693 research outputs found

    Changes in volatile compounds of pork loin (fresh and marinated) with different irradiation and packaging during storage

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    The analysis of volatile compounds by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry after extraction by purge and trap has been used to investigate the volatile compounds of fresh and marinated pork loin after E-beam treatmet as a function of packaging type (air, vacuum and modified atmosphere), radiation dose (1 and 2 kGy) and storage temperature (4 and 8 °C). Major differences were found between fresh and marinated samples but, in general, only minor differences were found in the volatile compounds of both types of loin due to storage temperature, packaging method and doses of irradiation. It is concluded that the application of E-beam is a very useful way to extend the shelflife of fresh and marinated pork loin with no changes in the odor of the products.<br><br>Se ha utilizado la cromatografía de gases/espectrometría de masas, la extracción mediante purga y trampa para estudiar los compuestos volátiles de lomo de cerdo fresco y adobado, tratados con electrones acelerados (1 y 2 kGy) y almacenado en refrigeración (4 y 8 °C) bajo diferentes atmósferas (aire, vacío y atmósfera modificada). Se observaron diferencias importantes entre las muestras de lomo fresco y adobado pero, en general, solo pequeñas diferencias fueron observadas en algunos compuestos volátiles de ambos tipos de lomo debidas al efecto de la temperatura, tiempo de almacenamiento, tipo de atmósfera o dosis de radiación. Se ha concluido que la aplicación de electrones acelerados es una tecnología muy eficaz para ampliar la vida útil del lomo de cerdo fresco y adobado sin que se detecten cambios en el olor de los productos

    Análisis demográfico de la Raza Asnal Andaluza

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    Análisis de los compuestos volátiles del jamón ibérico: revisión

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    This article provides information on the study of the volatile compounds in raw and dry-cured Iberian hams. Different volatile compounds are identified and studies carried out by different authors are presented. This article reviews the analytical methods that have been used to determine the different volatiles of these samples. Furthermore, all volatile compounds identified (a total of 411 volatiles) have been collected in several tables according to different series of compounds: hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, esters and ethers, lactones, terpenes and chloride compounds, nitrogenous compounds, sulfur compounds and carboxylic acids. This review can be useful in subsequent research due to the complexity of the study.En este artículo se proporciona información sobre el estudio de los compuestos volátiles del jamón ibérico tanto fresco como curado. Se presentan los diferentes compuestos volátiles identificados por distintos autores. Además, se evalúan los métodos analíticos que han sido utilizados para determinar dichos compuestos volátiles en este tipo de muestras. Todos los compuestos identificados y descritos en esta revisión (un total de 411 compuestos volátiles) han sido agrupados en diversas tablas de acuerdo a las diferentes familias a que pertenecen: hidrocarburos, aldehídos, cetonas, alcoholes, ésteres y éteres, lactonas, terpenos, compuestos halogenados, compuestos nitrogenados, compuestos de azufre y ácidos carboxílicos. Debido a la complejidad de este estudio, la presente revisión puede ser muy útil en investigaciones posteriores

    Revisión de los niveles de acidos grasos trans encontrados en distintos tipos de alimentos

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    In this paper a comprehensive review of trans-fatty acid levels reported in different types of food products is offered. The lowest levels are found in some types of bread (0,1%) while the highest levels (up to 40%) are found in fried potatoes. Some foods like shortenings, cakes and pastries may have up to 30% of these fatty acids. In milk and dairy products the reported levels are between 1.50% and 5.20%, in meat and derived products between 0.20% and 21,30%; in chocolates from 0% to 15, 70%. The greatest variability is found in margarines, where a variety has been reported from “trans-free products” to products containing up to 34. 30%. In relation to the trans-fatty acid profile, 18:1t is the most abundant fatty acid found in the majority of foods, followed by C18:2t, C18:3t, C18:1t y C14:1t. Due to the negative health effects of these fatty acids, there is a trend to reduce their levels in food products and to include them in the nutritional label of food packaging.En este trabajo se realiza una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica de los contenidos en grasos trans en alimentos de distinto origen. Los niveles más bajos se encuentran en algunos tipos de pan (0,10%), y los más elevados (hasta 40%), en algunas muestras de patatas fritas. Alimentos tales como shortenings, algunos tipos de galletas y bollería contienen hasta el 30% de dichos ácidos grasos. En las leches y derivados se encuentran cantidades entre 1,50% y 5,20%; en carnes y derivados entre 0,20% y 21,30%; en chocolates desde cantidades nulas hasta 15,70%. La mayor variabilidad se registra en margarinas, entre las que se encuentran desde las “libres de trans”, hasta algunas con 34,30% de estos ácidos grasos. En cuanto a los distintos isómeros, el mayoritario es el C18:1t seguido del C18:2t, C18:3t, C18:1t y C14:1t. Debido a los efectos desfavorables que presentan sobre la salud se observa en los últimos años una tendencia a reducir este tipo de ácidos grasos en algunos alimentos y a incluirlos en el etiquetado nutricional de los alimentos


