127 research outputs found

    Location Selection Study For Building Fish Landing Place In Districts Bukit Batubengkalisdistrict Riauprovince

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    The survey was conducted in July 2015, in the village Bukitbatu, Api-api andTenggayun, Bukitbatu district in Riau Province.The purpose of this study was to find thebest location suitable for fish landing building. The method used is the method review /revise the field. Can be seen from the survey data in the technical aspects, fisheries, socioeconomicand infrastructural purpose of the examination of the three villages.The location in the village Tenggayun have advantages, including the opportunity forfishing based on factors such as the number of fishing gear, fishing, the fishing fleet and thenumber of population, which is more than Bukitbatu villages and Api-api. Waters in thevillage Tenggayun fishery potential confounding factors and population factors get thehighest score compared to two other villages, with 55 points and 30 points. The final score ofthe third evaluation village consists of 187 points for Bukitbatu village, 173 points for thevillage burning and 195 points for Tenggayun village. The results of the research using thescoring method showed that the location in the village Tenggayun is the best place to build afish landing site

    Location Selection Study For Building Fish Landing Place In Districts Bukit Batubengkalisdistrict Riauprovince

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    The survey was conducted in July 2015, in the village Bukitbatu, Api-api andTenggayun, Bukitbatu district in Riau Province.The purpose of this study was to find thebest location suitable for fish landing building. The method used is the method review /revise the field. Can be seen from the survey data in the technical aspects, fisheries, socioeconomicand infrastructural purpose of the examination of the three villages.The location in the village Tenggayun have advantages, including the opportunity forfishing based on factors such as the number of fishing gear, fishing, the fishing fleet and thenumber of population, which is more than Bukitbatu villages and Api-api. Waters in thevillage Tenggayun fishery potential confounding factors and population factors get thehighest score compared to two other villages, with 55 points and 30 points. The final score ofthe third evaluation village consists of 187 points for Bukitbatu village, 173 points for thevillage burning and 195 points for Tenggayun village. The results of the research using thescoring method showed that the location in the village Tenggayun is the best place to build afish landing site

    Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw pada Materi Kesetimbangan Kimia terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 2 Palu

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    The aim of this study is to determine the learning outcomes of students in the class which is treated with the cooperative learning model Jigsaw whether it is better than the untreated class on chemical equilibrium topic. This study is a quasi-experimental research design with Non Randomized Pretest- posttest control group design. The population in this study is 245 students of class XI MIA with academic year 2014/2015, from 8 classes. The sample in this study class XI MIA 5 (n = 32) as an experimental class while class XI MIA 6 (n = 32) as a control class. The analysis of data obtained in the experimental class, X1 1 valueis 79.66 with a standard deviation = 9.41. In the control class, X2 valueis 70.03 with a standard deviation = 11.13. The result of hypothesisis found that tcalculated>ttable (5.53 > 1.67) with a significance level (α = 0.05) and degrees of freedom = 62. This shows that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes in class which is treated using the cooperative learning model Jigsaw is better than the untreated class on chemical equilibrium topic

    Pengaruh Padat Penebaran terhadap Waktu Kematangan Gonad Induk Abalon, Haliotis Squamata di Hatchery

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh padat penebaran terhadap waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh induk abalonjenis H. squamata untuk mencapai matang gonad. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 63 hari, dari Agustus sampai Oktober2010 di Pembenihan Abalon Kerja Sama Lembaga Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sumber Daya Perikanan danKelautan PT. Sumber Laut Nusantara Desa Tapulaga Kecamatan Soropia Kabupaten Konawe Sulawesi Tenggara. Peneli -tian ini dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga perlakuan dan tiga ulangan yaitu perlakuanA (4 induk), perlakuan B (8 induk), dan perlakuan C (12 induk) untuk tiap-tiap kontainer 60 liter. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa waktu kematangan gonad induk abalon yang dipelihara dengan perlakuan A, B, dan C yaitu rata-ratahari ke-51, hari ke-58, dan hari ke-61. Hasil pertumbuhan mutlak rata-rata panjang cangkang pada perlakuan A, B, dan Cberturut-turut yaitu 0,081±0,24 cm; 0,26±0,026 cm; dan 0,20±0,023 cm. Hasil analisis sidik ragam (ANOVA), waktukematangan gonad dan pertumbuhan mutlak rata-rata panjang cangkang menunjukkan pengaruh yang tidak berbeda nyatapada semua perlakuan (P>0,05). Hasil pengukuran parameter kualitas air yaitu suhu, salinitas, pH, dan oksigen terlarutmenunjukkan kisaran yang masih baik untuk mendukung kelangsungan hidup, pertumbuhan, dan perkembangankematangan gonad induk abalon H. squamata di hatchery

