8,560 research outputs found

    The effect of primordial non-Gaussianity on the skeleton of cosmic shear maps

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    (abridged) We explore the imprints of deviations from Gaussian primordial density fluctuations on the skeleton of the large-scale matter distribution as mapped through cosmological weak lensing. We computed the skeleton length of simulated effective convergence maps covering 35\sim 35 sq. deg each, extracted from a suite of cosmological nn-body runs with different levels of local primordial non-Gaussianity. The latter is expected to alter the structure formation process with respect to the fiducial Gaussian scenario, and thus to leave a signature on the cosmic web. We found that alterations of the initial conditions consistently modify both the cumulative and the differential skeleton length, although the effect is generically smaller than the cosmic variance and depends on the smoothing of the map prior to the skeleton computation. Nevertheless, the qualitative shape of these deviations is rather similar to their primordial counterparts, implying that skeleton statistics retain good memory of the initial conditions. We performed a statistical analysis in order to find out at what Confidence Level primordial non-Gaussianity could be constrained by the skeleton test on cosmic shear maps of the size we adopted. At 68.3% Confidence Level we found an error on the measured level of primordial non-Gaussianity of ΔfNL300\Delta f_\mathrm{NL}\sim 300, while at 90% Confidence Level it is of ΔfNL500\Delta f_\mathrm{NL}\sim 500. While these values by themselves are not competitive with the current constraints, weak lensing maps larger than those used here would have a smaller field-to-field variance, and thus would likely lead to tighter constraints. A rough estimate indicates ΔfNL\Delta f_\mathrm{NL} \sim a few tens at 68.3% Confidence Level for an all-sky weak lensing survey.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    A numerical study of the effects of primordial non-Gaussianities on weak lensing statistics

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    While usually cosmological initial conditions are assumed to be Gaussian, inflationary theories can predict a certain amount of primordial non-Gaussianity which can have an impact on the statistical properties of the lensing observables. In order to evaluate this effect, we build a large set of realistic maps of different lensing quantities starting from light-cones extracted from large dark-matter only N-body simulations with initial conditions corresponding to different levels of primordial local non-Gaussianity strength fNLf_{\rm NL}. Considering various statistical quantities (PDF, power spectrum, shear in aperture, skewness and bispectrum) we find that the effect produced by the presence of primordial non-Gaussianity is relatively small, being of the order of few per cent for values of fNL|f_{\rm NL}| compatible with the present CMB constraints and reaching at most 10-15 per cent for the most extreme cases with fNL=1000|f_{\rm NL}|=1000. We also discuss the degeneracy of this effect with the uncertainties due to the power spectrum normalization σ8\sigma_8 and matter density parameter Ωm\Omega_{\rm m}, finding that an error in the determination of σ8\sigma_8 (Ωm\Omega_{\rm m}) of about 3 (10) per cent gives differences comparable with non-Gaussian models having fNL=±1000f_{\rm NL}=\pm 1000. These results suggest that the possible presence of an amount of primordial non-Gaussianity corresponding to fNL=100|f_{\rm NL}|=100 is not hampering a robust determination of the main cosmological parameters in present and future weak lensing surveys, while a positive detection of deviations from the Gaussian hypothesis is possible only breaking the degeneracy with other cosmological parameters and using data from deep surveys covering a large fraction of the sky.Comment: accepted by MNRA

    Diagnosis of centrocestus formosanus infection in zebrafish (Danio rerio) in Italy: A window to a new globalization-derived invasive microorganism

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    Centrocestus formosanus is a digenetic trematode with a complex life cycle, involving invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, humans included. In particular, it causes gill lesions and mortality in freshwater fish species, and gastrointestinal symptoms in infected humans. Here, we describe the occurrence of C. formosanus infection in zebrafish imported in Italy and propose a newly designed species-specific primer pair to ameliorate the diagnostic investigations for C. formosanus. Gill arches of 30 zebrafish were examined for the presence of encysted metacercariae under a stereomicroscope and processed through molecular analyses targeting the ribosomal internal transcribed sequence 2 (ITS2). Although C. formosanus distribution was originally restricted to Asia, it has been subsequently reported in new countries, revealing itself as an invasive species and raising important concerns for biodiversity, economy, scientific research, as well as animal and public health. Given the crucial role played by the ornamental fish industry in spreading this parasite, there is an urgent need for control measures to prevent the introduction and establishment of C. formosanus in non-endemic areas, including Europe. We also suggest developing new strategies in microbiology and epidemiology to better explore this new globalization-derived invasive species


