76 research outputs found

    Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in the open Mediterranean Sea. I. Basin-Wide distribution and drivers of chromophoric DOM

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    Original research articleChromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the open Mediterranean Sea (MedSea) is barely documented, remaining the basin–wide patterns in intermediate and deep waters still enigmatic. Here, full–depth distributions of CDOM absorption coefficients and spectral slopes recorded during the HOTMIX 2014 cruise are presented and their respective environmental drivers resolved. General Additive Models (GAMs) in surface waters and Optimum MultiParameter (OMP) water mass analysis in deep waters were applied. In the surface, apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU), a proxy to cumulative net community respiration, explained most of the variability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the absorption coefficient at 254 nm (a254), whereas the absorption coefficient at 325 nm (a325), and the spectral slopes were mostly explained by potential temperature, a proxy to stratification and solar radiation, indicating that both water column stability and photobleaching may drive the variability of the UV–A absorbing CDOM components. In deep waters, the effect of water mass mixing and basin–scale mineralization were discerned from local mineralization processes. Water mass mixing and basin–scale mineralization contributed more substantially to explain the variability of DOC, a254 and a325 (82–91%) than the variability of the spectral slopes (35–64%). Local mineralization processes indicate that DOC and CDOM play a more relevant role in the carbon cycle in the Eastern (EastMed) than in the Western (WestMed) Mediterranean: whereas DOC contributed to 66 ± 10% of the oxygen demand in the EastMed, it represented only 24 ± 4% in the WestMed. Independently of basins and layers, a254 revealed as an excellent proxy to the concentration of DOC in the MedSea. Also, the unexpected inverse relationship of a325 with AOU indicates that the consumption of the UV–A absorbing CDOM fraction prevails over their productionSpanish Ministry of Education and Culture, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiviness, FEDER, CSIC, University of GranadaVersión del editor3,26

    Are Traditional Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) Landraces Valuable to Cope with Climate Change? Effects of Drought on Growth and Biochemical Stress Markers

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    [EN] Agrobiodiversity and adaptability to environmental changes derived from global warming are challenges for the future of agriculture. In this sense, landraces often have high levels of genetic variation, tightly connected with the changing environmental conditions of a territory. The genus Phaseolus, with five domesticated species, is one of the most important sources of proteins, carbohydrates and micronutrients in various countries. This study aimed to compare the adaptation capacity to drought, in the vegetative growth phase, of a commercial cultivar and two landraces traditionally cultivated in the Mediterranean basin of Phaseolus lunatus (Lima bean). Growth and biochemical responses of the analysed genotypes to different water¿deficit treatments were evaluated and compared. In addition, the effectiveness of the voltammetric method for evaluating stress levels in cultivated plants was tested. The studied parameters revealed that P. lunatus is a drought tolerant species, showing similar results for the three cultivars. However, contrary to what was expected from the germination phase results, the commercial variety Peru showed some better responses under water stress conditions. Finally, the voltammetric method proved to be a good and fast tool for assessing oxidative stress in cultivated plants, showing results in agreement with total phenolic compounds and total flavonoid fluctuations.Martínez-Nieto, MI.; González-Orenga, S.; Soriano, P.; Prieto-Mossi, J.; Larrea, E.; Doménech-Carbó, A.; Tofei, AM.... (2022). Are Traditional Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) Landraces Valuable to Cope with Climate Change? Effects of Drought on Growth and Biochemical Stress Markers. Agronomy. 12(7):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy1207171512012

    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the open Mediterranean Sea. II: Basin-wide distribution and drivers of fluorescent DOM

