425 research outputs found

    Politik Kekuasaan Dalam Pemberitaan Media Online Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Revisi UU KPK Di Detik.com

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    Revisi UU KPK merupakan isu sensitif yang banyak mendapat perhatian masyarakat. Pro kontra terjadi antara masyarakat yang mendukung dan menolak. Bagi yang mendukung revisi UU KPK dinilai sebagai cara untuk memperkuat KPK, sebaliknya yang menolak menilai revisi UU KPK sebagai pelemahan terhadap sistematis lembaga KPK. Media detik.com adalah media online yang aktif memberitakan isu revisi UU KPK tersebut mulai dari diusulkannya oleh DPR pada rapat paripurna yang hanya dihadiri 70 anggota Dewan hingga disahkannya menjadi UU KPK yang baru. Media detik.com memiliki versi pemberitaan yang berbeda dengan media lain. perbedaan tersebut disebabkan oleh struktur dasar media meliputi interest politik, ideologi dan kepentingan lain. struktur dasar tersebut kemudian secara teknis dipermula dalam bentuk pemberitaan. Dengan demikian, berita-berita detik.com tidak “sebagaimana mestinya” tetapi dikerangkakan oleh struktur dasar. Untuk melihat itu, penelitii menganalisa dengan pendekatan framing berita. Penelitian ini akan melakukan analisis terhadap berita-berita di media detik.com mengenai revisi UU KPK pada periode 4 September sampai 17 September 2019 dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis framing model Zhondang Pan dan Gerald M. Kosicki yang memuat empat dimensi struktural, yaitu: sintaksis, skrip, tematik, dan retoris. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pembingkaian yang dilakukan media detik.com terhadap pemberitaan revisi UU KPK adalah bahwa revisi UU KPK suatu tindakan pelanggaran. Hal ini ditonjolkan dari setiap pemberitaan yang muncul dalam penekanan kutipan yang menyatakan revisi UU KPK yang dilakukan oleh DPR bersama pemerintah adalah sebagai upaya sistematis, serampangan dan banyak hal ganjil seperti yang terdapat pada struktur sintaksis dan retoris

    Reproductive performance of Karakul ewes following different oestrous synchronisation treatments outside the natural breeding season

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    This study was designed to evaluate the efficiency of five different hormonal treatments of oestrous synchronization in Karakul ewes reared in southern Iran. During mid- to late spring, (outside the natural breeding season), 180 Karakul ewes were stratified based on age and body weight and then randomly allocated to six groups (n = 30/group). The oestrous cycles of the ewes in each group were synchronized using one of the following hormonal treatments: T1 - intramuscular (im) administration of 20 mg progesterone acetate in oil every second day for a 12-day period and an im administration of 500 IU equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) on day 12; T2 - insertion of a controlled intravaginal drug releasing device (CIDR) containing 0.3 g progesterone for 12 days; T3 - administrating an intravaginal sponge containing 60 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) for 12 days; T4 - a double injection (im) of 10 mg prostaglandin F2α nine days apart; T5 - a double injection (im) of 10 mg prostaglandin F2α nine days apart plus an im injection of 500 IU eCG on the day of the second prostaglandin F2α administration; T6 - control group. The ewes in Treatments 2 and 3 were intramuscularly injected with a 500 IU eCG at CIDR or sponge withdraw. Twenty-four hours after the last hormonal treatment, three fertile Karakul rams were introduced to the ewes in each experimental group and remained there for five days for oestrous detection and mating. Significant differences in oestrous response, number of ewes that lambed within the 152 ± 7 day period, fecundity and fertility rate were recorded between treatment groups. The oestrous response was comparable in Treatments 2 (93%) and 3 (100%), and significantly higher than the other treatments (T1 = 80; T4 = 37; T5 = 30 and T6 = 20%). The highest and the lowest number of ewes that lambed within 152 ± 7 days were 27 (90%) in Treatments 3 and 4 and 13% in Treatments 4 and 5, respectively. The highest recorded fecundity rate was 133% in Treatment 3 and the lowest, 75% in Treatment 4. Furthermore, the fertility rate was 90% in Treatment 3 that was significantly higher than in Treatments 4 (36%) and 5 (44%). The results of the present study indicated that oestrous synchronisation with progestagens plus eCG induced a synchronized oestrus in a higher percentage of Iranian fat-tailed Karakul ewes than prostaglandin F2α (with or without eCG) outside the breeding season. Furthermore, the administration of an impregnated intravaginal sponge for a 12-day period plus a dose of 500 IU eCG resulted in higher fertility, fecundity and lambing rates compared to the other hormonal treatments considered. Keywords: Karakul ewes, oestrous synchronization, reproductive performance South African Journal of Animal Science Vol. 36 (4) 2006: pp. 229-23

    Experiences and Responses to Microaggressions on Historically White Campuses: A Qualitative Interpretive Meta-Synthesis