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    1. The effects of O2, CO2, and pressure were studied in two very different species of protozoa, a flagellate, Chilomonas paramecium, grown in acetate-ammonium solution and a ciliate, Tetrahymena geleii, grown in 2 per cent proteose-peptone solution. 2. Chilomonas and Tetrahymena live and reproduce in solutions exposed to a wide range of O2 concentrations, but Chilomonas is killed at high O2 tensions in which Tetrahymena grows best. The optimum O2 concentration for Chilomonas is about 75 mm. pressure but it lives and reproduces in O2 tensions as low as 0.5 mm. while Tetrahymena fails to grow in concentrations below 10 mm. O2 pressure. 3. With a constant O2 tension of 50 mm. pressure, it was found that there is no significant variation in growth in Chilomonas between 50 mm. and 740 mm. total pressure. In Tetrahymena, however, under the same conditions, an optimum total pressure was found at about 500 mm. and growth is comparatively poor at 50 mm. total pressure. 4. Tetrahymena does not live very long in CO2 tensions over 122 mm., although Chilomonas grows as well at 400 mm. CO2 as in air at atmospheric pressure (0.2 mm. CO2). Tetrahymena grows best in an environment minus CO2, but the optimum for Chilomonas is 100 mm. CO2 at which pressure an average of 668,600 ± 30,000 organisms per ml. was produced (temperature, 25 ± 1° C.). 5. Chilomonads grown in high CO2 concentrations (e.g., 122 mm.) produce larger starch granules and more starch than those grown in ordinary air at atmospheric pressure. 6. In solutions exposed to 75 mm. O2 tension (optimum) and 122 mm. CO2 plus 540 mm. N2 pressure, chilomonads contain very little, if any, fat. This phenomenon seems to be due to the action of CO2 on the mechanisms concerned with fat production. 7. In Tetrahymena exposed to pure O2, there is very little fat compared to those grown in atmospheric air. This may be due to the greater oxidation of fat in the higher O2 concentrations. 8. Further evidence is presented in support of the contention that Chilomonas utilizes CO2 in the production of starch

    Strategies against nonsense: oxadiazoles as translational readthrough-inducing drugs (TRIDs)

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    This review focuses on the use of oxadiazoles as translational readthrough-inducing drugs (TRIDs) to rescue the functional full-length protein expression in mendelian genetic diseases caused by nonsense mutations. These mutations in specific genes generate premature termination codons (PTCs) responsible for the translation of truncated proteins. After a brief introduction on nonsense mutations and their pathological effects, the features of various classes of TRIDs will be described discussing differences or similarities in their mechanisms of action. Strategies to correct the PTCs will be presented, particularly focusing on a new class of Ataluren-like oxadiazole derivatives in comparison to aminoglycosides. Additionally, recent results on the efficiency of new candidate TRIDs in restoring the production of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) protein will be presented. Finally, a prospectus on complementary strategies to enhance the effect of TRIDs will be illustrated together with a conclusive paragraph about perspectives, opportunities, and caveats in developing small molecules as TRIDs

    EChO Payload electronics architecture and SW design

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    EChO is a three-modules (VNIR, SWIR, MWIR), highly integrated spectrometer, covering the wavelength range from 0.55 μ\mum, to 11.0 μ\mum. The baseline design includes the goal wavelength extension to 0.4 μ\mum while an optional LWIR module extends the range to the goal wavelength of 16.0 μ\mum. An Instrument Control Unit (ICU) is foreseen as the main electronic subsystem interfacing the spacecraft and collecting data from all the payload spectrometers modules. ICU is in charge of two main tasks: the overall payload control (Instrument Control Function) and the housekeepings and scientific data digital processing (Data Processing Function), including the lossless compression prior to store the science data to the Solid State Mass Memory of the Spacecraft. These two main tasks are accomplished thanks to the Payload On Board Software (P-OBSW) running on the ICU CPUs.Comment: Experimental Astronomy - EChO Special Issue 201

