187 research outputs found

    The effect of manually facilitated flexion of the thoracic spine on the interspinous space among horses with impinging dorsal spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae

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    Impinging dorsal spinous processes (IDSP) are typically diagnosed and graded using radiography, during which the effect of the horses' thoracolumbar posture on the interspinous spaces is not commonly considered. Posture can be altered from a spontaneous, relatively extended, or lordotic, position by manual facilitation of thoracic flexion ('thoracic lift'). This study aimed to ascertain if the thoracic vertebral interspinous space distances were increased by using facilitated thoracic flexion to alter the posture in horses diagnosed with IDSP. Seven horses of mixed breed and sex, median age 9.1 years (interquartile range, 7.2-12.4 years), with a diagnosis of thoracic IDSP with no history of spinal surgery, were included in the study. Two sets of radiographs were obtained. The initial set was taken in the horses' spontaneous posture and the second in the manually facilitated flexed posture. Each image was anonymised allowing blinded measurement of the interspinous spaces. Analysis was performed using Hodges-Lehmann median differences estimates. An increase in the median interspinous space distance was achieved after manual facilitation of thoracic flexion at every thoracic intervertebral space (5th-18th thoracic [T] vertebra). The greatest median increase was seen between T7-T8 and T12-T13 (3.1 mm and 3.0 mm, respec-tively) whereas the lowest median increase was seen between T17-T18 (0.7 mm). In this study, thoracic inter-spinous space distances could be increased by using manual facilitation to alter the thoracic posture in horses with IDSP, which could affect grading and decision making.Peer reviewe

    Risk of post-anaesthetic colic in horses anaesthetised with two different anaesthetic protocols : single-centre retrospective study

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    Nukutuksen jälkeinen ähky on yleisimpiä anestesia-komplikaatioita hevosilla. Erilaisten nukutusprotokollien vaikutusta nukutuksen jälkeisen ähkyn esiintyvyyteen hevosilla on tutkittu vain vähän. Kävimme läpi Helsingin Yliopiston Yliopistollisessa eläinsairaalassa 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2016 ortopediseen leikkaukseen, kastraatioon tai penisamputaatioon isofluraanilla ja joko lidokaiini (n = 106)- tai romifidiini-infuusiolla (n = 127) nukutettujen hevosten potilastiedot. Käytimme yhden muuttujan analyysiä sekä monimuuttuja-analyysiä selvittääksemme nukutuksen jälkeisen ähkyn ja seuraavien tekijöiden välistä yhteyttä: lidokaiini- tai romifidiini-infuusio, asepromatsiiniesilääkitys, hevoselle käytetty opioidi, paikallispuudutuksen käyttö, hevoselle käytetty tulehduskipulääke ja antibiootti, ikä, paino, sukupuoli, asento leikkauksen aikana, leikkauksen vuorokaudenaika, sairaalassaolo ennen leikkausta, vuodenaika, toimenpide, anestesian kesto ja leikkauksen jälkeisen sairaalassaoloajan pituus. Nukutuksen jälkeisen ähkyn esiintyvyys oli 6,87 % (n = 16). Esiintyvyys oli 3,77 % (n = 4) lidokaiini-infuusiolla nukutetuilla hevosilla ja 9.44 % (n = 12) romifidiini-infuusiolla nukutetuilla (p = 0,09). Tutkituista tekijöistä ainoastaan hevosen suuri paino tunnistettiin nukutuksen jälkeiselle ähkylle altistavaksi riskitekijäksi (vetosuhde 1,8 jokaiselle 100 kg:n nousulle painossa). Eri opioidit, asepromatsiini-esilääkitys ja sairaalassaoloaika ennen leikkausta olivat mahdollisia sekoittavia tekijöitä. Emme todenneet merkitseviä eroja nukutuksen jälkeisen ähkyn esiintyvyydessä lidokaiini- ja romifidiini-infuusiolla ja isofluraanilla nukutettujen hevosten välillä. Tarvitaan lisää prospektiivisia tutkimuksia, jotta voidaan paremmin selvittää eri nukutusprotokollien vaikutusta nukutuksen jälkeisen ähkyn esiintyvyyteen.Peer reviewe

    Ranking of physiotherapeutic evaluation methods as outcome measures of stifle functionality in dogs

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    BACKGROUND: Various physiotherapeutic evaluation methods are used to assess the functionality of dogs with stifle problems. Neither validity nor sensitivity of these methods has been investigated. This study aimed to determine the most valid and sensitive physiotherapeutic evaluation methods for assessing functional capacity in hind limbs of dogs with stifle problems and to serve as a basis for developing an indexed test for these dogs. A group of 43 dogs with unilateral surgically treated cranial cruciate ligament deficiency and osteoarthritic findings was used to test different physiotherapeutic evaluation methods. Twenty-one healthy dogs served as the control group and were used to determine normal variation in static weight bearing and range of motion. The protocol consisted of 14 different evaluation methods: visual evaluation of lameness, visual evaluation of diagonal movement, visual evaluation of functional active range of motion and difference in thrust of hind limbs via functional tests (sit-to-move and lie-to-move), movement in stairs, evaluation of hind limb muscle atrophy, manual evaluation of hind limb static weight bearing, quantitative measurement of static weight bearing of hind limbs with bathroom scales, and passive range of motion of hind limb stifle (flexion and extension) and tarsal (flexion and extension) joints using a universal goniometer. The results were compared with those from an orthopaedic examination, force plate analysis, radiographic evaluation, and a conclusive assessment. Congruity of the methods was assessed with a combination of three statistical approaches (Fisher’s exact test and two differently calculated proportions of agreeing observations), and the components were ranked from best to worst. Sensitivities of all of the physiotherapeutic evaluation methods against each standard were calculated. RESULTS: Evaluation of asymmetry in a sitting and lying position, assessment of muscle atrophy, manual and measured static weight bearing, and measurement of stifle passive range of motion were the most valid and sensitive physiotherapeutic evaluation methods. CONCLUSIONS: Ranking of the various physiotherapeutic evaluation methods was accomplished. Several of these methods can be considered valid and sensitive when examining the functionality of dogs with stifle problems

