135 research outputs found

    An effect of food additives on microbiome

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    The paper presents a review of available data about an effect of food additives on the human microbiome and lists the main physiological functions of the gut microbiome. The process of the human microbiome evolution is examined. The relationship between the emergence of a disease and the microbiome composition, as well as the main factors influencing the gut microbiome composition are described. The main food additives used today are listed, their key features are discussed and their structural formulas are given. The information about their effect on the human body through an influence on the microbiome composition is presented. The data on an effect of polysorbate 80, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium sulfite, nisin, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate, essential oils, titanium dioxide and different sweeteners on the microbiome are analyzed. It is explained what microbial communities are suppressed and what communities gain advantages in multiplication when consumers eat food with one or another food additive. The consequences of alterations in the microbiome for the consumer’s body are examined. Conclusions were made about the necessity of additional studies about an effect of food additives on the composition of the human microbiome

    Review of new technologies used for meat identification

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    The present article represents an analysis of trends in development of test-systems for identification of meat. These test systems are commonly used in food production and research laboratories. The relevance of development of methods for identification of meat kinds is related not only to the food restrictions, which are practiced in some religions and related to consumption of certain types of meat, but also with the hygienic aspects of food production. Also, this research is inspired also by the acute issue of food products adulteration and the replacement of one type of meat with another one. The article considers the trends in the develop  ment of microanalysis method that use immunochromatic research, i. e. methods based on molecular biology. Also this article considers the devices that do not use chromatographic methods of analysis. Examples of the development of test systems based on various methods of analysis for the identification of meat are given below. Attention is focused on the prospects of combining these methods, including colorimetric methods for identification of meat. It is also specified that the emergence of new dyes and new enzyme systems, suitable for use in enzyme-immunoassay, can enhance the sensitivity of these test systems. It is also noted that the development of technologies associated with sorbents can contribute to a better separation of the test substrates and this way to increase the sensitivity of the test in case of small amounts of test substrate. It is also noted that the use of various types of iso  thermal amplification can reduce the analysis time necessary for meat identification. Various schemes of devices for microanalysis are given; their advantages and disadvantages are listed. An example of proteomes application for meat identification is given. It is shown that this method can also be applied in the heat treatment of meat. The prospects for the development of such devices are analyzed. It is concluded that the development of systems for microanalysis in the form of quick tests is quite relevant and promis  ing. It is indicated that theoretically in the future such analytical systems, due to the use of microfluidic technologies, will be able to combine several methods. The authors proposed to use machine-aided cognition methods to analyze data obtained from similar test systems in order to increase their sensitivity.The present article represents an analysis of trends in development of test-systems for identification of meat. These test systems are commonly used in food production and research laboratories. The relevance of development of methods for identification of meat kinds is related not only to the food restrictions, which are practiced in some religions and related to consumption of certain types of meat, but also with the hygienic aspects of food production. Also, this research is inspired also by the acute issue of food products adulteration and the replacement of one type of meat with another one. The article considers the trends in the develop  ment of microanalysis method that use immunochromatic research, i. e. methods based on molecular biology. Also this article considers the devices that do not use chromatographic methods of analysis. Examples of the development of test systems based on various methods of analysis for the identification of meat are given below. Attention is focused on the prospects of combining these methods, including colorimetric methods for identification of meat. It is also specified that the emergence of new dyes and new enzyme systems, suitable for use in enzyme-immunoassay, can enhance the sensitivity of these test systems. It is also noted that the development of technologies associated with sorbents can contribute to a better separation of the test substrates and this way to increase the sensitivity of the test in case of small amounts of test substrate. It is also noted that the use of various types of iso  thermal amplification can reduce the analysis time necessary for meat identification. Various schemes of devices for microanalysis are given; their advantages and disadvantages are listed. An example of proteomes application for meat identification is given. It is shown that this method can also be applied in the heat treatment of meat. The prospects for the development of such devices are analyzed. It is concluded that the development of systems for microanalysis in the form of quick tests is quite relevant and promis  ing. It is indicated that theoretically in the future such analytical systems, due to the use of microfluidic technologies, will be able to combine several methods. The authors proposed to use machine-aided cognition methods to analyze data obtained from similar test systems in order to increase their sensitivity


