63 research outputs found

    MX100, a new Escherichia coli tester strain for use in genotoxicity studies

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    The development of a new Escherichia coli tester strain for use in metabolic and mechanistic studies of genotoxins, strain MR2101/pKR11, has recently been reported. This strain, a derivative of the E.coli K12 laboratory strain AB1157, has sensitivity towards the detection of base-substitution mutagenesis, monitored by the reversion of arginine auxotrophy [argE3, (ochre)]. Besides arginine, MR2101/pKR11 is auxotrophic for histidine (hisG4), leucine (leuB6), proline (ΔproA) and threonine (thr-1). MX100 was developed to overcome the auxotrophy for four amino acids of MR2101/pKR11 which are non-essential for the mutagenic responsiveness of the strain. We restored the biosynthesis for these four amino acids in MR2101/pKR11, resulting in strain MX100. This strain showed an almost 2-fold increase in mutagenic activity relative to MR2101/pKR11 with a set of diagnostic mutagens (aflatoxin B1, benzo[α]pyrene, 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, 2,7-dimethyl-benz[a]anthracene and others) and was further characterized with other types of mutagens in which it showed sensitivity towards the detection of oxidative (H2O2, t-butyl-hydroperoxide, cumene-hydroperoxide, KO2) and carbonyl mutagens (methylglyoxal, malondialdehyde). As MX100 seems to have the right characteristics of a versatile genotoxicity tester strain and due to the extensive genetic and physiological knowledge of E.coli K12 in general and AB1157 in particular, we propose that MX100 could serve as mother strain for the development of specialized tester strains, of interest in studies of metabolism and/or mechanism of action of genotoxic carcinogens.publishersversionpublishe

    Development and validation of psoriatic arthritis switch quality assessment tool (PASQAL)-an outcomes measurement tool to assess the quality of biologic switch decisions in psoriatic arthritis

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    Background: Switching between biologic therapies is a recommended strategy for Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) patients that show an insufficient response or adverse events. Although the choice of the subsequent biologic may be dependent on many factors, assessing the quality of the switch decision is of utmost relevance. Objectives: To develop and validate two outcomes measurement tools (for patients with peripheral and axial PsA phenotypes) that address the quality of treatment decisions in PsA regarding the switch of biologic therapies in clinical practice. Methods: A Task Force and an Expert Panel were specifically assembled for this purpose. The Psoriatic Arthritis Switch Quality Assessment tool (PASQAL) de-velopment comprised a modified-Delphi method in a four-step procedure: 1) literature search and experts' opinion collection about quality indicators for PsA management; 2) Delphi design to address the development of the measurement tool; 3) three Delphi questionnaire rounds; 4) final consensus meeting. This phase resulted in the definition of two measurement tools, one to evaluate the quality of biologic switch in peripheral (pPASQAL) and another one in axial PsA (axPASQAL). For the validation of PASQAL, 12 experienced rheumatologists were asked to evaluate and classify the biologic switch of 80 clinical cases (40 with predominant peripheral and 40 with predominant axial PsA). Clinical judgement was defined to be the "gold standard" against which the performance of PASQAL was assessed. The results were used to assess tools' performance (sensitivity/specificity analysis) and the agreement between the tools and the gold standard (Cohen's kappa). Results: PASQAL consists of 6 domains (joint disease activity, dactylitis, enthesis, physical function, quality of life, and skin and nail manifestations), respective instruments and thresholds. The classification of the biologic switch was divided into three quality levels: "Good", based on treat-to-target thresholds; "Mode-rate", based on improvement from baseline; and the remaining as "Insufficient". pPASQAL was found to be highly sensitive (92%) with the "Good" quality level and specific (97%) with the "Insufficient" quality le vel. Whilst axPASQAL showed overall higher sensitivity and specificity for all quality levels, as well as a higher level of agreement between the tool and the gold standard than pPASQAL (k=0.87 vs k=0.71). Conclusion: PASQAL was developed and showed good criterion validity for the evaluation of the quality of switch in both peripheral and axial PsA phenotypes. These tools may be used in research as well as in clinical practice, to support rheumatologists in making more informed therapeutic decisions.publishersversionpublishe

