318 research outputs found

    Survey of the primary teachers in Sheboygan, Wisconsin regarding the revision of the reading curriculum guide

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    The purpose of this survey was to present in a concise form the ideas and needs of the primary teachers in the city schools of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, in the field of reading, especially in relation to the possible revision of the present written guide for the teaching of reading within this particular school system

    The Corridor Des Arts

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    Arnaudville is a small rural town in south central Louisiana with a population of 1200. In 2010, the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) named Arnaudville as one of fourteen cities that were classified as a successful case study of “Creative Placemaking.” The NEA defines creative placemaking as community partnerships that use arts and culture to shape the social, environmental, and economic identity of a place. The NUNU Arts and Culture Collective, a Louisiana Cajun French non-profit arts organization centered in Arnaudville, is the main catalyst of this effort. Members of NUNU have identified five other rural towns within close proximity to Arnaudville as locations of cultural value, all just west of the Atchafalaya Basin: Sunset (2,298), Grand Coteau (935), Arnaudville (1,067), Cecilia (1,980), and Henderson (1,722), and they are connected by what they call the “Corridor des Arts.” These five communities represent an arc of 21.7 miles envisioned as the first phase of an eventual circle that will include, when complete, a number of communities in the region. Each rural town represents a different aspect of Louisiana French culture, including art, crafts, music, and food. The mission of the Corridor des Arts is to tie these towns together via an art and culture trail through the connecting roads and highways. The aim of this research is to explore how the concept of creative placemaking can be applied through the practice of landscape architecture to conserve the communities’ unique cultural heritage, increase economic activity, and establish environmental stability. The scope of work will focus on the design of projects in the town of Arnaudville as the center of the Corridor des Arts


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan hubungan antara kecerdasan linguistik dengan keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa kelas V SDN 1 Barejulat 2021/2022. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat secara teoritis dan praktis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional. Populasi pada penelitian yakni seluruh siswa kelas lima yang terdiri dari dua kelas yang berjumlah 56 siswa. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan teknik nonprobability sampling dengan jenis sampling total/sensus sehingga diambil semua populasi menjadi sampel. Metode pengumpulan data berupa angket dan tes. Uji hipotesis menggunakan rumus korelasi produk moment. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kecerdasan linguistik siswa diperoleh nilai rata-rata 71 sedangkan hasil penelitian keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi diperoleh nilai rata-rata 70. Hasil analisis data menggunakan bantuan program SPSS versi 23.0 menunjukkan N =56 pada taraf signifikansi 5% diperoleh nilai sig = 0,000. Berdasarkan pengambilan keputusan jika nilai sig > 0,000 maka Ho ditolak. Oleh karena itu dapat dikatakan 0,000 < 0,05 maka hipotesis yang diajukan atau Ha diterima yang artinya ada hubungan antara kecerdasan linguistik dengan keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa kelas V SDN 1 Barejulat Tahun Ajaran 2021-202

    Physical Activity Levels and Measures of High-Sensitivity C-reactive Protein in Apparently Healthy Male Firefighters