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    The growth in demand for fish products as a result of globalization of trade caused a risks and threats of selling poor-quality and falsified fish products. This has become a great problem both for supervising agencies and for consumers.Many countries have regulations on food labelling and safety. For example, in the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and Republic of Kazakhstan has been passed the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union TR CU022/2011 “Food products in part of their labeling” that aims to prevent misinformation of consumers to ensuring realization of consumer rights to reliable information about food products, and Technical Regulation TR EAEU040/2016 “On safety of fish and fish products” requires indication of the zoological name of the species of the aquatic biological resource or the object of aquaculture.Fish species identification is traditionally carried out based on external morphological traits. However, it becomes impossible to identify species by ichthyological traits upon fish cutting, if the head and fins are removed, and the body is cut on pieces (especially, in case of fillets) and even more so upon technological processing. In this case, objective analytical methods of species identification are used, which are based on ELISA or PCR. However, DNA‑based methods have several advantages compared to ELISA methods and complement traditional morphological identification methods. This paper gives a wide overview of the most recent and used methods of fish species identification based on DNA analysis such as single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, species-specific PCR, real-time PCR, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP), DNA barcoding, Sanger sequencing and next-generation sequencing (NGS)

    Review of new technologies used for meat identification

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    The present article represents an analysis of trends in development of test-systems for identification of meat. These test systems are commonly used in food production and research laboratories. The relevance of development of methods for identification of meat kinds is related not only to the food restrictions, which are practiced in some religions and related to consumption of certain types of meat, but also with the hygienic aspects of food production. Also, this research is inspired also by the acute issue of food products adulteration and the replacement of one type of meat with another one. The article considers the trends in the develop  ment of microanalysis method that use immunochromatic research, i. e. methods based on molecular biology. Also this article considers the devices that do not use chromatographic methods of analysis. Examples of the development of test systems based on various methods of analysis for the identification of meat are given below. Attention is focused on the prospects of combining these methods, including colorimetric methods for identification of meat. It is also specified that the emergence of new dyes and new enzyme systems, suitable for use in enzyme-immunoassay, can enhance the sensitivity of these test systems. It is also noted that the development of technologies associated with sorbents can contribute to a better separation of the test substrates and this way to increase the sensitivity of the test in case of small amounts of test substrate. It is also noted that the use of various types of iso  thermal amplification can reduce the analysis time necessary for meat identification. Various schemes of devices for microanalysis are given; their advantages and disadvantages are listed. An example of proteomes application for meat identification is given. It is shown that this method can also be applied in the heat treatment of meat. The prospects for the development of such devices are analyzed. It is concluded that the development of systems for microanalysis in the form of quick tests is quite relevant and promis  ing. It is indicated that theoretically in the future such analytical systems, due to the use of microfluidic technologies, will be able to combine several methods. The authors proposed to use machine-aided cognition methods to analyze data obtained from similar test systems in order to increase their sensitivity


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    As a result of microbiological research of the soil, it was determined that the soils contain the impoverished diversity of the microflora - this leads to a decrease in the yield of crops. Most often the soil is polluted by compounds of metals and organic substances, oils, tar, pesticides, explosive and toxic substances, radioactive, biologically active combustible materials, asbestos and other harmful products. The source of these compounds is most often industrial or household waste, buried in certain places, or unauthorized dumps. According to the results of the study, the soils of Kamensky have quite high phosphorus content, which speaks about man-made pollution of the territory and the inappropriateness of the use of phosphate fertilizers, as confirmed by its own research in the practice of using Superphosphate during the cultivation of rape and pepper. Determination of the total number of bacteria has shown that the total number of bacteria indicates that the soil is mostly clean. It can also be evaluated as a little enriched on microorganisms, which suggests a lack of self-healing processes and a low degree of assimilation and conversion of inorganic to organic nitrogen. The definition of the total number was calculated and the percentage of soil bacillus was calculated. The total number and percentage of soil bacilli does not exceed the norm, therefore the soil belongs to the pure. The advantage of «Albocetherin» over «Superphosphate» and the necessity of preliminary analysis of soils on the content of phosphates was confirmed. In order not to reduce the intensity of growth of culture – it would be necessary to refuse the use of superphosphate, which is proved by experiments. The efficiency of cultivating pepper in comparison with mineral fertilizers and «Albobetherin» was increased by 53%.В результате проведенных микробиологических исследований грунта было определено, что грунты содержат однотипную микрофлору – это приводит к снижению урожайности сельскохозяйственных культур. Чаще грунт загрязняется соединениями металлов и органическими соединениями, маслами, дегтем, пестицидами, взрывчатыми и токсическими соединениями, радиоактивными, биологически активными горючими материалами, асбестом и другими опасными продуктами. Источником этих соединений чаще выступают промышленные или бытовые отходы, захороненные в определенных местах, или несанкционированных свалках. По результатам исследования грунты г. Каменское имеют достаточно высокое содержание фосфатов, что говорит о техногенном загрязнении территории и нецелесообразности использования фосфорных удобрений, что подтверждено собственными исследованиями на практике использования «Суперфосфата» во время выращивания рапса и перца. Результаты определения общего микробного числа бактерий показали, что грунт преимущественно чистый. Так же его можно оценивать, как мало обогащенный микроорганизмами, что говорит о недостаточности процессов самовосстановления грунтов и низкого уровня усвояемости и преобразований неорганического в органический азот. Проведено определение общего микробного числа и подсчитано процент грунтовых бацилл. Общее число и процент грунтовых бацилл не превышает норму, поэтому грунт относительно чистый. Подтверждено преимущество «Альбобактерина» по сравнению с «Суперфосфатом» и необходимостью в предварительном анализе грунтов, на содержание фосфатов. Чтобы не снизить интенсивность роста культуры, необходимо отказаться от использования суперфосфата, что подтверждено экспериментами. Эффективность выращивания перца в присутствии «Альбобактерина» повышено на 53% в отношении к суперфосфату.У результаті проведених мікробіологічних досліджень ґрунту було визначено, що ґрунти містять збідніле різноманіття мікрофлори – це призводить до зниження врожайності сільськогосподарських культур. Найчастіше ґрунт забруднюється сполуками металів та органічними речовинами, оливами, дьогтем, пестицидами, вибуховими й токсичними речовинами, радіоактивними, біологічно активними горючими матеріалами, азбестом та іншими шкідливими продуктами. Джерелом цих сполук найчастіше є промислові або побутові відходи, похоронені у визначених місцях, або ж несанкціонованих звалищах. За результатами дослідження ґрунти м. Кам’янського мають досить високий вміст фосфору, що говорить про техногенні забруднення території та недоцільність використання фосфатних добрив, що підтверджено власними дослідженнями в практиці використання «Суперфосфату» під час вирощування ріпака та перцю. Визначення загальної кількості бактерій показали, що ґрунт переважно чистий. Також його можна оцінювати, як мало збагачений на мікроорганізми, що говорить про недостатність процесів самовідновлення ґрунтів і низького ступеня засвоєння та перетворення неорганічного в органічний азот. Проведено визначення загального числа і підраховано відсоток ґрунтових бацил. Загальна кількість числа і відсоток ґрунтових бацил не перевищує норму, тому ґрунт відноситься до чистого. Підтверджено перевагу «Альбобактерину» над «Суперфосфатом» та необхідність в попередньому аналізі ґрунтів на вміст фосфатів. Щоб не знизити інтенсивність росту культури, необхідно було б відмовитися від використання суперфосфату, що доведено експериментами. Ефективність вирощування перцю з використанням «Альбобактерину» в порівнянні з мінеральним добривом підвищено на 53%