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    Research articleFluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) in the Mediterranean Sea was analysed by excitation–emission matrix (EEM) spectroscopy and parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis during the cruise HOTMIX 2014. A 4–component model, including 3 humic–like and 1 protein–like compounds, was obtained. To decipher the environmental factors that dictate the distributions of these components, we run generalized additive models (GAMs) in the epipelagic layer and an optimum multiparametric (OMP) water masses analysis in the meso– and bathypelagic layers. In the epipelagic layer, apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and temperature presented the most significant effects on the variability of the marine humic-like peak M fluorescence, suggesting that its distribution was controlled by the net community respiration of organic matter and photobleaching. On the contrary, the variability of the soil humic-like peak E and the protein–like peak T fluorescence was explained mainly by the prokaryotic heterotrophic abundance, which decreased eastwards. In the meso– and bathypelagic layers, water mass mixing and basin–scale mineralization processes explained >72% and 63% of the humic–like and protein–like fluorescence variability, respectively. When analysing the two basins separately, the OMP model offered a better explanation of the distribution of fluorescence in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, as expected from the reduced biological activity in this ultra–oligotrophic basin. Furthermore, while western Mediterranean deep waters display the usual trend in the global ocean (increase of humic–like fluorescence and decrease of protein–like fluorescence with higher AOU values), the eastern Mediterranean deep waters presented an opposite trend. Different initial fluorescence intensities of the water masses that mix in the eastern basin, with Adriatic and Aegean origins, seem to be behind this contrasting pattern. The analysis of the transect–scale mineralization processes corroborate this hypothesis, suggesting a production of humic–like and a consumption of protein–like fluorescence in parallel with water mass ageing. Remarkably, the transect–scale variability of the chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorbing at the excitation wavelength of the humic–like peak M indicates an unexpected loss with increasing AOU, which suggests that the consumption of the non–fluorescent fraction of CDOM absorbing at that wavelength exceeded the production of the fluorescent fraction observed hereProject HOTMIX (reference CTM2011–30010–C02 01–MAR and 02–MAR), co–financed with FEDER funds (re ference BES–2012–056175) ; the project MODMED from CSIC (PIE, 201730E020) and the project FERMIO (MINECO, CTM2014–57334–JIN), co–financed with FEDER fundsVersión del editor3,26

    Actitudes medio ambientales en los estudiantes del Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de ESO y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

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    Análisis de las actitudes medioambientales presentes en los estudiantes del Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de ESO y Bachillerato,Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Contribución al conocimiento de los edafismos de las comarcas interiores de Andalucía Oriental (España)

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    In this paper we present 21 new records for 16 taxa of peculiar substrates in Eastern Andalusia; these evidences provide several new records for regional and provincial flora.Se presentan 21 citas de 16 taxones propios de substratos peculiares de Andalucía Oriental, estas citas aportan varias novedades florísticas regionales, provinciales y comarcales

    Propuesta de un sistema espacialmente explícito para evaluar el peligro de incendios

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    Los incendios forestales suponen un factor muy destacado en la transformación ambiental de buena parte de los ecosistemas terrestres. Tienen impactos globales, afectando a la superficie forestal y a las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, y efectos locales, relacionados con la degradación de suelos, erosión, modificación de la dinámica de la vegetación y pérdida de recursos y de vidas humanas. La prevención de incendios resulta cada vez más crítica, para paliar los efectos negativos de los mismos. Se presentan en este trabajo las variables de entrada y el esquema de integración para estimar el peligro de ocurrencia de incendios que se desarrolló en el marco del proyecto Firemap. Se generó información de diversas fuentes, que hacen referencia a variables socio-económicas, así como al estado de los combustibles y las características del territorio, utilizando sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) e imágenes de satélite. Todas las variables se cartografiaron a una resolución espacial de un 1 km2 y se integraron en un servidor web, que estuvo operativo para su evaluación durante el verano de 2007. Se presenta la comparación entre la variación temporal de los índices generados y la ocurrencia observada en la Comunidad de Madrid, una de las regiones del estudio.Forest fires are a major factor of environmental transformation in several ecosystems. Fires have global impacts, affecting forested areas and having an important impact in greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, fires have local impacts, associated to soil degradation, soil erosion, vegetation dynamics, and lost of lives and properties. Fire prevention is critical to reduce the negative impacts of fire. This paper presents the input variables and the integration scheme developed within the Firemap project (funded under the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology) to map wildland fire occurrence probability. The project first generated fire risk variables related to several factors of fire ignition or propagation. They were generated from a wide variety of sources using geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies. All variables were mapped at 1 sq km spatial resolution, and were integrated into single indices. The risk system included the development of a dedicated web-mapping server to facilitate the access to the end-users. This service was tested in the summer of 2007 for semi-operational use. The paper presents the first validation results of the danger index, by comparing temporal trends of the different danger components to the fire occurrence in the Madrid region, one of the test sites

    Propuesta de un sistema espacialmente explícito para evaluar el peligro de incendios

