324 research outputs found

    Geomorphic Response to Catastrophic Flooding in a Karst Mountain Stream System, Brighton-Blue Hole Watershed, Southwest Jamaica

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    The geomorphic effects of flooding are poorly understood in the karst, mountain watersheds along the southwest coast of Jamaica. This study describes the flow path and geomorphic response of an extreme flood event in the Brighton-Blue Hole watershed (BBHW) (6.8 km2) near Belmont, Westmoreland, Jamaica. A tropical depression classified as a \u3e100-year rainfall event produced 32 inches of rain in a 24 hour period in Westmoreland on June 12, 1979. For this study, geomorphic indicators of flood disturbance in BBHW were assessed in 2017-18, finding that channel system responded to the flood with channel incision, debris flows, and flooding in communities. Flood effects were controlled by: (i) a structurally controlled fault block valley which decreased the elevation of the watershed divide allowing piracy of floodwater from BBHW, across the divide, and into the Bluefields River increasing flood stage there; (ii) karst depressions at progressively descending elevations which caused floodwaters to become impounded and thus attenuated stream power downstream; (iii) a morass/wetland and mangrove forest system separated from the sea by a beach barrier thus created a low area which slowed and retained flood waters before they flowed to sea via a culvert under a coastal highway; and (iv) overtopping and failure of the rim of a karst depression which produced the most destructive flood and channel response, including 9 deaths. A flood risk map was created for communities in BBHW using the areas of inundation by floodwaters and locations of geomorphic effects for reference. BBHW is relatively resilient to flooding when compared to neighboring watersheds. However, climate change and future development in the watershed threaten to increase the potential for flood damage and create higher risk to the community

    Keepers of the Night: The Dangerously Important Role of Resident Assistants on College and University Campuses

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    A great deal of responsibility and risk lies within the RA role. This Article acknowledges that RAs, who are some of the most important employees at institutions of higher education, are often under-trained and may negligently expose institutions to liability. More importantly, this Article aims to address how standards and regulation of the RA position can provide a better snapshot of the RA role, nightlife on college campuses, and reasonable expectations for students, parents, and employees

    Do frequent satisfying trips by public transport impacts its intended use in later life?

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    Previous studies have indicated that factors such as the built environment, attitudes and past behaviour can influence travel behaviour. However, the possible effect of travel satisfaction on travel mode choice remains underexplored, despite many studies focusing on travel satisfaction over the past years. It is likely that individuals experiencing satisfying trips with a certain travel mode will use this mode (more) frequently for future trips. In this study – using data from 984 students from Laval University, Canada – we analyse how satisfaction with public transport and the frequency of public transport use affect the intention to use public transport in later life stages. Our results indicate that public transport frequency, public transport satisfaction and the interaction between these two factors (i.e., the frequency of (dis)satisfying public transport trips) significantly affect people’s intentions to use public transport in later life, although variations in effect sizes exist between different life stages. Making public transport more pleasant and increasing ridership of children and young adults (e.g., by giving them free public transport passes) may consequently result in a higher public transport frequency in later life stages. We argue that travel satisfaction can play an important role in the formation of habitual mode use, and that satisfying trips (if undertaken frequently) are likely to be repeated in the future

    Do frequent satisfying trips by public transport impact its intended use in later life?

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    Previous studies have indicated that factors such as the built environment, attitudes and past behaviour can influence travel behaviour. However, the possible effect of travel satisfaction on travel mode choice remains underexplored, despite many studies focusing on travel satisfaction over the past years. It is likely that individuals experiencing satisfying trips with a certain travel mode will use this mode (more) frequently for future trips. In this study—using data from 984 students from Laval University, Canada—we analyse how satisfaction with public transport and the frequency of public transport use affect the intention to use public transport in later life stages. Our results indicate that public transport frequency, public transport satisfaction and the interaction between these two factors (i.e., the frequency of (dis)satisfying public transport trips) significantly affect people’s intentions to use public transport in later life, although variations in effect sizes exist between different life stages. Making public transport more pleasant and increasing ridership of children and young adults (e.g., by giving them free public transport passes) may consequently result in a higher public transport frequency in later life stages. We argue that travel satisfaction can play an important role in the formation of habitual mode use, and that satisfying trips (if undertaken frequently) are likely to be repeated in the future

    Chemical Composition of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars in the Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    Chemical abundances of six extremely metal-poor ([Fe/H]<-2.5) stars in the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy are determined based on high resolution spectroscopy (R=40,000) with the Subaru Telescope High Dispersion Spectrograph. (1) The Fe abundances derived from the high resolution spectra are in good agreement with the metallicity estimated from the Ca triplet lines in low resolution spectra. The lack of stars with [Fe/H]=<-3 in Sextans, found by previous estimates from the Ca triplet, is confirmed by our measurements, although we note that high resolution spectroscopy for a larger sample of stars will be necessary to estimate the true fraction of stars with such low metallicity. (2) While one object shows an overabundance of Mg (similar to Galactic halo stars), the Mg/Fe ratios of the remaining five stars are similar to the solar value. This is the first time that low Mg/Fe ratios at such low metallicities have been found in a dwarf spheroidal galaxy. No evidence for over-abundances of Ca and Ti are found in these five stars, though the measurements for these elements are less certain. Possible mechanisms to produce low Mg/Fe ratios, with respect to that of Galactic halo stars, are discussed. (3) Ba is under-abundant in four objects, while the remaining two stars exhibit large and moderate excesses of this element. The abundance distribution of Ba in this galaxy is similar to that in the Galactic halo, indicating that the enrichment of heavy elements, probably by the r-process, started at metallicities [Fe/H] < -2.5, as found in the Galactic halo.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, A&A, in pres