    Математична модель утворення зубців циліндричної прямозубої передачі гіперболічним вихідним контуром

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    The aim of this work is to create a fundamentals of mathematical model which consists in definition of geometry of a generating surface and machining gearing for novel cylindrical spur transmission. The generating surface is considered as rack-cutter with teeth, which profiled by hyperbola – a curve which is smooth at whole addendum and dedendum parts of reference profile. The equations of teeth surfaces which help the basic performances of this generating surface surveyed, namely quadratic forms and normal curvatures in the given directions are presented. The equations of machining gearing which help to obtain the equations of surfaces of teeth which can be applied both for working surfaces and for their fillets are obtained. For these surfaces quadratic forms also defined. Boundaries of a contact zone are defined. The results obtained in a paper can be used for definition of quality indicators of serviceability of novel transmissions which will allow carrying out a comparative estimation of novel transmission with conventional one and with other types of transmissions.Представлено теоретичне дослідження внутрішньої геометрії виробної поверхні та верстатного зачеплення для утворення зубців циліндричних прямозубих передач нового типу. Виробна поверхня розглядається як інструментальна рейка з вихідним контуром, що спрофільовано гіперболою. Наведено рівняння поверхонь зубців інструментальної рейки, розглянуто основні характеристики цієї виробної поверхні, а саме квадратичні форми і нормальні кривизни в заданих напрямках. Представлено рівняння верстатного зачеплення, за допомогою якого одержано рівняння поверхонь зубців, як робочих так і перехідних. Для цих поверхонь також визначено коефіцієнти квадратичних форм та кривизни. Визначено межі поля зачеплення. Результати, одержані в статті, в подальшому можна використовувати для визначення якісних показників працездатності нового типу передач, що дозволить проводити їх порівняльну оцінку із традиційними та іншими видами передач

    Multi-wavelength observations of afterglow of GRB 080319B and the modeling constraints

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    We present observations of the afterglow of GRB 080319B at optical, mm and radio frequencies from a few hours to 67 days after the burst. Present observations along with other published multi-wavelength data have been used to study the light-curves and spectral energy distributions of the burst afterglow. The nature of this brightest cosmic explosion has been explored based on the observed properties and it's comparison with the afterglow models. Our results show that the observed features of the afterglow fits equally good with the Inter Stellar Matter and the Stellar Wind density profiles of the circum-burst medium. In case of both density profiles, location of the maximum synchrotron frequency νm\nu_m is below optical and the value of cooling break frequency νc\nu_c is below XX-rays, 104\sim 10^{4}s after the burst. Also, the derived value of the Lorentz factor at the time of naked eye brightness is 300\sim 300 with the corresponding blast wave size of 1018\sim 10^{18} cm. The numerical fit to the multi-wavelength afterglow data constraints the values of physical parameters and the emission mechanism of the burst.Comment: 8 Pages, 3 Figures, Accepted for publication to Astronomy and Astrophysics on 02/04/200


