60 research outputs found

    Intrauterine growth restriction is associated with alterations in placental lipoprotein receptors and maternal lipoprotein composition

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    Among other factors, fetal growth requires maternal supply of cholesterol. Cellular cholesterol uptake is mainly mediated by the LDL receptor (LDL-R) and the scavenger receptor family. We hypothesized that expression levels of key receptors of these families were regulated differently in placentas from IUGR pregnancies with varying degrees of severity. Third-trimester placentas from IUGR pregnancies with (IUGR-S) and without (IUGR-M) fetal hemodynamic changes and from control (AGA) pregnancies were studied. LDL-R, LDL-Rrelated protein (LRP-1), and scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) mRNA and protein levels were measured. Cholesterol concentration and composition of lipoproteins were analyzed enzymatically and by lipid electrophoresis, respectively, in maternal and umbilical cord blood. LDL-R mRNA levels in IUGR-M were similar to AGA but lower (P ! 0.05) in IUGR-S. In contrast, LDL-R protein was twofold (IUGR-M) and 1.8-fold (IUGR-S) higher (P ! 0.05) than in the AGA group. LRP-1 mRNA and protein levels were not altered in the IUGR cases. SR-BI mRNA was unchanged in IUGR, but protein levels were lower (P ! 0.05) in IUGR-S than in the other groups. Maternal plasma concentrations of LDL cholesterol were higher (P ! 0.05) in the AGA group (188.5 " 23.6 mg/dl) than in the IUGR-S group (154.2 " 26.1). Electrophoretic mobility of the LDL fraction in maternal plasma demonstrated significant changes in migration toward higher values (AGA 0.95 " 0.06, IUGR-M 1.12 " 0.11, P ! 0.001; IUGR-S 1.28 " 0.20, P # 0.002). We conclude that LDL-R and SR-BI levels are altered in IUGR pregnancies. These differences were associated with changes in LDL, but not HDL, mobility and cholesterol concentration in maternal circulation

    Exploration of the 2016 Yellowstone River fish kill and proliferative kidney disease in wild fish populations

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    Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) is an emerging disease that recently resulted in a large mortality event of salmonids in the Yellowstone River (Montana, USA). Total PKD fish mortalities in the Yellowstone River were estimated in the tens of thousands, which resulted in a multi-week river closure and an estimated economic loss of US$500,000. This event shocked scientists, managers, and the public, as this was the first occurrence of the disease in the Yellowstone River, the only reported occurrence of the disease in Montana in the past 25 yr, and arguably the largest wild PKD fish kill in the world. To understand why the Yellowstone River fish kill occurred, we used molecular and historical data to evaluate evidence for several hypotheses: Was the causative parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae a novel invader, was the fish kill associated with a unique parasite strain, and/or was the outbreak caused by unprecedented environmental conditions? We found that T. bryosalmonae is widely distributed in Montana and have documented occurrence of this parasite in archived fish collected in the Yellowstone River prior to the fish kill. T. bryosalmonae had minimal phylogeographic population structure, as the DNA of parasites sampled from the Yellowstone River and distant water bodies were very similar. These results suggest that T. bryosalmonae could be endemic in Montana. Due to data limitations, we could not reject the hypothesis that the fish kill was caused by a novel and more virulent genetic strain of the parasite. Finally, we found that single-year environmental conditions are insufficient to explain the cause of the 2016 Yellowstone River PKD outbreak. Other regional rivers where we documented T. bryosalmonae had similar or even more extreme conditions than the Yellowstone River and similar or more extreme conditions have occurred in the Yellowstone River in the recent past, yet mass PKD mortalities have not been documented in either instance. We conclude by placing these results and unresolved hypotheses into the broader context of international research on T. bryosalmonae and PKD, which strongly suggests that a better understanding of bryozoans, the primary host of T. bryosalmonae, is required for better ecosystem understanding

    p53 Plays a Role in Mesenchymal Differentiation Programs, in a Cell Fate Dependent Manner

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    Background: The tumor suppressor p53 is an important regulator that controls various cellular networks, including cell differentiation. Interestingly, some studies suggest that p53 facilitates cell differentiation, whereas others claim that it suppresses differentiation. Therefore, it is critical to evaluate whether this inconsistency represents an authentic differential p53 activity manifested in the various differentiation programs. Methodology/Principal Findings: To clarify this important issue, we conducted a comparative study of several mesenchymal differentiation programs. The effects of p53 knockdown or enhanced activity were analyzed in mouse and human mesenchymal cells, representing various stages of several differentiation programs. We found that p53 downregulated the expression of master differentiation-inducing transcription factors, thereby inhibiting osteogenic, adipogenic and smooth muscle differentiation of multiple mesenchymal cell types. In contrast, p53 is essential for skeletal muscle differentiation and osteogenic re-programming of skeletal muscle committed cells. Conclusions: These comparative studies suggest that, depending on the specific cell type and the specific differentiatio

    Quinine, an old anti-malarial drug in a modern world: role in the treatment of malaria

