1,204 research outputs found

    Exploring the Entrepreneurial Jungle: Unicorns, Gazelles, Zebras, and Other Venture Species

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    This paper proposes pioneering the exploration of new entrepreneurial species as a novel and essential research avenue within the entrepreneurship domain. By likening entrepreneurial ventures to diverse species inhabiting a jungle, the study ventures into unexplored territories of entrepreneurial taxonomy. It advocates delving into distinct classifications such as unicorns, zebras, and gazelles, offering a fresh perspective on their impact on economies and societies. The research argues for the relevance of these unique ventures, emphasizing their significant influence on entrepreneurial thought and challenging traditional theories. By shedding light on uncharted species and their inter-relationships, the paper opens promising avenues for future research, contributing to the evolving landscape of entrepreneurship studies

    Mining Explainable Predictive Features for Water Quality Management

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    With water quality management processes, identifying and interpreting relationships between features, such as location and weather variable tuples, and water quality variables, such as levels of bacteria, is key to gaining insights and identifying areas where interventions should be made. There is a need for a search process to identify the locations and types of phenomena that are influencing water quality and a need to explain how the quality is being affected and which factors are most relevant. This paper addresses both of these issues. A process is developed for collecting data for features that represent a variety of variables over a spatial region and which are used for training models and inference. An analysis of the performance of the features is undertaken using the models and Shapley values. Shapley values originated in cooperative game theory and can be used to aid in the interpretation of machine learning results. Evaluations are performed using several machine learning algorithms and water quality data from the Dublin Grand Canal basin

    Computational Topology Techniques for Characterizing Time-Series Data

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    Topological data analysis (TDA), while abstract, allows a characterization of time-series data obtained from nonlinear and complex dynamical systems. Though it is surprising that such an abstract measure of structure - counting pieces and holes - could be useful for real-world data, TDA lets us compare different systems, and even do membership testing or change-point detection. However, TDA is computationally expensive and involves a number of free parameters. This complexity can be obviated by coarse-graining, using a construct called the witness complex. The parametric dependence gives rise to the concept of persistent homology: how shape changes with scale. Its results allow us to distinguish time-series data from different systems - e.g., the same note played on different musical instruments.Comment: 12 pages, 6 Figures, 1 Table, The Sixteenth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2017

    Early Holocene fauna from a new subfossil site: A first assessment from Christmas River, south central Madagascar

