279 research outputs found

    MiniGRAIL progress report 2004

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    The MiniGRAIL detector was improved. The sphere was replaced by a slightly larger one, having a diameter of 68 cm (instead of 65 cm), reducing the resonant frequency by about 200 Hz to around 2.9 kHz. The last four masses of the attenuation system were machined to increase their resonant frequency and improve the attenuation around the resonant frequency of the sphere. In the new sphere, six holes were machined on the TIGA positions for easy mounting of the transducers. During the last cryogenic run, two capacitive transducers and a calibrator were mounted on the sphere. The first transducer was coupled to a double-stage SQUID amplifier having a commercial quantum design SQUID as a first stage and a DROS as a second stage. The second transducer was read by a single-stage quantum design SQUID. During the cryogenic run, the sphere was cooled down to 4 K. The two-stage SQUID had a flux noise of about 1.6 ÎŒ0 Hz−1/2. The detector was calibrated and the sensitivity curve of MiniGRAIL was determined

    On the crosscorrelation between Gravitational Wave Detectors for detecting association with Gamma Ray Bursts

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    Crosscorrelation of the outputs of two Gravitational Wave (GW) detectors has recently been proposed [1] as a method for detecting statistical association between GWs and Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). Unfortunately, the method can be effectively used only in the case of stationary noise. In this work a different crosscorrelation algorithm is presented, which may effectively be applied also in non-stationary conditions for the cumulative analysis of a large number of GRBs. The value of the crosscorrelation at zero delay, which is the only one expected to be correlated to any astrophysical signal, is compared with the distribution of crosscorrelation of the same data for all non-zero delays within the integration time interval. This background distribution is gaussian, so the statistical significance of an experimentally observed excess would be well-defined. Computer simulations using real noise data of the cryogenic GW detectors Explorer and Nautilus with superimposed delta-like signals were performed, to test the effectiveness of the method, and theoretical estimates of its sensitivity compared to the results of the simulation. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is compared to that of other cumulative techniques, finding that the algorithm is particularly effective in the case of non-gaussian noise and of a large (100-1000s) and unpredictable delay between GWs and GRBs.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Submitted by Phys. Rev.

    Effect of cosmic rays on the resonant gravitational wave detector NAUTILUS at temperature T=1.5 K

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    The interaction between cosmic rays and the gravitational wave bar detector NAUTILUS is experimentally studied with the aluminum bar at temperature of T=1.5 K. The results are compared with those obtained in the previous runs when the bar was at T=0.14 K. The results of the run at T = 1.5 K are in agreement with the thermo-acoustic model; no large signals at unexpected rate are noticed, unlike the data taken in the run at T = 0.14 K. The observations suggest a larger efficiency in the mechanism of conversion of the particle energy into vibrational mode energy when the aluminum bar is in the superconductive status.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Accepted by Physics Letters

    All-sky upper limit for gravitational radiation from spinning neutron stars

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    We present results of the all-sky search for gravitational-wave signals from spinning neutron stars in the data of the EXPLORER resonant bar detector. Our data analysis technique was based on the maximum likelihood detection method. We briefly describe the theoretical methods that we used in our search. The main result of our analysis is an upper limit of 2×10−23{\bf 2\times10^{-23}} for the dimensionless amplitude of the continuous gravitational-wave signals coming from any direction in the sky and in the narrow frequency band from 921.00 Hz to 921.76 Hz.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Proceedings of 7th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop, December 17-19, 2002, Kyoto, Japa

    Increasing the bandwidth of resonant gravitational antennas: The case of Explorer

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    Resonant gravitational wave detectors with an observation bandwidth of tens of hertz are a reality: the antenna Explorer, operated at CERN by the ROG collaboration, has been upgraded with a new read-out. In this new configuration, it exhibits an unprecedented useful bandwidth: in over 55 Hz about its frequency of operation of 919 Hz the spectral sensitivity is better than 10^{-20} /sqrt(Hz) . We describe the detector and its sensitivity and discuss the foreseable upgrades to even larger bandwidths.Comment: 4 pages- 4 figures Acceted for publication on Physical Review Letter