    Analysis and calibration of Ca ii triplet spectroscopy of red giant branch stars from VLT/FLAMES observations

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    We demonstrate that low-resolution Ca ii triplet (CaT) spectroscopic estimates of the overall metallicity ([Fe/H]) of individual red giant branch (RGB) stars in two nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) agree to ±0.1-0.2 dex with detailed high-resolution spectroscopic determinations for the same stars over the range −2.5 < [Fe/H] < −0.5. For this study, we used a sample of 129 stars observed in low- and high-resolution modes with VLT/FLAMES in the Sculptor and Fornax dSphs. We also present the data-reduction steps we used in our low-resolution analysis and show that the typical accuracy of our velocity and CaT [Fe/H] measurement is ∼2 km s−1 and 0.1 dex, respectively. We conclude that CaT-[Fe/H] relations calibrated on globular clusters can be applied with confidence to RGB stars in composite stellar populations over the range −2.5 < [Fe/H] < −0.

    Strangers in the night: Discovery of a dwarf spheroidal galaxy on its first Local Group infall

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    We present spectroscopic observations of the AndXII dwarf spheroidal galaxy using DEIMOS/Keck-II, showing it to be moving rapidly through the Local Group (-556 km/s heliocentric velocity, -281 km/s relative to Andromeda from the MW), falling into the Local Group from ~115 kpc beyond Andromeda's nucleus. AndXII therefore represents a dwarf galaxy plausibly falling into the Local Group for the first time, and never having experienced a dense galactic environment. From Green Bank Telescope observations, a limit on the H{I} gas mass of <3000 Msun suggests that AndXII's gas could have been removed prior to experiencing the tides of the Local Group galaxies. Orbit models suggest the dwarf is close to the escape velocity of M31 for published mass models. AndXII is our best direct evidence for the late infall of satellite galaxies, a prediction of cosmological simulations.Comment: 4 pages 5 figures 1 table, accepted in ApJ, july issu

    VLT/FLAMES spectroscopy of red giant branch stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    Fornax is one of the most massive dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the Local Group. The Fornax field star population is dominated by intermediate age stars but star formation was going on over almost its entire history. It has been proposed that Fornax experienced a minor merger event. Despite recent progress, only the high metallicity end of Fornax field stars ([Fe/H]>-1.2 dex) has been sampled in larger number via high resolution spectroscopy. We want to better understand the full chemical evolution of this galaxy by better sampling the whole metallicity range, including more metal poor stars. We use the VLT-FLAMES multi-fibre spectrograph in high-resolution mode to determine the abundances of several alpha, iron-peak and neutron-capture elements in a sample of 47 individual Red Giant Branch stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. We combine these abundances with accurate age estimates derived from the age probability distribution from the colour-magnitude diagram of Fornax. Similar to other dwarf spheroidal galaxies, the old, metal-poor stars of Fornax are typically alpha-rich while the young metal-rich stars are alpha-poor. In the classical scenario of the time delay between SNe II and SNe Ia, we confirm that SNe Ia started to contribute to the chemical enrichment at [Fe/H] between -2.0 and -1.8 dex. We find that the onset of SNe Ia took place between 12-10 Gyrs ago. The high values of [Ba/Fe], [La/Fe] reflect the influence of SNe Ia and AGB stars in the abundance pattern of the younger stellar population of Fornax. Our findings of low [alpha/Fe] and enhanced [Eu/Mg] are compatible with an initial mass function that lacks the most massive stars and with star formation that kept going on throughout the whole history of Fornax. We find that massive stars kept enriching the interstellar medium in alpha-elements, although they were not the main contributor to the iron enrichment.Comment: Resubmitted to A&A (18/09/2014) after Referee's comment

    Analysis and calibration of CaII triplet spectroscopy of red giant branch stars from VLT/FLAMES observations

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    We demonstrate that low-resolution Ca II triplet (CaT) spectroscopic estimates of the overall metallicity ([Fe/H]) of individual red giant branch (RGB) stars in two nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) agree to +/- 0.1-0.2 dex with detailed high-resolution spectroscopic determinations for the same stars over the range-2.5</p

    Manganese in dwarf spheroidal galaxies

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    We provide manganese abundances (corrected for the effect of the hyperfine structure) for a large number of stars in the dwarf spheroidal galaxies Sculptor and Fornax, and for a smaller number in the Carina and Sextans dSph galaxies. Abundances had already been determined for a number of other elements in these galaxies, including alpha and iron-peak ones, which allowed us to build [Mn/Fe] and [Mn/alpha] versus [Fe/H] diagrams. The Mn abundances imply sub-solar [Mn/Fe] ratios for the stars in all four galaxies examined. In Sculptor, [Mn/Fe] stays roughly constant between [Fe/H]\sim -1.8 and -1.4 and decreases at higher iron abundance. In Fornax, [Mn/Fe] does not vary in any significant way with [Fe/H]. The relation between [Mn/alpha] and [Fe/H] for the dSph galaxies is clearly systematically offset from that for the Milky Way, which reflects the different star formation histories of the respective galaxies. The [Mn/alpha] behavior can be interpreted as a result of the metal-dependent Mn yields of type II and type Ia supernovae. We also computed chemical evolution models for star formation histories matching those determined empirically for Sculptor, Fornax, and Carina, and for the Mn yields of SNe Ia, which were assumed to be either constant or variable with metallicity. The observed [Mn/Fe] versus [Fe/H] relation in Sculptor, Fornax, and Carina can be reproduced only by the chemical evolution models that include a metallicity-dependent Mn yield from the SNe Ia.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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