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    We report on faunal remains recovered during recent explorations at ‘Christmas River’, the only subfossil locality known from Madagascar’s south central plateau. Recovered remains of several extinct taxa date to approximately 10,000 14C years before present (BP), including crocodiles, tortoises, the elephant bird Aepyornis, the carnivoran Cryptoprocta spelea, the lemurs Archaeolemur majori, Pachylemur insignis, and Megaladapis edwardsi, and abundant remains of the dwarf hippopotamus, Hippopotamus lemerlei. The presence of southern - limited, forest - dependent species at Christmas River supports the hypothesis that forest once extended, perhaps discontinuously, across the central highlands towards the west. One theory is that sites in the north central highlands, which are higher in elevation, maintained more mesic conditions during Plio - Quaternary climate shifts than those of the lower elevation sites of the south central highlands. Thus, elevation above sea level may have acted as a filter that limited species dispersal across the island in the past. Such a scenario would explain the distinction between more humid, higher elevation, northern highland subfossil communities versus more arid, lower elevation, southern subfossil communities. Continued exploration at Christmas River thus provides a remarkable opportunity for deciphering ecological changes that have taken place in south central Madagascar during the Holocene.RÉSUMÉMadagascar est reconnue comme l’une des régions les plus sensibles du monde en ce qui concerne les menaces pesant sur sa biodiversité, et cela à cause de niveaux d’endémisme inégalés, d’une diversité variée et d’un impact humain important sur l’environnement. Suite à la colonisation par l’Homme il y a plus de 2000 ans, des extinctions de masse de la faune et un important recul forestier ont eu lieu en laissant des marques sur les écosystèmes modernes qui sont dans un état de bouleversement écologique. Certaines plantes endémiques, par exemple, ont perdu d’importantes espèces mutualistes, des animaux ont été obligés d’exploiter d’autres ressources ou habiter des endroits auxquels ils sont mal adaptés. La diversité des plantes et des animaux a diminué, est menacée ou a même complètement disparue de certaines routes de dissémination. Bien que l’Homme soit largement incriminé dans son rôle de déclencheur de ces extinctions massives, les transformations anthropiques qui ont contribué au changement du climat sont controversées. Les hautes - terres de Madagascar sont actuellement dominées par des zones herbeuses étendues qui agissent comme des barrières empêchant les mouvements de la faune de part et d’autre de l’île. Nous suggérons qu’une forêt humide plus ou moins continue devait s’étendre sur les hautes-terres. Des informations paléoécologiques des hautes - terres du Centre sud sontènécessaires pour évaluer cette hypothèse afin de démêler la contribution relative des facteurs climatiques et anthropiques dans les changements paléoécologiques de la région. Cependant, les stations de subfossiles étaient jusqu’alors inconnues dans cette région. Nous présentons ici les résultats de recherches réalisées sur les restes fauniques découverts au cours de fouilles récentes à Christmas River, la seule station de subfossiles connue des hautes - terres du Centre sud de Madagascar. Des restes de plusieurs espèces datant approximativement de 10,000 14C B.P. ont été identifiés dont des restes appartenant à des espèces de crocodile, de tortue, de l’Aepyornis, du carnivore Cryptoprocta spelea, des lémuriens Archaeolemur majori, Pachylemur insignis et Megaladapis edwardsi ainsi que de nombreux restes de l’hippopotame nain Hippopotamus lemerlei. La présence à Christmas River d’espèces sylvicoles endémiques du Sud appuie l’hypothèse de l’existence d’une forêt, certainement discontinue, mais qui s’étendait sur les hautes - terres centrales en se poursuivant vers l’ouest. Une théorie a proposé que les sites septentrionaux des hautes - terres centrales, à des altitudes plus élevées, maintenaient des conditions plus humides au cours des changements du Plio - quaternaire que les sites méridionaux de ces hautes - terres centrales. Ainsi, dans le passé, l’altitude a du agir comme un filtre qui empêchait la dispersion des espèces d’un endroit à l’autre de l’île. Un tel scénario expliquerait la distinction entre les communautés subfossiles du nord des hautes - terres qui étaient plus humides à haute altitude et les communautés subfossiles du sud aride à basse altitude. La poursuite de l’exploration à Christmas River constitue une occasion unique pour décoder les changements écologiques qui sont intervenus dans le Sud de cette région centrale de Madagascar au cours de l’Holocène

    Platforming Equality: Policy Challenges for the Digital Economy

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    This is the final version. Available from Autonomy via the link in this recordWelcome to Autonomy’s ‘Platforming Equality’ document: a collection of papers on the challenges that the digital economy poses to policymakers, activists and researchers. We’ve invited a range of contributors to probe deeper into under-examined topics in the digital economy and to shed light on how they operate. Another aim of the collection is to explore policy options for alleviating a range of new challenges that have emerged within the digital economy. Contributors move beyond theoretical discussion of the problems themselves and turn towards an analysis of responses that are open to activists, municipal authorities and government policy makers. Articles suggest a range of policy recommendations and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. Each contributor examines a specific issue based on their own research and an analysis of the existing literature. They then provide their own perspective on the policies and approaches that would be most suitable to tackling the issue

    Elimination of Arctic Variant Rabies in Red Foxes, Metropolitan Toronto

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    To control the arctic variant of rabies virus in red foxes, 332,257 bait doses containing live, attenuated Evelyn-Rokitnicki-Abelseth rabies vaccine were distributed in greater metropolitan Toronto during 1989–1999. Human and pet contact with bait was minimal, and no adverse reactions to the vaccine were noted. Significantly fewer rabid foxes were found during the 17 years after fox baiting (5 cases during 1990–2006) than in the 17 years before (96 cases during 1973–1989). The last report of a rabid fox in metropolitan Toronto was in 1996 (reporting period through September 2006), which confirms that distributing oral rabies vaccine bait is a feasible tactic for the control of rabies in foxes in urban environments

    Spatial Light Modulators for the Manipulation of Individual Atoms

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    We propose a novel dipole trapping scheme using spatial light modulators (SLM) for the manipulation of individual atoms. The scheme uses a high numerical aperture microscope to map the intensity distribution of a SLM onto a cloud of cold atoms. The regions of high intensity act as optical dipole force traps. With a SLM fast enough to modify the trapping potential in real time, this technique is well suited for the controlled addressing and manipulation of arbitrarily selected atoms.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
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