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    According to the U.S. Department of Education (2011), only 59% of students who sought bachelors’ degrees from four-year postsecondary institutions in 2006 completed the degree within six years, and among African American/Black students, only 40% finished college within six years. Despite efforts to quantify factors that contribute to low retention rates among African American students, less is known about the qualitative experiences of students who remain on campuses across the United States. This qualitative interpretive meta-synthesis examines the microaggressive encounters experienced by African American undergraduate college students (ages 17-22) at historically White, fouryear colleges and universities to better understand how African American students experience, make sense of, and resist microaggressions occurring at the intersection of race and gender

    The frequency of human herepes virus type 8 among blood donors and postkidney transplant patients in two specialized centers in Khartoum

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    Background: Human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) is an opportunistic virus proved to be the cause of AIDS associated Kaposi’s sarcoma. Based on the emergence of HIV and its pandemic spread HHV- 8 is expected to participate in increasing the risk of Kaposi’s sarcoma in areas where the rate of infection is high. There is a great need to study the epidemiology of the virus.Objectives: To find out the rate of infection with HHV-8 in Khartoum among blood donors and post-kidney transplant patientsMethodology: Venous blood samples were collected from 90 Subjects (60 blood donors from Elsalam Cardiac Centre (controls) and 30 kidney transplanted patients from IbnSina hospital). The blood specimens were tested for Human herpes virus anti- IgG using ELISA technique.Results: The overall rate of infection with HHV-8 was found to be 2.2%. The highest rate of infection (20%) was in the age group 46 years and more. The seroprevalence of HHV-8 was found to be 6.7% in post-kidney transplant patients. None of the control group proved to be positive for HHV-8.Conclusion: The rate of infection with HHV-8 was found to be relatively lower in the studied group.Key words: Human herpes virus-8, Immuno-compromised patien

    Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of a Sudanese Herbal Plant (Piliostigma reticulatum)

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    Background: Piliostigma reticulatum is a plant that is found in a wide area of SaheloSudanian region of Africa. It is widely used in Africa as a traditional medicine for the treatment of a wide range of diseases including epilepsy, anxiety, and agitation. The leaf extract was found to have antimicrobial activity. In Sudan (Nuba mountains in particular), it is widely used to dress new wounds and as well puerperal sepsis.Moreover it’s fruit is eaten and used to prepare juice. Reported studies concerning antimicrobial activity of the plant in Sudan could not be found. This study therefore aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial action of Ethanolic and Aqueous extract of leaves and barks of the plant. Methods: Barks and leaves of P. reticulatum were obtained from North Kordofan State. They were then air dried in the shade and milled into powder using Mortar. Methanolic and water extract of each part of the plant was prepared using a Soxhlet apparatus. The following concentrations of extracts of each part (bark and leaves)of the plant were prepared using Distilled water (50 mg/ml, 25 mg/ml, 12.5 mg/ml, 6.25 mg/ml, 3.125 mg/ml, and 1.56 mg/ml). Antimicrobial action of the different concentrations of the extracts of the two parts of the plant on selected bacterial and fungal species was performed using well diffusion technique. Antimicrobialsusceptibility of the tested organisms to serial concentrations (40 ”g, 20 ”g, 10 ”g, and 5 ”g) of three antibacterial (Gentamicin, Ampicillin, and Tetracycline) and 2 antifungal (Nystatin and clotrimazole) was evaluated using well diffusion method. Results: The methanolic extract of P. reticulatum leaves showed high antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis (inhibition zone 22 mm), S. aureus (25 mm), P.aeruginosa (23 mm), and E.coli (20 mm). The extract also showed antifungal activity against A. niger (23 mm) and C. albicans (23 mm). The aqueous extract revealed low activity against P. aeruginosa (10 mm) and no action on the rest of the microorganisms

    Energetics of resting metabolism in an Indian major carp (Catla catla Ham.)

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    Resting metabolism in Indian major carp, Catla catla Ham. fingerlings were investigated. For this purpose a water recirculatory system in the laboratory was used. The metabolic energy losses were determined by the indirect method of oxygen consumption by the fish and were then multiplied by an oxycalorific coefficient (Q-ox). Five metabolism chambers in the experimental system were used where there were two same treatment runs in quadruplicate of mean total weight of fish fingerlings of 109.5, 110.4, 112.8 and 111.6g/chamber. The water temperature in the system was 28±0.5°C. The mean metabolic rate in the replicates showed no significant variation (p>0.05) and was found to be 151.66, 153.91, 150.25, 152.74 mgO-2/kg/h respectively. This showed an equivalent energy loss 5.40, 5.52, 5.51 and 5.56 KJ/chamber/day (35.60, 35.92, 36.67 and 36.40 KJ/kg/day) respectively. Energetics of resting metabolism in an Indian major carp (Catla catla Ham.

