238 research outputs found

    A CDCL-style calculus for solving non-linear constraints

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    In this paper we propose a novel approach for checking satisfiability of non-linear constraints over the reals, called ksmt. The procedure is based on conflict resolution in CDCL style calculus, using a composition of symbolical and numerical methods. To deal with the non-linear components in case of conflicts we use numerically constructed restricted linearisations. This approach covers a large number of computable non-linear real functions such as polynomials, rational or trigonometrical functions and beyond. A prototypical implementation has been evaluated on several non-linear SMT-LIB examples and the results have been compared with state-of-the-art SMT solvers.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; accepted at FroCoS 2019; software available at <http://informatik.uni-trier.de/~brausse/ksmt/

    Scavenger 0.1: A Theorem Prover Based on Conflict Resolution

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    This paper introduces Scavenger, the first theorem prover for pure first-order logic without equality based on the new conflict resolution calculus. Conflict resolution has a restricted resolution inference rule that resembles (a first-order generalization of) unit propagation as well as a rule for assuming decision literals and a rule for deriving new clauses by (a first-order generalization of) conflict-driven clause learning.Comment: Published at CADE 201

    Decidability of the Monadic Shallow Linear First-Order Fragment with Straight Dismatching Constraints

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    The monadic shallow linear Horn fragment is well-known to be decidable and has many application, e.g., in security protocol analysis, tree automata, or abstraction refinement. It was a long standing open problem how to extend the fragment to the non-Horn case, preserving decidability, that would, e.g., enable to express non-determinism in protocols. We prove decidability of the non-Horn monadic shallow linear fragment via ordered resolution further extended with dismatching constraints and discuss some applications of the new decidable fragment.Comment: 29 pages, long version of CADE-26 pape

    Learning Instantiation in First-Order Logic

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    Contains fulltext : 286055.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)AITP 202

    AC-KBO Revisited

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    Equational theories that contain axioms expressing associativity and commutativity (AC) of certain operators are ubiquitous. Theorem proving methods in such theories rely on well-founded orders that are compatible with the AC axioms. In this paper we consider various definitions of AC-compatible Knuth-Bendix orders. The orders of Steinbach and of Korovin and Voronkov are revisited. The former is enhanced to a more powerful version, and we modify the latter to amend its lack of monotonicity on non-ground terms. We further present new complexity results. An extension reflecting the recent proposal of subterm coefficients in standard Knuth-Bendix orders is also given. The various orders are compared on problems in termination and completion.Comment: 31 pages, To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) special issue for the 12th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS 2014

    SAT-Based Synthesis Methods for Safety Specs

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    Automatic synthesis of hardware components from declarative specifications is an ambitious endeavor in computer aided design. Existing synthesis algorithms are often implemented with Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), inheriting their scalability limitations. Instead of BDDs, we propose several new methods to synthesize finite-state systems from safety specifications using decision procedures for the satisfiability of quantified and unquantified Boolean formulas (SAT-, QBF- and EPR-solvers). The presented approaches are based on computational learning, templates, or reduction to first-order logic. We also present an efficient parallelization, and optimizations to utilize reachability information and incremental solving. Finally, we compare all methods in an extensive case study. Our new methods outperform BDDs and other existing work on some classes of benchmarks, and our parallelization achieves a super-linear speedup. This is an extended version of [5], featuring an additional appendix.Comment: Extended version of a paper at VMCAI'1

    Automatic Generation of Invariants for Circular Derivations in {SUP(LA)} 1

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    The hierarchic combination of linear arithmetic and firstorder logic with free function symbols, FOL(LA), results in a strictly more expressive logic than its two parts. The SUP(LA) calculus can be turned into a decision procedure for interesting fragments of FOL(LA). For example, reachability problems for timed automata can be decided by SUP(LA) using an appropriate translation into FOL(LA). In this paper, we extend the SUP(LA) calculus with an additional inference rule, automatically generating inductive invariants from partial SUP(LA) derivations. The rule enables decidability of more expressive fragments, including reachability for timed automata with unbounded integer variables. We have implemented the rule in the SPASS(LA) theorem prover with promising results, showing that it can considerably speed up proof search and enable termination of saturation for practically relevant problems

    MaxPre : An Extended MaxSAT Preprocessor

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    We describe MaxPre, an open-source preprocessor for (weighted partial) maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT). MaxPre implements both SAT-based and MaxSAT-specific preprocessing techniques, and offers solution reconstruction, cardinality constraint encoding, and an API for tight integration into SAT-based MaxSAT solvers.Peer reviewe

    SCL: Clause Learning from Simple Models

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    International audienceSeveral decision procedures for the Bernays-Schoenfinkel (BS) fragment of first-order logic rely on explicit model assumptions. In particular, the procedures differ in their respective model representation formalisms. We introduce a new decision procedure SCL deciding the BS fragment. SCL stands for clause learning from simple models. Simple models are solely built on ground literals. Nevertheless, we show that SCL can learn exactly the clauses other procedures learn with respect to more complex model representation formalisms. Therefore, the overhead of complex model representation formalisms is not always needed. SCL is sound and complete for full first-order logic without equality

    Resonant X-ray Scattering in Manganites - Study of Orbital Degree of Freedom -

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    Orbital degree of freedom of electrons and its interplay with spin, charge and lattice degrees of freedom are one of the central issues in colossal magnetoresistive manganites. The orbital degree of freedom has until recently remained hidden, since it does not couple directly to most of experimental probes. Development of synchrotron light sources has changed the situation; by the resonant x-ray scattering (RXS) technique the orbital ordering has successfully been observed . In this article, we review progress in the recent studies of RXS in manganites. We start with a detailed review of the RXS experiments applied to the orbital ordered manganites and other correlated electron systems. We derive the scattering cross section of RXS where the tensor character of the atomic scattering factor (ASF) with respect to the x-ray polarization is stressed. Microscopic mechanisms of the anisotropic tensor character of ASF is introduced and numerical results of ASF and the scattering intensity are presented. The azimuthal angle scan is a unique experimental method to identify RXS from the orbital degree of freedom. A theory of the azimuthal angle and polarization dependence of the RXS intensity is presented. The theoretical results show good agreement with the experiments in manganites. Apart from the microscopic description of ASF, a theoretical framework of RXS to relate directly to the 3d orbital is presented. The scattering cross section is represented by the correlation function of the pseudo-spin operator for the orbital degree of freedom. A theory is extended to the resonant inelastic x-ray scattering and methods to observe excitations of the orbital degree of freedom are proposed.Comment: 47 pages, 24 figures, submitted to Rep. Prog. Phy
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