    The distribution of oxygen at the Ni81Fe19/Ta interface

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    The knowledge of how oxygen atoms are distributed at a magnetic-metal / oxide, or magnetic-metal / non-magnetic-metal interface, can be an useful tool to optimize device production. Multilayered Ni81Fe19 / Ta samples consisting of 15 bilayers of 2.5 nm each, grown onto glass substrates by magnetron sputtering from Ni81Fe19 and Ta targets, have been investigated. X-ray absorption near edge structure, extended X-Ray absorption fine structure, small angle X-ray diffraction, and simulations, were used to characterize the samples. Oxygen atoms incorporated onto Ni81Fe19 films during O2 exposition are mainly bonded to Fe atoms. This partial oxidation of the Ni81Fe19 surface works as a barrier to arriving Ta atoms, preventing intermixing at the Ni81Fe19 / Ta interface. The reduction of the Ni81Fe19 surface by the formation of TaO x is observed.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Advances in Materials Science and Engineerin

    Weak Concordance between Fish and Macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean Streams.

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    Although anthropogenic degradation of riverine systems stimulated a multi-taxon bioassessment of their ecological integrity in EU countries, specific responses of different taxonomic groups to human pressure are poorly investigated in Mediterranean rivers. Here, we assess if richness and composition of macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages show concordant variation along a gradient of anthropogenic pressure in 31 reaches across 13 wadeable streams in central Italy. Fish and invertebrate taxonomic richness was not correlated across sites. However, Mantel test showed that the two groups were significantly, albeit weakly, correlated even after statistically controlling for the effect of environmental variables and site proximity. Variance partitioning with partial Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that the assemblages of the two groups were influenced by different set of environmental drivers: invertebrates were influenced by water organic content, channel and substratum features, while fish were related to stream temperature (mirroring elevation) and local land-use. Variance partitioning revealed the importance of biotic interactions between the two groups as a possible mechanisms determining concordance. Although significant, the congruence between the groups was weak, indicating that they should not be used as surrogate of each other for environmental assessments in these Mediterranean catchments. Indeed, both richness and patterns in nestedness (i.e. where depauperate locations host only a subset of taxa found in richer locations) appeared influenced by different environmental drivers suggesting that the observed concordance did not result from a co-loss of taxa along similar environmental gradients. As fish and macroinvertebrates appeared sensitive to different environmental factors, we argue that monitoring programmes should consider a multi-assemblage assessment, as also required by the Water Framework Directive

    Deuteron Magnetic and Quadrupole Moments with a Poincar\'e Covariant Current Operator in the Front-Form Dynamics

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    The deuteron magnetic and quadrupole moments are unambiguosly determined within the front-form Hamiltonian dynamics, by using a new current operator which fulfills Poincar\'e, parity and time reversal covariance, together with hermiticity and the continuity equation. For both quantities the usual disagreement between theoretical and experimental results is largely removed.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Toxicity and morbility after isolated lower limb perfusion in 242 chemo-hyperthermal treatments for cutaneous melanoma: The experience of the Tuscan Reference Centre

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the results concerning the regional and systemic toxicity and complications in 242 chemo-hyperthermal treatments (HILPs) for lower limb melanoma.</p> <p>Patients and methods</p> <p>60 HILPs (G-A) were performed with mild HT plus L-PAM (10 mg/lt) ± D-actimomycin; 74 HILPs (G-B) with true HT (40–41.8°C) plus L-PAM (10 mg/lt) ± D-act; 108 HILPs (G-C) with true HT plus L-PAM (10 mg/lt) ± D-act plus L-PAM (5 mg/lt) additional bolus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Limb toxicity was very low in G-A and in G-B; increasing toxicity (grade III = 37%) in G-C; no grade IV statistical difference was registered in all three groups, with percentage values among 1.6% and 2.7%. Systemic toxicity showed itself only in the haemopoietic parameters. No differences were registered in G-B vs G-A group. In G-C vs G-B a significative increase of systemic toxicity was seen in grade 3 (p < 0.05). Postoperative complications were acceptable. Local and systemic side-effects were transient; no permanent neurological limb deficit was registered. The postoperative mortality was recorded in 3/182 HILPs (1.6%) of the G-B and G-C groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data suggested that the technical implementations reduced the occurrence and the severity of the side effects and complications. The essential requirement for HILP is the quality assurance of the procedures. Although higher regional and systemic toxicity were observed in the G-C group caused by L-PAM additional bolus, the safeness of the procedures under the true hyperthermal regimen and the time increase of the high L-PAM concentration have assured the treatment reliability along with the increased clinical efficacy expectations of the treatments.</p