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    Quinine remains an important anti-malarial drug almost 400 years after its effectiveness was first documented. However, its continued use is challenged by its poor tolerability, poor compliance with complex dosing regimens, and the availability of more efficacious anti-malarial drugs. This article reviews the historical role of quinine, considers its current usage and provides insight into its appropriate future use in the treatment of malaria. In light of recent research findings intravenous artesunate should be the first-line drug for severe malaria, with quinine as an alternative. The role of rectal quinine as pre-referral treatment for severe malaria has not been fully explored, but it remains a promising intervention. In pregnancy, quinine continues to play a critical role in the management of malaria, especially in the first trimester, and it will remain a mainstay of treatment until safer alternatives become available. For uncomplicated malaria, artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) offers a better option than quinine though the difficulty of maintaining a steady supply of ACT in resource-limited settings renders the rapid withdrawal of quinine for uncomplicated malaria cases risky. The best approach would be to identify solutions to ACT stock-outs, maintain quinine in case of ACT stock-outs, and evaluate strategies for improving quinine treatment outcomes by combining it with antibiotics. In HIV and TB infected populations, concerns about potential interactions between quinine and antiretroviral and anti-tuberculosis drugs exist, and these will need further research and pharmacovigilance

    Role of the CD39/CD73 purinergic pathway in modulating arterial thrombosis in mice

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    Objective-Circulating blood cells and endothelial cells express ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1 (CD39) and ecto-5\u27-nucleotidase (CD73). CD39 hydrolyzes extracellular ATP or ADP to AMP. CD73 hydrolyzes AMP to adenosine. The goal of this study was to examine the interplay between CD39 and CD73 cascade in arterial thrombosis. Approach and Results-To determine how CD73 activity influences in vivo thrombosis, the time to ferric chloride-induced arterial thrombosis was measured in CD73-null mice. In response to 5% FeCl3, but not to 10% FeCl3, there was a significant decrease in the time to thrombosis in CD73-null mice compared with wild-Type mice. In mice overexpressing CD39, ablation of CD73 did not inhibit the prolongation in the time to thrombosis conveyed by CD39 overexpression. However, the CD73 inhibitor α-β-methylene-ADP nullified the prolongation in the time to thrombosis in human CD39 transgenic (hC39-Tg)/CD73-null mice. To determine whether hematopoietic-derived cells or endothelial cell CD39 activity regulates in vivo arterial thrombus, bone marrow transplant studies were conducted. FeCl3-induced arterial thrombosis in chimeric mice revealed a significant prolongation in the time to thrombosis in hCD39-Tg reconstituted wild-Type mice, but not on wild-Type reconstituted hCD39-Tg mice. Monocyte depletion with clodronate-loaded liposomes normalized the time to thrombosis in hCD39-Tg mice compared with hCD39-Tg mice treated with control liposomes, demonstrating that increased CD39 expression on monocytes protects against thrombosis. Conclusions-These data demonstrate that ablation of CD73 minimally effects in vivo thrombosis, but increased CD39 expression on hematopoietic-derived cells, especially monocytes, attenuates in vivo arterial thrombosis

    Feasibility of a recombinant human apolipoprotein E reference material.

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    The aim of this work was to prepare a recombinant apo E material and to determine its suitability as a reference material. We produced human apo E3 using recombinant DNA technology. The cDNA of human apo E3 was cloned in the pARHS bacterial expression vector and used to transfect E. Coli BL21 (DE3) cells. The recombinant protein was then purified in one step by affinity chromatography on a Ni-chelated agarose column under denaturing conditions. The purity of the protein estimated by SDS PAGE was greater than 96%. The physicochemical properties and biological and immunological reactivity of the purified recombinant apo E3 were shown to be close to those of the protein purified from human plasma VLDL. A limited batch of lyophilized apo E material was then prepared. The stability of the lyophilized apo E material examined by temperature accelerated degradation was acceptable. No degradation of the measured apo E was observed after storage of the lyophilized material at +4°C and -20°C for 11 months. The reconstituted lyophilized material, in comparison with human fresh serum samples and with apo E purified from human VLDL, showed no major alteration of its immunological reactivity when assayed by immunoturbidimetry or ELISA. Š Springer-Verlag 1998

    Scanning electron microscopy of macerated tissue to visualize the extracellular matrix.

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    Fibrosis is a component of all forms of heart disease regardless of etiology, and while much progress has been made in the field of cardiac matrix biology, there are still major gaps related to how the matrix is formed, how physiological and pathological remodeling differ, and most importantly how matrix dynamics might be manipulated to promote healing and inhibit fibrosis. There is currently no treatment option for controlling, preventing, or reversing cardiac fibrosis. Part of the reason is likely the sheer complexity of cardiac scar formation, such as occurs after myocardial infarction to immediately replace dead or dying cardiomyocytes. The extracellular matrix itself participates in remodeling by activating resident cells and also by helping to guide infiltrating cells to the defunct lesion. The matrix is also a storage locker of sorts for matricellular proteins that are crucial to normal matrix turnover, as well as fibrotic signaling. The matrix has additionally been demonstrated to play an electromechanical role in cardiac tissue. Most techniques for assessing fibrosis are not qualitative in nature, but rather provide quantitative results that are useful for comparing two groups but that do not provide information related to the underlying matrix structure. Highlighted here is a technique for visualizing cardiac matrix ultrastructure. Scanning electron microscopy of decellularized heart tissue reveals striking differences in structure that might otherwise be missed using traditional quantitative research methods
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