    Initial operation of the International Gravitational Event Collaboration

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    The International Gravitational Event Collaboration, IGEC, is a coordinated effort by research groups operating gravitational wave detectors working towards the detection of millisecond bursts of gravitational waves. Here we report on the current IGEC resonant bar observatory, its data analysis procedures, the main properties of the first exchanged data set. Even though the available data set is not complete, in the years 1997 and 1998 up to four detectors were operating simultaneously. Preliminary results are mentioned.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables; Proceeding of the GWDAW'99. Submitted to the International Journal of Modern Physic

    Study of the coincidences between the gravitational wave detectors EXPLORER and NAUTILUS in 2001

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    We report the result from a search for bursts of gravitational waves using data collected by the cryogenic resonant detectors EXPLORER and NAUTILUS during the year 2001, for a total measuring time of 90 days. With these data we repeated the coincidence search performed on the 1998 data (which showed a small coincidence excess) applying data analysis algorithms based on known physical characteristics of the detectors. With the 2001 data a new interesting coincidence excess is found when the detectors are favorably oriented with respect to the Galactic Disk

    IGEC2: A 17-month search for gravitational wave bursts in 2005-2007

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    We present here the results of a 515 days long run of the IGEC2 observatory, consisting of the four resonant mass detectors ALLEGRO, AURIGA, EXPLORER and NAUTILUS. The reported results are related to the fourfold observation time from Nov. 6 2005 until Apr. 14 2007, when Allegro ceased its operation. This period overlapped with the first long term observations performed by the LIGO interferometric detectors. The IGEC observations aim at the identification of gravitational wave candidates with high confidence, keeping the false alarm rate at the level of 1 per century, and high duty cycle, namely 57% with all four sites and 94% with at least three sites in simultaneous observation. The network data analysis is based on time coincidence searches over at least three detectors: the four 3-fold searches and the 4-fold one are combined in a logical OR. We exchanged data with the usual blind procedure, by applying a unique confidential time offset to the events in each set of data. The accidental background was investigated by performing sets of 10^8 coincidence analyses per each detector configuration on off-source data, obtained by shifting the time series of each detector. The thresholds of the five searches were tuned so as to control the overall false alarm rate to 1/century. When the confidential time shifts was disclosed, no gravitational wave candidate was found in the on-source data. As an additional output of this search, we make available to other observatories the list of triple coincidence found below search thresholds, corresponding to a false alarm rate of 1/month.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures Accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    All-sky search of NAUTILUS data

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    A search for periodic gravitational-wave signals from isolated neutron stars in the NAUTILUS detector data is presented. We have analyzed half a year of data over the frequency band Hz,thespindownrange Hz, the spindown range Hz/s and over the entire sky. We have divided the data into 2 day stretches and we have analyzed each stretch coherently using matched filtering. We have imposed a low threshold for the optimal detection statistic to obtain a set of candidates that are further examined for coincidences among various data stretches. For some candidates we have also investigated the change of the signal-to-noise ratio when we increase the observation time from two to four days. Our analysis has not revealed any gravitational-wave signals. Therefore we have imposed upper limits on the dimensionless gravitational-wave amplitude over the parameter space that we have searched. Depending on frequency, our upper limit ranges from 3.4×10−233.4 \times 10^{-23} to 1.3×10−221.3 \times 10^{-22}. We have attempted a statistical verification of the hypotheses leading to our conclusions. We estimate that our upper limit is accurate to within 18%.Comment: LaTeX, 12 page

    Search for Periodic Gravitational Wave Sources with the Explorer Detector

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    We have developped a procedure for the search of periodic signals in the data of gravitational wave detectors. We report here the analysis of one year of data from the resonant detector Explorer, searching for pulsars located in the Galactic Center (GC). No signals with amplitude greater than hˉ=2.9 10−24\bar{h}= 2.9~10^{-24}, in the range 921.32-921.38 Hz, were observed using data collected over a time period of 95.7 days, for a source located at α=17.70±0.01\alpha=17.70 \pm 0.01 hours and ÎŽ=−29.00±0.05\delta=-29.00 \pm 0.05 degrees. Our procedure can be extended for any assumed position in the sky and for a more general all-sky search, even with a frequency correction at the source due to the spin-down and Doppler effects.Comment: One zipped file (Latex+eps figures). 33 pages, 14 figures. This and related material also at http://grwav3.roma1.infn.it