    Are you talking to me? – calling laypersons in the sphere of data economy ecosystems

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    Purpose: Data economy is pervasively present in our everyday lives. Still, ordinary laypersons' chances to genuine communication with other stakeholders are scarce. This paper aims to raise awareness about communication patterns in the context of data economy and initiate a dialogue about laypersons' position in data economy ecosystems. Design/methodology/approach: This conceptual paper covers theory-based critical reflection with ethical- and empirical-based remarks. It provides novel perspectives both for research and stakeholder collaboration. Findings: The authors suggest invitational rhetoric and Habermasian discourse as instruments towards understanding partnership between all stakeholders of the data economy to enable laypersons to transfer from subjectivity to the agency. Originality/value: The authors provide (1) theory-based critical reflection concerning communication patterns in the data economy; (2) both ethical and empirical-based remarks about laypersons' position in data economy and (3) ideas for interdisciplinary research and stakeholder collaboration practices by using invitational rhetoric and rational discourse. By that, this paper suggests taking a closer look at communication practices and ethics alike in the data economy. Moreover, it encourages clear, rational and justified arguments between stakeholders in a respectful and equal environment in the data economy ecosystems.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Are you talking to me? - calling laypersons in the sphere of data economy ecosystems

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    Purpose Data economy is pervasively present in our everyday lives. Still, ordinary laypersons' chances to genuine communication with other stakeholders are scarce. This paper aims to raise awareness about communication patterns in the context of data economy and initiate a dialogue about laypersons' position in data economy ecosystems.Design/methodology/approach This conceptual paper covers theory-based critical reflection with ethical- and empirical-based remarks. It provides novel perspectives both for research and stakeholder collaboration.Findings The authors suggest invitational rhetoric and Habermasian discourse as instruments towards understanding partnership between all stakeholders of the data economy to enable laypersons to transfer from subjectivity to the agency.Originality/value The authors provide (1) theory-based critical reflection concerning communication patterns in the data economy; (2) both ethical and empirical-based remarks about laypersons' position in data economy and (3) ideas for interdisciplinary research and stakeholder collaboration practices by using invitational rhetoric and rational discourse. By that, this paper suggests taking a closer look at communication practices and ethics alike in the data economy. Moreover, it encourages clear, rational and justified arguments between stakeholders in a respectful and equal environment in the data economy ecosystems.</p

    Developing a testing battery for measuring dogs' stifle functionality : the Finnish Canine Stifle Index (FCSI)

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    This study aimed at developing a quantitative testing battery for dogs' stifle functionality, as, unlike in human medicine, currently none is available in the veterinary field. Forty-three dogs with surgically treated unilateral cranial cruciate ligament rupture and 21 dogs with no known musculoskeletal problems were included. Eight previously studied tests: compensation in sitting and lying positions, symmetry of thrust in hindlimbs when rising from lying and sitting, static weight bearing, stifle flexion and extension and muscle mass symmetry, were summed into the Finnish Canine Stifle Index (FCSI). Sensitivities and specificities of the dichotomised FCSI score were calculated against orthopaedic examination, radiological and force platform analysis and a conclusive assessment (combination of previous). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)was used to evaluate FCSI score differences between the groups. Cronbach's alpha for internal consistency was calculated. The range of the index score was 0-263, with a proposed cut-off value of 60 between 'adequate' and 'compromised' functional performance. In comparison to the conclusive assessment, the sensitivity and specificity of the FCSI were 90 per cent and 90.5 per cent, respectively. Cronbach's alpha for internal reliability of the FCSI score was 0.727. An estimate of the surgically treated and control dogs' FCSI scores were 105 (95 per cent CI 93 to 116) and 20 (95 per cent CI 4 to 37), respectively. The difference between the groups was significant (PPeer reviewe

    The intra- and intertester repeatability of radiographic elbow incongruity grading is high in chondrodystrophic dog breeds

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    Elbow incongruity is a form of elbow dysplasia that causes osteoarthritis, pain, and lameness, and it is common in chondrodystrophic dog breeds. The objective of this retrospective secondary analysis study was to evaluate the intra- and interobserver repeatability of a novel radiographic incongruity grading system for assessing elbow incongruity in three chondrodystrophic dog breeds-the dachshund, Skye Terrier, and Glen of Imaal Terrier. We conducted an observer agreement study that included 220 mediolateral antebrachial radiographs from 110 dogs with the elbow in 90 degrees flexion. The radiographs were independently assessed by three observers at three time points, using a four-stepped grading scale. The proportion of agreement and Kappa coefficient were calculated. Both the intra- and interobserver proportions of agreement were substantial when three grades were required to be identical (.705-.777 and .609, respectively), and almost perfect for two identical grades (.991-1.000 and .991, respectively). Some differences in repeatability between breeds were noted; specifically, the intraobserver repeatability was higher in the dachshund, and the interobserver repeatability was lower in the Glen of Imaal Terrier. Our study showed that the radiographic imaging protocol and incongruity grading system have high repeatability when assessing elbow incongruity in chondrodystrophic dog breeds.Peer reviewe


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