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    В работе изучена кинетика фазовых превращений стали 26ХН3М2ФА при непрерывном охлаждении. Построена термокинетическая диаграмма распада переохлажденного аустенита стали 26ХН3М2ФА.Установлено, что исследуемый материал обладает высокой устойчивостью к распаду по диффузионному механизму.The kinetics of phase transformations is considered. It is established that the steel 26CrNi3Mo2V has a high resistance to decay by the perlite mechanism. TTS diagram is constructed.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации рамках реализации федеральной целевой программы «Исследования и разработки по приоритетным направлениям развития научно-технологического комплекса России на 2014 - 2020 годы» (шифр заявки «2015-14-579-0173-366»). Соглашение о предоставлении субсидии №14.578.21.0114 от 27 октября 2015г. Уникальный идентификатор ПНИЭР - RFMEFI57815X0114

    Роль возбудителей оппортунистических инфекций как этиологических агентов внутриутробных инфекций

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    The study showed a high prevalence of markers of herpesvirus infections among mothers — from 71% to 98% of HSV, EBV and CMV infections and from 29% to 58% of HHV-6 infection. HSV remains the most common etiological agent of intrauterine infections among herpesviruses — markers of active infection caused by this virus were found in 28.3% samples. The difficulty of determining the source of infection in the absence of data in the early stages of pregnancy is presented on 4 out of 10 cases of active HHV-6 infection. Markers of active pneumocystic infection were detected only in mothers: in the group with children under the age of 21 days — in 21—27% of cases, with children aged 22 to 28 days — in 15—21%. In addition to non-specific multiple organ failure during intrauterine infections (26.3%), only one organ system was observed: hypoxic-hemorrhagic lesions of the central nervous system were diagnosed more often — 17%, as well as meningitis/encephalitis, or hepatitis, or pneumonia, or disorders of hematopoiesis, or rash. In 17.5% of children from the comparison group, i.e. without any clinical manifestations of intrauterine infections, markers of active herpes virus infections were detected.В исследовании показана высокая выявляемость маркеров герпесвирусных (ГВ) инфекций среди матерей — от 71% до 98% ВПГ, ВЭБ и ЦМВ и от 29% до 58% ВГЧ-6. Наиболее частым этиологическим агентом внутриутробных инфекций среди ГВ остается ВПГ — маркеры активной инфекции, вызванной этим вирусом, были обнаружены у 28,3%. При установлении источника инфекции, на примере 4 из 10 случаев активной инфекции ВГЧ-6, представлена трудность его определения при отсутствии данных в ранние сроки беременности. Маркеры активной пневмоцистной инфекции выявляли только у матерей: в группе с детьми в возрасте до 21 дня включительно — в 21—27% случаев, с детьми в возрасте от 22 до 28 дней — в 15—21%. Помимо неспецифической полиорганной недостаточности при ВУИ (26,3%) наблюдались и поражения только одной системы органов: чаще диагностировали гипоксически-геморрагические поражения центральной нервной системы — 17%, а также или менингит и/или энцефалит, или гепатит, или пневмонию, или нарушения гемопоэза, или сыпь. У 17,5% детей из группы сравнения, т.е. без каких-либо клинических проявлений внутриутробных инфекций, были обнаружены маркеры активных герпесвирусных инфекций


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    The article highlights problems in the diagnosis of opportunistic infections (OI), shows the frequency of detection of acute infections in children with immunodeficiency and without marked disturbances in the immune system. The mothers and their ailing children were surveyed, The children were diagnosed with immune neutropenia. High presence of opportunistic infection pathogens was revealed both in mothers and in children. 4,5% of cases proved the mother to be the source of infection. The article discusses the role of causative agents of OI in the etiology of obstructive bronchitis and prolonged subfebrility in children. В статье освещены вопросы диагностики оппортунистических инфекций (ОИ), показана частота выявления острых форм инфекции у детей с иммунодефицитом и без выраженных нарушений в иммунной системе. Проведены наблюдения за парами мать — ребенок, где ребенок болен иммунной нейтропенией и была показана высокая инфицированность как матерей, так и детей возбудителями ОИ. В 4,5% случаев была доказана роль матери как источника инфекции. Определена роль возбудителей ОИ в этиологии обструктивных бронхитов и длительных субфебрилитетов у детей.