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    At&nbsp; present&nbsp; it&nbsp; is&nbsp; common&nbsp; to&nbsp; use&nbsp; various&nbsp; substances that inhibit the growth of micro-organisms, this can occur in inert surfaces or living tissues, so there are inorganic and organic chemicals that carry out microbio-cidal&nbsp; or&nbsp; microbiostatic&nbsp; functions.&nbsp; Under&nbsp; this&nbsp; context,&nbsp; the&nbsp; effectiveness&nbsp; of&nbsp; different&nbsp; substances&nbsp; against&nbsp; different&nbsp; microorgan-isms&nbsp; (bacteria&nbsp; and&nbsp; yeast)&nbsp; was&nbsp; evaluated.&nbsp; To&nbsp; do&nbsp; this,&nbsp; we&nbsp; proceeded&nbsp; to&nbsp; analyze&nbsp; the&nbsp; susceptibility&nbsp; of&nbsp; these&nbsp; microorganisms&nbsp; to&nbsp; the different substances, in two ways; One of&nbsp; these&nbsp; was&nbsp; to&nbsp; use&nbsp; three&nbsp; substances&nbsp; in&nbsp; two&nbsp; different&nbsp; concentrations&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; oth-er&nbsp; consisted&nbsp; of&nbsp; using&nbsp; eight&nbsp; different&nbsp; sub-stances&nbsp; using&nbsp; sensidiscs.&nbsp; Both&nbsp; expected&nbsp; and &nbsp;surprising&nbsp; results&nbsp; were&nbsp; obtained,&nbsp; de-pending on the efficiency of the substance used, so the reasons why this could have happened&nbsp; were&nbsp; investigated,&nbsp; concluding&nbsp; that the efficiency of the antimicrobial sub-stances depends on several factorsEn&nbsp; la&nbsp; actualidad&nbsp; resulta&nbsp; común&nbsp; emplear&nbsp; diversas&nbsp; sustancias&nbsp; que&nbsp; inhiban&nbsp; el&nbsp; crecimiento&nbsp; de&nbsp; los&nbsp; microorga-nismos, ello se puede dar en superficies inertes o tejidos vivos, por lo cual existen sustancias&nbsp; químicas&nbsp; inorgánicas&nbsp; y&nbsp; orgá-nicas&nbsp; que&nbsp; llevan&nbsp; a&nbsp; cabo&nbsp; funciones&nbsp; micro-biocidas o microbiostática

    Caracterización de aceite de semilla de manzanas con Denominación de Origen de Asturias, España

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    The content and composition of lipids isolated from the seeds of seven apple species from Asturias (Spain) were characterized. The highest content in oil corresponded to Collao (22.73±0.81 g·100 g-1 of seed), followed by Raxao and Riega (20.19±0.74 g·100 g-1 of seed; 19.67±0.85 g·100 g-1 of seed), respectively. The linoleic acid was found to be the main component in Limón Montés (60.78±3.07%) followed by Riega (60.01±3.41%). Solarina seed oil was the one with the highest content in total sterols (558.52±9.42 mg·100 g-1 of oil) while Blanquina was the one that presents the lowest amount (166.55±1.89 mg·100 g-1 of oil). Phosphatidylcholine (70.58±3.85%) was found to be the main constituent in Blanquina followed by Collaos (55.55±2.96%). Raxao presented the highest content in β-tocopherol (125.29±12.62) and α-tocopherol was the most important tocopherol in Limón Montés (84.68±5.61 mg·kg-1 of oil). The main triglycerides were LLP (41.17±1.98-39.32±1.66%) followed by LLL (27.12±1.32−17.80±1.96%). Good separation among specie samples according to the statistical analysis of the principal component (PCs) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was obtained.Se ha caracterizado el contenido y composición de los lípidos aislados de semillas de siete especies de manzanas de Asturias (España). El contenido más alto en aceite correspondió a Collao (22.73±0.81 g·100 g-1 de semilla), seguida de Raxao y Riega (20.19±0.74 g·100 g-1 de semilla y 19.67±0.85 g·100 g-1 de semilla) respectivamente. El ácido linoleico fué el de mayor contenido en Limón Montés (60.78±3.07%) seguido por la Riega (60.01±3.41%). El contenido más alto en esteroles correspondió a Solarina (558.52±9.42 mg·100 g-1 de aceite) mientras que Blanquina fué el que presentó los valores más bajo (166.55±1.89 mg·100 g-1 de aceite). Fosfatidilcolina (70.58±3.85% del total FL) fué el principal constituyente en Blanquina seguida por Collao (55.55±2.96% del total FL). Raxao presentó el contenido más alto en β-tocoferol (125.29±12.62 mg·Kg-1 de aceite) y α-tocoferol en Limón Montés (84.68±5.61 mg·Kg-1 de aceite). Los triglicéridos principales fueron LLP (41.17±1.98-39.32±1.66%) seguido de LLL (27.12±1.32−17.80±1.96%). Se obtuvo una buena separación entre las distintas variedades de manzana teniendo en cuenta el análisis estadístico de los principales componentes (PCs) y el análisis discriminante linear (LDA)