    Improved peroxide biosensor based on Horseradish Peroxidase/Carbon Nanotube on a thiol-modified gold electrode

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    A new 3-dimensional (3D) network of crosslinked Horseradish Peroxidase/Carbon Nanotube (HRP/CNT) on a thiol-modified Au surface has been described in order to build up the effective electrical wiring of the enzyme units with the electrode. The synthesized 3D HRP/CNT network has been characterized with cyclic voltammetry and amperometry which results the establishment of direct electron transfer between the redox active unit of HRP and the Au surface. Electrochemical measurements reveal that the high biological activity and stability is exhibited by the immobilized HRP and a quasi-reversible redox peak of the redox centre of HRP was observed at about −0.355 and −0.275 V vs. Ag/AgCl. The electron transfer rate constant, KS and electron transfer co-efficient α were found as 0.57 s−1 and 0.42, respectively. Excellent electrocatalytic activity for the reduction of H2O2 was exhibited by the developed biosensor. The proposed biosensor modified with HRP/CNT 3D network displays a broader linear range and a lower detection limit for H2O2 determination. The linear range is from 1.0 × 10−7 to 1.2 × 10−4 M with a detection limit of 2.2.0 × 10−8 M at 3 σ. The Michaelies–Menten constant Kapp M value is estimated to be 0.19 mM. Moreover, this biosensor exhibits very high sensitivity, good reproducibility and long-time stability

    Seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus Antibodies among pregnant women and it’s correlation with spontaneous abortion in Khartoum state

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    Background: Cytomegalovirus is a common virus that infects most people at some time during their lives. It becomes dormant for a while and may reactivate later. In pregnant women, intrauterine infection may be  associated with congenital abnormalities, intrauterine growth retardation and intrauterine death of the fetus as well as late sequelae such as  developmental delay, blindness and congenital deafness.Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of CMV infection among women presenting with spontaneous abortion to major hospitals in Khartoum State and to find out the correlation between CMV infection and spontaneous abortion in the group under study.Methodology: In this study a total of 180 spontaneously aborted females, and 80 normally delivered females (control) were included. Three mls of venous blood were collected from each subject under study in a plain  container allowed to clot and after clot retraction centrifuged at 4000rpm. The sera were then separated and stored at -20c0 in a deep freezer. The stored sera were tested for CMV IgG and IgM antibodies using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (BIOTECH –ENGLAND).Results: In the case group, 176 (97.8%) women were positive for Anti-CMV IgG and 69 (38.3%) for Anti-CMV IgM. The CMV antibodies significantly co related with increasing age (P-value = -0.0185), the number of abortion (P-value = -0.0177) and congenital malformation in children (P value= 0.037).Conclusion: Seroprevalence of CMV antibodies was found to be 97.8% and 38.3% for IgG & IgM respectively. There was significant association  between CMV infection and frequency of abortion, age and congenital  malformation in children.Key words: CMV, seroprevalnce, pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, Suda

    Evaluation de l’activitĂ© du cadmium, en prĂ©sence du zinc, sur les structures des tissus rĂ©gulateurs du mĂ©tabolisme chez le rat Wistar

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    Le sulfate de Cadmium (CdSO4) et le chlorure de Zinc (ZnCl2) ont des effets antagonistes. Le Cd est connu pour son effet nĂ©crotique et le Zn pour son rĂŽle protecteur. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’évaluer les effets de l’exposition au Cd sur l’histologie du foie et des reins chez des rats Wistar en prĂ©sence du Zn. L’étude a portĂ© sur 16 rats, ĂągĂ©s de 4 mois, qui ont Ă©tĂ© subdivisĂ©s en 4 groupes de 4 rats, le 1er groupe recevait par voie orale du Cd (0,15 mg/ kg de poids corporel) pendant un mois, le second groupe a Ă©tĂ© exposĂ© au Zn Ă  la mĂȘme dose, un 3e groupe recevait un mĂ©lange (Cd-Zn) et le 4e groupe Ă©tait le tĂ©moin recevant de l’eau de robinet dans les mĂȘme conditions. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que  l’exposition des rats au Cd a induit une diminution de leur poids corporel. L’examen histologique, chez les rats exposĂ©s au Cd, a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des dĂ©sorganisations cellulaires, des atypies cyto-nuclĂ©aires et des nĂ©croses au niveau des tissus hĂ©patiques et rĂ©naux. Par ailleurs, les animaux ayant reçu du Zn ou un mĂ©lange Cd-Zn ont prĂ©servĂ© l’intĂ©gritĂ© de l’organisation cellulaire et nuclĂ©aire de leur tissu. L’exposition au Cd Ă©tait responsable de l’apparition d’importants changements morphologique et histologique chez le rat mais la prĂ©sence du Zn a attĂ©nuĂ© partiellement les effets toxiques induits par le Cd.Mots clĂ©s : Cadmium, zinc, antagonistes, foie, reins, histologie
