542-381National Science Foundation Grant DMR 92-02957National Science Foundation Contract DMR 92-02957National Science Foundation Grant DMR 90-2293

    Compound Semiconductor Materials and Devices

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    Contains table of contents for Part I, table of contents for Section 1, reports on fourteen research projects and a list of publications.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/National Center for Integrated Photonics TechnologyFannie and John Hertz Foundation Graduate FellowshipJoint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAH04-95-1-0038National Science Foundation Graduate FellowshipNTT CorporationNational Science FoundationU.S. Navy - Office of Naval ResearchToshiba CorporationAT&T Bell Laboratories Graduate Fellowshi

    Pulsed radiofrequency treatment in interventional pain management: mechanisms and potential indicationsβ€”a review

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    Item does not contain fulltextBACKGROUND: The objective of this review is to evaluate the efficacy of Pulsed Radiofrequency (PRF) treatment in chronic pain management in randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and well-designed observational studies. The physics, mechanisms of action, and biological effects are discussed to provide the scientific basis for this promising modality. METHODS: We systematically searched for clinical studies on PRF. We searched the MEDLINE (PubMed) and EMBASE database, using the free text terms: pulsed radiofrequency, radio frequency, radiation, isothermal radiofrequency, and combination of these. We classified the information in two tables, one focusing only on RCTs, and another, containing prospective studies. Date of last electronic search was 30 May 2010. The methodological quality of the presented reports was scored using the original criteria proposed by Jadad et al. FINDINGS: We found six RCTs that evaluated the efficacy of PRF, one against corticosteroid injection, one against sham intervention, and the rest against conventional RF thermocoagulation. Two trials were conducted in patients with lower back pain due to lumbar zygapophyseal joint pain, one in cervical radicular pain, one in lumbosacral radicular pain, one in trigeminal neuralgia, and another in chronic shoulder pain. CONCLUSION: From the available evidence, the use of PRF to the dorsal root ganglion in cervical radicular pain is compelling. With regards to its lumbosacral counterpart, the use of PRF cannot be similarly advocated in view of the methodological quality of the included study. PRF application to the supracapular nerve was found to be as efficacious as intra-articular corticosteroid in patients with chronic shoulder pain. The use of PRF in lumbar facet arthropathy and trigeminal neuralgia was found to be less effective than conventional RF thermocoagulation techniques

    Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Compound Semiconductors

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    Contains an introduction and reports on seven research projects.Advanced Research Projects Agency Subcontract 284-25041Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-92-C-0001Joint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAH-04-95-1-0038National Center for Integrated Photonic Technology Contract 542-381National Center for Integrated Photonic Technology Grant subcontract 652-693U.S. Army Research Office/ AASERT Contract DAAH04-93-G-0175National Science Foundation Grant DMR 92-02957National Science Foundation Grant DMR 92-02957National Science Foundation Grant DMR 90-22933MIT Lincoln Laboratory Contract BX-5411National Science Foundation DMR 94-0033

    Epitaxial Growth and Processing of Compound Semiconductors

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    Contains an introduction and reports on six research projects.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research University Research Initiative Subcontract N00014-92-J-1893Joint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAH04-95-1-0038National Center for Integrated Photonics Technology Contract 542-381National Science Foundation Grant DMR 92-02957MIT Lincoln Laboratory Contract BX-6085National Center for Integrated Photonics Technology Subcontract 542-383U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-96-1-0126U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-91-J-1956National Science Foundation Grant DMR 94-0033

    Compound Semiconductor Materials and Devices

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    Contains table of contents for Part I, table of contents for Section 1, an introduction, reports on fourteen research projects and a list of publications.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/National Center for Integrated Photonics TechnologyJoint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAH04-95-1-0038MIT Lincoln LaboratoryNational Science Foundation Graduate FellowshipU.S. Navy - Office of Naval ResearchAT&T Bell Laboratories FellowshipU.S. Army - Ft. MeadeNTT CorporationNational Science FoundationLockheed-Martin Corporatio

    Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Compound Semiconductors

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    Contains an introduction and reports on seven research projects.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Subcontract 284-25041Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL04-95-1-0038National Center for Integrated Photonic Technology Contract 542-381U.S. Army Research Office/ AASERT Contract DAAH04-93-G-0175National Science Foundation Grant DMR 92-02957Joint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAL04-95-1-0038National Science Foundation Grant DMR 90-22933National Science Foundation Grant DMR 92-02957National Center for Integrated Photonic Technology Contract 542-381MIT Lincoln LaboratoryNational Center for Integrated Photonic Technology Subcontract 542-383National Science Foundation DMR 94-0033
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