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    Los incendios forestales suponen un factor muy destacado en la transformación ambiental de buena parte de los ecosistemas terrestres. Tienen impactos globales, afectando a la superficie forestal y a las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, y efectos locales, relacionados con la degradación de suelos, erosión, modificación de la dinámica de la vegetación y pérdida de recursos y de vidas humanas. La prevención de incendios resulta cada vez más crítica, para paliar los efectos negativos de los mismos. Se presentan en este trabajo las variables de entrada y el esquema de integración para estimar el peligro de ocurrencia de incendios que se desarrolló en el marco del proyecto Firemap. Se generó información de diversas fuentes, que hacen referencia a variables socio-económicas, así como al estado de los combustibles y las características del territorio, utilizando sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) e imágenes de satélite. Todas las variables se cartografiaron a una resolución espacial de un 1 km2 y se integraron en un servidor web, que estuvo operativo para su evaluación durante el verano de 2007. Se presenta la comparación entre la variación temporal de los índices generados y la ocurrencia observada en la Comunidad de Madrid, una de las regiones del estudio.Forest fires are a major factor of environmental transformation in several ecosystems. Fires have global impacts, affecting forested areas and having an important impact in greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, fires have local impacts, associated to soil degradation, soil erosion, vegetation dynamics, and lost of lives and properties. Fire prevention is critical to reduce the negative impacts of fire. This paper presents the input variables and the integration scheme developed within the Firemap project (funded under the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology) to map wildland fire occurrence probability. The project first generated fire risk variables related to several factors of fire ignition or propagation. They were generated from a wide variety of sources using geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies. All variables were mapped at 1 sq km spatial resolution, and were integrated into single indices. The risk system included the development of a dedicated web-mapping server to facilitate the access to the end-users. This service was tested in the summer of 2007 for semi-operational use. The paper presents the first validation results of the danger index, by comparing temporal trends of the different danger components to the fire occurrence in the Madrid region, one of the test sites

    Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 36 Número 1-2

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    Duración efectiva del índice de sequedad, por M. P. Garmendía y J. Garmendía.-- Adsorción y evolución de manganeso en arcillas, por O. Carpena, I. Tovar, A. Lax y F. Costa.-- Ecología de leguminosas en relación con algunos factores ambientales en Guadalajara. I. Aspectos florísticos y relación con la clase ele suelo, por M. Morey.-- Variaciones del contenido de nitrógeno en una plantación de Lolium perenne,por Esther Simón Martínez.-- Predicción de temperaturas máximas diarias, por E. Hernández, J. A. Hernández, J. F. Sánchez y J. Garmendía.-- Efectos del almacenaje sobre las propiedades físicas y biológicas de muestras tamizadas de suelos orgánicos, por F. Díaz-Fierros Viqueiro.-- Morfometría del cuarzo y circón aplicada al estudio genético de un suelo policíclico, por M. C. Villar Celorio.-- Contribución al estudio de la terra rossa española. II. Mineralogía de la fracción arcilla, por L. J. Alías, M. Nieto y J. Albaladejo.-- Entisoles del Campo de Cartagena (Murcia). Características generales y mineralógicas, por L. J. Alías y R. Ortiz Silla.-- Estudio sobre la composición química de variedades de almendra del sureste español, por F. Romojaro, J. F. García y F. J. López Andreu.-- Componentes del plátano canario y sus variaciones durante la maduración, por A. Carlos Blesa, M. A. Rodríguez Raymond y A. Maestre.-- Contribución al estudio de la platanera canaria. Relación entre la actividad respiratoria y la maduración de los plátanos, por A. Carlos Blesa, M. A Rodríguez Raymoud, C. D. Lorenzo e Isabel López.-- Notas.-- Reestructuración del C. S. I. C.-- Nombramiento del Prof. Casas Peláez como Presidente del C. S. I. C. 1.-- Carta del Presidente del C. S. I. C. al personal del mismo.-- Nombramiento del Prof. Snárez y Suárez como Director general de Educación Bastea.-- 6.° Curso Internacional de Fertilidad de Suelos y Nutrición Vegetal.—8ª Reunión Internacional de Micromorfología de Suelos.—19ª Conferencia General de la UNESCO.-- Sociedad Española de Ciencia del Suelo.-- Nombramiento de Secretario del Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada de Salamanca.-- Dimisión del Director del Centre de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Cuarto (Sevilla).-- Propuesta de Director del Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Cuarto.-- Viaje del Prof. Troncoso.-- Grupo Español de Trabajo del Cuaternario.-- Autorizaciones para realizar función docente.-- Invitaciones a Profesores extranjeros.-- Programa de cooperación internacional con lberoamérica: bolsas de estudio y viaje .-- Conferencia del Prof. Salerno.-- Viaje realizado a Hispanoamérica por el Dr. D. Francisco Girela Vilchez.-- Creación del Centro de Formaci.ón y Promoción de Personal del C. S. I. C. (C. F. P. P.)Peer reviewed2019-08.- CopyBook.- Libnova.- Biblioteca ICA

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research