469 research outputs found

    Synthesis of electrical networks interconnecting PZT actuators to damp mechanical vibrations

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    This paper proves that it is possible to damp mechanical vibrations of some beam frames by means of piezoelectric actuators interconnected via passive networks. We create a kind of electromechanical wave guide where the electrical velocity group equals the mechanical one thus enabling an electromechanical energy transfer. Numerical simulations are presented which prove the technical feasibility of proposed deviceComment: International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics in honor of Professor K.Miya, Tokyo: 2000. 9 page

    Radiosensitivity of Mice in Relation to Heightened Metabolic Activity During and Immediately Prior to Exposure to 220 KV X-rays

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    The manner in which certain factors influence the susceptibility of protoplasmic systems to ionizing radiations is not as yet well understood. Of prime importance among these factors is metabolic rate; it has been demonstrated that there exists a definite re­lationship between metabolic level and the lethal effects of such radiations. At the outset it must be pointed out that there are two principal problems in this connection; that is to say, radiosensitivity can be studied in relation to metabolic rate prevailing during or subsequent to exposure. One of the most frequently used criterion of radiosusceptability is mortality rate

    A study of the stress wave factor technique for nondestructive evaluation of composite materials

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    The acousto-ultrasonic method of nondestructive evaluation is an extremely sensitive means of assessing material response. Efforts continue to complete the understanding of this method. In order to achieve the full sensitivity of the technique, extreme care must be taken in its performance. This report provides an update of the efforts to advance the understanding of this method and to increase its application to the nondestructive evaluation of composite materials. Included are descriptions of a novel optical system that is capable of measuring in-plane and out-of-plane displacements, an IBM PC-based data acquisition system, an extensive data analysis software package, the azimuthal variation of acousto-ultrasonic behavior in graphite/epoxy laminates, and preliminary examination of processing variation in graphite-aluminum tubes

    A study of the stress wave factor technique for evaluation of composite materials

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    The acousto-ultrasonic approach for nondestructive evaluation provides a measurement procedure for quantifying the integrated effect of globally distributed damage characteristic of fiber reinforced composite materials. The evaluation procedure provides a stress wave factor that correlates closely with several material performance parameters. The procedure was investigated for a variety of materials including advanced composites, hybrid structure bonds, adhesive bonds, wood products, and wire rope. The research program focused primarily on development of fundamental understanding and applications advancements of acousto-ultrasonics for materials characterization. This involves characterization of materials for which detection, location, and identification of imperfections cannot at present be analyzed satisfactorily with mechanical performance prediction models. In addition to presenting definitive studies on application potentials, the understanding of the acousto-ultrasonic method as applied to advanced composites is reviewed

    PCR for the detection of pathogens in neonatal early onset sepsis.

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    BACKGROUND: A large proportion of neonates are treated for presumed bacterial sepsis with broad spectrum antibiotics even though their blood cultures subsequently show no growth. This study aimed to investigate PCR-based methods to identify pathogens not detected by conventional culture. METHODS: Whole blood samples of 208 neonates with suspected early onset sepsis were tested using a panel of multiplexed bacterial PCRs targeting Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS), Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS), Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Ureaplasma parvum, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma genitalium, a 16S rRNA gene broad-range PCR and a multiplexed PCR for Candida spp. RESULTS: Two-hundred and eight samples were processed. In five of those samples, organisms were detected by conventional culture; all of those were also identified by PCR. PCR detected bacteria in 91 (45%) of the 203 samples that did not show bacterial growth in culture. S. aureus, Enterobacteriaceae and S. pneumoniae were the most frequently detected pathogens. A higher bacterial load detected by PCR was correlated positively with the number of clinical signs at presentation. CONCLUSION: Real-time PCR has the potential to be a valuable additional tool for the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis

    Distinct trajectories of disease-specific health status in heart failure patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy

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    Purpose: It is well known that a significant proportion of heart failure patients (10–44 %) do not show improvement in symptoms or functioning from cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), yet no study has examined patient-reported health status trajectories after implantation. Methods: A cohort of 139 patients with a CRT-defibrillator (70 % men; age 65.7 ± 10.1 years) completed the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) prior to implantation (baseline) and at 2, 6, and 12–14 months post-implantation. Latent class analyses were used to identify trajectories and associates of disease-specific health status over time. Results: All health status trajectories showed an initial small to large improvement from baseline to 2-month follow-up, whereafter most trajectories displayed a stable pattern between short- and long-term follow-up. Low educational level, NYHA class III/IV, smoking, no use of beta-blockers, use of psychotropic medication, anxiety, depression, and type D personality were found to be associated with poorer health status in unadjusted analyses. Interestingly, subgroups of patients (12–20 %) who experienced poor health status at baseline improved to stable good health status levels after implantation. Conclusions: Levels of disease-specific health status vary considerably across subgroups of CRT-D patients. Classification into poorer disease-specific health status trajectories was particularly associated with patients’ psychological profile and NYHA classification. The timely identification of CRT-D patients who present with poor disease-specific health status (i.e., KCCQ score < 50) and a distressed psychological profile (i.e., anxiety, depression, and/or type D personality) is paramount, as they may benefit from cardiac rehabilitation in combination with psychological intervention


