5,097 research outputs found

    SU(3) Gauge Theory with Adjoint Fermions

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    We analyze the finite temperature phase diagram of QCD with fermions in the adjoint representation. The simulations performed with four dynamical Majorana fermions, which is equivalent to two Dirac fermions, show that the deconfinement and chiral phase transitions occur at two distinct temperatures, Tchiral≃6.65TdeconfT_{\rm chiral} \simeq 6.65 T_{\rm deconf}. While the deconfinement transition is first order we find evidence for a continuous chiral transition. We also present potentials for T<TdeconfT<T_{\rm deconf} and Tdeconf<T<TchiralT_{\rm deconf}<T< T_{\rm chiral} both for fundamental and adjoint fermion-antifermion pairs.Comment: LATTICE98(hightemp), 3 pages LaTeX2e, espcrc2 style, 6 eps figure

    An analysis of new techniqes for radiometric correction of LANDSAT-4 Thematic Mapper images

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    The utility of methods for generating TM RLUTS which can improve the quality of the resultant images was investigated. The TM-CCT-ADDS tape was changed to account for a different collection window for the calibration data. Several scenes of Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana and the Grand Bahamas were analyzed to evaluate the radiometric corrections operationally applied to the image data and to investigate several techniques for reducing striping in the images. Printer plots for the TM shutter data were produced and detector statistics were compiled and plotted. These statistics included various combinations of the average shutter counts for each scan before and after DC restore for forward and reverse scans. Results show that striping is caused by the detectors becoming saturated when they view a bright cloud and depress the DC restore level

    Results on Finite Density QCD

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    A brief summary of the formulation of QCD at finite chemical potental, ÎŒ\mu, is presented. The failure of the quenched approximation to the problem is reviewed. Results are presented for dynamical simulations of the theory at strong and intermediate couplings. We find that the problems associated with the quenched theory persist: the onset of non-zero quark number does seem to occur at a chemical potential ≈mπ2\approx { {m_{\pi}} \over 2}. However analysis of the Lee-Yang zeros of the grand canonical partition function in the complex fugacity plane, (eÎŒ/Te^{\mu/T}), does show signals of critical behaviour in the expected region of chemical potential. Results are presented for a simulation at finite density of the Gross-Neveu model on a 16316^3 lattice near to the chiral limit. Contrary to our simulations of QCD no pathologies were found when ÎŒ\mu passed through the value m_{\pi}/2}.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, 18 eps figures, Review for Tsukuba worksho

    Flavor-Mixing Effects on the QCD Phase Diagram at non-vanishing Isospin Chemical Potential: One or Two Phase Transitions?

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    We investigate effects of a fixed nonzero isospin chemical potential on the mu_B-T phase diagram of strongly interacting matter using a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio-type four fermion interaction. We focus on the influence of a flavor-mixing interaction induced by instantons. We find that already for rather moderate values of the coupling strength in the flavor-mixing channel the recent findings of two seperate phase transitions do not persist.Comment: 7 pages, 2 ps figure

    The pseudo-Goldstone spectrum of 2-colour QCD at finite density

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    We examine the spectrum of 2-colour lattice QCD with 4 continuum flavours at a finite chemical potential (ÎŒ\mu) for quark-number, on a 123×2412^3 \times 24 lattice. First we present evidence that the system undergoes a transition to a state with a diquark condensate, which spontaneously breaks quark number at ÎŒ=mπ/2\mu=m_\pi/2, and that this transition is mean field in nature. We then examine the 3 states that would be Goldstone bosons at ÎŒ=0\mu=0 for zero Dirac and Majorana quark masses. The predictions of chiral effective Lagrangians give a good description of the behaviour of these masses for ÎŒ<mπ/2\mu < m_\pi/2. Except for the heaviest of these states, these predictions diverge from our measurements, once ÎŒ\mu is significantly greater than mπ/2m_\pi/2. However, the qualitative behaviour of these masses, indicates that the physics is very similar to that predicted by these effective Lagrangians, and there is some indication that at least part of these discrepancies is due to saturation, a lattice artifact.Comment: 32 pages LaTeX/Revtex, 8 Postscript figure

    Compact Lattice QED with Staggered Fermions and Chiral Symmetry Breaking

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    Different formulations of the 4d4d compact lattice QED with staggered fermions (standard Wilson and modified by suppression of lattice artifacts) are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations within the quenched approximation. We show that after suppressing lattice artifacts the system undergoes a phase transition from the Coulomb phase into a presumably weakly chirally broken phase only at (unphysical) negative ÎČ\beta--values.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures attached in compressed postscript files, preprint DESY-IfH and HU Berlin-IEP-94/11, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group Flows in Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

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    Recently a block spin renormalization group approach was proposed for the dynamical triangulation formulation of two-dimensional quantum gravity. We use this approach to examine non-perturbatively a particular class of higher derivative actions for pure gravity.Comment: 17 page

    3D two-color QCD at finite temperature and baryon density

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    We study the phase diagram for two-color QCD in three-dimensional spacetime, as a function of temperature and baryon chemical potential, using the low-energy effective Lagrangian approach. We show one-loop renormalizability at zero temperature, and then use the one-loop effective Lagrangian at finite temperature and chemical potential to show that at low temperature there is a critical line separating the normal and diquark phase, with this critical line ending at a tricritical point. This phase structure is qualitatively similar to that found recently by Splittorff et al for two-color QCD in four-dimensional spacetime, although the details are quite different, due to the different symmetries and the different loop and infrared properties of three-dimensional spacetime.Comment: 14 pp, 1 fi

    Evidence for O(2) universality at the finite temperature transition for lattice QCD with 2 flavours of massless staggered quarks

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    We simulate lattice QCD with 2 flavours of massless quarks on lattices of temporal extent N_t=8, to study the finite temperature transition from hadronic matter to a quark-gluon plasma. A modified action which incorporates an irrelevant chiral 4-fermion interaction is used, which allows simulations at zero quark mass. We obtain excellent fits of the chiral condensates to the magnetizations of a 3-dimensional O(2) spin model on lattices small enough to model the finite size effects. This gives predictions for correlation lengths and chiral susceptibilities from the corresponding spin-model quantities. These are in good agreement with our measurements over the relevant range of parameters. Binder cumulants are measured, but the errors are too large to draw definite conclusions. From the properties of the O(2) spin model on the relatively small lattices with which we fit our `data', we can see why earlier attempts to fit staggered lattice data to leading-order infinite-volume scaling functions, as well as finite size scaling studies, failed and led to erroneous conclusions.Comment: 27 pages, Latex with 10 postscript figures. Some of the discussions have been expanded to satisfy a referee. Typographical errors were correcte

    Construction of nonlocal light-cone operators with definite twist

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    A systematic procedure is introduced to uniquely decompose nonlocal LC-operators into harmonic operators of well defined geometric twist. The method will be demonstrated for (pseudo)scalar, (axial) vector and skew tensor bilocal quark light-ray operatorsComment: 4 pages, AMSTeX, Contribution to 7th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scatterin and QCD, Zeuthen, April 1999 change of formulas 25 and 2