    a detailed view of the methodology

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    Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD) are prevalent and leading causes of disability and consumption of healthcare and social resources. EpiReumaPt is a national population-based survey developed by the Portuguese Society of Rheumatology that aimed to estimate the prevalence of RMDs and determine their impact on function, quality of life, mental health and use of healthcare resources. This article describes in detail the design, methodology and planned analyses of EpiReumaPt. Recruitment started in September 2011 and finished in December 2013. This study involved a three-stage approach. The first step was a face-to-face survey performed by trained interviewers at the household of 10,661 subjects who where randomly selected by a stratified multistage sampling. A highly sensitive screening questionnaire for RMDs was used. Secondly, participants who screened positive (64%) for at least one RMD as well as 20% of individuals with a negative screening were invited for assessment by a rheumatologist. In total, 3,877 subjects participated in this second phase, where they were also invited to donate a blood sample to be stored at the Biobanco-IMM. History and physical examination, followed by appropriate laboratory and imaging tests were performed. At the end of the visit, the rheumatologist established a diagnosis. Finally, a team of three experienced rheumatologists reviewed all the clinical data and defined the diagnoses according to previously validated criteria. The EpiReumaPt dataset, containing data from several questionnaires, various clinical measurements and information from laboratory and imaging tests, comprises an invaluable asset for research. The large amount of information collected from each participant and the large number of participants, with a wide age range covering and being representative of the adults from the entire country, makes EpiReumaPt the largest study of RMDs performed in Portugal.publishersversionpublishe

    EpiReumaPt- the study of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases in Portugal: a detailed view of the methodology

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    Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD) are prevalent and leading causes of disability and consumption of healthcare and social resources. EpiReumaPt is a national population-based survey developed by the Portuguese Society of Rheumatology that aimed to estimate the prevalence of RMDs and determine their impact on function, quality of life, mental health and use of healthcare resources. This article describes in detail the design, methodology and planned analyses of EpiReumaPt. Recruitment started in September 2011 and finished in December 2013. This study involved a three-stage approach. The first step was a face-to-face survey performed by trained interviewers at the household of 10,661 subjects who where randomly selected by a stratified multistage sampling. A highly sensitive screening questionnaire for RMDs was used. Secondly, participants who screened positive (64%) for at least one RMD as well as 20% of individuals with a negative screening were invited for assessment by a rheumatologist. In total, 3,877 subjects participated in this second phase, where they were also invited to donate a blood sample to be stored at the Biobanco-IMM. History and physical examination, followed by appropriate laboratory and imaging tests were performed. At the end of the visit, the rheumatologist established a diagnosis. Finally, a team of three experienced rheumatologists reviewed all the clinical data and defined the diagnoses according to previously validated criteria. The EpiReumaPt dataset, containing data from several questionnaires, various clinical measurements and information from laboratory and imaging tests, comprises an invaluable asset for research. The large amount of information collected from each participant and the large number of participants, with a wide age range covering and being representative of the adults from the entire country, makes EpiReumaPt the largest study of RMDs performed in Portugal

    Lipoperoxidation products and thiol antioxidants in chromium exposed workers

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    Hexavalent chromium is an established carcinogenic agent, which is not directly reactive with DNA. Its genotoxicity involves a reduction step, producing reactive oxygen species and radicals, and also lower valence forms which form stable complexes with intracellular macromolecules. The trivalent form of chromium may directly react with the genetic material and has also been shown to generate oxidative damage in vitro. To further evaluate the importance of in vivo oxidative DNA damage in the toxicity of each valence form, we conducted a comparative study on hexavalent and trivalent chromium-exposed workers (manual metal arc stainless steel welders and leather tanning workers), focusing on the total oxidative status by quantifying the level of lipoperoxidation products in urine. Thiol antioxidants are important in response to oxidative stress, and therefore, the concentration of glutathione and cysteine in peripheral blood lymphocytes was also determined. Chromium exposure was evaluated by quantifying total chromium in plasma and urine. Both groups had a signficant increase in lipid peroxidation products expressed as malondialdehyde (MDA) in urine (tanners 1.42 +/- 0.61 mu mol/g creatinine, welders 1.67 +/- 1.13 mu mol/g creatinine versus controls 0.81 +/- 0.26 mu mol/g creatinine, P 0.005 in both cases) but only welders had a significant decrease in glutathione concentration in lymphocytes. There was a positive correlation between chromium in plasma and urinary MDA in welders, but not in tanners. This work is part of a larger study of which major results have been published previously including cytogenetics and DNA-protein cross-links in workers exposed to the two different forms of chromium. These results are compared with the results of oxidative damage from this study