    Characterization of apple seed oil with Denomination of Origin from Asturias, Spain

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    The content and composition of lipids isolated from the seeds of seven apple species from Asturias (Spain) were characterized. The highest content in oil corresponded to Collao (22.73±0.81 g·100 g<sup>-1</sup> of seed), followed by Raxao and Riega (20.19±0.74 g·100 g<sup>-1</sup> of seed; 19.67±0.85 g·100 g<sup>-1</sup> of seed), respectively. The linoleic acid was found to be the main component in Limón Montés (60.78±3.07%) followed by Riega (60.01±3.41%). Solarina seed oil was the one with the highest content in total sterols (558.52±9.42 mg·100 g<sup>-1</sup> of oil) while Blanquina was the one that presents the lowest amount (166.55±1.89 mg·100 g<sup>-1</sup> of oil). Phosphatidylcholine (70.58±3.85%) was found to be the main constituent in Blanquina followed by Collaos (55.55±2.96%). Raxao presented the highest content in β-tocopherol (125.29±12.62) and α-tocopherol was the most important tocopherol in Limón Montés (84.68±5.61 mg·kg<sup>-1</sup> of oil). The main triglycerides were LLP (41.17±1.98-39.32±1.66%) followed by LLL (27.12±1.32−17.80±1.96%). Good separation among specie samples according to the statistical analysis of the principal component (PCs) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was obtained.<br><br>Se ha caracterizado el contenido y composición de los lípidos aislados de semillas de siete especies de manzanas de Asturias (España). El contenido más alto en aceite correspondió a Collao (22.73±0.81 g·100 g<sup>-1</sup> de semilla), seguida de Raxao y Riega (20.19±0.74 g·100 g<sup>-1</sup> de semilla y 19.67±0.85 g·100 g<sup>-1</sup> de semilla) respectivamente. El ácido linoleico fué el de mayor contenido en Limón Montés (60.78±3.07%) seguido por la Riega (60.01±3.41%). El contenido más alto en esteroles correspondió a Solarina (558.52±9.42 mg·100 g<sup>-1</sup> de aceite) mientras que Blanquina fué el que presentó los valores más bajo (166.55±1.89 mg·100 g<sup>-1</sup> de aceite). Fosfatidilcolina (70.58±3.85% del total FL) fué el principal constituyente en Blanquina seguida por Collao (55.55±2.96% del total FL). Raxao presentó el contenido más alto en β-tocoferol (125.29±12.62 mg·Kg<sup>-1</sup> de aceite) y α-tocoferol en Limón Montés (84.68±5.61 mg·Kg<sup>-1</sup> de aceite). Los triglicéridos principales fueron LLP (41.17±1.98-39.32±1.66%) seguido de LLL (27.12±1.32−17.80±1.96%). Se obtuvo una buena separación entre las distintas variedades de manzana teniendo en cuenta el análisis estadístico de los principales componentes (PCs) y el análisis discriminante linear (LDA)

    B1 Was the Ancestor B Chromosome Variant in the Western Mediterranean Area in the Grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans.

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    We analyzed the distribution of 2 repetitive DNAs, i.e. ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and a satellite DNA (satDNA), on the B chromosomes found in 17 natural populations of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans plorans sampled around the western Mediterranean region, including the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands, Sicily, and Tunisia. Based on the amount of these repetitive DNAs, 4 types of B variants were found: B 1 , showing an equal or higher amount of rDNA than satDNA, and 3 other variants, B 2 , B 24 and B 5 , bearing a higher amount of satDNA than rDNA. The variants B 1 and B 2 varied in size among populations: B 1 was about half the size of the X chromosome in Balearic Islands, but two-thirds of the X in Iberian populations at Alicante, Murcia and Albacete provinces. Likewise, B 2 was about one-third the size of the X chromosome in populations from the Granada province but half the size of the X in the populations collected at Málaga province. The widespread geographical distribution of the B 1 variant makes it the best candidate for being the ancestor B chromosome in the whole western Mediterranean region