155 research outputs found

    Well-posedness and regularity of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear fractional in time and space equations

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    The purpose is to study the Cauchy problem for non-linear in time and space pseudo-differential equations. These include the fractional in time versions of HJB equations governing the controlled scaled CTRW. As a preliminary step which is of independent interest we analyse the corresponding linear equation proving its well-posedness and smoothing properties

    Generalised Fractional Evolution Equations of Caputo Type

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    This paper is devoted to the study of generalised time-fractional evolution equations involving Caputo type derivatives. Using analytical methods and probabilistic arguments we obtain well-posedness results and stochastic representations for the solutions. These results encompass known linear and non-linear equations from classical fractional partial differential equations such as the time-space-fractional diffusion equation, as well as their far reaching extensions. \\ Meaning is given to a probabilistic generalisation of Mittag-Leffler functions.Comment: To be published in 'Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

    The max-plus finite element method for solving deterministic optimal control problems: basic properties and convergence analysis

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    We introduce a max-plus analogue of the Petrov-Galerkin finite element method to solve finite horizon deterministic optimal control problems. The method relies on a max-plus variational formulation. We show that the error in the sup norm can be bounded from the difference between the value function and its projections on max-plus and min-plus semimodules, when the max-plus analogue of the stiffness matrix is exactly known. In general, the stiffness matrix must be approximated: this requires approximating the operation of the Lax-Oleinik semigroup on finite elements. We consider two approximations relying on the Hamiltonian. We derive a convergence result, in arbitrary dimension, showing that for a class of problems, the error estimate is of order ή+Δx(ή)−1\delta+\Delta x(\delta)^{-1} or ή+Δx(ή)−1\sqrt{\delta}+\Delta x(\delta)^{-1}, depending on the choice of the approximation, where ή\delta and Δx\Delta x are respectively the time and space discretization steps. We compare our method with another max-plus based discretization method previously introduced by Fleming and McEneaney. We give numerical examples in dimension 1 and 2.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    Evolutionary game of coalition building under external pressure

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    We study the fragmentation-coagulation (or merging and splitting) evolutionary control model as introduced recently by one of the authors, where NN small players can form coalitions to resist to the pressure exerted by the principal. It is a Markov chain in continuous time and the players have a common reward to optimize. We study the behavior as NN grows and show that the problem converges to a (one player) deterministic optimization problem in continuous time, in the infinite dimensional state space


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    In this paper we study the sensitivity of nonlinear stochastic differential equations of McKean–Vlasov type generated by stable-like processes. By using the method of stochastic characteristics, we transfer these equations to non-stochastic equations with random coefficients, thus making it possible to use results obtained for nonlinear PDEs of McKean–Vlasov type generated by stable-like processes in previous works. The motivation for studying sensitivity of nonlinear McKean–Vlasov SPDEs arises naturally from the analysis of the mean-field games with common noise

    Semiring and semimodule issues in MV-algebras

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    In this paper we propose a semiring-theoretic approach to MV-algebras based on the connection between such algebras and idempotent semirings - such an approach naturally imposing the introduction and study of a suitable corresponding class of semimodules, called MV-semimodules. We present several results addressed toward a semiring theory for MV-algebras. In particular we show a representation of MV-algebras as a subsemiring of the endomorphism semiring of a semilattice, the construction of the Grothendieck group of a semiring and its functorial nature, and the effect of Mundici categorical equivalence between MV-algebras and lattice-ordered Abelian groups with a distinguished strong order unit upon the relationship between MV-semimodules and semimodules over idempotent semifields.Comment: This version contains some corrections to some results at the end of Section

    The influence of fractional diffusion in Fisher-KPP equations

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    We study the Fisher-KPP equation where the Laplacian is replaced by the generator of a Feller semigroup with power decaying kernel, an important example being the fractional Laplacian. In contrast with the case of the stan- dard Laplacian where the stable state invades the unstable one at constant speed, we prove that with fractional diffusion, generated for instance by a stable L\'evy process, the front position is exponential in time. Our results provide a mathe- matically rigorous justification of numerous heuristics about this model