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    Data visualization is a familiar buzzword. Experts in the humanities, social and natural sciences, as well as technology, along with semi-experts and the general public, reach people everywhere with trends and conclusions drawn from visualized data. Governments, industries, businesses, sciences, marketers, academics, students and others value data visualization methods and tools as critical, applicable tools for understanding the world, which provide rich information analyses for specialists and generalists alike. Unfortunately, no single resource offers a space where people working in the multifaceted field of data visualization can share projects they are working on, tools they created, educational opportunities in the field, nor where they (and their work) are situated geographically. A research group at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology seeks to fill this gap with a repository of data visualization resources called ―Data Visualization Map (DVMap).‖ The DVMap is an interactive network data and geographic representation graph that provides a data visualization space for people across the world to share, view and/or collaborate on projects and publications; tools deployed or under development; educational opportunities in data visualization, such as formal programs, summer seminars, conferences; and the geographical locations of the users, projects, tools and educational opportunities. Given the necessity of this repository, this paper outlines the structure, underlying methodology, and anticipated outcomes for the DVMap data visualization network. The paper also accounts for limitations of the project and the potential problems of creating a map that wants to share work – especially work in progress – with everyone

    Axial jerks: a clinical spectrum ranging from propriospinal to psychogenic myoclonus

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    Propriospinal myoclonus (PSM) is a rare disorder with repetitive flexor, arrhythmic jerks of the trunk, hips and knees. Its generation is presumed to relay in the spinal cord. We report a case series of 35 consecutive patients with jerks of the trunk referred as possible PSM to a tertiary referral center for movement disorders. We review classical PSM features as well as psychogenic and tic characteristics. In our case series, secondary PSM was diagnosed in one patient only. 34 patients showed features suggestive of a psychogenic origin of axial jerks. Diagnosis of psychogenic axial jerks was based on clinical clues without additional investigations (n = 8), inconsistent findings at polymyography (n = 15), regular eye blinking preceding jerks (n = 2), or the presence of a Bereitschaftspotential (BP) (n = 9). In addition, several tic characteristics were noted. Almost all patients referred with possible PSM in our tertiary referral clinic had characteristics suggesting a psychogenic origin even in the presence of a classic polymyography pattern or in the absence of a BP. Clinical overlap with adult-onset tics seems to exist


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    Benthic foraminifera lives on the seaflor and some of them are attached to plant stem. This organisms use pseudopodia to move. The study aims to describe the groups of foraminifera that live on leaves and seagrass sediments and provide information on the comparison of the number of benthic foraminifera genera in seagrass beds. The study was performed in Bunaken Island and during the study a number of 4593 specimens of benthic foraminifera has been identified and they are divided into specimen that lives on seagrass leaves (1097 specimens) and specimens that live on sediments (3496 specimens). The specimen was grouped in 16 genera and they were scattered in 2 stations within four sampling points. These genera are: Amphistegina, Calcarina, Coscinospira, Elphidium, Eponides, Lachlanela, Marginophora, Neorotalia, Operculina, Cleroplis, Planorbulina, Pseudorotalia, Quinqueloculina, Sorites, Spiroluculina, and Triloculina. Benthic foraminifera in seagrass leaves consist of 16 genera which are characterized by the genus Marginophora and Amphistegina and those live in substratum consist of 14 genera which was characterized by the genus Amphistegina.Keywords : Benthic Foraminifera, Seagrass beds, Bunaken Islan

    Utilization of life feed Alona sp., Boiled Egg Yolk and Commercial Feed Toward Survival Rate of Betta Fish Larvae

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the survival rates of betta fish larvae (cupang) that were given life feed Alona sp., boiled egg yolk and commercial feed for 21 days. Data analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA, and continued with BNJ (Tukey) test. The result of the survival rate is as follow treatment with life feed Alona sp. 56%, treatment with boiled egg yolk 26%, and treatment with commercial feed 0%. The results of statistical tests show there are significant differences.  Significant value p <.0002 (<.05). Water quality parameter measured during the study was temperature of 26 ºC.Keywords: betta fish larvae, life feed, Alona sp., survival rateABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan laju kelangsungan hidup larva ikan betta (cupang) yang dibeerikan pakan alami Alona sp., rebusan kuning telur dan pakan komersil selama 21 hari.  Analisis data dilakukan dengan ANOVA one way, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ (Tukey).  Hasil laju kelangsungan hidup adalah sebagai berikut, perlakuan dengan pakan alami Alona sp. 56%, perlakuan dengan rebusan kuning telur 26%, dan perlakuan dengan pakan komersil 0%.  Hasil uji statistik menunjukan adanya perbedaan yang nyata.  Nilai signifikan p <.0002 (<.05).  Parameter kualitas air yang diukur selama penelitian adalah suhu 26ºC.Keywords: larva ikan betta, pakan alami, Alona sp., kelangsungan hidu
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