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    Heart attack or stroke is the number one cause of on-duty death in firefighters. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is a nontraditional risk factor that has been linked to increased risk of future cardiac events. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if physically active firefighters are less likely to have elevated levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) than sedentary firefighters. Methods: Self-Reported Physical Activity was determined using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) in 62 male firefighters from Central Texas. Descriptive measures and blood lipid and metabolic measures were taken to determine cardiovascular risk. After participants were screened for exclusion criteria, a total number of 60 (N=60) firefighters completed the experiment process. The firefighters completed the IPAQ and where placed into two groups based on their score, physically active or sedentary. Participants’ anthropometric measurements (body mass index, body composition), blood pressure, hs-CRP and cholesterol levels were measured. Venous blood samples were collected, centrifuged, and sent to an off-site facility for lipid, glucose, and hs-CRP testing. In addition, each firefighter was asked the total number of years involved in the occupation, and approximate number of fires they have worked. A two-way ANOVA with age as a covariate, was used to detect differences in active and inactive firefighters. Pearson product-moment correlations coefficient were used to determine relationships between activity level, cardiac risk and hs-CRP. Significant markers from the ANOVA and correlation coefficients were used to develop a regression equation to predict hs-CRP. Results: There was a significant difference in the number of MET*minutes/wk between volunteer (VT) and career (CT) firefighters (VT: 1927 ± 1369, CT: 2727 ± 1284). This study also determined that hs-CRP risk scores were not correlated to traditional cardiovascular risk factors including total cholesterol (r= 0.014, p= 0.916), LDL-Cholesterol (r= 0.095, p= 0.480), HDL-Cholesterol (r= 0.140, p= 0.295), glucose (r= 0.082, p= 0.540), age (r= 0.021, p= 0.876), and Framingham risk score (FRS)-TC (r= 0.061, p= 0.295). For fire departments that do not have the financial means to pay for hs-CRP testing for all their firefighters, we have devised a regression formula, using significant correlations, to estimate hs-CRP levels. The formula below uses SBP, activity level, weight, body fat percent and waist circumference to estimate hs-CRP (hs-CRP = -2.907 + 0.015(SBP) – 0.487(Act) + 0.032(Wt kg) + 0.048(BF%) – 0.010 (Waist cm). Conclusion: Both FRS and hs-CRP risk levels should be used when evaluating risk of CVD in firefighters, and an exercise prescription should be recommended to those firefighters with increased CVD risk


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    Polychaeteworm is an important zoobenthos in shrimp culture system. However,since there is no culture of these worm in Indonesia, so that all the worm biomass collected from their natural habitat. It raised some concerns about their safety because polychaete worm might be get infected and will realistic as a pathway for virus to attack shrimp broodstock in the hatchery. Fresh polychaete worms (1 9 wet) used as a test organisms were caught from pond area in Semat region, Jepara. The step of these experiment are identification of WSSV infection at wild polychaete worms with PCR analysis, visual, microscope and histology observation. Followed by challenge test of polychaete worm with WSSV, and WSSV infectivity study at black tiger shrimp broodstock. The results revealed that using two different PCR methods, OlE (2006) and Nugen kit, and histology analysis showing noWSSV infection in polychaete worms. However, from further experiment showing that polychaete worm challenge by WSSV have already got severely stress due to WSSV inocculum treatment, but the level of infection is still very low so that can not detect by PCR. Shrimp broodstock that have already fed with WSSV-contaminated polychaete worms for 1 week, based on clinical signs seems to get infected by WSSV, even the infectivity level is still very low. It concluded that polychaete worm can be a vector for WSSV in pond

    Investigation of Amino and Fatty Acid Characterisation of Thevetia peruviana (Milk Bush) Seed

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    This study examined the amino acid profile and fatty acid analysis of Milk bush (thevetia peruviana) seed. The seeds were ground into very fine powder using three processing techniques. The parameters of interest were carried out using standard methods. The results of both essential and non-essential amino acids showed that the total essential amino acid content in oven-dried seed sample (OD.S), airdried seed sample (AD.S) and sun-dried seed sample (SD.S) were within the WHO Standard. It was observed that eighteen out of the twenty amino acids content of food were present in the seed with glutamic acid having the highest value, followed by aspartate and arginine. Also the eight essential amino acid needed in the daily diet were all present in the sample (arginine, valine, histidine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, phenylanine, threonine, tryptophan and leucine). There were reductions in the level of some amino acids as a result of the processing treatments. The fatty acid analysis also revealed that the sample contained both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The unsaturated fatty acids for oven-dried, sun-dried and air-dried are 60.89, 2.21 and 20.47 respectively while the saturated fatty acids for oven-dried , sun-dried and air dried 26.15, 3.29 and 35.61 respectively. The result suggested that thevetia peruviana contains high quality protein and the oil is a good source of unsaturation which increases the shelf life and edibility of the oil. Keywords: Amino acid; Fatty acid; Characterization; Processing techniques; Milk-bush see
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