11,501 research outputs found

    Associations between sedentary time, physical activity and bone health among older people using compositional data analysis

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    Introduction : Aging is associated with a progressive decrease in bone mass (BM), and being physical active is one of the main strategies to combat this continuous loss. Nonetheless, because daily time is limited, time spent on each movement behavior is co-dependent. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between BM and movement behaviors in elderly people using compositional data analysis. Methods : We analyzed 871 older people [395 men (76.9 +/- 5.3y) and 476 women (76.7 +/- 4.7y)]. Time spent in sedentary behavior (SB), light physical activity (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), was assessed using accelerometry. BM was determined by bone densitometry (DXA). The sample was divided according to sex and bone health indicators. Results : The combined effect of all movement behaviors (PA and SB) was significantly associated with whole body, leg and femoral region BM in the whole sample (p<0.05), with leg and pelvic BM (p<0.05) in men and, with whole body, arm and leg BM (p<0.05) in women. In men, arm and pelvic BM were negatively associated with SB and whole body, pelvic and leg BM were positively associated with MVPA (p<0.05). In women, whole body and leg BM were positively associated with SB. Arm and whole body BM were positively associated and leg BM was negatively associated with LPA and arm BM was negatively associated with MVPA (p<0.05). Women without bone fractures spent less time in SB and more in LPA and MVPA than the subgroup with bone fractures. Conclusion : We identified that the positive effect of MVPA relative to the other behaviors on bone mass is the strongest overall effect in men. Furthermore, women might decrease bone fracture risk through PA increase and SB reduction, despite the fact that no clear benefits of PA for bone mass were found

    On the relation between the IR continuum and the active galactic nucleus in Seyfert galaxies

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    A sample of the brightest known Seyfert galaxies from the CfA sample is analyzed on the basis of ISO photometric and spectroscopic data. Regardless of the Seyfert type, the mid-IR continuum emission from these galaxies is found to be correlated with the coronal line emission arising in the nuclear active region. Conversely, the correlation degrades progressively when moving from the mid- to the far-IR emission, where it ends to vanish. It is concluded that the mid-IR emission is largely dominated by dust heated by processes associated with the active nucleus whereas the far-IR is a different component most probably unrelated with the active region. We suggest that the far-IR component is due to dust heated by the stellar population in the disks of these galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    La dualidad historia/leyenda en Bécquer, Valle-Inclán y Antonio Machado

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    La mayor autoridad crítica que en general se ha concedido, en los estudios del 98, a la literatura de corte realista y presentista frente a la volcada en un pasado resueltamente mitificado corre el riesgo de minusvalorar no sólo la transcendencia social de estas últimas obras, sino también su complejidad constructiva. Este ensayo, en el cual el primer Antonio Machado es asimismo primus inter pares, quiere sustraerse a dichos peligros dando un tratamiento histórico y filosófico (apoyado en Bergson, Ortega y la “transferencia” psicoanalítica) al concepto de “leyenda” y un tratamiento poético al concepto de “historia”. En este menester comentaré en detalle un ramillete de textos en prosa y verso publicados, en su mayor parte, en la cincuentena que media entre 1857 y 1907. In studies of the Generation of 1898, realist and present-oriented literary works have been accorded greater critical authority than the literature recreating an emphatically mythic past. This gesture runs the risk of undervaluing not only the social import of the seemingly less engaged works, but also their structural complexity. My essay studies the earlier Machado in relation to Bécquer and Valle- Inclán, and seeks to avoid the pitfalls just mentioned by subjecting the poet’s concept of “leyenda” to a historical and philosophical treatment (grounded especially in Bergson, Ortega y Gasset, and the role of “transference” in psychoanalysis) while subjecting the related concept of “historia” to a poetic treatment. Most of the poems and prose pieces discussed in greater detail were published in the fifty years stretching from 1857 to 1907

    The planetary nebula IC 4776 and its post-common-envelope binary central star

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    We present a detailed analysis of IC 4776, a planetary nebula displaying a morphology believed to be typical of central star binarity. The nebula is shown to comprise a compact hourglass-shaped central region and a pair of precessing jet-like structures. Time-resolved spectroscopy of its central star reveals periodic radial velocity variability consistent with a binary system. While the data are insufficient to accurately determine the parameters of the binary, the most likely solutions indicate that the secondary is probably a low-mass main sequence star. An empirical analysis of the chemical abundances in IC 4776 indicates that the common-envelope phase may have cut short the AGB evolution of the progenitor. Abundances calculated from recombination lines are found to be discrepant by a factor of approximately two relative to those calculated using collisionally excited lines, suggesting a possible correlation between low abundance discrepancy factors and intermediate-period post-common-envelope central stars and/or Wolf-Rayet central stars. The detection of a radial velocity variability associated with binarity in the central star of IC 4776 may be indicative of a significant population of (intermediate-period) post-common-envelope binary central stars which would be undetected by classic photometric monitoring techniques.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Implications of plant material origin, land use history and soil properties in the incidence of verticillium wilt in olive groves

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    8 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tabla.The increased presence of Verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.) in olive groves is often related to the use of infected propagation material and to the planting of new olive trees in contaminated soils. This study assessed the implications of plant propagation, land-use history and soil properties on disease prevalence in southern Spain, the most important olive-growing area worldwide. To this purpose, a large-scale sampling survey was carried out in this area, V. dahliae pathotypes were identified by PCR, and GIS was used to analyze soil properties and cropland-use history. Finally, multiple correspondence analysis was performed to show the statistical association between the variables taken into account. Results strongly indicated the potential risk of planting olive in valleys with irrigated cropland history, especially those that had hosted herbaceous crops, highlighted the importance of using pathogen-free certified planting material as a key component for a successful disease management, and confirmed the role played by saline, alkaline, and steep-slope soils in enhancing V. dahliae prevalence.The research was supported by Caja Rural Foundation.Peer reviewe
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