    Perancangan Promosi Tempat Tidur Mr Coil

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    Media promosi diwujudkan dalam bentuk sebuah kampanye yang bertujuan untuk mengenalkan kepada masyarakat salah satu produk tempat tidur yaitu Mr Coil yang menawarkan kasur berkualitas dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau oleh masyarakat. Masyarakat disuguhkan dengan berbagai penawaran dan perancangan promosi yang menarik dengan gaya visualisasi yang elegan dan mampu menarik minat masyarakat untuk membeli produk Mr Coil. Pada promosi ini gaya visualisasi disesuaikan dengan selera masyarakat namun tetap memiliki kesan berkualitas sehingga tidak dianggap hanya produk tempat tidur biasa

    Wireless Power Transfer by Using Solar Energy

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    This project is based on how to transmit electrical power without wires, using solar energy as source. The power is transferred wirelessly through an inductive coupling method. With this new discovery, we no longer need complicated with the cable passing around us, with Power without Wires (Wireless Electricity) we can use our electronic equipment such as TV, MP3 Player, HiFi Headset; everything works without the use of batteries or electrical wiring. In fact, mobile devices such as laptop batteries, mobile phone, or digital camera filled automatically, so once you enter the house, of course without having to plug in the cable. The project is offer to study and fabricate wireless power transfer by using inductive coupling. Experiments have been conducted and the wireless power transfer using inductive coupling can be transfer energy up to 10 cm

    A systematic review on bio-sequestration of carbon dioxide in bio-concrete systems: a future direction

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    The paper reviewed the current perspectives on the development of carbon diox�ide (CO2) sequestration through its process conversion into calcite. The process occurs in either geological or biological systems. However, geological sequestration is an expensive process, which is slow in comparison to bio-sequestration. Recently, the bio-sequestration of atmospheric CO2 into the soil using microorgan�isms such as algae has been investigated. However, the algae cannot be used in the bio-concrete due to their nature as phototrophic organisms. In contrast, bac�teria are the most potent organisms in bio-concrete technology. The use of bacter�ial species in the bio-aerated concrete bricks (B-ACB) and its potential to bio�sequestrate CO2 represents a future strategy to reduce high CO2 pollution. Bacterial cells can capture CO2 by accelerating the carbonation processes, which convert CO2 into calcium carbonate (CaCO3) via carbon anhydrase and urease enzymes. The present paper aimed to highlight and discuss the applicability of bacteria in the B-ACB for capturing and storing CO2. It is evident from the literature that the new trends to use bio-concrete might contribute to the reduction of CO2 by accelerating the carbonation process and strengthening the B-ACB

    Households, Financial Distress, and Predatory Lending: an Experimental Study

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    A substantial part of households and micro enterprises, particularly in developing countriesincluding Indonesia, did not have access to formal financial institutions which thenlead them to borrow money from illegal loan providers. Using an experimental study, wetested whether predatory loan, an illegal short-term loan with high interest rate, waspreferable or not by comparing with pawnshop loan, bank loan and household's limitedsaving when households confront with financial distress. We divided the participantsinto three groups: lower low, low, and upper low income. We found that predatory loanwas preferable especially for lower low and low income group. Result also confirmedthat even if the predatory loan charge was increased, the lower low- and low-incomegroups still prefer to ease their financial distress through predatory loans. Moreover, thelonger the duration of the predatory loan, the higher its probability to be chosen as afunding source in times of household financial distress

    Strength and Durability of Sand Cement Brick Containing Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) and Waste Fired Clayed Brick (FCB) As Partial Sand Replacement Materials

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    The use of burnt clayed brick (FCB) and recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) in cementitious materials aids in the reuse of clay brick waste from construction and demolition works. In fact, concrete manufacturing expanded in lockstep with the Malaysian economy’s expansion. The purpose of this study is to determine the strength and durability of sand cement brick containing recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and waste fired clayed brick (FCB) as partial sand replacement materials. According to the findings, a brick containing 0% RCA and 2% FCB has the best compressive strength, while a brick containing 15% RCA and 6% FCB has the lowest water absorption when compared to other mix designs and is the best mix design for water absorption. Lastly, it is steadily applicable the RCA and FCB as second sources of natural coarse aggregate and can reduce waste of concrete aggregate and FCB